The charming Mr. Wolf

By Dizzy-Forest

323 22 9

Say this on tik tok on @themilkman888 and I had to write about it More

An unlikely companion

Delighted to meet you

187 11 6
By Dizzy-Forest

Your eyes fluttered open as your senses slowly began to return to you. Sitting up from the cold and barren forest floor you took in your surrounds. "How did I get here?" You whispered, feeling a ribbon of fear coiling itself up your body and paralyzing you slowly.

You tried to make sense of this situation- I mean I just went to sleep a little while ago? Maybe this is a dream. The forest was damp and barely illuminated. Every tree was wrapped in a thick eerie fog that seemed almost unnatural. You stood up on shaking legs and began to wander.

This is certainly the most realistic dream I've ever had... wandering through the forest you felt like you were going in circles. All the trees look the same in an ominous way, bark gnarled and old, moss in thick clumps dripping from each twisted and creaky branch.

You've been walking for so long it feels like you should've woken up by now. But your feet stop dead in their tracks as your eyes laid upon the visage of a man with horrific wolf like futures. His smile too wide. His eyes not human like enough. You stood still, hoping for consciousness to save you from what was about to become a nightmare.

The figure greeted you as he took a step closer, "Oh hello dearest little lady/boy/friend, I'm Mr. Wolf-" as he approached you further has face twisted into a scowl. His expression sent terror shooting through your body like electricity. "Are you a human by chance?" You swallowed hard and fought back your fear, "Oh-! Not at all mister... I'm a wolf as well!"

His tone deepened into an angry growl, although he was closer than he was before he was still a silhouette in the fog. "Prove it then," You looked around desperately and after a few moments you came to the conclusion that the only option you had was to hide your scent. Grabbing a handful of muck from the earth below you you smeared it all over your skin and clothes.

Mr. Wolf's expression and tone changed once again, he seemed to approve of your new non-human scent. His face twisted into an almost demonic grin. This thing was far beyond uncanny valley. "Why is a little wolf like you out here all alone?" You tried to compose yourself as you spoke, "Well I... uhm... I lost my pack out here in the woods,"

He nodded his head in understanding, explaining how he begot the same fate many ages ago. Hope of this being dream began to slowly slip away as you realized this may be your new normal. The sound of your stomach growling echoed throughout the forest. Mr. Wolf let out a deep chuckle, "Oh, are you hungry lost one?" Hesitantly you nodded, you didn't want to ask if he had any food on him to share. His wolfish grin and large frame gave off a sense of bewitchment. In the sense of werewolves and such, he must eat some horrific things to keep him satiated.

"Yeah- I guess I'm a bit hungry. Would you perhaps... uhm teach me to hunt?" Your stomach turned at the idea of eating a raw freshly slaughtered carcass. But that seemed better in your mind than upsetting Mr. Wolf. He walked closer so you could now fully see him, no mist withholding his futures. "Well that would be lovely," his eyes were piercing, and not in a good way. They gave off a sense of something trying to be human, and almost fully perfecting it- but not completely executing every future without flaw. Same with his mouth. A little to wide.

But, oddly enough he kept up with his appearance. He had a well groomed mustache, but there was stubble across the lower half of his face. His eyebrows were bushy and unkempt. His hair in a chic slicked back style. "You don't seem like you possess the... skill set required for hunting,"

He waved his hand, "but regardless I'll teach you," you nodded, guessing flattery would work on someone vein enough to keep up with their appearance although it seems nothing lives in these woods. "Thank you Mr. Wolf, it is very kind of you to do such a thing," the sides of his mouth curled into a twisted smirk. It seems your assumption of flattery was correct.

The beast grabbed your wrist with un-humanly large hands, tugging you to a small cleaning in the forest. He raised a hand and pointed to a rabbit close to where the two of you were standing. You understood what he meant and gave him a small nod. In all honesty you had no idea how to kill an animal without any sort of tools.

But regardless you lunged towards the helpless creature and wrapped you arms around its small throat. Your brain blocked out the next minute or so but you came back to Mr. Wolf with a small rabbit limp in your hands. He approves, holding two larger carcass' in his beastly paws, he asks, "how do you think I did,"

This sounded more like a statement than a question. It certainly wasn't multiple choice. You knew there was only one correct answer. And the blood smeared around his mouth didn't help with your fear. "Oh- you did exceptionally well Mr. Wolf." He grinned, "you must come to my residence and eat with me! I insist!" You nodded slowly and gave a silent prayer to anything out there that would save you.

Mr. Wolf lead you to his home, it was far more lavish than you expected. But the moment he took you inside the dizzying scent of rotting decayed flesh smacked you in the face. You struggled to breath and tried to quell your gag reflex. He asked in his deep scratchy voice, "well, what do you think?" You displayed a shaky smile and nodded quickly, "oh it's just lovely Mr. Wolf! Thank you for having me over as company!"

He's delighted with your response. "Oh why don't we have some drinks! You have no pack to go home to either, you should just stay with me." In the last few words of what he said his voice changed. It became menacing and serious. It was less welcoming and felt more like a threat. He poured you a drink and handed it to you.

You sneakily inspected and sniffed the drink before taking a sip. He pours himself a drink and loosens his tie, siting down at the dinning table with you. "To lost packs and good company," the pair of you toast and click glasses. After finishing his drink he gets up and begins to prepare dinner.

Perhaps he's just lonely and needs company is all. I'm sure he'll let me go after tonight. He spoke up and interrupted your thoughts as he fired up his electric stove, "you know doll, electricity is expensive these days, have anything to help me pay for it?" you felt a small sweat brake across your forehead as your heart pounded in your chest. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. You rummaged through your pockets finding only a tuft of rabbit fur and a handful of pennies.

You handed it all to him and he gave you a smile in return, "you're very generous," he cooed. Finishing up cooking he plates the rabbits and handed you some silverware as well as your meal. Taking the first bite the disgusting flavor almost overwhelmed you. It tasted of muck and sewage. But you ate it regardless.

"How is it," he asked in a mildly threatening tone. "It's simply marvelous! You're quite a good cook I must say," Just kiss his ass and you'll get out of here in one piece. Mr. Wolf ruffled your hair and smiled, very glad you like it. He notices you staring at his teeth, "does my smile scare you love?" You gulped and looked away, "Well... uhm... it- you terrify me Mr. Wolf,"

He is joyous at this answer and takes your hand, "oh darling you have no need to be afraid of me," the feeling bubbling up inside you was strange. Something about how large his hands were, how they cupped your small wrists made you feel something. Further on in the night he downed many more drinks.

You two had small conversation but at this point he was blackout, his wolfish grin grew on you, or maybe the drinks were making you see things. "Oh little lady/ mister, would you marry me?" It came out of no we're and you could tell he was beyond sloshed. But you didn't have a choice, you drunkenly accepted this outlandish offer.


A/n; y'all I don't know what compelled me to do this but I'll catch up on the other 2 chapters tonight hopefully. Honestly I'm gonna be shocked if anyone reads this 😭

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