United Nations & Remnant

By Ant357627

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The year is 2035 and after many conflicts and political issues. The world is finally at peace. With the new a... More

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487 17 38
By Ant357627

Meanwhile, Atlas is located at the southwest coast of the United Kingdom. Over the past months, half of Mantle has been under UN control due to it being a top priority to save the city of it's problems.

It was to the point that almost every two to three days a week, a bombing run was conducted on the outskirts of the city to take out the Grimm. The reason why only half of Mantle was under UN control is because Atlas was in control of the other half.

However, unlike Atlas. The UN is trying to fix infrastructure, protect the citizens, provide medical care and giving some resources.

Additionally, the UN forces in Mantle are also working to restore communication and transportation systems, such as repairing roads and setting up communication towers. They have also established checkpoints and patrols to maintain security and prevent any criminal or Grimm activity.

Despite the efforts of the UN, tensions still remain high between the citizens of Mantle and the Atlas military. Many Mantle citizens still harbor resentment towards Atlas for their neglect and mistreatment of the lower class citizens, leading to protests and occasional violence.

To address these issues, the UN forces have been working closely with the Mantle citizens, holding town hall meetings and working to establish a democratic system of governance. They have also been providing job training and opportunities for the citizens, hoping to stimulate the economy and alleviate poverty.

Overall, the situation in Mantle remains fragile, but the UN forces are working diligently to stabilize the city and provide a better future for its citizens.

We then see a British Army Colonel and a Irish Major talking to the Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses in a command tent in the city.

The British Army Colonel cleared his throat and addressed Robyn Hill and her team, "Ms. Hill, as you know, the United Nations is now in control of this half of Mantle. We have a responsibility to the citizens here and we need your cooperation to maintain law and order."

Robyn crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, "What kind of cooperation are we talking about?"

The Irish Major spoke up, "We need your team to work with our soldiers to identify and neutralize any criminal elements operating in this area. Your knowledge of the local gangs and their activities will be invaluable in this effort."

Robyn nodded thoughtfully, "I see. And what's in it for us?" said May.

The Colonel replied, "We can offer you protection, supplies, and access to medical care. In addition, we can offer you the opportunity to have a say in the rebuilding and governing of this area."

Robyn uncrossed her arms and leaned forward, "Alright, I'm listening."

The Colonel continued, "We need your team to help us maintain order in this area. We understand that you have your own agenda and we are willing to work with you to achieve our common goals."

Robyn nodded, "Alright, we'll work with you. But you need to understand that we won't stand for any mistreatment of the citizens here. We're here to protect them, not oppress them."

The Colonel smiled, "Agreed. We'll work together to ensure that the citizens are protected and that order is maintained."

Meanwhile, Cinder Fall, Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai were disguised as Beacon Academy students to both avoid and lay low. They made it a priority to stay away from the Firebase at the campus to avoid getting identified and avoided any Marines passing by.

As they wandered around Vale, they noticed a group of people protesting outside of the Atlas Embassy. Curious, they approached the crowd and listened in on what they were saying. The group was comprised of both Faunus and Humans, and they were protesting the Atlas embargo on Dust trade with other kingdoms.

Cinder saw an opportunity to cause some chaos and potentially further their plans. She turned to Mercury and Emerald and said, "Let's join in on the protest. Stir up some trouble and make Atlas look bad."

Mercury and Emerald looked hesitant, but ultimately agreed to go along with Cinder's plan. They joined the crowd and began chanting along with the others. As they marched towards the embassy, Cinder noticed a few Marines and Soldiers keeping an eye on the protest from a distance.

She whispered to Mercury and Emerald, "Keep an eye on those UN Soldiers. If they make any moves, we'll be ready to fight." The three continued to chant and cause a commotion, drawing more attention to the protest.

A/N: Cinder doesn't care what branch the UN troops are. She calls them all soldiers. Even marines.

As they reached the gates of the embassy, the protest turned into a full-on riot. Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald took the opportunity to slip away from the chaos and blend into the crowd. They had successfully caused a disturbance and furthered their plan to sow chaos in Vale.

