His Personal Chef (Completed)

By hanmute

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Amelia dreamt to be a chef and to have her own restaurant but her goal didn't came true because she helped he... More



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By hanmute

How could he say that?

Hurt and disappointed by Andrew's words, I spend the whole evening curled up in my room.

But it's only the truth, and that is what makes it all the more painful. I'm not his girlfriend. I never was. Our relationship is based on a drunken kiss and a handful of lies, but why does it hurt so much?

I let out a long sigh of despair and get up from my bed. "Enough of the buffoonery, Amelia. He is hurt as well. The correct thing to do here is clear up the misunderstanding. I guess I should go and talk to him, but why does it feel like this isn't going to en well?" I said to myself.

Huh, where is he? I feel like I've searched the whole house. Maybe I should give him a call. It's already midnight.

"Hey, Amelia. You aren't asleep yet?" 

I look the familiar voice that came from, Bentley. "Oh, hi, Bentley." I said to Bentley as I greeted to him. "I was just looking for Andrew. Have you seen him anywhere?" I asked to Bentley.

"He isn't back yet, drove away minutes after he dropped you here." Bentley said to me.

"Okay... Any idea where he might be?" I asked to him.

"I'm not quite sure, I called the office, but they said he hasn't been in the office since evening. He left on his own didn't take the driver with him." Bentley said.

"Can you let me know when he comes back?" I asked to Bentley.

"Of course, Amelia. By the way, you didn't cook dinner tonight. Is everything okay?" Bentley asked to me.

My eyes widen from what Bentley asked me. "Um, I was just feeling a bit under the weather. I am okay, Bentley." I said to Bentley.

"Andrew told me you were sick when I was away. If you still feel tired, you should get some rest." Bentley said to me.

"No, no, I'm perfectly alright." I said to Bentley with a small smile.

"You look tired, don't worry about Andrew, and get some sleep." Bentley said to me with a worried tone. 

I give Bentley a trim nod and decide to go back to bed. "I'll be in my room then. If you need something, you know where to find me." I said to Bentley.

"Wait, Amelia." 

"Yes?" I stopped as I look to Bentley.

"Not to intrude, but did something happen between you and Andrew?" Bentley asked to me.

I know Bentley would catch on. He doesn't look like it, but he had always been observant.

"You need to know that I care deeply for both of you. I know it's been only a couple months since you've been here, but I believe you and I have become quite close." Bentley said to me.

"Yes, we have." I said to him.

"So if you need someone to talk to, I'm here as a friend to support you." Bentley said.

Bentley is the closet person to Andrew that I know of. Talking to him might help me understand Andrew's perspective. And I could definitely use some friendly advice right now.

"Well, Bentley... Andrew and I, we had a little fight."

"Little fight?" Bentley asked to me.

"Well, it's not really a fight, more like a misunderstanding." I sadly said to him.

"Andrew was always a kid with a wild imagination. And with a wild imagination comes misunderstandings. That doesn't surprise me" 

"At the supermarket, he saw me and my ex together." I said to Bentley.

His eyes widen in shock. "The very ex that got married recently?" Bentley asked to me in clarification.

"Yeah, but the wedding didn't go as planned. And Lucas, my ex, I think he's trying to get back with me." I sadly explain to Bentley.

"Do you want to? I mean, do you want to get back with him?" Bentley asked to me.

My eyes widen in shock. "No! No, of course not. You might not believe it, but I've come to like Andrew in the two months I stayed here, like a lot. I don't even know if I can just call it 'like.' I feel so much more. Every sense of emotion with him feels heightened." I said to Bentley.

"Maybe the word you are looking for is love?" Bentley asked.

"Love? I don't know. I feel like I don't know enough about Andrew to love him." I said to Bentley as I look away as I look back at Bentley.

"I'm sure he'd prefer your soufflés over a grand restaurant meal any day. He likes to cook but has never cooked for the public. You know his smile is reserved for people he considers family, and that includes you. I'd say you know enough." Bentley said to me.

