Through a guys eyes

By froo24

743 5 8

the story of Jamie an ex national swimmer and total hottie as he starts a new life as a senior at redwood... More

through a guys eyes
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10


90 1 2
By froo24

Pick of Jamies eyes next to page...



i looked him up and down "sit" was all i could utter mind was stunned as i watched jamie take a seat the watter droplets reflecting the strong white moonlight.i looked away quickly as not to apear a perv

"so umm why you here?" i asked facing him again, and regretting it ,he looked like some kind of  a god with eyes that resembled green grass , dirty blond hair slightly curly from the salty water ,an impish grin with teeth that should be on T.V in a orbit ad and lastly the golden tan that was still visible in the moonshine..

Courtz elbowed me in the ribs ,

"oh um sorry what did u say?" i asked whilst mentaly kicking myself for staring.

"well i needed to cool off ,and i couldn't sleep so i came for a swim,, i didn't realize until last minute i came up here that you were here , i am so sorry-" he babbled on 

"all good," i said trying to regain my composure"you didn't interrupt anything important.""stay"

he looked slightly uncomfortable with all the girls staring at him "ummm... its alright i think im guna grap my stuff from over there," he said pointing to the nearby rocks "an then im gunna run home, so um bye ."

and with that he got um and jogged off to his stuff, what a treat!

as soon as he was out of earshot we all looked at eachother and let off a little scream!

"OH MY WORD HE IS SO HOT!" we all squeeled to eachother, we had definitely found the hottest guy around forget the earlier score of 9.5 he was a perfect 10.0..

" dibs my project! " i said one objected they just smiled and then got back to the job of picking a guy for their projects.

let me explain not only did we rate everyone and i mean everyone, w got all their info ( thank goodness for Facebook , yearbooks and friends at other schools) but we would rank them acording to 

1.status (or the clicks they were in)




5. personality (if we could get that)

then looking through all the groups we would mark off the ones we thought had potential to be stars of the school and the ones that had let the stardom go to their heads so that they could be replaced or changed back to good natured hot guys, most people looking in on the system would think that this was a bad idea, with all the popular girls ruling the school but it was something that just fell into place and it worked for all of us and all the kids in our school loved that everyone got a shot not the same stars all 5 years of high school.


hey guys 

i hope you like my story so far, i am sorry i took so long to update, but i got my first job an stuff... feel free to comment and vote or just leave me a message saying hi or what u want in this story

sweet Xx


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