Transformers Prime: Fanfictio...

Da MarcyWeisinger

319 13 0

In this story is different. Megatron has a son and a daughter. but his son is actually Soundwave. I still hav... Altro



29 2 0
Da MarcyWeisinger

Location: Nemesis

The Next Morning:

StellaFire's Room:

StellaFire's Pov:

"I was asleep but I felt someone pushing me. I opened my optics. I looked and I saw my brother. 'Morning brother.' I said to my brother. 'Yah. Morning. Did you know that sire has a new sparkmate?' My brother says to me. I immediately went up. 'WHAT!' I yelled. 'Since when did he have a new sparkmate?' I asked my brother. 'Don't know.' My brother replied back to me. 'It feels like he's replacing our carrier.' I said to my brother. 'No. I don't think that is true. I don't think our sire is trying to do that. And I don't think she is doing or trying to do that. You're jumping the gun sis.' My brother says to me. 'I am not jumping the gun brother.' I replied back to my brother. 'Our sire didn't even think about bothering to ask us first to ask or talk to us about this.' I said to my brother. I immediately got up and I ran to have a word and a conversation with our sire about what I really think about this."


Throne Room:

Megatron was sitting down on his throne with his new sparkmate. He chuckled, feeling his mate messing with his cables. She went and she kissed him and licked his cables. He immediately shivered at the touch. He went and he immediately kissed her. They both moaned. The doors opened to the throne room and I was shocked at what I was seeing. "SIRE!" I yelled. Megatron looked and he saw his daughter. "StellaFire. Just who I wanted to see." He says to you. "CyberWolf. This is my daughter StellaFire." He says to his new sparkmate. CyberWolf got up and she walked over to you and she bent down. "It's nice to meet you. Your sire has told me a lot about you and your brother." She says to you. "Yeah. But he didn't say anything about having a wife." I said to CyberWolf. Megatron looked at you. "StellaFire. Watch that tone of yours missy." My sire said to me. "No Megs. It's fine. I can understand." CyberWolf said to Megatron. I looked at this femme. "No you don't. You are replacing our carrier. And sire doesn't even care." I said out loud. Giving my opinion on what I think.

Megatron was getting very angry. He didn't like the tone of your voice that you were giving. "StellaFire. I advise you to shut it." My sire said to me. "No sire. You are replacing our carrier. You didn't even care about telling me or my brother about this. You only thought about yourself." I said to my father. CyberWolf quickly backed away. "Megs." CyberWolf says. Megatron looked and he noticed that she was getting really uncomfortable. Megatron got up but CyberWolf stopped him. "Megs. I understand." CyberWolf said to Megatron. My eyes were filled with rage. Megatron looked at you and he noticed how angry you really were. He then looked at his sparkmate. "Sweet spark. Can you give me and my daughter a moment to talk?" He asked her. She nodded. She walked over and she kissed him. Megatron kissed her back. Soon she walked off. Megatron sighs.

"Okay. What has gotten into you. I thought you would be happy for me. For being happy. That's what your mother would have wanted." He said and asked you. "Sire. I just don't care. It feels like you are replacing our carrier." I said to my sire. Megatron walked over and he hugged you. "Sweetie. I would never intentionally or I would never replace your carrier. CyberWolf doesn't want to replace your carrier either. Look. I love CyberWolf and she loves me. So can't you just be happy for me. Please." My sire asked me. I sigh. "I will. But if I see if she does something that can hurt you. Then that's it." I said to my sire. Megatron smiled. "Thank you. Now. How about a proper introduction to her." My sire says. "Fine." I said. Megatron nudged you. "Be nice." My sire said. Megatron walked out to get CyberWolf.

I stood and waited for my sire. Until I heard the doors open. I looked up and I saw my father walking in with CyberWolf. I stood up looking at her. "CyberWolf. I will or I guess I will accept this. But if I see something that I don't like or if I see something that can hurt my sires feelings you will not hear the end of it." I said to CyberWolf. "I promise with my very spark that I won't hurt your sire. I love him with my very spark." CyberWolf said. "Okay. Just remember you just said the word promise. And also my brother knows everything and can find information." I said to CyberWolf. "Yes. I heard about that. It is unsettling. But I don't have anything to hide from you or your sire or your brother." CyberWolf says. "Yeah, sure." I said. I then walked off heading to my room.

