Chapter Five

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Jerbo and Livia walked side by side to class, then suddenly heard a shriek. "NRC STUDENT! THERE'S AN NRC STUDENT ON SCHOOL GROUNDS!!" Heads appeared in the doorways just as the duo reached the classroom, curious and startled looks evident on people's faces. Livia flinched and stumbled, gripping her head until everything fell silent. She looked up, finding Jerbo standing close to her, the broach with the blue spotted ruby gem pressing against her shoulder, blocking the incoming thoughts. "Don't move"Jerbo orders quietly. Silver hair came into view, Livias eyes widening when she realized who it was. Silver looked around, a small frown on his face. "BIG BROTHER!"Livia gasped. She ran over to him, a wide smile on her face.

Silver jumped in alarm as she practically catapulted into him. "HOLY GREAT SEVEN! LIVIA!"Silver gasped. He picked her up and spun around, before hugging her tight. "Hey, big brother!"Livia giggled beaming up at him. He patted her back, and gave her a grin. "I came to check on you, although it means in missing first period"Silver says. "OOPS, WATCH OUT!"Livia gasped. She grabbed his hand, pulling him away from the flowers he nearly stepped on. Livia perked up, noticing everyone's thoughts seem to have calmed down. She looked behind her, finding Jerbo standing not far with his eyes closed, then looked at her arm, finding his broach clipped to her uniform alarming her. "Silver, follow me!"Livia orders. She flew over to Jerbo, and clipped his broach on him.

The male relaxed, just as millions of thoughts flooded her head. "OOOOO! Hss so sparkly and handsome!" "That's the guy we were all panicked about, he doesn't seem so dangerous!" "Wow, he's gorgeous.." "Livia and Jerbo are at the etiquette class! I gotta hurry to them!" That last thought was definitely Jaseem or Tiana, the protectors of their group, but Eric was the one to appear out of nowhere, looking out of breath. Livia stared at him stunned, her eyes wide. "You're both okay!"Eric sighed as Andy appeared behind him. Livia stared at Andy, hearing nothing in his mind. She frowned, wondering who that other thought was that was shocked about being a mind reader. "Who is this guy, does Liv know him, is he her boyfriend or something?"

"Guys meet my older brother!"Livia smiled. "Hello"Andy greets politely. "Her brother?! They look nothing alike, he must be adopted or maybe she's the one who was adopted into his family.." As if on que when Livia opened her mouth to return, Jaseem barreled out of nowhere, attacking Silver head on. "You guys alright?!"Jaseem demands keeping Silver pinned underneath him. "JASEEM! THAT'S MY BROTHER!"Livia gasped flaring her wings alarmed. "Looks like I misunderstood the situation, but he's lucky I didn't BITE him for standing so close to her!" Jaseem released Silver, allowing him to stand up. The rest of her friends appeared, coming into view. "Liv, you're alright!"Elliot smiled looking relieved. "Yep, guys meet my older brother, Silver"Livia grinned.

"Silver, meet my friends!"Livia smiled. "That's Elliot." Elliot beamed and waved, Silver nodding to him. "These two are Tiana and Alison." Alison grinned, Tiana scowling a little beside him looking hostile. "This overprotective guy is Jaseem, he's really sassy but very sweet!" Jaseem blushed, his eyes wide then looked away. "That's Andy and Eric." Eric frowned at Silver, still suspicious, while Andy just waved. "And this is Jerbo, he's a great guy!" Jerbo bowed his head in greeting, Silver glancing at him. "What about me?" Livia looked behind her, her eyes wide, finding Neige peeking over her shoulder, giving her a small smile his face centimeters from hers. "This. Bitch!" Livia looked at Silver alarmed, finding him staring Neige down.

"Ah and this is Neige"Livia says going to pretend she didn't hear that from her brothers mind. "Hello"Neige smiled. "I didn't hear you coming, where'd you come from?"Livia asks. Neige only smiled more, causing her to frown getting suspicious of the male. "Soon they'll be dead, dead, dead!" Livia looked around, her eyes wide in alarm. "Liv, you alright?"Jerbo asks immediately. "I heard somebody's mind! They're planning a murder!"Livia responds instantly. "Do you know who it was?!"Jaseem demands. "Because I will absolutely rip off their arms and leave them dangling from the ceiling for trying to put my friends in harms way!" She frowned at Jaseem. "Jaseem, yuck"Livia says. "What, it's true though"Jaseem shrugged.

"Ah, I better get back to the school, if you need help, don't be afraid to come find me"Silver says reluctant to leave her alone. "Thanks, and don't worry big brother, I have my friends here to help me"Livia smiled. "And me!"Neige smiled. "Yes and Neige"Livia says looking at the male. "Okay, Silver be strong, turn and just walk away, she has her friends here. But how do I know they'll stay by her side, well I just gotta trust them for now, so be strong and just go back to Night Raven Collage!" Livia smiled, watching her brother force himself to walk away, his mind buzzing with worry about the many ways things could go wrong in this school. "You kids should come on inside, my students at least!" Livia looked at a woman with short white hair and blue eyes, looking startled.

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