"Is it practically possible to fall in love with someone who you've known for only a short while?" I asked to Bentley.

"You don't measure love in time, Amelia. You measure love in connection and transformation. And we don't use a word like 'practical' with love. Love is pure, reckless, meaningful, wicked, but never practical. The heart doesn't war a watch. It doesn't care how long you've known someone. What it cares about is how that person makes you feel. And how does Andrew make you feel?"

"He makes me feel confident, empowered, and free. He makes me feel valued. He makes me feel... alive. Seeing him smile makes my day. He's the reason for my smile, and I want to be the reason for his. I wish I could bottle up everything I feel when I'm with him and savor it for a lifetime." I said to Bentley.

"There you go, you have your answer. Sit on it for a night and think about it. Misunderstandings are a part of life. But a person in love should know when to let go and when to hold on tight." Bentley said to me with a smile on his face.

"You always have some good advice to give, don't you?" 

"Well, what can I say, I was a big Casanova in my time. It's all about the experience." Bentley said to me.

The fun tone in Bentley's voice brings a smile to my face for the first time since I've entered the house this evening.

"Bentley, do you think Andrew loves me?" I asked to him.

"I can't speak for Andrew, but what I do know is that he cares for you. And you know what they say, love makes people reckless. Maybe that is what caused this misunderstanding." Bentley said to me.

Love... there it is again. Do I love him? I don't know. Do I want experience what being in love with Andrew feels like? Undoubtedly, absolutely yes.

At the sound of the door creaking open, both our heads snap down the stairs. 

"I think Andrew's home." I hear Bentley said.

"I'll go down and talk to him." I said to Bentley with a small smile.

Sprinting down the stairs, I reach the living room, eager to talk to Andrew.

"Andrew?" I called him as I hear him responds to me.


With his back against me, I notice a slight drawl in his voice, indicating he's drunk. But that is not what surprises me the most.

It's the woman hanging onto his arm, her hands around his neck, a big sleepy smile plastered onto her face.

"Maya?" I called the woman out from Andrew's arms with a widen shock in my eye.

"Heyyyyy, Amelia!" Maya lets out a few hiccups and passes out on Andrew's chest. He lifts her up into his arms and makes his way towards me.

"Move." Andrew said to me in his stern tone.

"Where are you taking her?" I asked to Andrew with a crossed brows.

"To my room." He shortly said in a stern tone.

"You know what, Andrew? You have no right to be angry about Lucas and me! You have your ex in your arms. Hell, you're even taking her to your room. You don't get to be mad at me." I madly said to Andrew.

"Well, this is my house, isn't it? If we're talking about rights, shouldn't I be able to bring whoever I want into my house? Either way, the people I bring here are none of your concern." Andrew said to me in a stern tone.

I paused of what Andrew said to me. "Yeah, I am not your girlfriend. I remember." I said to him as my heart felt pain, it felt someone squeezes my heart.

"Good. Now move aside. We have somewhere to be." 

I watch as Andrew takes Maya up the stairs. tears fill my eyes as I feel my heart break into pieces.


I wipe away the tears and turns around to face Bentley. "Yes, Bentley?" I asked to Bentley.

"You know he doesn't mean it, right? He and Maya, they've never bee anything more than friends. Trust me." Bentley sadly explain to me.

"I know. But it just means he's oblivious to my feelings more obvious. He would never understand me, Bentley, and I'm tired of hoping that he would." I sadly said.

"Get some sleep. I'll talk to him in the morning. He's not in his right mind now." Bentley said to me.

"I don't think I can stay here anymore." I sadly said to Bentley.

Bentley's eyes widen in shock. "What? What to you mean?" Bentley asked to me.

"You were right, Bentley, when you said that no one could work for the Gourmet for more than 2 months. And me being the fool I am, involved myself with an already broken mess, I am no match for the Gourmet's temper." I sadly said to Bentley.

With that, I'll leave my job and Andrew's residence on the last day of my probation period.


The next day... 

