A Marriage Contract

By sequinedsmile

151K 4.3K 216

Vincent Chae, CEO of The Chae Foundation and a single father, faces a dire situation. He must marry quickly t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5- Part 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Author's Message
Chapter 46
Announcement+Upcoming Books
Chapter 47

Chapter 28

2.6K 91 11
By sequinedsmile

Eliza's POV-

"Umma, I am leaving." I said.

"Mommmy! Can I come too?" Lily asked.

"Lily why don't you come with me? I am going to buy the decorations." Thomas said.

"Okay! I'll put my shoes on." Lily ran to put her shoes on.

"Hey Eliza?" Vincent called. He has been working in my room.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I am coming with you. I have to buy some things too." He said.

"Right now?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

Even though we were back to normal what happened in my bedroom waa still running in the back of my mind.

"Sure. But we've to do a lot of walking." I tried to get him to say no.

Being alone with him right now wasn't the best situation.

"It's fine for me." He said.

"Can I come too?" Henry asked out of no where.

"Why?" I aksed.

"I want to buy somethings." He said.

"We can go together babe." Lauren said.

Henry looked at her and then said, "You know it is not that urgent."

"I'll be waiting out." I said to Vincent.

We spent the next one hour in the Halloween store buying costumes for the kids and the stuff for the party. We hardly talked during the whole time until I asked the shopkeeper to show a joker costume.

"We don't need that." Vincent said.

"Why? Aren't you wearing the costume?" I asked.

"I am but not this one." He said.

"Then which one?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He said.

"You are giving way too many surprises to me in these past few days." I said.

Suddenly a loud crack of thunder light up the night sky and run started pouring outside.

"Rain? I don't even have an umbrella." I groaned.

"Excuse me? Do you have any umbrellas?" Vincent asked the shopkeeper.

"Yes. But I only have one." He said.

"We'll get that one along with all this." He motioned towards all the stuff in our cart.

"Sure thing." The shopkeeper said.

I took my card out to pay but Vincent beat me too it.

"I can pay." I said and nudged his shoulder with me finger.

"I know." He said nonchalantly.

"Then why did you?" I asked.

"Because when I am with you, you don't have to spend any money." He said.

"What if I want to?" I asked.

"I won't let you. I am your husband it's my duty to look after you." He said.

I opened my mouth to say something but he shut me up by kissing me on my lips. It was a peck but holy shit!

My eyes widened.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"That's the only way to shut you up." He said.

"Here are your bags. And your umbrella. Have a good day." The shopkeeper smiled at us.

"You too." I picked up the bags before Vincent could.

"You hold the umbrella." I said.

"Yes ma'am." He said.

We walked out of the store. I still felt the touch of his lips on mine.

We walked in silence. Also if did talk it would be not be audible because of the rain.

This felt strangely like a scene from a cheesy romance movie and I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

A loud thunder bellowed and I was startled.

"Are you okay?" Vincent asked.

"Ofcourse. I am not scared of a little thunder." The truth was I was indeed afraid of thunder.

"Why don't we go there?" I motioned towards a fried chicken shop.

"Right now?" Vincent asked.

"Yeah. It's raining and the perfect time to eat some fried chicken. I went there during my high school years. I love it there. Let's go." I said.

"If that's what you want." He said.

We went in the shop and chose a table which was on the open out space.

"What can I get started for you?" The waiter asked.

"We'll have buffalo wings and Nashville hot chicken." I said.

"Anything to drink?" He asked.

"Is beer okay?" I asked. Vincent nodded.

"We'll have two beers. That's all." I said. The waiter left.

"You drank beer when you were in high school?" Vincent raised an eyebrow.

"What? No. I used to come here with my friends sometimes on weekends." I said.

"Ok." He said. The waiter came back with beers.

"Speaking of friends. Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Go ahead." He said.

"You don't have many do you?" I teased him. His faced dramatically feel.

"Me too." I enthusiastically.

We cheersed out beer mugs.

We both took the first sip of the beer made the 'Ahhh!' sound. Which in turn made both of us laugh.

"So, let's play a game." I said.

"Game?" He asked.

"Yeah. 20 questions. You do know it, right?" I asked.

"I do." He said.

"Fine then you start first." I said.

"Okay, what's you favourite food?" He asked.

"Gopchang. My turn. When did you become the CEO of the company?" I asked.

"We are going directly into that, are we?" He asked. I nodded.

"I took over the company when I was 27. It's been nine years." He said.

"So, when you were becoming the CEO of a multinational company I was just starting high school. Cool." I took a sip of the beer.

"How many relationships have you been in?" He asked.

"Including you, two." I said honestly.

"This is not a relationship." His face grew serious.

"Ofcourse. This is contract." I said. But those words made me sad. Somewhere inside me I knew I wanted more than that.

"No. This is a marriage." He said.

"Alright, dear husband." I said jokingly. His words made me happy.

"So, you didn't date anyone accept that douchebag?" He asked.

I shrugged having a sip of the beer.