Megatron then watched you walk off. Soon it was him and CyberWolf alone. Sighs. "I am really sorry about her CyberWolf. She is just a little overprotective of me I guess. Like I was a long time ago." He said to CyberWolf. "A long time ago." She said to Megatron. "Yes. I actually sent her away in an escape pod. I was only thinking about her survival." He said to CyberWolf. "Hmm. I see. Well, I can see that it was a good decision. Because she is alive and well." She said and replied back. He smiled. "Yes. Indeed. Now come here, you." He said. CyberWolf went and she ran. Megatron chased after her.

StellaFire's Room:

Soundwave was sitting in his sister's room. He heard a notification going off on his pad. He took out his pad and he unlocked it. He opened the security footage that was in the throne room that was being activated. He looked and he saw how happy their father really was. But he felt the same way his sister felt. He feels like she is replacing their Carrier. But what he saw on the love footage was his father chasing his sparkmate around in the throne room. "Hey sis. Check this out." My brother says to me. I looked at my brother. "What." I said to my brother. I walked over and I looked at my brother's pad. I looked at the security footage that was located in the throne room. I watched it and I saw my father chasing CyberWolf. I then noticed and realized how happy our sire was. "Hey, why don't we have a family outing with her. Let's just see how she is." I said to my brother. Soundwave looked at you. "Uh. I don't know." My brother says. "Oh come on." I said to my brother. I went and I grabbed his arm. "HEY!" My brother exclaimed.

Throne Room:

CyberWolf was up high hiding from her mate. Megatron ran. He panted. Soon he heard a howl. He looked up and he was shocked. "Oh come on. That's not fair." He said to his sparkmate. She smiled and she wagged her tail. She jumped and she immediately transformed. "Jealous." She asked him. "No. I am not jealous." He replied. "Hmm sure." She said to Megatron. She walked over and she kissed him. Megatron moaned. He went and he nipped her lip plate. He wanted entrance to explore her intake. She playfully denied. Megatron growled. He went and he grabbed her aft tightly. She immediately gasped, feeling him grabbing her aft tightly. He then noticed his chance. He went and he pushed his tongue into her intake. He went and he curled it inside her intake. She moaned, feeling his tongue. Her tail wagged because she was enjoying this. They were kissing and they didn't even hear the doors open to the throne room.

"Father." I said, getting our sires and CyberWolf's attention. Megatron glanced and he saw you and your brother. "Son daughter. Is something wrong?" He asked us. I pulled my brother in with me. "Sis." My brother says. "Father. Family outing." I said to my sire. "No. No family outing. Not after what has happened. With the first one with you and the second one with your brother." My sire says to me. "Father. Family outing. With all four of us, I am including CyberWolf." I said to my sire. "If that is okay with you CyberWolf." I asked her. CyberWolf looked at you. She lightly punched Megatron on the side. "Megs. Let's do it." She asked him. "It could be fun." CyberWolf said to my sire. Megatron sighs. "Fine." He said and replied back to us. "Son. Set a bridge to a quiet location." He said and asked his son. Soundwave nodded. Soon Soundwave opened a bridge. I went and I grabbed my brother's arm. "HEY! STELLAFIRE!" My brother exclaimed. Soon I ran through the bridge still having a hold on my brother's arm. Megatron chuckled. Megatron walked over and he gently took his sparkmates hand. Soon they walked through and the bridge closed behind them.

Outside The Nemesis:

Family Outing:

StellaFire ran out with Soundwave watching her runoff. Megatron stepped with his sparkmate. CyberWolf looked around. She then smelled the air. Megatron looked at her. He noticed that she was calm. He walked behind her and he wrapped his servos around her. She smiled. Her tail wagged, hitting her mate's legs. Megatron chuckled. "Your tail is strong, my dear." He said to his sparkmate. "Yeah. It's actually strong." She replied back to Megatron. CyberWolf looked down and she saw you. "CyberWolf. How fast are you? Are you faster than my father when he's flying?" I asked her. "Well. I am fast, yes. But your father is faster than me when he is flying." She says and replies back to me. "Prove it." I said to CyberWolf. Megatron looked at you. "Is that a challenge? How many times have I told you not to challenge The Almighty Megatron?" My sire asked me. I giggled. "Thousands of times. But do I ever listen?" I said and replied back to my sire. "Eh. You gotta point, StellaFire." My sire replied back. "So my dear. Do you expect that challenge?" He asked CyberWolf. "Of course." CyberWolf replied back to Megatron. Megatron walked over and he stood. CyberWolf walked and she stood next to Megatron. Soundwave shook his helm.

