Reckless Abandon // Muke Sequ...

By suburbanmuke

51K 3.9K 1K

We left a scar, size extra large In which everything is so much more difficult and Luke realises life is pret... More

I Don't Care If You're Contgious
Collar Full
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Born to Die
Drop The Game
Still Into You
Stockholm Syndrome
Ghost on the Dance Floor
Leave Out All The Rest
The Birds pt1
Second Chances
Kissing in Cars
Can't Help Falling in Love
A few things
This is a thing

Jet Pack Blues

1.3K 125 48
By suburbanmuke

And I'm trying to find my peace of mind
Behind these two white highway lines
When the city goes silent
The ringing in my ears gets violent

Nothing was right, but yet at the same time, nothing was wrong either. It was a strange balance of a norm that didn't feel quite right, yet Luke had no idea what to do about it either.

He continued to keep everything to himself whilst Michael spoke every detail of himself and Luke wasn't sure whether it was selfish of him or not, because it was all Luke's choice to push any quarrel behind him. He wanted to yell, but couldn't find his voice and it was all kept inside as Michael kissed Luke's jaw with tainted lips.

Michael was out buying groceries and Luke was sat alone, his thoughts crowding his mind, begging to be spilled and he felt like he could go insane with the amount of pressure against his brain.

Maybe the problem was that every thing was fine. There were no fears or worries between him and Michael, not physically. In that sense, he was happy, but perhaps that was the real problem in the end.

No more tension or awkwardness, just a dull love which floated above their hands but had not been forcefully grabbed by one or the other and pulled over their heads and filled every part of them with the type of love everyone dreamed of. Luke didn't see them lasting, not anymore.

Luke didn't feel like the world was his anymore, for him to conquer and for him to leave making it a better place. No instead he was just another pawn in a complex game, and he was left at the bottom for people to tread on and only pick up as a point, a statement to prove that they, the person, are worthy of something else. He's not interacted because he wants to be, but has to be.

Luke doesn't feel like he makes sense anymore and he doesn't know what's happening to him either. He doesn't know where these thoughts are coming from.

Michael came home too late, heavy bags in hand that Luke rushed to help with, a smile gracing his lips, which only felt a little fake. He did love Michael, Michael did make him happy. He just didn't see why Michael would feel the same about him.

"P-please d-don't b-be mad," was what Michael muttered once everything was put away and Luke didn't want to look at Michael after those words were uttered. Michael was completely truthful now and he'd been gone for a while and Luke had all these haunting thoughts in his mind as Michael reached slowly into his large coat pockets.

Luke stared blankly at Michael, expecting the worse, expecting something horrible, something out of every nightmare Luke had had recently where afterwards Michael had hugged him despite the cold sweat and ultimate shaking, Luke was scared to what he would see.

But instead, Michael took out a tiny ball of brown fluff, smaller than the palm of his hand, and the thing uncurled itself, revealing a tiny kitten with tufts coming off its ears and sharp white teeth as it yawned.

"Where the hell did you get it?" Luke asked as he ran one finger along the back of the kittens spine, tiny, deep purrs tumbling from its throat and Luke couldnt help but smile through his concerns.

"It was sitting just outside the b-building, it's so young, t-too young t-to have b-been allowed out b-by its owners. His mother c-could've been a stray or something, either way, c-can we k-keep it?" Michael explained, pouting at Luke with signature sad eyes, but Luke had to sigh, they could hardly look after themselves, let alone a tiny kitten life.

"Do you even know anything about cat care?" Luke asked quizzically as he looked at the tiny life form in Michael's hand, too young to know what's happening, to naïve to realise that his mother was considered dead now. That tiny kitten will never know, never even want to know. No worries or fears, just one moment at a time. Luke needed to start thinking like that.

"I had a c-cat as a k-kid, he's still alive now, as far as I know. P-Please Luke, it c-could b-be fun," Michael said, smiling softly and he looked like an angel when he smiled, shining teeth and contrasting red lips and he was so beautiful, no matter the damp lighting and Luke's heart was racing and the cloud of love above his head was starting to enter his mind and maybe things were going to be alright after all.

"He is pretty cute," Luke murmured, tickling underneath the kittens white chin,"Fine, we can keep him," Luke said softly and Michael let out a less than manly squeal which made Luke's heart soar further suddenly and everything became bright and beautiful around them and Luke felt like he could be happy still, like he was allowed to not be sad.

I planned for them to get a cat when I first began writing this lmao

I got braces today and it looks so ugly and feels so weird ugh

The next chapters gonna be the last heh

Does anyone actually know what's happening w/ The 1975 cause I need to know they can't break up yet like ugh I'll be a mess if they actually have broken up oh no l8r sk8rs

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