Case 420 /finished BxB/

By Juless_is_broke

2.1K 68 16

I never considered the possibility of saying it outloud to him. To tell him the words i wouldn't even dare wi... More

authors note
1. Case 420
2. anonymous
3. hidden knifes
4. games
5. reunion
7. silhouette
8. aftermath
9. predictable
16. Boundries
24. returned
10. new start
26. bandages
11. following
29. were we end
12. some things i need to accept
13. familiar
14. shared
17. glimpse of him
18. when the night falls
19. younger
20. hot flashes
21. the call
22. covered truth
23. dancing words
25. in my arms
27. ash
28. ash 2.0
authors note

6. bottomless drinks

79 3 0
By Juless_is_broke

"So what did you have on your mind for tonight?" I ask Arthur who is acting like he enjoys the makeshift pasta.

"I was thinking of a club maybe?" He asks me. I never went to a club with him or even had a drink in front of him because he wouldn't allow a 'child' to drink.

"Im trying to catch up on the youth. Apparently this area has a lot of good ones i saw it on facebook" he says proudly telling me how he is using a app now. I dont even have the heart to tell him that facebook is moslty used by old people.

"A club is okay.." I say unsure. I haven't been to any social thing like that ever. I never had anyone to come with me. I bite my inner lip and take a deep breath. It's just someplace where you dance and drink some stuff and then leave. It's not that hard.

Right. Mhmmm. Totally. It's totally not hard. I can do it. Before I know it my heart starts to take a turn and raising more than ever. "Im going to the bathroom" I announced trying to keep my voice the same as it was.

My mouth feels dry and I grip my hand where my heart is. Fuck. I try to keep it under control but sometimes it just doesn't work. My palms start to sweat and I can already feel the stress building inside me.

I want everything to disappear right this moment. I take a few deep breaths counting to 5 and then recounting for what feels like forever.

In the short time I had allowed a therapist near me he told me that would be the best thing I can do. But right now it feels like it isn't doing shit.

I splash my face with water and keep my hands on my face. Fuck fuck fuck. I look into the mirror and feel like the whole world is spinning around me. Fuck fuck fuck.

I feel like I'm going to throw up this horrible pasta right out. I try to keep it down as best as I can and take one last deep breath and hold it. 3.....2....1.... I count down weirdly calming down.

Okay, I can do it.. yeah I can. I splash my face once again and flush the toilet so it sounds like I was actually on the toilet.

I walk out of the small bathroom and Arthur's piercing eyes are focused on me. I shot him a small smile trying to act like I am a normal person.

"You're sweating" he says and looks disturbed thinking about what I was doing there. "Nah I just took a shower with the toilet water," I say and sit down across from him.

"Do you want any dessert?" I ask him unsure what I even have left. "Uhhh... what do you have?" He asks me and I stand up and walk to the fridge.

The almost empty fridge now makes me slightly embarrassed. I take out a small pack of strawberries I bought when I was hungry at 3 am.

"Strawberries?" I ask him and he puts his hand on his forehead. "Sure" he says and I cut up some strawberries with the same knife I sometimes use while I work.

I prefer to use 1 knife. Everyone knows it. Even though I've only used 1 nobody actually questions it. Maybe its because of fesr or maybe its because they simply couldnt care.

"We need to get you some actual clothes" he tells me and I look down at my clothes "what's wrong with them?" I ask him and he squints his eyes. "You're dressed like a 50-year-old salesperson" he tells me and I stare at him only blinking my eyes a few times.

"The suit is classy it gives me more respect" I say offended by his comment. "Sure it does. But right now we're going to a club" he says and I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe people will go for me because I look rich" I say trying to defend my clothes.

"If you're looking for a sugar baby I can recommend you some websites" he says and I shake my head immediately "Fine" I give up. "You choose" I say and sit down and put the small bowl of strawberries in front of him almost breaking the glass bowl.

"I actually have some clothes for you" he says like he knew how I am about clothes. I just own a shit ton of suits and 1 pair of sweatpants for when I get sick and a loose t-shirt. And some gym clothes and some pj's but that's it.

"Ahhh" I say making it extremely noticeable that im not excited. "What do you have?" I ask him. "Just trust me on this one" he says with a mouth full of strawberries.

One thing I haven't learned from him are my manners. Thank god.

When he is finally done eating the strawberries he gets his bag and pulls out a pair of soft brown pants and a simple white t-shirt to match it. Well, it could've been worse.

For all I care people could be walking around with the weirdest outfits ever and I wouldn't even know.

The only time I was in a club was a few years ago when I had to kill someone in it.

I change my clothes into the ones he gave me. "Arthur?" I ask him to come back to the living room. "Where do you hide your weapons in this?" I ask patting my body down to find a good place.

"You're not bringing any" he says "But I-" I try to tell him but he shakes his head. "They will kick you out the moment you walk in there" he says and I take a deep breath.

"But I need to be save" I want to feel safe. I need to be save. I have to be. "You're with me don't worry too much" he says and I hate the idea of fun he has even more. "And besides you have good enough battle skills" he tells me and I can't help but smile at the compliment.

"Okay" I say and take a deep breath cooling myself down. "One moment" I say going back into my bedroom. I spray some collone I usually wear and get a small blade and store it in the socks of my shoes just to be sure.

When we arrive at the club I was already so done with it when we were in line. A few girls were screaming their high-pitched voices behind us.

A guy rushed out of the club to throw up in the alleyway just to stumble back into the door. I hate the way the jeans are too tight on my skin and I feel like I should get out.

The music is loud and you can hear the beat from the outside and I look Arthurs way in a please-let-me-go way.

When we finally arrive at the front of the entrance the bouncer stops Arthur. "I'm sorry but we don't accept males over 30" he says and checks him up and down.

"But you sir. You can enter right now" he says with a fake smile and gesturing for me to go inside.

"I won't go unless he comes too" I say and shrug my shoulders and try to leave but he puts his hand on my chest. It triggers everything inside me but I keep trying to be calm.

"Okay fine... you and your ... dad? Can go in too" he says and I throw a fuck you hand gesture at him and walk inside.

It's even worse than I thought it was. The people making out against the wall and dancing way too close to each other and the music so high you can't even hear a thing.

I am pretty sure I just saw the guy who just threw up making out with a girl and the thought of it makes me shiver.

"Im his friend" a voice outside says but I dismiss it. "Can we go already?" I ask Arthur and he shakes his head.

"We're here to find you some girl" he says screaming into my ear. Agh, I am in for a loooooong night.

We find a table on the side and Arthur orders some drink that I didn't recognize and orders the same for me.

The drink is just as disgusting as it sounds and burns my throat. I hate it. The feeling of it is so intoxicating and makes me feel like I am losing control.

"You're a lightweight" Arthur laughs after 3 of those small glassed drinks. Agh I hate this shit but I love it. I giggle at his comment and shake my head and look at him very seriously. "I need to pee" I announce and he laughs at me.

"Then go" he says and gestures his hands for me to leave "Find some girl on your way there" he says and gives me a wink and I can't help but laugh at his weird way of trying to make me happy.

I walk towards the toilets and try my best to move in a straight line. It works but sometimes I stumble over some people's feet.

I hear a familiar voice talking and I smile to myself. Ash. I think and make my way to the toilets forgetting what I was thinking about.

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