Perfect Storm

By RainyVenus_

72.8K 1.5K 53

___________________________ "You were mine the second you put your signature on that contract." He looked at... More

• Perfect Storm • | Introduction |
• Perfect Storm • | Important Places |
• Perfect Storm • | 1 |
• Perfect Storm • | 2 |
• Perfect Storm • | 3 |
• Perfect Storm • | 4 |
• Perfect Storm • | 5 |
• Perfect Storm • | 6 |
• Perfect Storm • | 7 |
• Perfect Storm • | 8 |
• Perfect Storm • | 9 |
• Perfect Storm • | 10 |
• Perfect Storm • | 11 |
• Perfect Storm • |12|
• Perfect Storm • | 13 |
• Perfect Storm • | 14 |
• Perfect Storm • | 15 |
• Perfect Storm • | 16|
• Perfect Storm • | 17 |
• Perfect Storm • | 18 |
• Perfect Storm • | 19 |
• Perfect Storm • | 20 |
• Perfect Storm • | 21 |
• Perfect Storm • | 22 |
• Perfect Storm • | 23 |
• Perfect Storm • | 24 |
• Perfect Storm • | 25 |
• Perfect Storm • | 26 |
• Perfect Storm • | 27 |
• Perfect Storm • | 28 |
• Perfect Storm • | 29 |
• Perfect Storm • | 30 |
• Perfect Storm • | 31 |
• Perfect Storm • | 32 |
• Perfect Storm • | 33 |
• Perfect Storm • | 34 |
• Perfect Storm • | 35 |
• Perfect Storm • | 37 |
• Perfect Storm • | 38 |
• Perfect Storm • | 39 |
• Perfect Storm • | 40 |
• Perfect Storm • | 41 |
• Perfect Storm • | 42 |
• Perfect Storm • | 43 |
• Perfect Storm • | 44 |
• Perfect Storm • | 45 |
• Perfect Storm • | 46 |
• Perfect Storm • | 47 |
• Perfect Storm • | 48 |
• Perfect Storm • | 49 |
• Perfect Storm • | 50 |

• Perfect Storm • | 36 |

544 14 0
By RainyVenus_

January 15

*Flashback: 5 Years Ago*

As we drive back to the Jackson household, I sit in complete silence while everyone else celebrates.

In the family, there are 4 kids, 2 are 18, 1 is 19, and 1 is 12. Me and the twins just came from our high school graduation.

We went to the same school yet we had 2 different experiences. Mera and Mitchell were very well-known around the school. Mera of course was captain of the volleyball team and Mitchell was captain of the swim team. They were feared by the weak and unpopular kids such as myself and admired by the people in their level of ''Popularity'.

I on the other hand, was never in any groups or sports. I never went to games or parties. Not only because I wasn't allowed to, but because I felt out of place. Living with people who know everything about everything and everyone isn't always great when you're the topic of the conversation.

4 years of hell is what I'd call high school. Would I do it again or want to remember it? The hardest no I could express.

"Hello? I'm speaking to you." I hear my foster mother over all of the loud talking and unrecognizable music.

"I make eye contact with her and the pure hatred laced within them never seems to weaken. Somehow it gets stronger each time.

"Yes, Mercedes?" I ask with little to no enthusiasm whatsoever.

"I want to treat the twins to dinner for their amazing accomplishments. You're paying for our dinner." they all chuckle under their breath as if I can't hear them.

My jaw drops. How can you treat someone to dinner if you're not paying for it? "But I'm saving up for college and an apartment and-"

"Oh, but I don't recall asking." she says in a mocking voice, a fake frown on her face.

"Georgie, drive us to the most expensive restaurant in the city." she turns to her husband whose behind the wheel and he nods before switching lanes and heading away from the house.

I feel my eyes water but I don't let the tears fall. I hate crying in front of my foster families. It only feeds into their behaviors toward me because they know it's working.

"Thanks, daddy."

"Thanks, pops," the twins say at the same time and laugh to themselves. They occasionally show each other their phones and laugh.

After 16 minutes of the same everyday chatter and boring music, we make it to a fancy restaurant. Shiny glass windows and doors, gold and orange accents along the interior and exterior. The place screams money and that alone tells me everything I need to know.

These stuffy rich people can and will take anything they can from anyone. Doesn't matter who, as long as they can pay the overpriced bill at the end of the day, there will be no problems.

"Come, little girl. We're hungry now, so if you could refrain from taking hours to open the door that would be great." Kevin(my stepfather) says impatiently tapping his foot on the ground.

I open the door and everyone flows into the tall black and orange themed building.

We stop in front of a service station and a woman who looks to be in her late 40s perks up at our presence.