"This is not going to end well." My brother said to himself. He walked over. "Alright. On the count of three. 1… 2… 3." My brother says. Megatron immediately transformed and he flew off. CyberWolf transformed and she ran. We both watched our sire and our sires Sparkmate racing against each other. CyberWolf was running. She was laughing and giggling. She loved running. Megatron loved hearing her laugh. She was running when she didn't see a small hole. She went down and her paw bent backwards. She immediately yelped in pain. Megatron heard his sparkmate yelp in pain. And he didn't like hearing that or the sound of it. He went down and he immediately transformed. CyberWolf went and she licked her injured paw. "Sweet spark." Megatron said to CyberWolf. CyberWolf looked at Megatron. She immediately transformed. "It's fine, Megs. And I am fine. Things like this happen. It can heal fast. It runs through my family." She said to Megatron. "Alright. But if it gets any worse. You'll know what I will do." He says to her. "I know." She replied back to Megatron. She slowly got up. She walked and she licked her servo.

Megatron watched her walk off where his kids were. He didn't like seeing his sparkmate hurt. Megatron walked but soon heard something. He looked around. CyberWolf's ears perked up. She then heard a dark voice. "The child will be mine." The dark voice said. "Megs." She said to her mate. She turned and she saw her mate looking at her. "Megs. I hear something." She said to her mate. She stepped forward until she heard him say stop. "STOP!" He shouted. "Don't move my dear." He said to CyberWolf. CyberWolf looked and she saw the ground cracking. She immediately transformed and she ran. She ran towards Megatron. Megatron looked up and his eyes immediately widened. Soon she pushed and she shoved Megatron, moving him where he was standing. Making her land on top of him. Soon they hit the ground hard. "Umph." They both said hitting the ground hard. Soon the ground gave way where Megatron was standing just a few moments ago. Megatron looked. He growled. "No more family outings. Every time we have one, something bad always happens." He said out loud. "Megsy. Just try a family outing. Just for the kids." She asked him. "Fine. Just for you my dear." He said to his sparkmate. She transformed and she walked off to where the kids were. "Is your father so overprotective?" She asked and whispered to us. We both nodded. "Yeah. All the time." I replied and whispered back. "Hmm. I see." She replied and whispered back. She then felt his servos wrapping around her. She smiled.

Skip To 5 Hours:

Location: Back On The Nemesis

In The Halls:

Megatron walked through and carried you to your room. You had passed out in the throne room and you were in a deep recharge. CyberWolf was walking next to him when she heard you talking in your sleep. "Princess. Oh, I'm a princess." I said in my sleep. CyberWolf giggled. "Does she do this all the time?" She asked him. "Yes. She did it all the time when her mother was alive." He said and replied back. "Sires, little princess." I said in my sleep. "Autobots die." I said in my sleep. "No. I don't want to go, sire." I said in my sleep. Megatron gently cradled you. Soon they approached your room. The doors opened. They walked inside.

StellaFire's Room:

Megatron walked over to your berth and he gently laid you down on your berth. "I don't want to leave. I want our Carrier." I said in my sleep. "Megsy. Is she remembering what happened eons ago when you sent her away." She asked him. "Yes. She is. And I am afraid that it won't stop. It actually devastated my son when I made that decision. But he understood the consequences of me not sending his sister away in an escape pod." He said and explained to her. "I see. But during that family outing I heard a voice." She said to Megatron. He looked at his sparkmate. "Voice. What kind of voice?" He asked her. "Dark voice. Saying the child will be mine." She said to Megatron. Megatron was worried about this. "I will look into this. I don't want anything to happen to you. And I don't want anything to happen to my kids." He said to his sparkmate. "I understand, Megs." She said and replied back. "Anyways let's head to bed my warlord. What do you say? And what if I give you something." She says and asks him. Megatron smirked and he snarled. "I am all yours baby." He said to his sparkmate. He immediately lifted her up and he carried her to his room.

Megatron's Room:

He walked into his room next to his berth. He went and he kissed her. Soon they went down hitting the berth. Metal against metal was heard. Soon they backed away. "Night my warlord." She said to Megatron. He smiled. "Night my queen." He said and replied back. They both kissed each other soon they both turned over and soon they both fell into a deep and peaceful recharge.

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