The Firebase and Glenn Base are now on high alert due to the Riot that is happening in Vale. Fortunately, Military Police and Los Angeles police were sent to assist both the Vale Police and Huntsmen as none of them don't have any Riot training like the MPs and LAPD does.

It's good to hear that reinforcements have arrived to assist in the situation. The Riot in Vale sounds like a serious issue that needs to be addressed quickly and efficiently. Hopefully, with the help of the Military Police and LAPD, the situation will be under control soon.

It took approximately six hours, but the Riot was over. However, it did leave a bad impression on both Vale and Atlas.

The Riot in Vale was a shocking event that left many residents and officials concerned about the safety and stability of the city. The damage caused by the rioters was extensive, and it would take months to repair and rebuild what had been destroyed.

The Atlas military and the United Nations forces stationed in Mantle also took notice of the riot, and it was a reminder of the precarious situation that the Kingdom of Vale and the entire world was in. The threat of the Grimm invasion and the ongoing conflict with Salem and her forces loomed over them, and it seemed that the chaos in Vale was just another symptom of a larger problem.

The military presence in Vale and the surrounding areas was increased after the riot, and patrols were intensified to maintain order and prevent further incidents. The Huntsmen and Huntresses were also called upon to assist with the security measures, and the Beacon Academy became a hub of activity as people from all over Vale sought refuge and safety.

Despite the challenges that they faced, the people of Vale remained resilient and hopeful for a better future. They knew that they could rely on their Huntsmen and Huntresses, as well as the support of their allies, to overcome whatever obstacles lay ahead.

When Cinder saw the amount of UN personal around. She was frustrated and upset. Sure her plan worked to have chaos in Vale, but ended up having a much harder time to get out more as now her chance of being caught went from 60% to 15%.

Cinder knew that they needed a new plan and that they had to lay low for a while. She suggested to Mercury and Emerald that they should leave Vale and head to another kingdom to try and find more allies. Mercury and Emerald agreed and they decided to head to Vacuo, the kingdom known for being a hub for smugglers and outlaws.

They started to make their way out of Vale, trying to avoid any UN checkpoints and patrols. They knew it would be risky, but they had no choice. After a few close calls, they finally made it out of Vale and began their journey to Vacuo.

As they traveled through the desert, they encountered a group of bandits who tried to rob them. However, Cinder quickly dispatched them with her semblance and they continued on their way.

After a few days of travel, they finally arrived in Vacuo. They knew that they had to be careful, as they were now in the territory of the White Fang. They made their way to a seedy bar on the outskirts of the city, hoping to find some information on their next move.

Unknown to them, Sienna Khan and many other White Fang sub leaders were in a meeting with Lieutenant Colonel Johann Bauer, Lieutenant General William Cole, Japanese Army Lieutenant General Kōichirō Hazama and Ghira Belladonna in the Underground city in Glenn Base. Many of the White Fang, Menagerie Guard and Marines were on Security for the leaders.

The meeting was held in a secure and heavily guarded location within the Underground city. The leaders sat at a large table, discussing the current state of affairs in Remnant and the ongoing efforts to fight against the Grimm and bring stability to the continent.

Sienna Khan spoke up, "We appreciate the support that the UN and Huntsmen and Huntresses have given us in our fight against the Grimm and criminals, but we need to ensure that the needs of our people are being met. Our resources are running thin, and we need more aid to help rebuild our communities."

Lieutenant General William Cole nodded in agreement, "We understand your concerns, which is why we have been working closely with your organization and the Menagerie Guards to provide assistance in any way we can. However, we also need to ensure that the aid we provide is being used effectively and efficiently."

Lieutenant General Hazama added, "We have seen progress in our efforts to bring stability to Mantle, but we also recognize that much work still needs to be done. We are committed to working with all of you to ensure that Remnant can once again thrive."

Ghira Belladonna spoke up, "We appreciate your words and your support, but we also need to address the issue of the remaining members of the White Fang who still cling to Adam Taurus' extremist ideology. They pose a threat not only to our people, but to the efforts of the UN and Atlas to bring stability to Mantle."

Sienna Khan nodded, "We have been working to root out these extremists, but they are a persistent threat. We will continue to work with the Menagerie Guard and the UN to eliminate this threat."

