An unlikely companion

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Your head pounded with your poor choices made the night prior. Squirming around on an unfamiliar bed the dizzying sensation of a hangover flooded your senses. As your eyes open you were met with a cold yet somehow compassionate gaze.

Mr. Wolf's shadowy bulky silhouette loomed over you, he had clearly been watching you for a long time. Observing. Your immediate reaction was to let out a yelp of fear as the memories of the past few hours haven't fully settled in your subconscious, and the image of a beastly human like creature hovering over you wasn't the most comforting thing.

He smiled a toothy grin at your fear, sitting up last night bubbles up to the front of your mind. Confetti littered the room, 2 empty wine bottles on the breakfast table. A crude rusted ring around your finger. Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion, clearly your brain didn't remember every last detail. He noticed how puzzled you seem and gently explained, "We are wed now, and last night we celebrated. Isn't it lovely?"

You shoot back a smile you felt very unsure about but it was convincing enough. Mr. Wolf returned this expression, he held your hands in his, the difference in size was humbling. He could slaughter you at any moment without any hinderance. His fangs could sink into your throat, if he used all his strength and massive hands he could pull you apart limb by limb. What a charming husband.

His grip was gentle, despite his beastly and callous exterior. "I'm proud to take you as a husband/wife," Mr. Wolf stroked the top of your hand with his thumb. You felt as if you were no longer domineering your own fate. Your life was in his hands now. All you could do was shove down your utter terror and continue to oblige to your new husbands wishes.

Mr. Wolf grinned and his demeanor seemed a bit more cheery than the prior murderous and bloody-lusty. He scampered away in an animal like manner. His movements were rigid and taut, but before you could examine the creature more he placed a suit case on your lap. "We're going on our honeymoon!"

For a fraction of a moment, your visage reflected a giddy type of joy. When you picked up the suitcase it felt extremely light. Upon inspection, there was a single change of clothes held inside. Fear was embroidered into every letter of your words, "I-it's a bit light... don't you think?" He took a long pause. Responding in an unnaturally long amount of time. "We'll that's no issue-" he pulled out a leather wallet, it was black and hand crafted, the stitches holding together the sides to precise to be done by machines.

He handed your quite a large amount of money and you were nothing but shocked. Why is he so... I don't understand. Maybe some werewolves enjoy to play with their food prior to devouring them alive. I refused to acknowledge the feeling bubbling up inside me. A knock at the door tore you from your thoughts.

You looked up at Mr. Wolf silently asking him to open the door. He nodded curtly and in very few strides made his way across the house to the front door. As the door opened with a wailing creak Mr. Wolf stiffened slightly, as the two wolves outside spoke. The woman introduced the two, "Oh hello dear! We're his parents, you must be his new wife/husband?"

You nodded and gave a polite smile, "yes- please come inside you two!" Mr. Wolf shot you a glance. He seems put off by this interaction. Regardless he gathered everyone around the dinning table and poured everybody tea. The air was taut with a type of hostilely you couldn't place your finger on. The atmosphere was dripping with murderous intent radiating from Mr. Wolfs parents.

He asked them, "How did you both hear I was wed?" His father took a sip of tea and shrugged, "well don't be stupid, of course the Blackbird told us," He immediately stood out of chair and onto his feet, his eyes bore into yours, "let's speak privately yes?" To across of finding out what would happen if you refused you let him lead you to a separate room. He could smell your fear, and it brought him such sheer and utter delight.

Mr. Wolf for the two of you alone and he let out an animalistic displeased growl. He rummaged through his pockets grabbing a cigarette and a lighter. Pulling out a cig he lit the end and took a long drag. Blowing the smoke away from your face he explained, "That damn Blackbird has been spreading gossip about me for years," his tone was laced with anger and contempt. "I'm simply fed up with it! With him." He looked down at you and grabbed your chin, tilting your head to meet his gaze.

"You'd rid of him for your faithful husband wouldn't you?" Your breath hitched in your throat, feeling your lungs hold onto the air until it went stale. "Of course- I'd do anything for you," Mr. Wolf grinned and ruffled your hair, "that's my boy/girl," exiting the house through the back door he lead you to the blackbird. You had to admit, the forest was a lot less horrifying having Mr. Wolf at your side.

Stopping in front of a quaint little cottage he stopped dead in his tracks. "Kill him." His voice was flat and emotionless. Yet a trace of absolute loathing lay in his words. Feeling tears well in your eyes you saw the blackbird by the window. You couldn't do it. It was a living thing, with a conscious. That's someone's son, someone's brother. You turned to Mr. Wolf with distress painted across your features. He took a final drag of his cigarette and threw it out on the forest floor.

Pulling you into a tender embrace his hoarse voice whispered low in your ear, "Oh you pitiful little thing," he absolutely adores your weakness. How he must come and help you. Save you from this situation. Your so weak. So malleable.

He let go of you and opened the door to the blackbirds house, closing it behind him. You didn't want to know, or see, or hear. But it was hard. You tried to focus on the weak gray sunlight filtering through the canopy's above. Yet the screams of a man facing mortality was distracting. Hearing someone beg helplessly for their life is something you never forget. After a loud crunch of vertebrae, your husband exited the home.

He takes your hand in yours and you both walk without words for a while. He speaks up first, "The blackbird is taken care of." He states, you nodded and looked up at him. What is at the tip of his tongue? "Will you help me take care of my parents?" Your mouth opened in shock. You choked out, "w-why?"

With a calm voice, in complete juxtaposition to his words he explains, "They've killed all my past lovers," he sighed heavily, "I simply cannot loose you. I refuse." You gave you a reassuring hug before you entered the home. You desperately tried to rationalize the situation, I mean they would kill you if you didn't take action now. Playing god is something that can only be done without guilty conscious.

TW; gore

Approaching Mrs. Wolf you ushered her to stand and took her hand to shake. Whilst she was preoccupied with the simple hand shake you took a blade and dug it into her chest. With great struggle you forced it through her stomach. The end of the blade snagging on bone, blood squirting out of Mrs. Wolfs fresh wound. It drenched your hands and covered your face. You forced what you ate the night previous to stay in your stomach. The overwhelming scent of sickly blood overpowered each of your senses. It was viscous and sticky on your hands. The room smelled of iron and sin.

TW gone you can read again

You broke down in tears as Mr. Wolf approaches you. His voice was gentle and kind, something you desperately needed right now. He comforted you as he placed a hand on your waist and one on your cheek. "I'm so proud of you my love, you've done so well today," all you could do was tremble and weep, your hands intensely gripped onto the sides of his arms. Mr. Wolf forced down thoughts he shouldn't posses in a time like this.

He brushes your hair out of your face and whispered, "it's alright dear, I promise you it will get easier," He scooped you up in his arms and lead you to the bathroom. Turning on the spigot for the bath he tested the temperature of the water with his hand, making sure you wouldn't be scalded. You felt tiredness began to creep over your waking mind.

It's not like you had a choice but you let your husband help you into the tub. For such a violent being, he was gentle. He rolled up his sleeves and washed off the dried blood and sweat. His hands worked with a tenderness that you thought couldn't be achieved by someone that has committed acts that would only be uttered in a death bed.

His gentle caress and the feeling of the warm water surrounding you aided in sleeps inevitable arrival. Mr. Wolf dried you off, put you in sleeping attire, and laid you next to him in bed.


I'm so tired and I didn't check for spelling errors so sorry if some sentences don't make sense

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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