Major players book 4

By aspaceintime01

17.8K 3K 1.3K

We pick up 3 months on from the day that Keegan left Charisma. More troubles, excitement and twists and turns... More

3 months on
Birthday boy
Birthday boy pt2
A new man
Home for now
Lasting legacy
Lasting legacy pt2
Loose ends
Loose ends pt2
In awe
A deep bond
A warning
Last time
2 days later
A turn of events
Kill mode pt1
Kill mode pt2
Eyes on
For her
The heads
Face to face
Frayed tempers
Something off
Not to plan
Put it behind
Major player
Dead man walking
Book 5

A mothers love

312 72 32
By aspaceintime01

Charisma ran like lightning down the beach to the water, Dinah was close behind her. Charisma swam all the way out to where Harlow was still frantically searching for her brother. "Mom... mom... I cant find him..."

Charisma got to her and tread water as she held her daughter. "Look at me.. go back to the shore... Jago has some warm blankets in the car... go on go!..."

"But I need to find Leyton mom..

"I'll find him.. just go!.."

Harlow did as her mother said and as she got out of the sea she ran to her friends distressed.
Both Charisma and Dinah started searching, going under the water, trying to keep their eyes open but the salt water burned.

Jago was about to make the relevant calls. The first to Lamar, the second to Keegan.

"Cmon, Cmon baby!.." Charisma said literally out of her depth.

"Here!.." Dinah yelled. "There is something here."

Charisma made her way over to her and they both set about diving down deep in to the ocean. Charisma opened her eyes if only for a second and she caught sight of a dark shadow. "HERE!.. HES HERE!.."

Dinah swam to her as the currents were beginning to take them all out further into the ocean.
Charisma went under again. This time she managed to get low enough to grab at the shadow she had seen. She pulled it up to the surface, kicking her legs with all she had.

"No, no... baby boy... no..." she said holding Leyton in the safety position and swimming her hardest against the current with Dinah helping the best she could.

They got him up to the edge of the shore line. "Save him Mom please save him.." Harlow sobbed, seeing her twin lying there.

Charisma and Dinah both looked at each other. Dinah started pressing his chest and counting out loud as she did. When she stopped Charisma slightly tilted her son's head back and pinched his nose opening his mouth slightly she gave him mouth to mouth.
They both repeated this several times.

Lamar arrived and ran down the beach. "Oh my god!.. what the hell!.."

Charisma closed her eyes. "Please god! I know I don't pray to you as often as I should but please, save my good, good boy!.."
She gave him mouth to mouth one more time and he coughed and spluttered. The water that had been sitting on his lungs erupted from his mouth as his body ejected it.
He was still unconscious and that worried Charisma, he had been under water for so long she was worried about lack of oxygen and brain damage.

The ambulance crew took him immediately, sirens blaring to the hospital. Charisma went with him, the others followed by car.


"What the hell was he doing Harlow?" Lamar asked as he drove her to the hospital.

"I don't know, I was walking along the beach and I saw him by himself, he was just aimlessly walking towards the water and he wouldn't stop. I called out to him and ran after him, but he just looked me like he was dead in his eyes" she said with a tear in her own. "He just kept going and then he let the water envelope him, it was as if he just didn't want to live...

"It doesn't make sense, he was happy today, he had just gotten into university and he was so happy... What the hell made him want to do this?"
Lamar said completely dumbfounded.

Lamar's cell rang, he looked at it and saw that it was Keegan. " Speak to dad" he said handing her the phone.

"What do I say to him,... you do it... I don't know how to tell him." She said.

Lamar put his father on speaker.
"Mar what's going on.. I've got missed calls from Jago, and yo mama... But I can't get hold of yo mom now, her phone just keeps ringing...

"It's Layton, he's at the hospital... He tried to kill himself...

"What? I spoke to him earlier today and he was fine!" Keegan said trying to get his head around it.

"Something has happened since, I don't know what, I don't think any of us do... But he was in a bad way he wanted to die dad, whatever has happened to him it's serious... He's been rushed to hospital mom is with him which is why you can't get hold of her...

"I'm on my way, tell her I am on my fucking way and I will be there as soon as I can." He said and ended the call.


".... what the fuck are you looking at!" Lil Keegan said as he walked into his fathers house.

Kat just stopped and stared at him, she was hoping that he would've gotten the message earlier from Kent maybe and not tried to come home.

"speak then bitch, you're so weak... I guess you've told Dad all about me making you run away to yo mommy's house" he laughed and went straight to the refrigerator.

" you don't care about anyone, but yourself do you Keegan"

Keegan walked over to her and stood intimidatingly close to her. "What I do know is white girls are easy, I bet I could fuck you right now, and show dad the lil ho that you really are" he smirked he put his hand down to grope her and she pushed him away forcefully.

"....KEEGAN!" Kent yelled as he walked in to the house and saw what his brother was about to do to Kat. "what the fuck are you doing bro? I swear you are on some kind of fucking death wish... leave her alone...

" and what the fuck are you going to do about it if I don't?" He said, turning his evil stare to his twin brother.

Kent stared at him. "I never wanted to get into it with you, I let you have the benefit of the doubt so many times... I have stood up for you when I knew full well that you were in the wrong... What happened to us as kids doesn't give you the right to treat people the way that you do."

"Fuck you!" Keegan said to him. "Just fuck you!" He reiterated.

Kent, angrier than he had ever been before, went for his brother for the first time ever. Kat got out of the way as the two of them began to fight hard in the kitchen of Josh's house.


Charisma sat at Leyton's bedside, she held his hand, tight, and kept smoothing the back of it. He was beginning to come round. She touched his face, his hair, and then his hand. She didn't want to let go of him.

He stirred, and tried to gain his focus, he didn't know where he was first of all and Charisma was worried that this would leave him with some kind of brain damage.
"Baby... Leyton... it's mom..."

He moaned a little and then looked at his mother. A tear rolled down his cheek. "You saved me... why did you do that?.."

"I will always save you... I don't understand what's happening, you were so proud and happy and so were all of we, of you..." she stared at him, trying to gauge him.

"Mrs Fraser, can I speak to you for a minute please?" The doctor said. Charisma reluctantly, left her son's side and went outside of the room to speak to the doctor.
Charisma looked at him.
"When we did the examination, we found some bruising around the top of his legs and his buttocks... When we looked a bit further, there was some damage to his anus...


"it seems he may have been penetrated, we would like to run some further tests... But of course he needs to consent and we may need to get him a counsellor.."

"Are you saying that you think my son was raped?."

He nodded. "It looks very much that way....we've seen this kind of anal trauma before in rape victims.."'


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