"Lock the door, Amelia, and feel free to use anything in the fridge if you get hungry." Emily said to me.

"Alright. Don't worry about me, I'm okay." I said to he with a small smile form in my lips.

"you called last night at 1 a.m., asking me to pick you up, don't tell me you are okay. And please eat something for breakfast. We even have some cheesecake in the fridge." Emily said to me.

"Alright, Mom. I promise. Now go, you'll be late for work." I said to Emily.

"Bye, Amelia, take care. I'll try to get home earlier in the evening." Emily said to me saying her byes.

Leaving Andrew's home, I called Emily last night to pick me up. Being the good friend she is, she lets me stay at her place, and now, here I am.

Huh, I'm in no mood for breakfast. I should get back to sleep.

As I was about to make my way to the bedroom, the doorbell goes off, making me curse under my breath.

Oh God, who is it now? I swear if it's Emily again, I'm gonna lock her out of her own house.

Opening the door, my eyes fa;; on the devilishly handsome man I ran away from last night.

My eyes widen in shock. "What are you doing here?" I asked to him.

"Good morning to you too, Souffle." Andrew said to me with a smile in his face.

My brows went crumpled, filled with anger towards him. "If that is all you have to say, you can get going." I said to him. I was about to close the door but Andrew stopped me.

"Wait! I'm sorry, Soufflé."

"What are you sorry for?" I asked to him.

"For all the things I said yesterday. I wish I could take them back, but I can't. And about Maya, there's really nothing going between us. I promise." Andrew said to me.

"I am not sure about that." I said in a mad tone.

"Oh God, I knew I shouldn't have brought her home yesterday." Andrew said filled with guiltiness.

"Then why did you?" I asked to him.

"After seeing you with Lucas, I wanted to have a few drinks. I went to Pink Blossoms, and coincidentally her friends were having a party at the same place. She was drunk out of her mind. I couldn't just leave her there." Andrew said in a sad tone.

"You could've left her there. Didn't you say she was with her friends? She would've been okay." I said to him.

"She's my friend, Souffle. She would've done the same for me. I was just helping her." Andrew said in a sad tone.

As Andrew comes close, his masculine scent invades my senses, and I lean into him, taking a deep breath.

"Aren't you going to come in?" I asked to him.

"I was waiting for your invitation." Andrew said with a small smile in his face.

"If that's the case, you might never get one." I said to him in a stern tone.

"Now, don't be like that. Let's get inside, sweetheart. I'm sure Emily wouldn't mind having me here." 

Oh, you wouldn't say that if you knew how pissed she was last night.

The both of us enter the house, Andrew takes a seat, and I go to the kitchen to get some water.

"I got you something." I hear Andrew said. Coming back to the living room, I see Andrew holding a box.

"What's in the box?" I asked Andrew.

"Breakfast. I had a hunch you'd be skipping breakfast today. Am I right?"

"Oh... You're right. I was just about to trade breakfast for dreamland before you came." I said to him.

"I made your favorite, Mac, and cheese." Andrew said to me with a smile.

"Well, Mr. Jackson, are you trying to seduce me with food?" I asked to him with a grin on my face.

"Is it working?" Andrew asked to me.

"Partly, but I'm till mad at you." 

"In all seriousness, I am here because I missed you, Souffle. You got me so addicted that every time I close my eyes, the only thing I can see and feel is you." Andrew said to me full of sadness and guiltiness. "Hell, even my bedroom smells like you. I couldn't be away from you even if I wanted to, Souffle. I'd do anything for you to forgive me. I can't sleep at night knowing I hurt a person who means..." Andrew halts mid-sentence as if he couldn't bear to continue.

Seeing such a sincere expression on his face, I couldn't help but feel the urge to comfort him... to forgive him.

He seem sincere, and everyone deserves a second chance, don't they? 

"You'd do anything?" I asked to him.

"Anything, Souffle."

"I don't like the grill at the house. Can we order a new one?" I asked to him.

He paused of what he heard from me. "Grills as in barbecue grills? Of course, we can get some." Andrew said to me.

