Kit x Lop x Ruth (Unforgetten...

By NLhindriiani

37.2K 469 178

Another Part story from unforgetten night -Author YoeNim -πŸ”ž Adult Konten -BxB -Not for HomoPhobic Author Tra... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 πŸ”ž

Chapter 1

4.3K 34 32
By NLhindriiani


"You dare to cheat in my casino?" A strong male voice sounded. Along with three other men, they stopped a 17-year-old boy from running into a dead end.

"What trap? These bastards are playing badly. After all, I just raised my hand. What evidence do you have against me?" The young man answered fearlessly.

The kids saw you on the surveillance cameras. You have hidden your cards up your sleeve,” said the tall man. The young man then rolled up his sleeves.

"Where? Where? Nothing," the young man said defiantly

"Nong, when you run you throw it away. But I brought it here." The other person raised the letter in hand.

"You are more demanding than me. If I manage to play well, they will say I cheated", argued the young man without giving up

"I'm not arguing for anything. We don't care anymore, just give back all the money," said man the middle aged . Before the other three men ran to find the money that the young man had. But the young man did not seem to give up so easily. A fight ensued…not as big as the four men so he couldn't react for long before they hit him he was trampled into a stalemate causing a man standing in the window of the next building to turn to the person behind him.

“Come down and bring this child to me,” said a strong voice before the person receiving the order slightly lowered his head and left the room.

The sounds of punches and kicks continued as the young man refused to allow anyone else to take money from his trouser pocket.

That made the group of 17 year old guys turn their heads.

"Don't be stubborn!" One of the four men shouted before the tall man took out a gun and walked towards the speaker's head with a calm expression on his face.

"Don't waste bullets on me," said a tall youth. The other side just stared into his eyes.

"Who are you and what are you doing?" The person who was pointing the gun to his head spoke and asked even though he had a bit of fear in his heart.

"Who am I, you don't need to know. But my boss wants to saw that brat, so leave," said the young man in a loud voice in a normal tone.

"And who is your boss? Why should I listen to you?" answered another. The young man was still lying on the floor.

“It is I,” cried a powerful voice from above. Making everyone see, met a man with a calm expression and sharp eyes. He wrapped his arms around the bedroom window on the third floor, looking at the crowd in the alley with a relaxed expression.

"Khun Kamol," one of the four said hoarsely, when he saw who the other party was

"Do you know me too? Well, I know I'm very popular" Kamol replied with a calm expression. But he raised a mischievous smile on his lips causing all four faces to change color. There was clearly a flustered expression.

“If you want this child, then take him. The other party agreed, but reluctantly before rushing out of the alley, ignoring the young man.

"Pick him up. Khom," said Kamol, to the young man named Khom. Then two underlings took the boy to the room where Kamol was. The young man was placed on the living room floor

The young man looked at the people around him with suspicious eyes, letting Kamol know the character of this man. boy from the look in her eyes.

"What's your name?" asked Kamol. The young looks at Kamol and hesitates in answering.

"I..... Lop" replied the young man. Something about a man named Kamol made Lop fearless argue or play with words.

"Yes, Sir." Kom, standing behind him, with gently patted Lop's head. cause Lop turned and faced him. But he didn't release it.

"Lop", said the young man while saying make Kamol smiled.

"Are you cheating at cards like that they say?" Kamol asked, Lop still shut up. "Answer me and don't lie to me," said Kamol again, eyes fixed on Lop Lop's face turned around.

"I cheated the young man answered frankly, making Kamol put a satisfied smile on his lips.

"Um, are you interested in working with me?" Kamol asked making Lop frown in confusion.

"Job? What do you do?"

"What work do you think these people do?" Kamol waved at Khom. who stood still, his eyes bright

"The bodyguard, P? Lop immediately asked sharply.

"Whatever you want to call it." answer Khom, turned to look for Kamol again.

"I want to do this, I've wanted to do cool work like this for a long time," the young man replied happily.

"Don't think that this work is done out of cold. There is more than you think", replied Kamol making the young man smile.

