Royal Sword Academy

By Snowstar444

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RSA Livia AU More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Livia's Voice
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Eleven

29 1 0
By Snowstar444

Livia walked through the halls, looking stunned. Neige liked her, that's why he had helped her and stayed near her....but Neige was her friend and she's never really crushed on anyone not had anyone really fell for her. She sighed, now unsure of what to do. "I hope this is just a faze of his"Livia mutters. The sound of music filed her ears, a smile appearing on her face. She bounded into the music room, joining her friends. Elliot grinned, playing the piano not far from her as she grabbed a tambourine, joining in. Ben and Violet suddenly walked in, silence following their appearance. "Can we join?"Ben asks. Livia stared, Violet's mind confusing her. "Are those war weapons, why are they using it to make noise, what's going on here? Why are weapons bringing them such joy?"

Livia blinked in surprise. "Uhm, we're playing instruments, do you wanna join, I can teach you how to play the tambourine, it's an easy instrument"Livia says Violet looking at her. "....Sure..."Violet nodded walking over to her. "Aw, that's sweet of Livia." Elliot smiled at her, looking approving. Livia handed Violet the tambourine, instructing her on how to play it, Ben playing the guitar with Tiana. Lassie came in with Figaro, the two immediately joining in on the musical fun. "Amazing"Violet mutters. Livia laughed, staring to dance with her friends. She and Elliot twirled together, Alison, Zalim, Kailey and Jaseem jumping in to dance with them. "Get it guys!"Andy cheered smiling at them.

"Can we join"Eric grinned coming in with an annoyed Leo. "Ah...sure..."Elliot says eyeing Leo with dislike. "Leo better not disrespect my bestie!" Laughter filled the air, the students dancing away and playing music to their hearts content. Jerbo grinned playing the bongos. "Living in our fairytale dream, singing sweet melodies, and smile the day away!"Livia sang dancing with Elliot. "Hey, you're a good dancer!"Zalim smiled. He grabbed her hand, the two doing a traditional Scalding Sands dance Livia learned when she was eight years old. The two clapped, smiling at each other then bumped their heels together before switching spots. Eric clapped, grinning as he watched them. "So fun!"Lassie smiled holding a flute. Leo stared, his eyes darting around looking bored. Livia looked at him, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

Leo looked away, the mental image of a male with light blue messy hair flashing into view. "Leo, he has a brother..I think"Livia mutters to Elliot. "Oh!"Elliot says surprised. "Kids!"  Duchess walked in, smiling at them all amused. "You all sound wonderful, but could you keep it down"Duchess chuckled. "Sorry, we'll tone it down!"Zalim nodded. Screaming filled the air, running feet startling everyone. Cobra rushed past Duchess, the woman following him immediately. Livia ran to the door, Elliot beaming as he followed her with Rafael, Bailey, Alison, Tiana and Jaseem. "Livia is so cool and daring! I thought she was a coward but she's running TOWARDS the danger!" Zalim and Kailey followed them as soon as that thought came from Zalim, rushing after the professors. "NIGHTCLAW!" Headmaster Ambrose smiled at the black haired woman, walking over to her.

"Hello Headmaster, I'm sorry, I lost Azrak"Nightclaw says. The smell of burning skin filled the air when Headmaster Ambrose took Nightclaws hands in his. "Boulder has been worried about you, come I'll take you to him"Headmaster Ambrose smiled. Livia trembled, beginning to regret coming here. "How did that jaguar find us?!" "Isn't it bad enough that the etiquettes class bursted into flames?" Thoughts from the others filled her head, hostile sn worried thoughts whirling around. "Livia!" She looked up, Elliot smiling at her. She sighed, zeroing in on his mind. "There we go." She smiled at him, and flicked back her wings. Leo glared at Nightclaw, looking furious that Ambrose was allowing a compete stranger into the school.

"Who was that?"Ben asks the rest of the first years coming over. Violet stared at Nightclaw in shock, the image of a blue haired male flashing in her head. "THAT WOMAN IS A MURDERER!" All eyes went to Zalim, Livia staring in shock since his mind has ways been so chill and mellow. "SHE KILLED SEVERAL LOVED ONES! RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FAMILIES!"Leo yells. Violet narrowed her eyes at Nightclaw, Livia looking nervous. "Everyone, here in RSA we welcome people without judging them"Duchess reminds. Livia stared in shock, seeing the memory of Nightclaw burning down her Uncles old home with her auntie inside. "YOU ALMOST KILLED MY AUNT!"Livia yells growling furiously. Yells of protests filled the room, Livia scowling at Nightclaw. "SHE CAN'T STAY HERE!" "SHE HAS TO GO!" Nightclaw stared at them all, her wings staring to smoke.

"That's enough!" Cobra pushed through, Boulder walking beside him. "Nightclaw is in the same boat as us, she's allowed to be here, and we should welcome her"Cobra says placing a hand on Livia's shoulder. Livia threw Nightclaw a hostile glare, perking up when Ben walked past her. "Hi, I'm Ben, wanna share a room"Ben greets. She stared at him in disbelief, annoyed that she couldn't get a single thought from the male but immediately noticed the sincerity in his eyes. "Uh, no, I don't wanna hurt you accidentally"Nightclaw replies. "We can still be friends right"Ben asks. "Oh uh...sure"Nightclaw nods. Boulder used his wing to lead Nightclaw away, giving Ben a grateful smile. Livia frowned and turned away, running right into Neige. Neige smiled at her, looking better. "Hey Livia"Neige greets his expression softening.

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