"Hmm, I also want some cake decorating pens. We should also upgrade our ovens and knives. I just realized we don't even have a pizza cutter at home." I said to Andrew with a exciting smile on my face.

"Calm down, woman. I'l let you renovate the whole kitchen if that means you'll come back to me." Andrew said to me.

"Really? Do you mean it?" I asked to him.

"I mean it, sweetheart." Andrew said to me with a gentle smile from his face.

"And would you also cook for me? I really liked your food." I asked to him with a smile on my face.

"Will you have every meal with me if I cook?" Andrew asked to me.

"You're not the one making demands here, Mr. Jackson." I said to him with a playful grin.

"Yes, my little chef, I'd cook for you daily. Until you get tired of eating my food and make some for yourself." Andrew said to me with a smile on his face.


"Are you planning to turn me into your own personal chef or something?" Andrew asked to me.

"Is that something you'd be interested in?" I teasingly asked to him.

"The offer is tempting. If you add in a few benefits, I might resign from my job and settle as your personal chef for a lifetime." Andrew said to me with a smile in his lips.

"What kind of benefits are we talking about here?" I asked to him.

"How about I show you?" Andrew said with a smirk in his face.

Sitting still on Emily's couch, Andrew rags me into his lap. His face so close to mine, I can't help but admire his perfect features.

Eyes that could capture the whole wide world, high cheekbones, sharp jawline, lips that taste better than every time I taste them.

"You don't hate me, do you?" Andrew asked to me.

"I wish hating you was that easy, but it's not. I don't hate you. In fact, I am afraid I feel the exact opposite. Now show me."

"Yes, my lady. First, a sweet kiss before and after every breakfast is mandatory." Andrew said to me with a smile in his face.

His lips meet mine in a slow kiss. Not a wild, needy kiss, but a slow savoring one as if feeling my lips against his gave him utmost joy.

"Hmm, and for lunch?" I asked him.

His large hands trail all over my body and halt at my hips, pulling me flush onto his lower half. 

"I would like to have my favorite dessert after lunch." Andrew said with a smile.

"Getting ahead of ourselves, aren't we? And for dinner?" I asked to him.

"You know I prefer a light meal for dinner. Just a quick salad on the table and a full-course meal in bed." Andrew said to me.

I give him a small peck on the cheek and take a seat on the couch. "You flirt. You're forgiven. How could anyone say no to that face?" I said to him with a smile. "And I should also apologize. I should've tried a little harder to explain things than running away and hiding my head here." I added.

"Don't. I was being a total dickhead yesterday." Andrew said in an apologetic way.

"That you were."

"And when you get jealous, tell me, fight with me, let me reassure you, but don't leave me." Andrew added.

"Well... then don't make me jealous." I said to him.

"But you look cute when you are jealous." His chest vibrates with laughter as I roll my eyes at his response.

"By the way, I trust you with Maya. I am just on my toes because of what happened with Lucas." I I said to him.

"I don't care if you aren't over that douchebag if human yet, but I'm not leaving you for him. He's have to fight me if he wants my girl. I'll do anything necessary to make you forget about him." Andrew said as his brows went crumpled as his voice became stern as he look away at me.

"Andrew, look at me."

I trap his face between my palms, looking deep into his eyes, hoping my eyes would convey what words couldn't.

"I could never be in love with a cheater, Andrew. I am over Lucas. I was over him from a long time ago." I said to him.

"Since our first kiss, you've been the only one in my mind. I couldn't even think of another person how I feel about you." Andrew said to me.

"Prove it."

His eyes tell me everything I need to know. It's his way of challenging me to seal the deal and make him mine.

I want to show him how much he means to me, give myself to him, and claim him in the process.

"Challenge accepted." Andrew shortly said.

Without wasting a second, I climb onto Andrew's lap, grinding on him.

"I dare you to to kiss me." Andrew said to me.

My lips were already on his, swallowing his words and grunts as I rock my hips feverishly against his hardened member.