The meeting continued on, with the leaders discussing various strategies and plans to address the ongoing issues in Remnant. The security forces remained vigilant, ensuring the safety of the leaders and the Underground city.

While the meeting is going on, Igor and Felix decided to chat up with a couple of White Fang soldiers.

As Igor and Felix approached the White Fang soldiers, they noticed that the soldiers were eyeing them with suspicion. The two marines knew that they needed to tread carefully, as the White Fang was known to be hostile towards humans.

"Hey there," Igor said, trying to sound friendly. "We were just wondering if you guys knew where we could find some good food around here in this Underground city?"

The White Fang soldiers looked at each other and then back at the marines. "Why should we tell you anything?" one of them asked, her tone cold and unfriendly.

Igor and Felix exchanged a glance. They knew they needed to come up with a better approach if they wanted to gain the White Fang's trust.

"We're just trying to get to know the locals," Felix said with a friendly smile. "We're technically new here and we don't want any trouble."

The White Fang soldiers still looked wary, but they seemed to be slightly more relaxed. "There's a little café down the street," one of them said, pointing in a direction. "They have good food there."

"Thanks," Igor said with a nod. "We'll check it out."

As they walked away, Felix looked at Igor. "That was a close one," he said. "I don't think they fully trust us."

"I know," Igor replied. "But we'll just have to keep trying to gain their trust. We need all the allies we can get if we want to take down Cinder and her cronies."

As the two Marines left, the group of White Fang soldiers talked about them.

Some of the White Fang soldiers expressed suspicion about the Marines, wondering why they were there and what their true intentions were. Others thought that it was a good opportunity to build a relationship with them and potentially form an alliance. There were mixed opinions among the group, but they ultimately decided to keep an eye on the Marines and see how things develop.

Meanwhile, Anthony and David were chatting nicely with the Menagerie Guards as most of them they recognize during their mission in Menagerie. One of them, a Bulldog faunus was a fan of David due to him saving her family more than once by Grimm.

David smiled and nodded as the faunus guard expressed her gratitude. "It's just part of our job," he said humbly. "We're here to protect everyone, human and faunus alike."

Anthony added, "And we know that we can't do it alone. We need the help of capable people like yourselves to keep everyone safe."

The faunus guard nodded in agreement. "Yes, we're all in this together. We need to work as a team."

David and Anthony both smiled, happy to see that the Menagerie Guard shared the same mindset as them. As they continued to chat, they discussed different strategies for dealing with the Grimm and how to better protect the citizens of Atlas and Mantle.

The White Fang in area watched as the Marines were just being with the Faunus. Including other White Fang soldiers. It's then they realize that the humans are different than the ones they always encounter.

Some even notice that a few White Fang soldiers were either happily chatting with Marines or sharing a meal together. "Maybe. These United Nations humans aren't so bad." One White Fang soldier said as he and many others decided to try and mingle with the humans.

As more and more White Fang soldiers joined in the conversations and meals with the Marines and Menagerie Guard, the tension between the two groups started to ease up.

Some of the troops even shared stories of their past experiences and how they ended up joining the White Fang or the Marines.

Anthony and David were happy to see the positive interaction between the two groups. They knew that building trust and friendship was crucial in achieving peace and understanding between humans and Faunus. "I'm glad we're able to connect with them on a personal level," said David to Anthony.

"Yeah, it's a good start," replied Anthony. "Hopefully, this will pave the way for better cooperation between the White Fang and the Marines."

The two Marines continued to chat and laugh with the Faunus and the Menagerie Guard, hoping that their small actions would make a big impact in the long run.

As the meeting was about to come to a close, one of the sub leaders from Vacuo gets a notification on her scroll. "Something wrong?" Sienna asked the sub leader.

"It seems my troops there at Vacuo spotted Ms. Fall and her group in a seedy bar on the outskirts of the city." She said as William Cole smirks saying, "Good thing our Middle Eastern allies are stationed on the outskirts of the city as well."

He then went to the phone on the table and dialed a number. Then someone picked up as Cole put the phone to his ear. "Is this Colonel Karem Al Bashir of the Iraqi Marines? This is Lieutenant General William R. Cole, calling in that favor you owe me from 2017." William said to the 47 year old Iraqi man on the other end of the call.

