RWBY DARK: Rose of Light and...

By Spider-Blood

6.3K 57 134

To say Ruby Rose has been through a lot would be an understatement. She lost friends, a school, and yet, peop... More

Chapter 2: The World in Darkness
Red Riding Hood Guild Files #1: The Deathsinger
Red Riding Hood Guild Files #2: Death Cream
Red Riding Hood Guild Files #3: The Fire Jester
Red Riding Hood Guild Files #4: The Light Banshee
Red Riding Hood Guild Files #5: Queen Death
Red Riding Hood Guild Files #6: The Hellhound
Red Riding Hood Guild Files #7: Reptile
Red Riding Hood Guild Files #8: The Spot
Ruby's New Eyes update
Enemies #1
Enemies #2
Upcoming Art (Both Official and Concept)
Interlude: Roses in Summer
Art #3
Intro Time:
Chapter 4: The New Playground

Chapter 1: The Lost Rose

1.8K 22 49
By Spider-Blood

(Warning: This chapter contains depression and heartache, it'll get immediately better in the next chapter. There's someone's feelings I wish to validate and make sure they'll be able to read this)
Ruby POV:
How did it come to this? What happened that led to this? I mean, what specifically? I should've been enjoying my life right now, enjoying my time in Beacon while training to become a Huntress, just like my mother. This isn't how it was supposed to be. This is not how things were supposed to end up. I was supposed to be happy, I was supposed to have a good life. I was supposed to hunt down the monsters that threatened this world, and aid in keeping my friends, family, and everyone I loved safe. This was not supposed to happen. It just wasn't. So why did it? Where did everything go wrong? It doesn't matter if we were once friends, or if they showed me any smiles or warmth. It doesn't matter that we once shared a table, or secrets. All that matter is that they betrayed me, and I will take my revenge. My naïve, innocent, and trusting nature started to change as I got a taste of the real world. Things weren't black and white like how I was led to believe. All those years being told things just to find out they were nothing more than convenient lies. This experience would change me, it would change me in a way no-one expected. My name.......My name is Ruby Rose, daughter of Summer Polyantha Rose and Taiyang Xiao-Long.

(Appearance and Outfit)

As a kid, I was taught how to help others, so I wanted to do the right thing and become a Huntress, so I was trained by Oliver Rhodamine Branwen, ALA my Uncle "Qrow". We aren't actually related, but he was my parents teammate, and was pretty good friends with them. Some even mistook him as my dad, I mean, if he was, I'd be him but sober. Anyway, I wanted to help people hunt monters and fight alongside my family. But some things.....Don't always go the way you dream. And some dreams.....Really do come true. I stopped a back robbery being comitted by a criminal named Roman Torchwick. From there, I met Professor Julien Hambros Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy, and got applied into Beacon Academy, despite the fact I was 15 at the time!

I was so glad I had my sister there, I never knew what friends I had, until Beacon. My sister's name is Yang Xiao-Long, well, actually my sister-from-a-different-mister-except-not-a-mister-because-we-do-actually-have-different-moms-but-the-same-dad. It's constantly understandable if you have a crush on her. You haven't her snore yet. She's a ballet, brawler, and buttkick scholar.

(Appearance and outfit)

And this is Blakely "Blake" Piper Belladonna! You know that skittish, skinny alley cat you keep trying to feed but you're also probably pretty sure the cat is smart and streetwise enough to get its own milk and it's just kind of indulging you because it knows it would really, REALLY mean a lot to you to be able to pet a cat this stylish and cool?

(Appearance and outfit)

And you know that fluffy, snub-nosed, pampered white cat that sleeps in a huge, beautiful, frilly bed and has a bunch of servants to bring it pâté and chicken livers and fresh fish and is 100 percent spoiled and coddled and babied and useless? Okay, that's not remotely Weiss, because Weissandra "Weiss" Evelyn Schnee? She works incredibly, ridiculously hard. You should've seen her grades. They had to keep coming up with like, platinum and palladium, and osmium medals because gold doesn't even cut it anymore!

(Appearance and outfit)

We came from different places, different families, different continents, different kingdoms. But we all wanted this. To be better. To be Huntresses. And together......We're Team RWBY! Heroes of Beacon, Weiss, and Blake, and Yang, and me. Team RWBY. But none of it turned out that way: A spliter group called The White Fang broke into Beacon. Grimm were unleashed upon the school. And some of my friends.....They didn't make it. In the aftermath and all the days gone by, I came back to my dad's house, Blake left to protect us after Yang lost her arm, making her think she was putting us in danger, Weiss's family dragged her home, and Yang.....Yang was recovering, blaming herself for causing Blake to leave, despite attempting to save her, which was the right thing. Out of our broken teams, the survivors of Beacon made something new: Jaune, Nora, Ren, and I went to find out WHO sent the White Fang to attack Beacon, and WHY. No one could've expected the answers we'd find, when my uncle told us about The Queen of The Grimm, Salem. Around that time, my team was reunited, with Weiss leaving Atlas, and Yang managing to convince Blake to come back, and we met Oscar Thomas Pine, who is actually the reincarnation of Ozpin!

(Appearance and outfit)