"Hello, welcome to The Orange Palace how can I help you?" she says in a sweet tone as she looks around at the group.

"Yes, we need a table for 6. Make it snappy." Mercedes has always been a rude person. I've never personally seen her show true kindness to anyone but herself. She thinks she has a higher status than she does which gives her the impression that she can treat everyone like her maid.

After a while it gets redundant.

The woman's facade fades only for a second as she stares down Mercedes. "Of course, follow me please." I smile apologetically for my foster mother's behavior. She's like Cinderella's evil stepmother except 10 times worse.

The waitress leads us upstairs to a table by the window and everyone takes their seats. The only one left is on the edge so I take it. "Here are some menus," she takes them out of her apron and places them in front of us. "Do you all need a minute or would you like to start with drinks?"

"We'll start with drinks. I'll have a Margarita. Kevin wants a Martini-"

"But I wanted a-"

"A Martini." she sends him a warning look before gesturing to Penny, the youngest. "I want a Mango iced tea, make sure you put salt on the rim and a lemon slice for good measure. Don't forget it." yea, she's a split image of her mother.

I'd say I feel bad for Kevin for having such a terrible family but he chose this life. He's no better than the rest.

Mercedes sends her daughter a proud look. "Yea, I just want whatever is gluten-free, sugar-free, fat-free, and dairy-free." Mera says without looking away from her phone.

The waitress looks at her like she's crazy. Well, in all honesty, she is. This one time in sophomore year, a girl sneezed on her boyfriend so she stuck her head in a water fountain and put her in a hospital.

"S-So just water then?" she says more like a statement, her pen in her hand ready to write down whatever was said.

Mera finally looks up from her phone. "As long as it's not tap water. Oh, and don't forget my lemon slice." I can see the woman trying not to roll her eyes and I can relate.

She takes Mitchell's order and then gets to me. I can tell that she thinks the whole group is terrible and she's probably worn down by the time she reaches me. But once I start talking her expression softens.

"Can I have," I look at the menu before choosing, "the chicken fettuccine? And a sweet tea, please?" she nods and writes down my order.

"Your order will be out shortly," she says and smiles at me before leaving.

"Mera, why didn't you get anything more? We have no budget tonight."  Mercedes asks. "Because Mercedes, they don't have anything vegan." she says, again not looking away from her phone.

My foster mother collects the menus from us while still speaking. "They have salads," she suggests.

"Ugh, I don't want a goddamn salad so piss off." she rolls her eyes and shows her screen to her twin brother who laughs into her shoulder.

Mercedes has a look of sadness on her face. I've only been with the Jacksons for 5 years but the whole time I've been here, the twins have disrespected her. Shown no love for her. They have always been close with their father though.

"Babygirl, you can't talk to your mother that way," Kevin says calmly.

She scoffs. "She is not my mother."

"Hey." Mercedes slams her hand on the table and everyone jumps. Mera looks at her like a stranger before turning back to her father.

"Are you guys getting a divorce?" she suddenly sets her phone down which catches her twin's attention. Mercedes and Kevin look at each other in shock. "W-Why would you think that, babygirl?"

Before she could respond, Mitchell answers. "We see the way you treat each other. You don't even look at each other when you talk anymore."

"You don't even touch each other. We're not dumb. Me and Mitch have talked about it, and we're taking dads side." their completely serious as they look at their parents.

One parent has a look of anger, fear, and disappointment. And the other consists of a complete look of shock at the situation. "You ungrateful little br-"

"Okay, okay, kids were not getting a divorce. We're just, going through a rough patch but as we said in our voice, for better or for worse." Mercedes shakes her head in rejection.

"Since this family doesn't need me in it, since I'm not your mother why should we care about some stupid vows we made years ago? Have a good life." she scoots out of her chair and storms off.

Penny follows suit and runs after her mother. "Mom I want to come with you." her loud yet small voice fades into the crowded restaurant as they leave the building heading god knows where.

The last time I'm seeing these people before I'm off and they've split up. Just like that, like family is disposable.

There's a heavy sigh and then Mera speaks up. "I can't believe this. Now not only are we motherless. But now we're a broken family, this is so embarrassing." she sinks into her seat, bee arms crossed.

I look around the small table with 2 empty chairs and take in the words Mera just said.

'Broken Family'

If this is what she thinks a broken family is, I wonder what my family would be. Although I don't have to wonder. I've known since the day I was placed in that foster care building. I've never had, and never will have a family. A real family. So the question, 'What would my family be?'.

Well easy, it's a nonexistent family.

-so the last few chapters will switch from regular chapters to flashback chapters just to incorporate more of their childhoods. Love you :3

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