The Crown Prince's Bellydancer

By Mila_333

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🥇Romance, The April Awards 🥇General Fiction, Pawesome Award 🥇The Coalition Awards, Voting Track. 🥇Best W... More

Author's notes
Chapter 1: The Ultimate Struggle
Chapter 2: Kidnapping at its finesse
Chapter 3: Camel rides in the desert
Chapter 4: Glam Sham
Chapter 5: Welcome to Shakhghar
Chapter 6: The real audition
Chapter 7: What's the deal with Nimrah?
Chapter 8: Royal Birthday Bash
Chapter 9: Behind the curtains
Chapter 10: Incomplete Revelations
Chapter 11: Consolations
Chapter 12: The Next Step
Chapter 13: Eira, the new tutor?
Chapter 14: In His Office
Chapter 15: Try Her
Chapter 16: Dasht awaits us
Chapter 17: Vibez
Chapter 19: Hopelessness
Chapter 20: What has she done?
Chapter 21: Lies Beneath the Truth
Chapter 21: Lies Beneath the Truth (2)

Chapter 18: Tick Tock

26 5 4
By Mila_333

Disclaimer: This chapter contains violence. The concerned scene's at the last part of the chapter.

Sitting elegantly among the stylists, Eira strived to keep herself together in the colossal banquet hall with modish chandeliers hanging at every other meter of the ornate ceiling. She still felt her lips tingle although it had been six hours since the Crown Prince of Shakhghar had fervently kissed her. Her body shivered as she recalled his touch roaming around her entire body.

She still remembered how passionately Raed had looked at her when they broke the kiss to catch their breaths. His body hadn't moved an inch from hers and he pressed her lips again on hers, closing his eyes. But Eira had gotten the time to descend on earth and receive a reality check.

She pushed him away, hard.

Breaking apart, his eyes widened at her in surprise and she shoved him to the side, his body falling on the empty spot on the soft mattress as she rapidly jumped out of the bed.

She couldn't be kissing her owner; she was disgusted at the term.

"Get out!" She screamed authoritatively, leaving no room for argument.

Raed hadn't yet recovered from the fact that she had broken away from their kiss and he was still sitting on the bed in a daze.

"I. Said. Out." She emphasized on every word, her tone lowering a bit as she raised her hand to point towards the door.

Once he realized, he released a breath and muttered, "Fine, watch me."

Eira was muddled by what he said, but she wasn't able to understand what had transpired.

Their gazes met when Eira had entered the hall in a beautiful beige, fully sequined, long dress, accentuating her every curve. Her hair, which flowed down her bare back, was styled by the hair stylists in bouncy large curls.

She didn't miss the lust in his eyes at the first gaze, which then shifted to a blank one. She already knew he would ignore her just like he did on the plane. Hence, Eira had resorted to make as if he didn't even exist as she walked past him without any acknowledgement.

Sitting at the table, being bored by the little speech of one of the Ministers, Eira sneaked a little glance at Raed. He wore a two-piece back suit with a matching black tie, and a white shirt underneath. His hair was perfectly done and his look was immaculate. He was whispering something to Noman, the Crown Prince of Dasht.

'The glamour at these royal parties is really spectacular,' she remarked as she moved her gaze to the hall in general.

The seating arrangement was completely different to that of Princess Huma's birthday bash. There were elongated rectangular tables, set out in rows holding around 60 guests in one, and a massive buffet was organized on the left side.

She was two tables behind Princess Huma's table. Obviously, the Royal was with her siblings while there were other Royals from Dasht as well seated with them. Noman sat next to Princess Huma. Her face looked more distraught than earlier. Eira was in the same situation, except that she felt like Princess Huma was hiding something.

Since she was invited as a guest, she had the privilege of eating with the guests this time. As such, she walked to the buffet once dinner was served, and took every lavish looking dish, although she didn't feel like eating any.

Her mind travelled to Nimrah, her worry was taking an upward spiral. Convincing herself to eat something so she could remain fit and focussed to conduct the plan, she began digging at her food, ignoring whatever the two stylists were talking about.

Princess Huma had arranged to get the stylists as well an invitation to the buffet so as not to arise any suspicion that Eira was getting some sort of VIP treatment. She remembered the discussion with Huma when she got back from her meeting.

"You have to remain as low-key as possible." Princess Huma had told her when she entered the room.

Eira had gotten some time to recover from her moment with Raed after she had pushed him outside the room. So, she shifted her full focus on the plan.

The two women knew the foundation was based on the performance of Nimrah which was no longer valid.

Previously, upon seeing Nimrah's performance, Princess Huma would have easily buttered her way to transfer her to Shakhghar by presenting the excuse that she required Nimrah as a tutor for her private belly dancing lessons, the same excuse she had used for Eira.

From what Princess Huma deduced, it would be a dishonor for the hosts, that is the Royals of Dasht, to disregard Princess Huma's request, basically that of their prestigious guest.