Then the battle of Haven happened, where I even met Yang's mother Raven, and Yang got the Relic of Knowledge. Not sure how though. Anyway, on our trip to Argus, our train was attacked by Grimm, with Ozpin apparently not telling us that the Relic woild be the target. After the crash, I said the word "Jinn" after he was starting to act suspicious and untrustworthy, where I asked the entity to tell us the truth, and nothing could've prepared us for what we were told: Millions of years ago, that before Remnant was created, there was The Legion, an enclave of Gods, all knowing and all powerful created the universe, filling the dark void with the light of endless stars. Of all Their creations, a certain world interested Them. Upon this world, They decided to experiment with Life. From Them flowed rivers of Lifeblood, a black substance that flooded the barren world. From the Lifeblood, They began to create. First were the oceans, wrung free of the blackness and turned to shades of blue. From these oceans rose great mountains of fire and ash. And from these ashes, They created the first form of Life. Great seeds sprouted, green overtaking the lands of ash and fire. Seeing these oceans of water and lands of fire, stone, and plant, They took the remaining ash, transforming it into crystal, each imbued with the beauty and power of this first creation. From these crystals and rivers of Lifeblood, They created the first form of intelligent life. Born of crystal, and skin as white as bone, with eyes as black as the Lifeblood itself, They had created the first beings of this world. The Trucii. The Trucii asked their God for company, and for things to eat, and so They used the Lifeblood once again, creating animals black as night for the Trucii to tame and hunt. The Trucii thanked their God, naming the creations Grimm. And yet these creations were not enough for Them, for something was lacking in this creation. They began to dislike the Trucii, for they were not what they wanted. Turning once again to the crystals and Lifeblood, They sought to create anew. This new creation was imbued with something new, something lacking in all other forms of life up to that point, a Soul. This new creation, of varying skin and eyes, was different from the Trucii. They created humanity. But humanity could not tame or eat the flesh of the Grimm, and so begged their God for something that they could. And so, They complied, creating animals for humanity to hunt. With the creation of animals, They began to ponder. Taking the molds of humanity and animal, They created a new being, and infused them with a soul....The Faunus. With this world finished, and full of life, They created a land for themselves, one forged of their crystals, and flowing with their lifeblood. From their throne They sat, watching over the world. But watching over this world was tiresome for Them, as they craved to create and tinker, and so They decided. They chose five individuals, who They would call Their "Children", and had them join Them in Their domain, gifting them the power of magic. The Children were the greatest that this world had to offer, each representing one of Their ideals, creation, destruction, knowledge, and choice. Among these chosen was Jinn, who became "The Child of Knowledge", as I was the greatest scholar in the world. Then there was the fifth Child, named Ozma, was chosen to be "The Mouth of Gods", the one who would dispense Their justice to the world while their Siblings governed the rest. One day, the Mouth of Gods was summoned to the lands of Primis, the home of the Trucii. There, Ozma learned of the issue plaguing the lands. The Senate was growing weary of the growing power of the royal families, fearful that a royal dictatorship would be set in place of the peaceful republic that they cherished. Ozma was able to resolve the issue, the guilty families tried and executed before the Senate, peace being restored to the lands. From there, Ozma met Salem Bardot, who was the daughter of The Senator Alim, when they came to say goodbye, and it was love at first-sight for Oz. He didn't return to Their Domain, staying in Primis, spending his days with Salem, learning more and more about her, and she more and more about him. He would send letters to his Siblings, claiming that the situation in the Trucii realm was taking longer to solve than he anticipated and to not worry about him. Their love was an open secret in Primis, for it was forbidden for the Mouth of Gods to love and marry, and the daughter of a Senator was expected to wed one who would benefit her family politically. But the Al-Mufti family could not refuse Ozma, as he had saved their lands and their family, how could they not turn a blind eye? Sadly, such a day came when the Al-Mufti family aligned itself with another Senate family, arranging a marriage between their son and Salem. Salem, heartbroken, refused to marry the man, for Ozma was her only love. They fled the realm together, making a home for themselves far away in the lands of Sanus. Though they had abandoned their duties and families, they had each other. Though the local human village shunned them and shot them wary glances whenever in town, they gave it no heed. They were happy, living a peaceful and content life with their four daughters. Ozma and Salem had never known such happiness before. And Ozma had never experienced such sorrow as when he returned from a hunting trip. His home had been put to the torch, the bodies of his wife and children desecrated and resting upon spikes. He pounded the earth, screaming and sobbing as his world burned down around him. Days passed before Ozma forced himself to bury his children beneath the ashes of his home, but he would not bury Salem, he could not let her go. Ozma finally returned to Their domain, brining the corpse of his love with him, and presenting it to The Legion, as he stated that as Gods, if they were all powerful, they'd give Salem another shot at being alive, for she didn't do anything wrong, but they laughed refused, saying that as a Trucii, she has no soul, and that humanity is more important, despite his pleas, and told him to leave until he can let go of his love for her and serve as their "Mouth" again. This angered Ozma, who actually went and visited......The Exiled One, God of Darkness and Death, who didn't follow their ways and gladly ressurected her, but this really ticked off Legion, who engaged in a battle with him, leading to him being imprisoned and killing Salem again. Enraged more at the injustice done to his family, and Their refusal to right this wrong, turned to the various Human Kings. For while Ozma trusted the Trucii people better than his own kin, humanity had souls, and with them, the powers of aura, something he hoped would be strong enough to stand before a god. He traveled first to the forest kingdoms of northern Sanus, meeting the Rose King. Ozma promised the Rose King power beyond imagine, for if they forced - to return Ozma's wife, why should They not head the wishes of others. And so, the duo traveled to western Sanus, through the harsh deserts and sparkling oases of the various sultanates. There the duo met the Amaryllis Sultan, who was promised water and material wealth for his lands for all eternity. The trio trekked east to Anima, through the various lands fought over by nomadic warriors and to the vast empires established near the great lakes. There they met the Lotus Emperor, who agreed to come for the promise of marrying the Child of Knowledge. Together they traveled north, to the icy lands of Solitas. These lands were sparse with people, and they had a hard time finding the ruler of these lands, the Camomile Tsar. He would not budge, refusing to aid the group for some time before finally relenting upon promises of more arable land, and hardier animals to survive the grueling winters. With the strength of the human kings in hand, Ozma marched upon the Domain of Gods, and doomed us all. Ozma and the Four Kings marched through the Domain, reaching the grand crystal palace, and killing The Children, and stood before the thrones of The Legion, as he demanded them to grant them whatever they desire. Unfortunately, The Legion where REALLY angry and tortured Ozpin and The Four Kings, cursing him with the ability to reincarnate until he learned about the meaning of suffering and humility. And then they left the four Relics, which if united, will bring The Legion back to Remnant and they shall judge if the world we live in is worthy of living or not. Not only that, they brought Salem back as an immortal being, just so she can watch Ozma die over and over. Yeah, pretty harsh. Things couldn't get much worse.....It did. The Four Kings were given Silver Eyes, just like me, and found that they quiet enjoyed the curse Legion had given them. For with it, they could easily slaughter Grimm with the power of their eyes. This curse was fueled by their emotions, granting them the ability to kill any being that lacked a soul. The Rose King would test his abilities on whatever Grimm and Trucii he could find, testing out the various ways he could kill, his hatred blinding him. During these tests he stumbled upon the Sword of Destruction, and with a sickening smile, quickly realized what was now possible. Under the Rose banner, humanity began to wage war against the Trucii, for humanity despised the Trucii and the Grimm they cared for, viewing them as mere monsters for their lack of souls. The Trucii met humanity in combat, riding great beasts of war. But despite the strength of the Grimm war beasts and the training of Trucii soldiers, none could stand before the power of the Silver Eyes. The Kings and their children, all bearing the cursed blood, laid waste to the lands of Primis, the streets of their once great cities running black with their blood. None were spared; babes crushed beneath boots; elders strung up by the entrails of their children. The Silver Eyed Warriors laughed all the while as they torched and destroyed the once great land, sacking the holy temples and treasuries for everything they were worth. And once this slaughter and looting had reached its end, when only a few Trucii were left, holed up in their great fortresses and citadels, the Rose King, nearing the end of his life, withdrew humanity to their ships. He stood upon his favorite warship and drew the Sword. He could not heart the screams of the innocent but the sound of the land sinking beneath the waves was good enough for him. With humanities enemy defeated, he led humanity back to their own lands, leaving behind the only Trucii survivor. Salem, the last of her kind, was left a drift, unable to die as she drifted across the ocean. The tides took her back to Legion's Domain, and there she took residence, building a home for herself amongst the towering Dust crystals. From the rivers and pools of Lifeblood she tried to recreate her people, failing to do so after millions of attempts. For years she wept, an unending sorrow that she could not escape, knowing what had become of her people, of what had happened to the world. She craved the sweet release of death, and in the castle she had built, she tried to kill herself. Over, over, and over again. But be it blade or poison or noose nothing would give her the release she so desperately craved. In her isolation Salem began to bring life to her castle. Millions of flowers filled the gardens of Evernight, each a memento to those she had lost. Over time, her unending sadness turned to an eternal hatred, until she was approached by The God of Darkness, who was contacting her from his prison. Promised her vengeance as well as removing her and Ozma's curse, and restoring The Trucii, if she helps him escape. The Relics were also actually the keys to his prison. It is here that something within Salem began to stir, something no other Trucii had. A soul. A final cruel gift The Legion had secretly given her upon her revival, and with it Salem could avenge her people. Salem found the current Rose King, the tenth ruler of Sanus, a sickly old man clinging to his throne. She waited for him in his bed chamber, deathly still. He finally entered, and he looked around. Goosebumps crawled across his skin, his breath silver in the air, the very air becoming darker and colder. Salem slinked from the shadows, smirking as she approached the blind king. She raised her hand, a black glyph forming beneath the king, a multitude of Trucii arms springing out and latching onto the king. She savored his cries and pleas, her smile growing as the arms slowly tore the king apart limb by limb. The guards that found her attacked, their weapons doing nothing to dissuade Salem as she advanced, her glyphs ripping apart everything in her way. She reached the chambers of the various young princes and princesses, offering them smiles as she smashed their heads against the walls. Salem left the Rose castle, coated in the blood of kings, heading for the homes of the others. In the deserts of Sanus, she found the descendants of the Amaryllis Sultan. After the end of the Trucii War, the Sultan had turned humanities attention toward the Faunus. They were not human, their scales and claws and fur marking them as other, as beasts like the Grimm and Trucii. But beasts were helpful, the Sultan thought with a sly smile, and could be made to work. It did not take long for the Faunus to be enslaved, for humanity outnumbered them and were well trained in the ways of war. Humiliated and shamed, the Faunus were now subservient to the humans, the Amaryllis family becoming the wealthiest in the lands from their control of the slave trade. Salem cared not for the plight of the Faunus, her own people were gone and never to return, she only cared for the destruction of the humans responsible. With a smirk, she headed for the Amaryllis' palace. After years spent in the Lands Between, Ozma would finally be reborn, taking over the body of a young man living in Sanus. He would scour the lands, learning what had happened during his time away. And when he learned of what humanity had been up to, he lost all hope. Disillusioned with the world after learning of the genocide of the Trucii and enslavement of the Faunus, Oz scoured the world for the Relics. Over several lives he searched, gathering them all and hiding them in a secluded home in the forests of Sanus. With all of the Relics out of humanities hands, he lived, alone, contemplating whether to end it all, to visit Legion's Domain. What hope was there for humanity to ever better itself? He had experienced true suffering, or so he thought, and he must be the humblest of all of humanity, why would his curse not break? As he sat pondering, a knocking at his door stirred him from his stupor. Whoever could that be? Oz went to the door, and was surprised at what he saw before him. Four young maidens, their clothes travel worn, smiled at him. Oz hesitated, unsure if he could trust these four strangers but a part deep within him felt he could trust these four. And so, he let them enter. The Four Sisters would spend years with him, helping him come out of the shell he had placed around himself. His withering crops began to flourish, his hatred for the world would be replaced with a sense of wonder, for even the simplest of things in nature were a gift that should be cherished. The world was horrible, and there were great evils and injustices, but there were still good honest people living there as well, ones willing to save a total stranger, to brighten a person's day even during their darkest time. No matter what happened, there would still be pure, honest, and caring people. These were the lessons Oz learned from the Four Sisters. As thanks for their lessons, Oz gifted most of his magic to the Four Sisters, turning them into the Four Maidens. He bid them good luck, and the sisters went out on their way. And so, the Four Maidens spread out across Remnant, each seeking to aid those in need. But the hearts of men are easily corrupted, and each sister would be hunted down and murdered, their powers being harnessed and weaponized. Oz, sickened by what had happened to those he had gifted his powers to, would form an order dedicated to protecting the Maidens. As they worked tirelessly to keep the Maidens safe and remove them from public eye, Oz began to realize what Salem had been doing. The various Silver Eyed Warriors were being hunted down and exterminated, every walking person on Remnant who carried even a small amount of their blood a target for Salem and her own order. For Salem, in her quest for revenge, had convinced certain people that she was a goddess, and used her false promises of reshaping the world in her own image to get them to hunt for her. Oz, with love still in his heart for her, sought her out. He found her in Legion's Domain, her castle the only structure in the barren, crystal wasteland. Humanoid Grimm guarded the castle, but allowed him entry, taking him to Salem's room. Despite all the time that had passed, Salem knew it was Ozma when he entered. She flung herself upon him, embracing him for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Oz returned it, for he had long missed her touch. Salem barred her cult from entering Evernight, spending many nights with Oz, showering him with the affection that she so dear missed having with him. Once she was satisfied, she allowed her followers to return to their work. Oz stayed silent, watching her command her followers. Her followers were there for her when she gave birth to triplets; Oz held his tongue as they worshipped his children. The children had the ivory white hair of the Trucii, and when they got older were able to use their semblances, glyphs. The same semblance as their mother. Ozma and Salem had a talk, with her planning to exterminate all of humanity as vengeance for their genocide against The Trucii and releasing The God of Darkness in order to cast his own judgement on humanity. Understanding her rage, but not wanting to see her kill innocent, this earns him a conversation with Legion, who advise him to work to stop Salem's work, so he took his children, leaving Legion's Domain and making a home for himself in Solitas, raising his children alone. Oz and Salem became locked in an endless cycle of life and death. For every new Maiden protected, another Siler Eyed Warrior killed. For every member of Salem's Cult defeated, another to replace them. Oz, seeing the pool of Warriors shrinking to a puddle, used up more of his magic, leaving barely any for himself, and created great Vaults to hide the Relics in. For once Salem was finished with her extermination of the Warriors, it would be only a matter of time before she would try to gather the Relics themselves. Sensing humanity was on the cusp of another global catastrophe, Oz would enter the Anima Vault on the eve of the Great War, asking Jinn how to stop Salem. Only to tell him he can't. Salem can't be killed. We were pretty angry when we learned that, so Ozpin hid himself inside Oscar's mind, and after some mind-horror with a bunch of skeleton Grimm called "The Apathy", we made it to Argus, where we managed to steal a ship and make it to Atlas, where I reunited with my best friend Penny. There, I.....Lied to General James Ironwood II, because I saw the state he was in and how bad things were going in Atlas and Mantle, though my teammates did nothing to suggest otherwise, until Yang and Blake decide to tell Robyn Hill about Amity Tower, which led to Ironwood turning against us, which got even more worse when both Neo Politan, Torchwick's former sidekick, and Cinder Fall, and Salem arrive, with Team JNR losing the Relic. After some problems, we managed to not only unite the rest of Remnant against Salem, but also got our hands on The Relic of Creation and made Penny human, and used it to make a one-way trip for the people of Mantle and Atlas to get into Vacuo, which would've worked if Cinder and Neo didn't attack us, but then I learned why she wanted to kill me in the first place: It was because she thought I killed Roman during The Battle of Beacon, and I tried to tell her that he was devoured by a Griffon, she didn't wanna listen at first, until Cinder tried to kill us both, so I instead took the hit, the fire beam piercing my torso and knocking me unconscious. When I woke up, I found out that not only did we manage to get to Vacuo and now in Shade Academy, but........Penny......Sacrificed herself in order to let us escape. My recap was suddenly interrupted when I found myself in a dark area, with black smoke, I looked around, confused.