Karem Al Bashir responded, "Yes, General Cole. What can I do for you?"

"I need a favor. There are some individuals, a group of terrorists, who are hiding out in a bar on the outskirts of the City of Vacuo. They are wanted for multiple crimes, including terrorism and murder. I was hoping you could send in your Marines to take them out. They may be armed and dangerous, so be cautious," Cole explained.

"I see. Well, I owe you a favor, so I will send in my men to take care of it. Thank you for the information, General," Karem replied.

"Thank you, Colonel. You have my gratitude," Cole said before hanging up.

Sienna looked at Cole and asked, "What was that about?"

"It seems Ms. Fall and her group have been located in a bar on the outskirts of the city. I just called in a favor from our Iraqi allies to take care of them," Cole said with a smile.

Ghira Belladonna spoke up, "What about the White Fang? Shouldn't they send some of their troops to assist them?"

Cole shook his head, "No need. Let the Iraqis handle it. We have more important matters to attend to."

Sienna nodded in agreement, "He's right. We need to focus on our alliance with the UN and finding a way to bring peace to our people."

The meeting then ended as everyone dispersed, each going back to their respective duties.

Later that night in the outskirts of the city of Vacuo. We Iraqi Marines escorting Cinder, Emerald and Mercury to a helicopter for transport to a prison in Iraq. All around the Marines are either burned vehicles, buildings or bodies of Marines that got caught in Cinder's assault.

As the group approached the helicopter, Cinder's eyes scanned the area, taking note of the damage she had caused.

She couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction at the chaos she had wrought, but also a sense of frustration at being caught so easily. She had always prided herself on being elusive and cunning, but she had underestimated the power of the UN forces.

As they climbed aboard the helicopter, Mercury and Emerald were quiet, their heads down in defeat.

Cinder, on the other hand, was seething with anger and resentment. She knew that her capture was a major setback for Salem's plans, and she vowed to make the UN pay for what they had done.

As the helicopter took off, the Iraqi Marines kept a watchful eye on the prisoners, their weapons at the ready. They knew that Cinder Fall was a dangerous criminal, and they were taking no chances.

The flight was long and tense, with little conversation and no comfort for the prisoners.

Finally, after several hours, they landed at a high-security prison in Iraq. Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald were taken into custody and placed in individual cells. Cinder gritted her teeth, vowing to escape and continue her mission, but for now, she was trapped, and the UN had won this battle.

The news of Cinder's incarnation was joyful at first, but when the news of casualties came it shocked, surprised and saddened people across the world as 30 Iraqi Marines were killed and 52 were injured by Cinder. The people in Iraq were furious of what she did to their people and the marines in the UN were also equally furious for her killing their fellow marines.

The news of the casualties caused by Cinder's attack also sparked debates about the role of the Huntsmen and Huntresses in the world. Some argued that the Huntsmen and Huntresses should have been able to prevent the attack and could have protect the Iraqi Marines, while others defended their efforts and emphasized the difficulty of their job.

Additionally, there were concerns about the safety and security of the Huntsmen academies, with many calling for increased security measures and oversight. The incident also led to increased tensions between the UN and the Kingdoms, with some accusing the UN of overstepping their bounds by incarcerating Cinder in an Iraqi prison.

Overall, the fallout from the attack was far-reaching and long-lasting, with many questioning the future of international relations and the role of Huntsmen and Huntresses in protecting their communities.

When Roman and Neo saw the news about Cinder's arrest. They were thrilled at first until they saw the casualties and the tension between the UN and the Kingdoms. "Hope those UN guys have a plan to fix this. Otherwise we might see a war going on." Said Roman worried as Neo nods in agreement and equally worried too.

It was clear that the situation was becoming more and more tense, and the consequences of Cinder's actions were far-reaching. The threat of war between the United Nations and the Kingdoms was a real possibility, and it was unclear what would happen next. Roman and Neo knew that they needed to be careful and stay out of trouble, as any misstep could put them in danger.

Meanwhile, the world was waiting for a statement from the UN on how they planned to handle the situation. People were anxious and worried about what might happen next, and tensions were high as everyone waited for the next shoe to drop.

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