Eira had recalled telling absolutely no one that she would be taking this trip. She instantly blurted to Princess Huma,

"It must have been Jalal who informed them I'm tagging along, and they then completely omitted Nimrah from the performance," She reasoned and Huma solemnly nodded. The Princess had regret written all over her face, as if she had messed up pretty badly.

"There would have been no other way, Huma. It would have been impossible for you or I to carry out this mission alone. We need each other. And we have each other," Eira reassuringly told her.

"Yes, but our plan just failed before it even began," Huma bitterly let out while Eira creased her forehead, in confusion.

"Huma, we flew to Dasht. Our plan is already set. Yes, the foundation is a bit crumpled. But we got this," She again tried to bring her spirits up.

"You don't understand," She shook her head tiredly, "We have affiliations and alliances with Dasht. I cannot just barge onto their property and demand what I want. There's- Sorry, there WAS a decent way to do it. That was if Nimrah was performing." Princess Huma was distraught but Eira didn't agree with her.

"They can transfer YOUR people how ever they like, and you are refusing to 'barge onto their property' to save someone's life?" Eira couldn't help but queried.

"We don't really know who's keeping Nimrah here and why. If we had some proof, I could have reported this issue to the King directly. But no one is going to believe you until you show definite proof. There's a lot at stake if political ties are adversely affected." Huma carefully explained.

Eira huffed in dismay. She knew little about politics, but the her words made sense.

"Alright, I get it." Eira raised her hands in surrender, then placed her palms on her thighs. "We can't openly get her out of here. What if we do it secretly then?" She suggested as an idea formed in her mind.

"How?" Huma asked, looking dubiously at her.

Eira glanced at Arwa who had accompanied Huma to the room when she got back from the meeting.

"You know where Nimrah's staying at, right?" Eira expectantly asked Arwa as the woman nodded her head, gulping.

"She isn't staying at the complex with the others. She's in the farmhouse, which is nearer to the Royal Palace." She disclosed.

"Why?" Both women asked simultaneously. Something did not sound right.

"Apparently, it was reported that the complex was already full. She's been kept there ever since she arrived. Not all staff have access to that area." Arwa let out.

"Sus," Eira voiced out.

"Hmm," Huma nodded and asked, "Do you have access there, Arwa?"

She shook her head, implying a 'no'.

"I can still try to pass her a message and ask her to wait for you both at the farmhouse's pool area around ten tonight," She suggested.

"Are you familiar with the pool area, Arwa?" Eira asked.

"Yes, actually the pool area is at some distance to the farmhouse. I daily supervise the servants tasked at the pool area." Arwa explained.

"That's great," Princess Huma clasped her hand.

"Arwa, I realize this is extremely risky for you. Please, keep yourself out of danger. Your work is done once Nimrah gets the message. You don't have to contact us or meet with us again. Am I clear?" Princess Huma asked in a bossy manner.

"At your service, Your Highness." She bowed a little and did the same to Eira.

Once Arwa safely left the floor unnoticed, Eira directed some dreadful questions that was on her mind to Huma.

"What are the odds we get caught?" Eira asked and a dark expression clouded over Princess Huma's face.

She grimly announced, "If we get caught, it wouldn't be us who would be bearing the consequences."

Her words resonated in Eira's mind making her appetite dying further. It was already nine. The clock was ticking away rapidly. She decided to go freshen up in her room before they could find a way to sneak out to the farmhouses' pool area.

She found Huma standing near one of the buffet stalls. Without thinking, she went towards her. Just when she was about to talk to her, Raed, Noman and Sa'eem appeared from behind. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice Eira until Sa'eem did and called out to her, his large smile reaching his eyes, the skin crinkling at the corners.

"Hey, Gorgeous!" His tone was light and playful.

Eira's cheeks blushed at his comment and replied, "Hello, Sa'eem."

Noman glanced discreetly at Sa'eem, his expression was clear that he wanted to know who she was.

Eira took cognizance of Noman's striking features, with his long dark lashes complimenting his extremely black eyes, and cleanly short-trimmed dark beard, enhancing his masculinity. He did exude the vibes of being the Crown Prince of the country. His stance was similar to Raed although she knew Raed's composure and behavior were more naturally adapted to the title.

Sa'eem, understanding the gesture, presented Eira to him.

"This is Eira Murad, a nice friend." Sa'eem said with a small smirk.

She was pleased Sa'eem hadn't referred to her as the belly dancer. As much as she loved her job, she didn't want to be called that here as she didn't earn the job title. Instead, she was forced into it.

"Good evening, Your Highness." Eira bowed her head a little.

She had totally made as if Raed wasn't even there and he was feeling it because his gaze was now fixated on her. She strongly felt it but continued to play her part.

"Good evening, Miss Murad. I hope you're enjoying your evening." Noman said in a professional tone. Eira understood he was behaving according to his title.

'Are all Crown Princes like this?' She thought.

"Definitely. Thank you for such a lovely party." She replied in the same professional tone and he nodded at her.