????: Oh, is the little Rose child miserable?


That voice made me flinch, as I turned to see HER. Salem. Wearing a black robe with white accents on the chest, gold chains wrapped around her waist, a black belt, a black cape with red inside and white sharp edges, black and white boots, long white hair, black eyes with orange pupils, a black gem on her forehead, black fingernails, black arm sleeves with grey flower markings, with one having a golden armband, and white armor plating, and pale white skin with red veins

(Appearance and outfit)

My first instinct was to try to reach behind me, only to discover my baby Crescent Rose is missing.

Salem: There's no cause for alarm, child. If I wished you dead or destroyed......(Demonic and distorted voice) I would have done so already.

The area starts to distort as her orange eyes turn bright red as her voice turned both demonic and distorted as I looked with a bit of shock.

Salem: (Shakes head) In fact, I could have destroyed all of you when I had the chance, but I'm more than a mere maiden. I simply sensed a crippling amount of depression, one of many qualities of being a Trucii.

Ruby: I.....I don't know what you're talking about.


I looked away, but she did have a point. Eversince Atlas fell and we got into Vacuo, Penny's death caused something inside me to break. On top of that, most of my friends haven't been there for me. I mean, Yang and Blake had been there a lot recently, but sometimes, even they tend to do the same. I shouldn't really blame them since they got together-Oh, right, I forgot. So, those two have been getting closer over the course of our journey, even me, Jaune, and Nora could see that coming. It was long until they FINALLY made a move, with me suggesting to Yang to ask Blake out for some tuna, which she immediately said yes too. We then oversaw the date and witnessed them having their first kiss, I was so happy that my sister managed to find someone who will make her happy. Anyway, Weiss and the others started to hang around Jaune more, but this time, he was starting to act different. He started acting more focused, which was a good thing at first, but started acting more colder, emotionless, and violent in battle.

(Ignore the lady next to him)

I don't know what happened to him, if that was even the same Jaune I know and care about, but I tried talking to him, asking him what happened to him to make him like this, and instead just pushes me aside, yet allows Weiss and his two teammates Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie to be around him, despite acting cold to them as well.

(Appearences and outfits)

Why do I get the feelings that he hates me for some reason?

Salem: (Eyes widen) Oh my......You poor, poor thing, this feeling is nostaglic....Trapped, aren't you? Expectations? And then when you can't even live up to that......They blame it all on you.

Ruby: W-What are you talking?! They don't blame me! They never did! They care about and trust me! You're just trying to mess with me and turn me against them!

Salem: Is it manipulation of it's the truth? You're nothing to them but a convienient figurehead that they can blame all their problems and failures on, and shoulder the burdens and everything else for them, while they enjoy their own personal lives. Why else haven't they been there for you as of late?

Ruby: Is it wrong not to?! They have lives, I don't wanna control them! Otherwise, that'd make me no better than-

Salem: Me? Did you ever stop to think how I am the supposed "villain" in Ozma's story? Even though I wished to avenge my people and make the world a better place, it was Ozma who chose to return to being The Legion's dog and went along with Their plan, taking our children, instead of discussing it with me as an adult.

Ruby: That's because you wanted to kill every last human on Remnant, even a lot of innocent people-!

Salem: THERE ARE NO INNOCENTS! Not anymore! Anyone of them could've stood up and said, "No, we won't behave like animals anymore."

Ruby: Then why are you making the effort to actually talk to me? You killed my mother!

Salem: .......(Smirks) Heh, that was a well-placed lie.

Ruby: What?

Salem: I've lived for a very, very, VERY, long time, you know. Witnessed civilizations rise and fall. But this is the first time I've had real conversations with anyone. Humans would either fear me automatically or worship me as a god. You have done neither.

Ruby: But you're evil.

Salem: Oh, child, we're all necessary evil.......

As she finished this, she tapped my forehead, as I started to see what appeared to be visions of my......Mother? Not only that, but also of The God of Darkness, who was hovering over me like a shadow, my friends attacking something, me with my eyes silver eyes glowing with fury, holding Crescent Rose, and the world of Remnant being consumed in darkness, only to reveal a.......Peaceful utopia?

Salem: Your friends on the other hand, are liars and helping a killer. They doomed Atlas, not you. You were forced into a situation that you barely had control over. And yet, did they help? No, they, didn't, they went behind your back and trusted a stranger over you, and still blamed you. They caused Penny's death, not you, but she will be back, I can assure you.

Ruby: Maybe, but we need to keep moving forward and learn from it!

Salem: True, but why should you not change? Humans haved always changed all throughout their lives. I mean.....Look at me......What is there for you to cling for in the old you?

Ruby: Because it always matters! Because it may hurt, but that pain keeps me human! Maybe it will never be okay,  but it would be wrong to just throw everything I am away, and run away from all my problems!

Salem: Your sentiment is heartwarming, but it ignores the fact, that you will be okay. But those "friends" of yours, that "family"......What makes them worth any of it? Just because you're nice? After all, you beared the burden of everything, forced to put on a positive face and kept going for all their sakes. While it isn't selfish to put your friends above your own wellbeing, you must also care a bit about yourself, whether to ensure your leadership or just to stay alive. And yet, look where it got you. They even go so far to blame you for their own failures, or become just as much worse liars.

I blinked as my mind took a dark route and she began to finally piece a few things together. How did Yang get that relic? .....Unless......Raven was still alive, but Cinder had seemingly fought her, but then......Why would Raven give Yang the relic? How did they get the relic? Raven was the Spring Maiden. Yang lied to me. Weiss....Jaune's demeanor.....

Salem: Yes, I'm afraid, you're fears are being true. All your fighting, your struggles, and all your sacrifice, for people that don't even care about you.

Ruby: But Dad, Uncle Qrow, and everyone else still care about and needs us, there are still people we can save on Remnant. It won't be easy. But.....

Salem: Ruby, have you ever wondered whoever said you needed to be the hero or a hero? You can do good, but not from there, with all of them. You'll see, your father......Your true father wanted me to tell you......Be your own hero. Become The Hero they never were.....The Hero you needed but never had.

Ruby: ......What?

????: Ruby!


I woke up to see my teammate Weiss standing over me, a scowl on her face.

Weiss: You were sleep talking, I hardly had time sleeping!

Ruby: I......Uh.....I'm sorry.

Yang: Chill out, Weiss. She probably had another nightmare.


Weiss just lets out a "Hmmph!" as she enters the bathroom, as Yang looked at me.

Yang: You ok?

Ruby: I......No.

Yang: What'd you see this time?

Ruby: .......Salem......And a lot of other things I didn't have a good look at. But......I think I saw mom.

Yang: Huh?

Ruby: (Shakes head) I don't know, can't seem to lay a finger on them.

Third POV:
Neither could Neo Abigail Politan, eversince what happened on the bridge.

(Appearance and outfit)

She never had anyone before meeting Roman, as memories started to flow about "that day", staring at the glass she had shoved in her mother's throat, the blood pooling on the marble steps outside their house, the tire tracks of all the people that had left her sixteenth birthday party, a party of no one she knew - Trivia can't find it in herself to feel guilty. She doesn't feel anything at all. With this aside, she couldn't quite grasp as to why Ruby Rose, the one person she's been trying to kill, as revenge for taking the man she loved as a father away from this cruel world, saved her life. She tried to kill Cinder at first, because she was one the one that hired them in the first place, and if she didn't, then Roman would've still been alive. So why'd she agreed to work with Cinder? Well, Cinder claimed she didn't do the deed, with no evidence whatsoever, however, Neo thought back to that day, on the airship, where she and Roman fought Red, and when she was launched off into the Grimm-filled skies, leaving only the two on the ship. So, the more she thought about it, the more it made sense that Ruby would be the one to commit the deed. After so much time and effort, she finally had her in her grasps, but Blondie got in the way, so as they fought, Red asked her what she hated her for, accusing of seeking wealth and power, which angered Politan to the point of which she used her Semblance, Overactive Imagination, to summon an illusion of Roman, taking the girl by surprise. Neo could still remember the words that were said to her regarding what happened.

Ruby: Look, Torchwick......It was a Grimm. A Grimm killed Torchwick. It... it ate him. And then it crashed onto the ship, and well... yeah..... Look, I didn't... I didn't want Torchwick to die. I only wanted to do the right thing. My school was getting destroyed, I lost a friend, an-I'm.....I'm sorry for your loss. I may..... I may not like Torchwick, but I didn't want him dead. He just......Snapped after... after I......Threw you off the ship. He snapped......He may be a bastard, but honestly.......I get it. Because when you almost threw Yang in the void, almost making me lose my sister, I wanted you dead. But......I guess......The difference is, Yang's alive and.......We're not even but......I'm very sorry about Torchwick, but know this: I didn't kill him nor did I wanted to kill him. I know......I know the world is a terrible place. I know there are people out there who will crush my spirit. But I had to keep moving forward. For my team, my family, for every life. I guess......I guess in a way, Torchwick was right. The world is cold. People don't care about spirit and even the people we thought we could trust, just......Betrayed us.......With everything going to hell, I......I don't..... I don't think I can keep on moving forward.......I don't know how I can keep on going at this point.