"I will first let you come to my house to study. If you can develop properly, I will make you my bodyguard like them, do you agree?" Kamol replied. The youth nodded as there was nowhere to go. In the apartment he rents, he is almost evicted because he has no money to pay. Until the young man had to cheat at the casino to get money to pay the rent.

"I forgot to ask, do you have any parents or siblings?" asked Kamol remembering Lop shaking his head.

"No, my parents are dead, I was with other people, but I ran away when I was 15," Lop answered in a low voice because he didn't. well after escaping. Kamol agrees.

"Um, so you can come to my place and work. There's a room for you to stay in and there's food for you to eat. Don't be afraid to starve to death." replied Kamol, the young man immediately raised his hand to greet him. He also doesn't understand why he is willing to work with Kamol so easily.


"This is your room. Take a shower and change your clothes. Someone will come and show you your work," said Khom, who went to Lop's room in Kamol's yard and handed the clothes to the boy.

"Thank You." Lop raised his hand in greeting. before taking clothes and closing the bedroom door. Lop stared at the five-foot bed with dazzling eyes. He always sleeps in bed: thin. I was only lucky enough to sleep in the bed this time.

"I hope I can start a new life like the others," said Lop to himself before heading to the bathroom to wash and clean himself.

"Did you call us?" two young men entered the office and Kamol nodded,

"Today I met a boy. He was the same age as you, so I brought him. You also took care of the newcomer. Kamol's voice spoke to the 17 year old boy he raised. Both of them ran away from the orphanage. Since they were small, the two were best friends, but their habits were very different.

"What's your name, sir?" asked a young man named Ruth. While the young man named Kick sat listening in silence.

"His name is Lop, now he's shower and dressing in a small room. Check it out. Let him take some medicine and put it on. Oh, show him how to do it... What are you guys doing? there he is!" said Kamol again. Ruth turned to look at Kick and nodded to invite him to see the newcomer.

"Yes" Kick replied before leaving the office Kamol They went to get a box pills and went straight to the restroom at home.

Now they all live in a big house Kamol.Because Kamol sent people to building houses for all his subordinates.

"What's it going to be like?" Ruth asked as she walked to the direction of the little boy in the room

"He probably likes people like us," replied Kick

"Humph, make me see him as a human" said Ruth joked before reaching out to opened the unlocked washroom door.

"E" a surprised cry of a young man at in the room sounded when two youths opened the door because of the youth in the room it's naked, just showered and about to get dressed.

"Oh!" Kick and Ruth's voices echoed as the person in the room grabbed a plastic chair and threw it at them.

"Damn it! Who are you and why did you come in?" shouted a clear voice. Previously, the young man hastily grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his body.

"God, it's so white it hurts," said Ruth's voice. causing Lop's face to change color, but he still stared at Kitt and Ruth in disbelief.

"Are you crazy? You can stop throwing us," Kitt said in a deep voice.

"Then why did you come in? Did you know that you can see me naked?" Lop immediately denied.

"I see" Ruth answered quickly. This makes Lops wanted to take another chair and knock it over again. He would have done it if he wasn't afraid they both came and ran.

"We don't want to see you. Later if you want naked, learn to close the door," Kitt said again.Lop was not satisfied, he quickly took her own clothes and went to the bathroom, Ruth smiled faintly.

"Lop, that's funny, don't you think?" Ruth touched his best friend. Kitt smiled a little.

"Huh, white as you say," said Kitt, not so loud

"So what do you want? Ruth asked.

"You know, don't you?" Kitt asked, but already late. too much to talk. Lop get out of the bathroom and get fully dressed.

"I'm dressed, what are you guys going to teach me? Lop asked, feeling scared too because he's new here, but with courage. Lop left in Kamol's care because of him saved him from being trampled.

"Take the medicine first. I'll show you later how" Kitt said before walking towards Lop. A youth slightly smaller than Kitt and a little more violent. He stepped back a little.

"Don't be afraid. We came to live with God, like brothers," said Ruth, which made Lop slightly believe it

"Sit down, we will give you some medicine," answered Kick.

"You don't have to do this alone," said Lop, took the pill box from Kitt's hand and holding it

"Any other?" Lop asked.

"I'll give you 20 minutes to take your medicine and come meet us at the front of the house" Kitt said before leading Ruth who stood smiling out of Lop's room who immediately closed the door.