"I've imagined you riding me before, your pretty lips stretching around me as take your time slide down on me. The way you would whimper when you get more, whine when you don't get enough." Andrew said to me.

"You are such a dirty talker.:

"But you love it, don't you? I know it makes you wet. I've felt you squeeze the hell out of me when I whisper something dirty in your ear." Andrew said.

"Oh hell, please touch me." I said to Andrew.

"Your wish is my command."

One of his hands goes to my chest, pinching and flicking my nipples as the other goes up my thigh to reach my sweet spot.

His large fingers tug my panties aside and move along my slick folds, causing me to let out a string on moans.

"Oh God, don't stop!" I said as I moaned.

"You are so wet for me already. You want to ride me that bad, eh?" 

My hands go the zipper of his pants to undo them, and his hard length springs out.

"Now be a god girl and ride it until we both come." Andrew said to me.

"Yes, sir."

With a hand on his chest, I lift my hips and ease him inside bit by bit, eyes fluttering close with every inch I take.

"Oh, Andrew, you feel so good!" 

As if his self-control has snapped with my words of affirmation, his hips thrust into me hard, making me groan.

"You look so pretty, moving my hips on top of me. So eager, so impatient." I hear Andrew said in a low tone.

Finding a perfect rhythm, I roll my hips in a way that feels totally amazing but equally torturous. My lips hover over the pulse on his neck, and his lips cover my hardened nipple, sucking it, biting it.

"More, please! I'm going to come!" I said to the upcoming sensation that I felt.

"Yes, sweetheart, that's it. Ride me harder. You're doing so good, my little chef. You feel amazing." Andrew said.

My movements get faster as Andrew's fingers reach my pleasure point, and I let myself crumble down.

Taking in a deep breath, I fall slump against Andrew's chest. I feel his lips kissing my forehead as he tries to move away.

"You didn't come." I said in disappointment.

"It's alright." Andrew said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I got you." I said to him.

A tiny hiss leaves my mouth as I try to move my hips again. A shudder runs through my body at the raw, sensitive feeling.

"I... I just need a minute." I said.

His arms find their way to my back, slowly rubbing up and down, causing a wave of calmness to wash over me.

"You're perfect, Amelia."

Surprised, I look at his face. The warm smile on his lips brings one on my face as well.

Maybe this is what Bentley meant by love. 

"Amelia? You're calling me by my name?" I asked to him.

"You don't like it?" He asked to me.

"I love it." I said with a smile on my face then my lips capture his in a kiss. A kiss so intense, so consuming that I lose the ability to breathe.

I feel his hardened member throb inside me, and my hips move on their own accord.

"Fucking hell, Amelia, you are killing me!"

"Come with me, please!" 

Gripping my hair, Andrew slips his tongue inside my mouth. Rocking my hips, I feel his heartbeat against my chest. His heated thrusts and grunts indicate that he's close.

Groaning into my mouth, Andrew finds his release, mine following seconds later.

"Hmm, Emily's going to be mad." I said to Andrew in a pant.

"We'll change the covers." Andrew said to me with his sly smile.

"She'll know."

"We can buy her a new couch." Andrew said to me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked to him.

"Like what?" He asked to me.

"Like you can't get enough of me, like this would be our last time." I said to him.

"You know I can't get enough of you. I'm just admiring my beautiful girlfriend." Andrew said to me.

"Enough with the flattery. I think it's time for you to go now." I said to him.

"Will you come home with me?" Andrew asked to me which made me paused.

"I... I will, but not now, I need to talk to Emily. But yes, I'll come home." I said to him giving him a smile in the end.

"I will be waiting." Andrew said with a smile.

Minutes later, Andrew is out of the door going home. I admire him through the window as he lifts up his phone to the ear. 

I'm gonna miss him, but I should definitely talk to Emily first before going back.

Andrew's serene expression changes into annoyance, making me squint my ears. "No, father, I told you it's off the table."

Oh, it's his father again.

"What do you mean? You can't do that. Don't worry, father, Amelia is not my girlfriend anymore."

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