Neo has met plenty of crooks who have lied through their teeth in the underworld, and no matter how hard she looked at Ruby's face, Ruby was being honest. As a Little Red Pain in The Ass, Neo was expecting Ruby to act.....Just like how Cinder acted back at Mistral. Deflecting blame onto others, callously disregarding her feelings. Now Little Red? The look upon her face doesn't scream, "I killed someone." She thought back to Roman's last words, where he talks about the "real" world.  To Neo, Little Red's world hasn't gone to hell for her. Little Red still has her precious older sister and her friends to support her, Neo literally has no one else and the only people she can depend on are either dead or has stabbed her in the back. After all, Roman Torchwick, the man who was the closest thing to family for her and gave her a new life, purpose, and home, is dead, and Cinder Fall, someone she treated as her own partner despite their grievances against each other, betrayed her and left her for dead, twice. And before Roman came into her life, no one gave a single damn about her. Cinder may have been a pain.....But maybe deep down, the reason why she fell for her honeyed poisonous words was because maybe... she just wanted a friend or at least some support after Roman's death. Neo hugged the hat very tightly hoping it would make her feel good, feel any warmth. But she felt nothing......

Ruby: But that doesn't you have to be by yourself.


Ruby: You probably don't believe me, but I know that you're hurting, and you're not alone. You're in pain, like me. We both lost someone we cared for.....Let us help you.

That shocked Neo to the core with those words.  Did Ruby.....Care about her? No no, that couldn't be right. Was Ruby an idiot? Why would she care about a criminal that had tried to torture and murder her and her friends on numerous occasions? The even more shocking part came when Cinder attempted to kill her from behind, forcing Red to take a critical blow to the torso, piercing her aura, forcing Blondie to get her out of the bridge. The words did ring around her head, until a pain-filled scream got her out of her thoughts, seeing Cinder getting blasted to the wall by a beam of magic in the chest, and her Shadow Hand burning, due to Salem, who had a face that screams she's bloody pissed.

(Appearance and outfit)

Salem: You fool, do you realize what you almost done?! Have you any idea what your little stunt has cost us?! I wonder......

She raises her hand down, allowing Cinder to recover, only for her Shadow Hand to once again begin hissing and smoking, and she grunts and cries out in pain, trying to hold the writhing arm still.

Cinder: It wasn't! It was Neo! She-!


Salem: Enough! I do not want to hear your pitiful excuses. You are not a LIAR, are you, Cinder.

Cindee: I......I would never.....

Salem: Is that really so? Then why do you try so hard to go against my orders?

Cinder: I-!

Salem: Did you think that I would not find out YOUR little alliance to KILL Ruby Rose?

Neo stayed silent, expecting her own punishment from The Grimm Queen, but the OLDER woman just turned her back to Cinder.

Cinder: I-I never intended-!

Salem: Who you ally with is of no concern to me. I do however, advise you not to take credit for your associate's work, like Miss Politan for The Relic, and passing blame onto others just to ensure your own survival, such as the loss of poor Roman Torchwick to one of my own Grifons.

Neo's eyes widen, she already figured Ruby was telling the truth, only for Salem to basically say it, really caused that wound in her heart to open more.

Salem: I do trust your instincts, Cinder, so why can't you do the same for me?

Cinder: I.....

Salem: Trust me, I have good reasons to want Ruby Rose alive.

Cinder closed her eyes, frustration filling up as she growled.

Cinder: But.......WHY?!

Salem: Cinder-


Salem: (Turning demonic) Cinder.


She was suddenly caught off as a hand quickly reaches for her throat, dragging her across the floor, and being pinned against a wall by Salem, who's eyes once again glowed red with rage.

Salem: I thought I made myself clear before, but it seems I need more than words to put you in your place. So let me make this CLEAR enough for you to understand: Believe me when I say I'm trying to spare you from my master once he learns of what you intend to do.

Cinder: Your......Master?

Salem: Yes. You think you know pain? He will make you long for something sweet as pain. And the things he'd do to you will make you wish you were dead.

Neo stood there, frozen in shock as she saw what appeared to be Cinder, afraid to the core, as dark energy and smoke peered from her back and eyes, before she let her go, and walked towards the tri-colored girl.

Salem: Follow me, Neo.

Nervously, she followed the Trucii survivor throughout the hallways of her new Grimm Empire warship, The Nightrider. Grimm Knights stood guard, lances, swords, and guns in their hands. After some walking around and some awkward silence, Salem took her into a dark room, where in front of Neo was a mirror, that was rather elegant and looked to be very old. She walked in front of it, seeing her own reflection, until it started to morph into a set of fiery and glowy eyes with purple sclera and......Are those silver eyes? Or white?

????: Ah, greetings, Neo Politan. A pleasure to meet you.


Neo tilted her head in confusion.

????: Oh, yes, I know who you are. A certain friend told me all about you, and your skills and your......."Misadventures". My condolences for your dear father, Roman Torchwick. He seemed like a fine lad to travel, a shame he never survived this one.

Her teeth grit as the mirror showed the fight with herself, Roman, and Ruby, as suddenly, Red reaches for the parasol, causing it to open and send Neo flying off the airship, leaving her with a frightened gasp as she is silently left at the mercy of the Grimm roaming the skies and the raging winds.

Roman: NEO!


Ruby: I don't care what you say! We will stop them and I will stop you! BET ON THAT!!

As Ruby charges at top speed with the use of her Semblance, Roman grips Melodic Cudgel with both hands, the left hand holding the shaft, as he quickly catches the projectile with the hook end and hurls it at Ruby, knocking her away, before smacking her with the business end of the cane, ramming the weapon in her stomach, and firing another shot, sending her on her back once more.

Roman: You got spirit, Red. But this is the real world!

Roman then whacks Ruby with the butt of his cane, sending her back a few feet.

Roman: The real world is cold!

Roman lands another coshing, this time on Ruby's legs.

Roman: The real world doesn't care about spirit!

Ruby then kicks him in the knee, causing him to lose balance as he prepares a downward strike.

Roman: You wanna be a hero!? Then play the part and die like every other Huntsman in history!

He then proceeds to smack Ruby with the butt end of the cane.

Roman: As for me, I'll do what I do best: lie, steal, cheat, and SURVIVE!

Just as Roman prepares a final, overhead swing, an Alpha Griffon suddenly appears from the sky and swallows him whole, attracted by the negativity of his rant. The roar sends Ruby back a few feet, before the two charge at each other. Ruby prevails when she kicks the beast in the head, sending it through the hull and causing it to crash. Neo covered her mouth, tears threatening to burst out for what happened to Roman.

????: As much as I regret having to show you that, I also wanted to show you how he was avenged for you. Well, technically.

Neo looked surprised and confused, only to once again see Ruby sending the Griffon to crash to its death. Did she really avenge Roman's death, regardless of it was intentional or not?

????: Listen, Neo, I require your assistance. Ruby........She needs help. She is lost, and hurt, much like you. Ruby requires guidance, to find her true calling, and even......Love.

Neo tilts her head once again.

????: Why, you? Well, look at you, without purpose. You sought revenge for so long, because you missed him. You also seem to seek many things, but you are empty and hardly have anything. But I know what can fill that void in you, but all I ask is that you serve me. Your powers are formidable, Neo Politan, but they will never be reality. But I can give you a taste of what I offer: I only transported a tad bit of my magic into this mirror, to allow us to speak, but I only have enough power to make a soul- trip from The Netherworld. Just one.

After he finishes, the mirror glows white, making Neo's eyes widen at who was coming out.

Ruby POV:
I walked into the cafeteria, seeing the other students talking and having fun, but then caught a glimpse of Weiss holding hands with Jaune. A sad look appeared on my face, but I shaked my head.

Blake: Hey, Ruby, over here!


I smiled as I heard Blake's voice, rushing over to sit next to her and Yang.

Blake: How have you've been feeling?

Ruby: (Looks down) Yang already told you, right?

Blake: (Nods sadly) Yes.

Yang: What happened in that dream?

Ruby: Well, Salem was there, and we were talking.

Blake: "Talking"?

Ruby: I didn't have Crescent Rose, and for some reason, she didn't attack, I'm not even sure if she was even real or not. She was trying to manipulate me by saying you guys.....Don't care.

I noticed Yang and Blake look at each other in concern, I wouldn't blame them. Salem's goal was to divide us, so they probably knew I'd never fall for that, right?

Yang: First those powers, then seeing Penny, now this? It looks like whatever's happening to you might be getting worse.

Ruby: Is it?

Blake: We know you're not ok, but......Don't think too much of it, okay?

I slowly nodded, deciding too much has happened, so I took her words into consideration, until I saw Jaune walk out of the room, so I decided to follow, where he was heading into a empty hallway.

Ruby: Jaune?

He stopped, and barely turned his head towards me.

Jaune: What is it, Ruby?


Ruby: What are you doing?

Jaune: It's none of your business.

Ruby: What do you mean it's none of my business?! You're my friend!

Jaune: P-Please, just go away.

I heard the shaking and weakness in Jaune's voice, and I hated it.

Ruby: No.

Jaune: Ruby-!

Ruby: I said no!

I turned him around, noticing the cold stare on his face.

Ruby: Please don't push me away, please tell me what it us.......Please Jaune......I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt again.

Jaune: ......Is that right?

Ruby: What?

Jaune: You don't want to get anyone getting hurt? Weiss......Ironwood......Lionheart.......Ozpin.......PYRRHA! THEY'RE ALL GOT HURT OR GONE BECAUSE OF YOU! How can I-no, WE, even trust you?! Do you even understand or have any idea what I feel?! I can't just simply get over it and if you can't see that, then why are you even here?!

I tried to say something, but felt a stinking sensation across my face, a loud sound being heard.


I took a step back in shock, tears threatening to spill, until Jaune blinks, his eyes widening at what he just said and did.

Jaune: Ruby......I.....I......I'm sorry-

Ruby: No.......You're right. So that's how it is...... I'm sorry. I guess I'll leave you alone then, Jaune.