"On the first day, my slan met two people crazy, wow," Lop muttered before starting to apply the drug it self.

"What do you think, Kitt?" asked Ruth as she waited for Lop to leave the room.

"What are you thinking about?" Kitt asked.

"New person?" asked Ruth, still somewhat calm "I know you're interested," Ruth continued. "He like us," Kitt said quietly.

What do you have to be a man? You like boys," Ruth said with a smile. But it wasn't long before they could say something else. Lop left, frowning.

"What are you going to teach me?" Lop asked flat.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself first?" Ruth asked while smiling, Lop let out a small growl at his throat.

"My name is Lop," replied Lop.

"My name is Ruth and this is Kitt, the three of us

probably from the same generation," said Ruth, and Kit nodded.

"Well, what to teach?" asked Lop, also noticing the expressions two of them.

"You seem to be studying hard," Kitt replied

"Why are you so loud?" Loops shouted,Kitt winced. He's pretending walk towards Lop. jump back a bit.Ruth intervened.

"Calm down you idiot. You asked me to teach you what to do, don't hitting each other," Ruth replied.

"You just arrived. Don't be rude to others like that" Kitt pointed at Lop's face while speaking in a loud voice, Lop's face didn't move.

"Anyway, Lop, let's take you to see the house first." Ruth cut through the script before taking Lop to have a look at the house, what the area was like and what areas were off-limits.

"Why is this area not allowed to enter?" Lop asked as Ruth pointed in the direction where the trees were growing.

"You will meet two tigers," replied Kick briefly.

"Seriously? Great, I want to see. Can I come in and have a look?" Lop asked immediately, causing Kitt and Ruth to stare at Lop motionlessly because when the young man was interested in something, his eyes lit up and dazzled. They couldn't help but stare.

"Hey, why are you two quiet?" Lop waved his arms back and forth in front of Ruth and Kick. Because of that, Kick acted as if he was looking the other way. Ruth reached out and scratched his neck.

"What are you two doing?" said Lop confused.

"If you want to see them. You have to go to Khom," Kitt said, and Lop nodded. He walked quickly and immediately left to find khom.

"PKhom, can I go see a tiger? Since I was born I have never seen a live tiger" Lop said immediately, asking Khom made Ruth and Kitt a little surprised as they couldn't believe Lop would actually see him dare to ask Khom, Khom raised his eyebrows slightly. After seeing Ruth and Kitt.

"We took him around the house, P'Khom," Kitt said

"Do you want to go see him?" asked Khom, Lop nodded seriously. Her eyes twinkled with desire.

"So let those two bastards take yo, idiot, did you know Day would feed them both? So don't get too close to stables.” Khom warned.

"Yes," Ruth and Kitt answered in unison before Khom walk across. Lop rush straight away towards Ruth and Kitt again, taking them both hands.
"Take me, take me," said Lop in a voice enthusiastic.

"We'll take you to take a look, but do you have something for the two of us?" Kitt asked quietly as Ruth smiled faintly. Lop raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I have money." answered Lop calmly.

"We don't want the money," Kitt replied.

"So what you want me to do ?" Ask Lop. I want see the tiger, Kitt look back at Ruth, Hem we still don't know, so let me find out and then I'll tell you. do not forget too," Ruth said. Lop nodded immediately.

Before Ruth and Kitt gave him a weak smile and they walked away to see the tiger in the cage.


After entering Kamol's house, Lop doesn't do much. Like washing the car, raking leaves, gardening... Despite doing Gardener's work again, in the morning Lop has to get up at 5am to run down the alley with the others. When he came back, he took a shower and had breakfast. In the afternoon, he has to go to boxing lessons with the other parents at home. Some days there will also be people teaching martial arts. Ruth's mission is to knock on the bedroom door at 5 in the morning. The door opened to reveal a child standing there, sleepy. But he was dressed and ready to run. Kit and Ruth smiled a little. The two of them had approached Lop by now. They're the same age, so they get along well. Also, Kitt and Ruth have to care for Lop like a child.

"Are you wakeup already?" Lop pouted and shook Kitt's hand.