"There'll be a dance for couples later. Would you like to join me, Eira?" Sa'eem asked her sweetly. He looked so cute when his eyes sparkled, eagerly waiting for Eira's answer. Moreover, his jolly mood did lighten hers a little bit.

"Sure, why not?" Eira sweetly smiled back at him.

Secretly side-eyeing Raed, her eyes cooled down, seeing the annoyance on his face as she inwardly smirked.

"Noman, Mr. Perez is here," Raed spoke, cutting them off, insinuating they had to go which they did after Sa'eem smirkingly gave a smile to Eira.

"Please, don't mind my brother." Huma said with a huff after she noticed Sa'eem's actions, and Eira simply gave out a small laugh, shaking her head.

"I came to tell you I'm going back to my room to freshen up a little bit. I need to clear my mind," Eira said.

"Are you alright?" Huma asked with concern.

"I am. I just need some time to prepare myself mentally. You should too," Eira advised.

Huma sighed.

"You're right. I have to speak with some more people and then I'll join you upstairs," She said.

Eira nodded and found her way to her room. This Palace was less complicated than the Shakhghar one.

Opening the door, she paused at the doorstep to remove her heels. Once she was done, she kicked them to the side and closed the door, her face facing it.

She felt a presence behind her but before she could turn, a hand yanked her hair and pulled her backwards.

As she opened her mouth to scream, the person's other large hand clamped her mouth shut. Only her muffled sounds was audible. She gasped for air, tightening her eyes shut from the excruciating pain on her scalp.

The man released her, throwing her forcefully to the ground, her right shoulder hitting the coffee table with a brunt.

She cried at the impact and the right side of her face fell flat on the floor. She saw a pair of large maroon leather shoes approaching her and they stopped right in front of her wet face. The tears were streaming down non-stop as she tried to calm her breaths.

She sensed the man crouch to look intently at her. Daring to look up, her eyed widened in fear, her body curled tremblingly out of horror. The slits in her dress at the sides were further slitted and torn.

"You thought befriending the Royal Princess will make you safe?" Jalal spat at her while pulling her arm to make her sit on the floor, so she could face him. She leant against the coffee table to support her body.

"I didn't-" Eira began, her tone sounded like she was trying to beg and in reality she was.

Jalal raised his hand and whacked her face, making her body lurch towards the floor.

"Shut up! You stay quiet!" He menaced in his gruff voice.

She tried to hush her cries and the incoming sobs. Her right cheek burned painfully as she tightly placed her palm on the area.

"What do you think? You're a Princess now?" He sarcastically asked, his eyes darkening vilely.

She rapidly shook her head.

"Then what are you doing here!" He shouted at the top of his voice, making Eira jump at the sudden shift in his tone, as he hovered over her with an enraged face.

Furiously cupping her face with one hand and pressing his fingers hurtingly on her cheeks, he asked, "How you shifted in the Palace in Shakhghar?"

"Princess Huma brought me-" She hesitantly said while uncontrollable sobs came out.

Jalal's patience got tested when she paused to try stopping her sobs to continue her sentence. He huffed as he slowly got up, marched towards the bedpost, and stopped. His gaze roamed around the room until it landed on the nightstand.

Eira tried her best to calm her breaths as she held onto the coffee table to try to stand up. Looking closely at Jalal, she saw him turning off the switch of the bedside lamp. Her eyes widened as she froze on the spot.

What the hell.

She knew he was going to use it as a weapon. She saw him unplugging the cable around the lamp as fast as he could. Wiping her tears, she kept her gaze on him. All of a sudden, he turned and threw the lamp towards Eira, aiming to hit her head. She moved to the side and caught the lamp in her hand.

Wasting not even one second, with full force, Eira threw the lamp back to hit him in the head and she had a perfect aim.

He cried painfully, saying something in Arabic. He was probably cursing her. The strong metal landed directly on his forehead as she saw drops of blood oozing out of the injury, falling down to the floor.

She hastily opened the side door and got into Princess Huma's room. Rapidly, she closed it, seeing Jalal advancing towards her as he palmed his forehead.

Locking it and running to the main door to lock it as well, Eira then quietly went into the bathroom and locked herself. The tears were running like a waterfall down her cheeks as she glided her back down the wall, her knees bent as she sat down on the floor.

She looked at her appearance in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. A bright red rash had formed on her cheek, her damp hair was stuck on the sides of her face, and her eyes and nose were bloodshot red. She felt an acute pain on her shoulder. Glancing at it, she saw a red gash had formed.

Remaining quiet, she tried to hear any noise coming from outside. Only silence reigned, except for her ragged breathing. She debated whether or not she should try to escape from there.

But where would she go?

And what are the odds she would not get caught?

It would be impossible to get back to the banquet hall in the state she was in.

Closing her eyes as she leant against the wall, she only hoped Princess Huma would arrive before anyone else would.

Well, that was a quick update!

Please hit that star button if you're satisfied with the story.

I really want to know what you think will happen now. They came to save Nimrah but...

Let me know your thoughts now!

End of chapter question:
Black or white?

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