Jaune: No, Ruby, wait! I didn't mean to do that!! I just snapped and I didn't know what I was doing!

Ruby: Heh, funny, I expected Yang to do that. I guess you're all better off without me.

Jaune: (Pales) No......No......No.......

I used my Semblance, Petal Burst, to dash out of Shade Academy, turning back to see Jaune falling unto his knees in despair, after a few seconds of bursting, I landed on a cliff, taking a minute to catch my breath, before I ran into the woods, the pain in my heart growing as I thought back to Jaune and his words. Was he right? Was I the cause of everyone's death and pain? I rested against a tree, and brought my kness to my face as I cried, letting out a song that always brought me comfort as a child, but I felt like it wasn't doing anything.

Ruby: (Sobbing) 🎶Days in the sun......Where my life has barely begun.....(Sob) Not until my whole life is done.......Will I ever-(Sob) leave you? How in the midst of all this sorrow......Can so much hope and love endure? I was innocent and certain......Now I'm wiser......But unsure. (Sob) I can't go back into my childhood......One that my mother and father made secure. I can feel a change in me......I'm stronger now, but still not free🎶.

That was until I heard the familiar sound of growling, looking up to see Beowolves surrounding me, as a ringing noise occured, making me cover my ears in pain as I yelled. Whispering voices were heard as I looked to see The Beowolves, their eyes glowing as they........

Beowolf: Careful men, we don't want to frighten the poor girl.


Beowolf #2: Aw, come on, do we really have to stand here and just talk while we wait for them?


Beowolf #3: You just want to be back home and sit on your ass, being lazy while the rest of us do work.


Beowolf #2: Hey! Untrue! She'll obviously pull out that really long scythe and cut us all to teeny, tiny pieces!

Beowolf #1: Can it, Grif! You too, Simmons!

Beowolf #4: Guys, we're scaring her!


Beowolf #5: Bonitos idiotas de trabajo. (English: Nice work, idiots)


Did......Did they all just talk? And did that one speak Spanish?! However, the sound of walking made them move aside, as I saw a familiar.......Cane? Wait, no, that can't be......Roman Torchwick?! He looked older, like Unlce Qrow, except he still had that hair covering his eye, and that bowler hat Neo used to wear, his green eye, and a orange beard. He also wore a much different red-lined trenchcoat, with one side being black, and the other being white, with golden-orange accents, and a black suit underneath.

Roman: Well, hello, Red.

Ruby: T-T-Torchwick?

Roman: Remember what I said? What I'm best at......Is "surviving".

Next to him, Neo appeared, yet with a different outfit: She was wearing her own bowler hat with a feather on it, a pin-stripped button up shirt, a white collar with a black tie, with pink fur around her shoulders. She was also wearing a black trenchcoat with red accents and red cuffs, and a white grinning Emblem that mimicks Roman's, brown gloves, brown pants with white pinstripes, and white boots with black accents.

(She has these, but replace the sleeves with the jacket sleeves)

Ruby: H-H-H-How? I-I-I saw you-You w-were-You-The airship-You-!

Roman: Died? Yeah, you're not wrong there. But now? (Looks at Neo) Let's just say we're both under new management.

Ruby: .........You're working for HIM, aren't you?

Roman: Yeppers, and he would like a word with you, Little Red.

He pointed his cane at me, but I quickly dodged out of the way as he fired a red ball of energy that exploded on impact on the tree. Neo swung her parasol, so I instead jumped over her.

Beowolf #1: Grab her!

One of the Beowolves growled and swipped its claw at me, I ducked down, the claws narrowly missing my face, kicking it down to the ground.

Yang: Ruby!

Gunshots were heard as the Beowolves were hit in the face, as Yang and Blake opened fire upon them, as Weiss stabbed Myternaster down to the ground, summoning glyphs that created Grimm tendrils that slapped the others back, as Yang shoots a fireball at Neo and Roman, as the ice cream-themed girl brought her parasol out in front of them in defense, while the two shattered like glass, just like they did half a year ago. The Beowolves retreated as well.

Yang: Ruby, are you alright?!

Ruby: I......I think so.

Blake: Was that who I think it was?

Ruby: It's Torchwick, he's back.

Jaune: Ruby....

I looked at Jaune, his eyes red with shame.

Ruby: Jaune? Are you okay?

Jaune: No, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-

Weiss: No.

We looked at Weiss, the same familiar scowl on her face.

Blake: Weiss?

Weiss: What were you thinking? Leaving on your own? Making us come and get you? Summoning those Grimm and putting us in danger? Not even fighting back?!

Ruby: I-I-I-I-

Weiss: All for what?! Because Jaune just wanted to be by himself, and now you're just guilt-tripping him?!

Jaune: Weiss, that's enough!

Weiss: No, it's not! You're suffering! Yet, this brat doesn't seem like she cares! As if she was taught nothing! Like how you are at fault that these people, myself included, lost Atlas! MY HOME! AND YOU GOT RECKLESS THAT PENNY IS NOW DEAD! JAUNE WAS RIGHT! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! ALL ABOUT YOU!

Silence occured, as my eyes widened more in shock, until I pushed against Weiss's shoulder, glaring at her quietly.

Third POV:
Ruby: Me?! I NEVER ASKED TO BE A LEADER! Ozpin decided that. And I tried my best. But it was never good enough! (Laughs, but tears streamed down her face) I told Jaune.....It's not about me, it's about them......But then...No one except.....Her... was there for me. AND SHE'S GONE NOW! AND SHE'S NOT COMING BACK! JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!

Yang: Ruby! I get you're angry, but me and Blake been there for you!

Yang shouted at her sister, wanting to calm her down, but Ruby moved past her, circling them like a pissed-off wolf.

Ruby: Did you really want to, though?

Yang: What?


This made Yang flinch, but Ruby continued to walk past her, making her quietly worried, wondering if she would have to fight her own sister.


Weiss was shaking, with fear and anxiety unable to even pull out her rapier.

Ruby: MISS WILL BE PERFECT! You told me once, didn't you? That I wasn't cut out to be the leader? How does it feel to be right? That I once believed that you would be the "best partner in the world"? You really put on a hell of a show!

Ruby wasn't even paying attention to Yang, as she slowly approached Weiss, who backed up getting closer to a tree.

Weiss: (Shaking) I......I....

Ruby: YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME NO! ALL OF YOU!!! I.....Made a mistake in lying to Ironwood. I panicked, good gods above, I panicked, I thought he couldn't handle it. I doubted myself so much and you doubted me too. BUT YOU STILL LET ME GET AWAY WITH IT! WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU EVER TRUST ME TO BE A LEADER?! I'M YOUNGER THAN ALL OF YOU! Atlas is gone, and so is Penny. Along with the people Cinder killed. You hypocritically said that I caused Atlas to fall, yet I wish you'd stopped me, more than anyone. YOU WERE MY PARTNER!!!


Ruby: YES!

Everyone's eyes widened, even Ruby's own.

Weiss: Ruby, I didn't mean-

Yang: You don't get to speak to her right now.

Ruby: Oh, Jaune? You also blamed me for something I blamed myself for, but if Weiss wants to blame someone for losing her home, she should blame you, Yang, and Blake. Like,  I didn't plan on her having the lamp.

Jaune's eyes widened as he looked at silver. His skin paled ever so slightly.

Ruby: Was I supposed to surrender to Ironwood? Was I supposed to just sacrifice everyone on the off chance we escaped from Salem? What exactly did I do wrong? How did she get the lamp, Jaune? Anything that I would've come up with would have been revealed to her if she asked it. What was I supposed to do against someone who could know everything at any time? How did she get the lamp, Jaune? Anything that I would've come up with would have been revealed to her if she asked it. What was I supposed to do against someone who could know everything at any time?

Jaune's hands gripped tightly, desperate to hold something. He knew where she was going with this, if he could just find the right words-

Ruby: It's because you failed to keep hold of it that she had the relic. I guess that is my fault.

The words pierced into Jaune. His chest felt heavy, guilt ridden across his face. Breathing became haggard as he tried to provide an explanation. Vision darkened as memories seeped in like mud. Ruby turned away from the man, uncaring of what her words had done to him.

Blake: Ruby.......You didn't do anything wrong.....You did the best you could and-

Ruby narrowed in on Blake, Yang trailing after her.

Ruby: (Snarls) What would you know about it? You ran away just like Weiss.

Ruby gestured to her as she spoke, making Weiss look down at the ground in sorrow.

Ruby: You abandoned everyone, having the gawl to break Yang's heart and blame herself just like she did with her mom, and then you just come crawling back like it never happened!

Blake soon had tears in the corner of her eyes.

Yang: STOP IT!

Yang tried to reach out, thinking Ruby was going to punch Blake, when she raised her hands. And Yang punched, but then Ruby caught the fist, staring daggers at Yang, a look of betrayal in those silver eyes, as she slowly crushed the metallic arm and gauntlet, making Yang pale, and then as quickly as Ruby grabbed it, she let go, and moved past Yang.

Ruby: But that wasn't enough for you two. No....You went behind my back, but you could allow me to lie. But sure, GO RAT OUT IRONWOOD'S PLANS TO A COMPLETE STRANGER! And then even though you still said my plan wasn't working out.....You still expected me to lead? Did you ever stop to think about how messed up that was? How fair that was?

Yang: I......I.....

Ruby: You what? Say it.

Yang: I didn't mean to say that.

Ruby: What? Am I just supposed to believe you were just mad at how bad things were?! Just like how Beacon fell?!

Yang: Yes!

Ruby: BULLSHIT! If that were the case, you would've apologized when I was at my lowest point at Atlas, yet you cared more about your own feelings rather than me! So tell me Yang, did you want to be there for me because I'm your sister, or to help yourself?

Yang: I.......

Blake: We did the best we cou-

Ruby: No, we didn't! For god's sake, Blake. We barely got through one goddamn year of the academy! Why did that make me or any of us so fucking qualified?!

Yang: We beat them at Haven!

Ruby: NO! We got lucky, or did you think I wouldn't finally piece together the obvious picture?

Yang: (Blinks) Wha....?