"In conclusion you never had a good relationship." He said.

"Hey, his not a personal attack." I snapped.

"Alright. It's your turn now." He said.

"Have you ever thought of having a future with Celestine?" I asked.

He looked taken aback. Maybe he was surprised that I asked this question so directly.

But for some reason I needed to know.

"Being honest with you, yes I did imagine a future with her. Children, house and all that." He said.

My heart flatlined at those words.

"But that was back when we were still in college. If I think about it now, I never want a future with her." He added.

It shouldn't have made me as happy as it did.

"After everything that happened, I realised that she would've never been a good mother to the kids. Her absence is less punishing than her presence." He said. "Also, I am happy that my kids finally have a mother who loves them."

He put his hand on the table lightly brushing mine. An electric feeling rushed through my body.

"Your food is here." The waiter places two plates in front of us.

After that for about an hour we talked about this and that. Getting to know each other better.

During this whole time I felt more and more drawn to him. It was like having him with me made me feel happy. I hadn't felt this like ever.

When we left the shop it was still raining. He held the umbrella for us.

When we were walking I realised he had tilted the umbrella towards me to keep me dry from the rain. That was sweet but he was getting wet and I wasn't going to let that happen.

I held all the bags in one hand and held the handle of the umbrella tilting it towards him.

Vincent's POV-

I was surprised when I realised she noticed me tilting the umbrella towards her I was even more surprised when she held the umbrella and tilted it towards me.

A small chuckle left me. I tried to hide my smile but I was failing to do so. I held the umbrella towards her again. I wasn't letting her catch a cold.

"Let's go from that alley. It's a short cut." She pointed at a narrow alley beside us.

"There? Will be both even fit in that tiny space?" I asked.

"Come on, old man. Or are your knees too weak to bend like that?" She teased.

"Old man?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"For me you are technically an old man. You know, 12 years age gap." She motioned between her and me.

I bent down to her ear level and whispered, "Well just so you know this old man has more stamina than any of your young boys."

Her eyes widened as rose up. "Stop doing this." She said flustered.

"Doing what?" I asked.

"Flirting with me." She said.

"Now when did I flirt with you?" I asked amused.

"First at home in my bedroom, then at the shop where you kissed me and now this." She said.

"If this is what you consider that peck at the shop a kiss. Then you've had a real kiss. Do you want me to show you?" I asked.

Despite the humour in my voice I was really going to kiss her if she agreed.

She took a step forward ans placed the back of her hand on my forehead.

"Are you okay? Did you get sick or something?" She asked.

I laughed at that.

"And now you are laughing? Something's definitely wrong. Come on let's to the doctor's." She said.

Her phone started ringing.

"Hello." She answered.

"We are on our way. We'll be there in 5 minutes." She said.

"We are coming from the alley behind the restaurant. Okay, bye." She ended the call.

"We have to get home fast." She said. I nodded.

We turned to the alley way but I stopped abruptly. There was tree which was at a low level and there was no way I could pass through their.

Suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulder and I was pulled down. Eliza and me crouched down to walk down the alley.

I looked at her hand on my shoulder then at her face. She was trying hard to not smile.

We walked through that narrow alley and in hardly 5 minutes we reached the house.

Eliza rang the bell. The door was opened by that jackass, Henry.

"Eli!" He said and stepped forward to hug Eliza.

I was in an excellent mood before and this douchebag ruined it all.

"What are you doing?" Eliza asked flustered.

"Do you know how scared I was? Why are you this late?." He said.

Eliza looked uncomfortable.

Okay, I've had enough of this bullshit.

I stepped forward and pushed him away from her.

"Dude, what the hell?" He exclaimed.

"You were too close to my wife." I simply stated. I pulled Eliza to my side.

"Thank you." She slowly whispered.

"I was just checking on her." He said.

"There's no need for that. I can take care of my wife." The calmness in my voice was quite opposite to the anger coursing through my veins.

"I have know her longer than you have and I care for her more than you do." He crossed his arms.

I was about to punch him really hard.

"Henry, shut up." Eliza said.

"Seriously Eli? You are defending him over me?" He said in a accusing voice.

"Listen here Henry. He is my husband and I'll defend him over anyone in this world. You are my ex. So, you should be maintaining a distance from me. Also, if you ever talk to him like that whatever civil relation we have will also no longer exist." Eliza warned him.

The happiness I felt when she called me her husband was immeasurable but also short lived because that dumbass had the audacity to scoff after what Eliza said.

I took a step towards him and said, "Listen here dude, you are no one to me. The only reason I am even tolerating you pathetic presence is because I am at my in laws's house. If you cross your limits, it won't take me minutes to make your life miserable."

"You are unhinged." He said. I was about to answer him.

"Eliza, what's taking so long?" Mr. Ahn's voice came from the living room.

"Nothing, Appa." Eliza said.

"Then come here fast. Also bring Vincent with you." He said.

"Coming." Eliza held my hand and took me alongside her.

That idiot's stars were lucky.

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