"You did it yourself," said Ruth, not taking him seriously before placing her hand on Lop's forehead. the corners of your mouth are twisted with laughter.

"I'm tired, last night Khom asked me to kick the sandbag, my legs are tired you know."

"Well, it was like that at first," said Ruth encouragingly.

"Bastard" Kitt said as he left, making a Lop rolled his eyes.

"You are weak," replied Lop.

"If you are not weak, you can go and run with me." follow-up kick.

"Let's go," Lop said reluctantly before leaving the room to run with the others. Lop ran in front of him, Kitt and Ruth ran behind him. After running for a bit, Lop slowed down and turned to look at Kitt and Ruth.

"Why do you two like to chase me?

Aren't you going to run ahead of me?" Lop asked curiously. Because whenever he ran with Kitt and Ruth, they always chased him. Kitt and Ruth looked at each other and smiled.

"We're looking after you," Ruth said, frowning slightly.

"What do you have to look after?" asked Lop with indifference before continuing Stunned, Kick and Ruth continue running, watching Lop's buttocks move back and forth with the running motion.

Be careful not to put more than the two of us in, Kitt said quietly before turning and knowingly slapping Ruth's hand and continuing to run.


"Lop, can you do it?" A jewish voice is heard, he is a young man who was accepted by Kamol before Lop, he is the same age as Lop, Kick and Ruth, they enter Lop's room with a book. Kamol sends the four young men to study at the school to complete junior high school. And the four children studied together.

"Which?" Lop asked in response, before Jew sat down on Lop's bedroom floor. Lop immediately moved to sit next to the jew to see what your friend asked. Kitt and Ruth were sitting doing their homework, they turned around and took a little look.

"Oh, number four, I'm confused," said Jew, Lop tilted his head to look, causing Lop's head to lock on Jew's head.

"Ah... needed... hey, what's your problem?" Lop, who was about to teach Judaism, screamed in surprise when Kitt suddenly pulled Lop's head away from the Jew's head. The Jew also looked at him confused.

"Hey Jew, I will teach you." Ruth on the other hand soon moved to sit down and teach the Jews.

"Er...uh, number four," said Jew to Ruth, who sat down to teach instead of Lop, who claimed from Kitt.

"Why are you pushing my head, can't you see I'm going to teach the Jews?" Lop turned and shouted at Kitt, who was sitting on the bed. Lop sits on the living room floor.

"I saw a mosquito flying around your head," said Kitt firmly. The corners of his eyes were also looking at Ruth. Ruth raised her eyebrows slightly.

"You can tell me all right, damm it." Lop's voice was not serious, Kitt reached out and patted Lop's head where he gently pushed

"It was just a little push, not like your head is going to fall off" Kitt said, Ruth sat up and smiled playfully. Because usually they already play like that.

"Don't do it again, only buffalo strength," said Lop to another friend.

"Oh my God, I'm alone," Ruth said with a smile. While teaching Judaism

"Cursed buffalo, do you want to be harmed by the buffalo?" Ruth said it again to Lop and covering Kitt's mouth made him bite his lip in determination.

"Oh hey! Calm down my friend." A hoarse voice was heard, making Lop and Jew look confused.

"What is it?" Lop asked, but neither of them said anything until Ruth had finished.
Lop's voice was not serious, Kitt reached out and patted Lop's head where he gently pushed

"It was just a little push, not like your head is going to fall off" Kitt said, Ruth sat up and smiled playfully. Because usually they already play like that.

"Don't do it again, only buffalo strength," said Lop to another friend.

"Oh my God, I'm alone," Ruth said with a smile

smile. While teaching Judaism

"Cursed buffalo, do you want to be harmed by the buffalo?" Ruth said it again to Lop and covering Kitt's mouth made him bite his lip in determination.

"Oh hey! Calm down my friend." A hoarse voice was heard, making Lop and Jew look confused.

"What is it?" Lop asked, but neither of them said anything until Ruth had finished showing him some of her homework. Jew after finishing, returned to his room.

"Aren't you two going back to your own rooms? It's getting late." Lop asked as Kitt and Ruth continued to play in their room.

"Let's sleep here tonight" Ruth said making Kitt smile because he was about to say the same thing.

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