Ruby: I always thought it was weird. You went down into that vault. Then you came back up with the Relic. And then like with the Winter Maiden, only the Spring Maiden could unlock that. Raven and Vernal also didn't come back up, and neither did Cinder...

Yang begins to feel fear as Ruby slowly walks toward her, Blake tries to walk over, but Little Red got in-between them.

Ruby: Why didn't you tell me that Raven was the Spring Maiden?

Yang:..I...It wasn't neccessary!

Ruby: Was it? You lied.

Yang:  I didn't!

Ruby: "No more lies, no more secrets." You told me that. And yet, you still kept that from me and everyone.

Blake looked down at the ground, also shocked at that, and Weiss holds her hands to her mouth in shock.

Yang: Look I....

Ruby: And then you let me lie. Not for a day, but for months. And I was geniunely doubting myself you know. But you all kept looking up to me, like you wanted me to be strong to be happy, to keep everyone going. But you weren't there for me.

Tears formed at the corner of Yang's eyes, while Ruby struggled to wipe away her tears.

Ruby: It's like you all want me to fail! Like I am just a puppet! Because none of you want to step up, no it has to be Ruby. Ruby this, Ruby that! (Fights back the tears, then laughs while crying) Hail Ruby, the Puppet Queen. Wanna go behind everyone's backs? Want to get things done without being the face of the plan? Well, Puppet Queen Ruby is the product for you.

She laughed somberly, and then walked away from her scared sister and teammates as she walked over to Jaune.

Ruby: Doesn't quite have the same ring though as "Cratter Face" does it? No one is ever going to remember Puppet Queen Ruby, no one will care when she dies.

Jaune: Ruby, if anyone should die.......It should be me! (Falls to his knees) I......I KILLED PENNY!

Ruby eyes widen, but was....Quiet, too quiet.....And then she backed up.......The light had completely left her eyes......The wind was gone from her sails. She could hear a faint ringing in her ears, as she looked at Weiss, and Weiss knew at that moment.......She had failed Ruby in a way that could never truly be forgiven. And Ruby stared back at Jaune, as Jaune was trembling. He didn't want this. He wanted her rage, he wanted her to shout at him, to hate him, something... ANYTHING! But she just stared at him.

Ruby: You know when you and Weiss said that everything's my fault? Like it's all about me? Were you looking into my eyes when you said that? Because, if anyone here makes everything about them, it's you both. You even have the gawl to make Penny's death about you too. I'm...I'm so tired.

Ruby falls on her knees after she finishes, as Yang felt ice water flow through her veins. This was beginning to feel like General Ironwood, another person they had failed, all over again.

Ruby: And you, Weiss? You knew? And never even told me?

Weiss: I-I-I-I didn't know how to tell you! I was worried how you'd feel and what you'd do!

Weiss slowly approached Ruby, reaching to put a hand on her shoulder, but then notices some black fire on her shoulders.

Weiss: Ruby?

But the silver-eyed girl's turns to burning rage, as Ruby turns and ruthlessly grabs Weiss by the throat, pinning her down to the ground, shocking everyone.

Blake: RUBY, STOP!

Blake tried to grab Ruby by the shoulder, only to find  the smaller girl's hands on her throat now, shaking her a bit.


Yang tried to get in the way, only for Ruby to punch her so hard, she fell to the ground, as she then wrapped her hands around Weiss's throat once more, making the ex-heiress's blue eyes starting to dilate, as the girl choked.

Weiss: R-Ruby......

That was Jaune ran and held her by the arms, picking her up.


Ruby: NO! You're not worth it, you've never been worth it!

She kicked him in the groin, making him yell out, as Ruby flipped him over to the ground.

Weiss: Jaune!

Ruby: NOW you care for him?

Weiss: What?

Ruby: You heard me, now you care about him? At Beacon, you always wanted nothing to do with him, because you thought he was after your money, but really, you were just using your past to judge him! Just like all of us!

Weiss: No! I was a different person, back then!

Ruby: And yet, you were willing to lie to me and actually payed more attention to him?

Weiss: I-I just-

Ruby: You just WHAT?!


Ruby: And yet, you instantly went to Neptune, a guy you just met. Did you know how many times I tried to help Jaune? To make you see him in a better way?! Of course, it wasn't all about him back then! Did you even look back to ask how I felt?!

Weiss: Huh?

Ruby: When I saw Jaune getting together with Pyrrha, I was happy, caused let's be honest, he deserved better than you! But then you got with Neptune, even back at Anima! And seeing that smile on your face, even from before, I decided not to tell you......That if you'd be happy......I'd be happy! (Sobs) but you're also blind to how I feel about you! And.......AND.....AND IT ALL HURTS! BECAUSE I THOUGHT I LOVED YOU!


Time froze, as everyone just stared at her, Yang and Blake's jaws dropping, Jaune looked surprised, and Weiss frozed, shocked to the core. Ruby realised what she said, eyes darting around, as she slapped her hand over her mouth. She couldn't believe she'd just let that slip. She couldn't believe she just even said that. Ruby was finally pushed over the emotional edge by Weiss, and told her Ruby loved her, and why she was upset that she was chasing after Neptune and seemingly chasing after Jaune. Weiss couldn't form the words, as suddenly, memories of the two partners together started playing in her mind. Ruby could hardly breathe......She needed to get away.......She couldn't face any of them.......Ruby had to go, and in a flash, she squeezed her eyes shut and turned away, using her Semblance to fly as fast as she could.

Weiss: WAIT!

Weiss lifted her hand, the other clenching her chest, as the others watched with the same reaction, feeling immediate guilt.

Weiss: (Looks down in realization) Oh, no.......No......No.......

Ruby POV:
I didn't have a location in mind. I didn't have a path in mind. It's not like I could have one in mind anyways with how absurd and backwards the world works. No, I didn't have a strategy or a plan or a direction or anything like that. All I needed was to be anywhere other than back there with them, and that is exactly where I landed as I stumbled out of my burst of petals in a dark, woodland area I didn't even remember seeing. Crescent Rose falls from my hands and thumps on the ground in front of me as mu hands land on her knees, panting and whimpering as tears continue falling from mu cheeks. Selfish. Unkind. Cruel. Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. All those things I said achieved nothing. I didn't feel better, they didn't understand me, and nobody is happier for me dropping the mask of leadership that had been strapped to my face since Beacon fell. Stupid. Idiotic. I should have known better, I was told better. Ozpin's words ring in my head as I start walking over to pick up my weapon while sniffling and shaking.

" Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you're not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you? You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility, Ruby. I advise you take some time, to think about how you will uphold it."

A whine escapes my lips before I bended over to pick up my fallen weapon. It takes me a moment to lift it off the ground, once more the superficial weight of the scythe weighing on my arms far more than the mass of metal ever did, even back in Signal. A place that, now that I reminded of it, I though that I should've stayed. I wasn't ready to lead a team, let alone lead an endless war without an end. I thought I was nothing more than a selfish, whiny kid who's only good at failing to live up to the standard of a leader and saving the day like she is expected to. A failure. A fraud. A disgrace. A disgrace to her team, her friends, to all the adults who looked up to her when they should've been the other way round, to her moth—

I let out a wail, squeezing my weapon tightly as I collapsed onto my knees. I felt my stream of tears hit my cloak, and stared blankly at the sky above me.

Ruby: I really did it this time, didn't I..?

Why would there be a response? What did I do to deserve a response from anyone that isn't a bitter look of disappointment and loathing towards me. Gods, what is wrong with me? Why did I do that? In what world was uncorking that bottle ever a good idea? It's clearly not this nightmare world they seem to be trapped in, that's for sure. Stupid. Selfish. Self-righteous. Unworthy. Undeserving. I wanted to scream. To punch something, to kick, to thrash and continue releasing this poison that's coating my mind and soul but I knew how pointless that all is. All I will be doing is making it clear how much of a prudent child I was and how much of a mistake it was for me to be made into a leader. Infallible? Always performing my absolute best? I couldn't even let out a bitter laugh if I wanted to. Not even unfolding Crescent Rose to defend myself against beings of pure death as it charges towards me. Huntsman? No. Coward. I though I was nothing but a coward, a scared little girl pretending to be the fairy tale heroes she idolized for so long. I thought I a hero, nothing but a... The crushing of leaves. The darting of silver eyes. A blur of movement. Eyes re-centering in front of me. A parasol with a sharpened tip between my eyes.

Roman: Well, Red, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?

Neo and Roman, standing over me with smirks.

Ruby: I would have thought you two ran back to Salem.

Roman: Not really, cause to be honest, while I'm scared of Salem, I'm terrified of The G.O.D., despite now working for him.

Ruby: G.O.D.?

Roman: God of Darkness!

Ruby: You made an acronym that basically says GOD?

Roman: I'm trying, okay?! It's been a long 20 years!

Ruby: Wha-? 20 YEARS?!

Roman: Oh, right, you have no idea how much fucking time passes differently in that Netherworld-place.

Ruby: Swear jar!

Roman: .......What?

Neo: (Typing on Scroll) If anything, that's cute.

I felt heat rushed my cheeks after she said that.

Roman: (Whispering) What the hell even is this conversation right now?

Neo: I don't know, this is actually the most random conversation I've ever been in.

Ruby: Why are you two even here?

Roman: We saw you exploding on your teammates, never took you for the type, Red.

Ruby: Why do you care about that?

Roman: One, because I got a job to do, and while HE seems like a nice guy, I don't wanna disapoint him. Two, 'cause it turns out I was pretty wrong about you and you're more important than you realize.

Ruby: "Important"? Don't make me laugh, if anything it's someone else that's important, my team can tell you that! And when I tried to help, I got rejected and lied to, even though I only lied once, but at least I thought it was a good idea! And it would've actually worked had Yang and Blake not told Ironwood! He would have probably be mad at us for lying, but I could've talked to him and help him understand! Yet, it's always about someone else! Yet I could never have the audacity, the gall, to say 'Hey, what about me? What about my problems? How about someone help me from feeling lost while everyone else was alright?' to my team? How dare I! How horrific of me! A leader asking for someone to lean on? Stupid! I'm Ruby Rose, I'm the team leader. If I show the slightest moment of weakness, if I drop the facade for even a second? I'm letting my team down, I'm letting the world down. I have to put my teammates first, and myself second. That's the rule. I don't matter, my grief doesn't matter, the fact that I don't know how I am anymore doesn't matter. Ruby Rose doesn't matter. The great team leader Ruby is the only thing of value, and if I can't be that? Then it's all my fault! Because it's all about me, isn't it Neo? Every failure, every misstep, every time I lied, stole, and cheated only for people to die? It's all on me because it's all about me. It's all about me until there is nothing left of me to give or I make one too many mistakes trying to be perfect... and then I'm not Ruby Rose anymore.....I'm just.....I'm.....Why is this happening to me?! Why am I like this?! When did I turn into this? Why am I so stupid, so......Selfish?!

Third POV:
Ruby's outburst makes both Neo and Roman jump a bit and take a defensive stance before they see her isn't even at them, instead up at the sky with arms stretched out. Neo simply looked at Ruby while she pants and shakes in front of her, wide-eyed and psyched out by her own outburst. The neopolitan-themed girl stands there as she processes everything Ruby dumped on her lap with little prompting. What she knows instantly is this isn't the Ruby she and her partner has been hunting, so she clicks a button on the handle of the parasol to retract the blade. Once she does so, she processes everything she just heard. Phrases are repeating in her mind as she scans Ruby who raises her hands to her face to cry into them. Ruby shouting about not being valued unless she was perfect all the time, about not feeling like she belongs to her own identity anymore, about how she's been lying, stealing, and cheating to get to where she is. They repeat in her mind like a broken record as Neo keeps staring at Ruby Rose and in a blink of an eye, she sees someone Neo thought she would never have to see again as for a flash......Trivia Vanille, and with that, her eyes lose their intensity and grow sad. Roman, on the otherhand, was more than surprised, as Little Red spoke the words he did before he died, like it was a lesson. Seeing her admit she had to be pretty "miss perfect" reminded him of Neo, when she and Roman first met, and where she had nowhere to go after killing her jerkass parents, so he took her in. Was it worse than The G.O.D. explained to him? Or is it just getting started? Something felt off, just like he met Neo all those years ago, and a strange feeling of protectiveness over Ruby. And seeing her like this was pissing him off.

Roman: What's wrong with being selfish every once in a while?

Ruby: Huh?

Roman: You need to hear this, kid. Being "selfish" is something smart people do, not just villains like certain people bashed into your skull. Looking out for yourself isn't selfish, it's smart and everyone does it and you're allowed to be like anyone else.

Ruby: Ah yes, no offense, but what wonderful advice to get. Especially from you.

Roman: What? You want to tell me I'm wrong? Just like how you've been telling yourself that every time you stand up for yourself?

Ruby: I can't blow up on my friends just because I don't get my way.

Roman: Oh, and they try to talk over you every time you say something they don't like? I barely have this, but friends, teammates, family, whatever you want to call them: they didn't treat you like it. They treated you like a brat. They didn't respect you as their leader, and now you're throwing a pity party because you didn't let them walk all over you? Because you didn't want to hurt yourself to make them feel better? How dare you not be some ideal they can throw all their problems at and have them wordlessly fixed like some machine? You're killing yourself, kid. This hero nonsense and only caring about being the hero isn't going to save anyone long term if you die . Because if you keep doing what you're doing when you get back to Remnant, you'll never stop throwing yourself into harm's way. Never stopping, never resting, never recovering. Just jumping to action at Oz's command forever, throwing your life into the jaws of monsters, over and over and over again.

Ruby: ......The way they look at me. It's like I am not their friend, or sister in Yang's case, anymore. Not their leader anymore. Is this what everyone else felt? What everyone else acted like around them?!

Roman: I told you, Ruby, the world is cruel and uncaring, my best guess it took a while for that to happen to you.

Ruby: What about you two? (Glares at Roman) And why should I believe you? You're a criminal, and a killer. Why would I think that even if I did what you want, you wouldn't just leave me to die anyway?

Torchwick tilted his head, meeting her steely gaze without the slightest flinch.

Roman: I may be a criminal, but I'm not a wanton killer, Red. I kill where I need to, and no more than that. If I'd wanted to kill you, don't you think I would've done so when you first decided to make such a nuisance of yourself out on the deck? It wasn't like I didn't have the means and the advantage, you know. I'd prefer not to use violence. But all in all, we're just survivors.

Roman: 🎶I was given the choice as a child
To deny who I'm destined to be
Instead I prepared for the trials
But the trials were not ready for me
Because I'm more than a fighter, I'm a survivor
Who's guiding you back to the light
If you follow me, you will be called on
To give it all that you got, 'cause I'm not gonna hide
Criminal for hire-where do I sign?
Already writing my name on the line
Pick up a cigar, give it a light
I'm nothing like Cinder - ain't no kin of mine
How long have been in hiding, disguised?
Had to go dark to gеt rid of my light
Hope isn't lost, see it in my eyes
Albеit they're sunken and riddled with lines
But I'm getting finer with age, give it some time
Check out the weapons I went and designed
Equippin' a gun - clipped to my side
I never said I was civilized
You'll be bullseyed like a womprat
No MacLunkey in this combat
If I'm struck down, I'll jump back in
Even more powerful than you'd imagined
Because I'm more than a fighter, I'm a survivor
Who's guiding you back to the light
If you follow me, you will be called on
To give it all that you got, 'cause I'm not gonna hide
I'll make this a fight that you'll remember
If you haven't yet, you'll get dismembered
Check your appendages - or what's left of 'em
Guess I'm just a cut above the rest of 'em
I've been rippin' and tearin' 'em down
Just like my ponchos - wearin' 'em out
Scared of the dark, but fear won't turn me
That's part of the hero's journey
Wasn't it Ozpin that they made
To bring together humanity for their balance?
He's the chosen one? Then they chose him wrong
Trust me, I met him - and he's not the guy
I would never tap into revenge and hate
If I need a minute - I'll meditate
And yet I can't forget the past
I'm here to the end - and it's Best for Last
Because I'm more than a fighter, I'm a survivor
Who's guiding you back to the light
If you follow me, you will be called on
To give it all that you got, 'cause I'm not gonna hide🎶

As he continued singing, he was moving from place to place, with Neo summoning illusions to help him.

Roman: 🎶 Doesn't matter that I'm unconventional
After all I had to watch the Beacon fall
Cinder and The Fang tried to end us all
Had to save The Faunus- indefensible!
That's the reason why I'm who'll
Nevermind if I bend my rules
Neo's all hands on - talkin' dual blades
Make it double-edged, we can duel the fates
She's a master of various stances
Practicin' many precarious dances
Adding a gun? There's an enhancement
And I'll be standin' where resistance is
Fight the world, spare no expenses
They're gonna strike, and we'll parry their glances
I'm not surprised when they get their chances
The Empire's giving me nefarious glances🎶

The same Beowolves from earlier crawled behind him, causing the same ringing to appear and make me cover my ears in pain once more.

Roman/Beowolves: 🎶Because I'm more than a fighter, I'm a survivor
Who's guiding you back to the light
If you follow me, you will be called on
To give it all that you got, 'cause I'm not gonna hide🎶

Roman: 🎶You know I'm more than a fighter, I'm a survivor
Who's guiding you back to the light
If you follow me, you will be called on
To give it all that you got, 'cause I'm not gonna hide🎶

He finishes by stretching his hand towards me.

Third POV:
The four traveled through the woods, following the trail of rose petals that were left behind, however, once they reached where they ended, there was no more trail. Yang shouted in anger, and strode up to a tree to punch it with all her might, exploding a hole in it.

Yang: Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Blake and Jaune flinch at this, but share the guilt and upsetness that the blonde was showing, while Weiss had her head down, a look of sorrow present on her face.

Weiss: (Wow, I really am blind! Stupid, STUPID!)

She couldn't believe it. It all made sense to her now. She didn't get it, but something snapped inside of her. It seemed that all of the memories with Ruby that she had seemed to flash before her very eyes.......and it was cemented for her.  How the fuck did Weiss not see it?! She held her head in her hands, and began to panic. Tears streamed down her face, as she hyperventilated.

Blake: Weiss?

Weiss: How could I been so blind? How did I not even see it? THAT MY BEST FRIEND! MY OWN PARTNER WAS IN LOVE WITH ME!

She kicked a rock away from her. It hit her, like a truck. It was so obvious, but her love for Neptune, and concern for Jaune had made her have a metaphorical blindfold over her eyes.  Weiss had never felt so stupid......More stupid than she ever had in her life. And, if she was honest with herself....She loved Ruby back. She always had been. But maybe she chased Neptune because she thought Ruby weas too good for her. Too good to her. That she may not even like girls. Like Weiss did not deserve her kindness to the point she'd be satisfied by being treated like her father did forever. She lied when she said there was no one better than Neptune. Ruby were so much better, and Weiss had only just realised she was the only person to ever show her true love and compassion. She could see that now. Her blindfold had been lifted. She could finally see. And all she wanted now, was Ruby.......

Weiss: .......Did you know?

Yang: What?

Weiss: Did you know Ruby loved me?

Yang: .......No, even I didn't know.

Jaune: Neither did I.

Blake: (Looks down) I did.

Weiss/Jaune/Yang: (Looks at Blake in shock) WHAT?!

Blake: Or I at least figured that was the case.


Yang: Hey! It's not her fault! Neither Ruby's!

Weiss: But she-!

Blake: You were blind! She loved you! A lot! But she wanted you to be happy, even if it meant that you would get with Neptune! Ruby tried to impress you before, but it didn't work! If one of us told you, you still would ignore her feelings, and continuing to hurt her!

Weiss: B-But I-!

Yang: But no! I love my little sis! I may not have been a good sister, but at least I'm not a selfish brat like you! Ruby grew up to be a kind, and amazing person, unlike you, who grew up with both of your parents and became a cold-hearted, selfish, baka, banshee, whory bitch! You just had to broke my little sister's heart! Sounds like you haven't changed at all! Still the spoiled princess you were at Beacon! JUST! LIKE! YOUR! FATHER!

Silence occured throughout the area, as Weiss gritted her teeth, her face never leaving the ground.

Weiss: ........Take it back.

Yang: Excuse me?

The heiress looked up from the ground, a look of anger directed at Yang as tears came more down.

Weiss: Take. That. Back!

Yang: Why? 'Cause it's the truth?

In response, Weiss pulls out her rapier and points at Yang's throat, much to the shock of everyone else. But instead, the blonde eyes turn read as she slaps it out of her arm, moving to punch Weiss, but she actually ducked and hit her gut, making Yang grunt in pain, but then she tackled the white-haired girl to the dirt.

Blake: Oh, my god! No!

Jaune: Stop it!

Yang punched Weiss across the face, who pushed her on her bafk and punched back in return, only for the brawler to roll her on her back again, strangling her like Ruby had done earlier, only for the heiress to throw dirt in her eyes, making Yang yell in pain, as they rolled across the floor, as the blonde punched Weiss once again, then the girl below her tried headbutting her, which she managed to her her enough to kick Yang off of her, before jumping on her, continue to roll across the floor, with Yang throwing her off, sending her tumbling. Just as both girls got up and about to fight once more, Yang is grabbed by the arms by Blake, while Weiss is grabbed by Jaune.

Blake: Stop it, you both! I get you're both mad and upset, we all are! We haven't been the best friends Ruby needed, but we're gonna fix it! Remember, this is exactly what Salem wants!

They suddenly stopped when they heard.....Singing?

Roman: 🎶You know I'm more than a fighter, I'm a survivor
Who's guiding you back to the light
If you follow me, you will be called on
To give it all that you got, 'cause I'm not gonna hide🎶

They looked to the direction of where that singing was coming from, running to the area to see Roman extend his hand out to Ruby.

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby POV:
We turned to see the 4 coming up, Yang's hair starting to spark, looking like it was about to be set on fire, as Blake, Weiss, and Jaune grabbed their weapons and took defensive stances.

Yang: Get away from her, you monsters!

Roman: Monsters? You got a lot of nerve, Goldilocks, considering the shit you pulled. Especially you, kitty-cat.

Blake: That's not gonna work anymore, Torchwick. I put that behind me.

Roman: But have THEY put it behind them? Do your friends even know or realize what you've done?

I noticed Neo leaning closer to my side, much to my confusion.

Weiss: We already know she was a member of The White Fang, and she knows of the mistakes she's made. She's changed.

Roman: Oh, really? Cause she still intends to hude secrets, like about poor Adam, and how she and blonde here killed him in cold blood.

I looked at them in shock, so did Weiss and Jaune, as Yang ad Blake flinch in surprise.

Yang: H-How do you know about-?

Roman: Goldi, when you're dead and spending 20 years of your afterlife in The Netherworld, the spirits of the deceased can be quite chatty and like to explain their life stories. Just like Penny.

Jaune froze at the mention of her name.

Weiss: Netherworld?

Roman: My new boss's residence, but I'm getting off topic, Red told me how you went behind her back and told Robyn Hill about Amity. If you didn't, then what happened to Atlas would never have happened. From what she told me, (Points cane at Yang), you're no sister, (Then points at Blake) and you're no friend. You're both too wrapped up in your own little world, but beyond, that when the time came to it? You trusted a random bitch over your own sister, and you called out her plan, but you still went it. You enabled her to lie, rather than tell her it was a bad idea. I bet you make Adam and all your former brothers and sisters of The White Fang so proud, because they said so themselves.

That seemed to be it, that even Blake's tolerance had its limits. With a wrathful cry, she threw her weapon, Gambol Shroud at Roman's feet, intended on stranding Torchwick, only for his cane to suddenly into a staff with a sharp hook and hit it back.

Even Neo looked surprised by it.

Roman: Like it? The boss came up with it.

The beowolves started to move to Roman's position for support.

Neo: Stay here.

She twirls Hush as what I remember what came next was chaos of shots, screams, and frantic movement. With no delay or words exchanged, everyone charged at one another, Blake and Yang trading blows with Roman and Neo, whom I guess my big "sis" was getting that rematch after all, while Weiss and Jaune were busy fighting The Beowolves. As they fought, I just sat there, thinking about what's happening? No, no, no! What're you doing, you dolt?! You're not supposed to be sitting down! You're supposed to be fighting to help your friends! Roman and Neo are the bad guys......Right? Yet, they were attempting to comfort me, but where they really trying to, though? And not try to manipulate me? I then thought back to the vision that was shown to hs by Jinn, and the words said by both The God of Darkness and Salem:

G.O.D.: I refuse to allow you to continue your abuse of this balance any longer!

Salem: We will never be able to get back what was taken from us, and my followers will ensure that those responsible are dealt with.

G.O.D.: This world has been tainted by the humans you pass all the worst traits you inhibit! And now you deny this man the need to fix the wound of his heart?!

Salem: There was no need for humanity to treat my people the way they did. There was no need to destroy my people's land. There was no need for humanity to have killed me in the first place, but they did it all anyway. And I will not rest until those Demons are purged from this world.

I then looked at my......"Friends", and remembed what they did, what they said, and what Salem told me.

Salem: And then when you can't even live up to that......They blame it all on you. You're nothing to them but a convienient figurehead that they can blame all their problems and failures on, and shoulder the burdens and everything else for them, while they enjoy their own personal lives. Why else haven't they been there for you as of late? are liars and helping a killer. They doomed Atlas, not you. You were forced into a situation that you barely had control over. And yet, did they help? No, they, didn't, they went behind your back and trusted a stranger over you, and still blamed you. They caused Penny's death, not you, but she will be back, I can assure you. What makes them worth any of it? Just because you're nice? After all, you beared the burden of everything, forced to put on a positive face and kept going for all their sakes. While it isn't selfish to put your friends above your own wellbeing, you must also care a bit about yourself, whether to ensure your leadership or just to stay alive. And yet, look where it got you. They even go so far to blame you for their own failures, or become just as much worse. All your fighting, your struggles, and all your sacrifice, for people that don't even care about you.

......She was right. HE was right! They're don't care about me! They may not even be there for me! That they may just be there for the old Ruby Rose. "The Leader". Who would always fake a smile whenever someone else frowns, because her job is to pick people up and not picked up, who has to bottle every little pain and ache, otherwise she is failing as a leader. Who isn't an equal to her team, but an idea on a pedestal held up so high, when she cries for help they can't hear her. Who shuts up. Who puts her team before herself. Who puts the world before herself. Whose whole purpose in life is to hold up everything and everyone, until her shoulders give way and she crumbles and her petals scatter in the wind. Who is only wanted, no, only needed to shoulder the blame and all the traumas those failures bring. That is all I, Ruby Rose, is anymore to them. To my own sister. They're all too wrapped up in themselves to care about what really matters!

Third POV:
Roman pushed Blake back against a tree while Yang's fist clashed against Neo's parasol Hush, but just as the black-haired girl kicked the orange-haired man off, a lone shot ranged in the glade of the forest, and the Faunus girl fell - twice. In the clearing fell of her shadow copy, dissipating on the fly and not even reaching the ground, with several steps back, Blake herself sank against the tree with a stunned face. Right above her ears, laid down in fear and disbelief, a hole was smoking in cardboard bark. Shocked, everyone, even The Grimm turned to see Ruby, aiming Crescent Rose, her bangs covering her eyes, and darkness pouring out of her body.

Yang: Ru-Ruby?

(Battle Music playing)

She quickly turns to Jaune, a dark expression crossing her face.

Ruby: MURDERER!!!!!

Yang and Blake moved to stop her, but they had forgotten, due to years of fighting alongside Ruby, just how fast she truly could be. In less than a second, only rose petals stood where she had been,  when there was a resounding "BOOM!" As Ruby decked Jaune true and clean across the face, the shockwave sent Neo, Roman, The Beowolves, Weiss, Blake, and Yang flying away, bolstered by some gravity-infused dust bullets from Ruby, as she had also taken out Crescent Rose in the blink of an eye, and Jaune was sent hurtling through the air, still feeling the potent sting of Ruby's punch across his face.

Jaune: (Shit! Shit! Shit!)

He tried to orient himself in the air, taking out his shield but as he was activating its glider, Ruby appeared beside him, and with another pull of her trigger, she slammed Crescent Rose into his shield, carried along by the recoil and weight, and slammed Jaune down from the sky, hitting the ground creating a massive dust cloud.


Pulling himself up, he feels his arm slowly untwisting itself back into place.

Jaune: (Okay, just calm down, you just gotta outlast her, and then-)

But then, he was cut off by a gunshot to the face making him stumble, there was then a rush, and he tried to swing, but Ruby was far too fast, a blur of rose petals more than a human being, it didn't matter how skilled he was, he couldn't hit her. But each slice of Crescent Rose held weight and fury that chipped away his aura faster than he could regenerate, he had reached for his gadgets, but that only allowed her to knock away his shields, while kicking him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.


Though, the more tactical side of him knew, that it didn't take too much skill to throw a punch or kick, especially when someone was angry enough. There was another clang of metal, as she sent his shield flying away with a gunshot. And then the two faced each other, Ruby holding Crescent Rose alight, her face covered by her hood, and Jaune desperately clinging to his blade.

Jaune: Ruby, please! I've been carrying that death eversince we got here! Like I failed Pyrrha! And as I fail-

She was on him in seconds, Jaune was skilled, but Crescent Rose had better reach, and Ruby was truly a prodigy, as she cut him down with a massive strike across his chest, shattering his armor and driving him into the sand. But then she didn't go after him right away, She instead waited.

Jaune: Please....I know what I did was wrong......but I want to make it right......I know what I said earlier! I know I messed up! But I don't want to fight you!

Ruby: ......Like you could ever put up a fight against me. I don't want your excuses, I WANT YOU TO SUFFER!!!

Then a mighty swipe from Crescent Rose sent Crocea Mors flying away, and then she unloaded every round into Jaune making him shout out until his aura shattered.

Ruby: You came to this school with fake grades! You didn't even go to combat school! You cheated your way in! And for what? So you can act like a hero? What kind of hero can't even put in the work?!?!

Jaune: I-I worked hard to make it here! Yeah, I was a fraud, but I grew past that. I got much better at fighting and I believed that I was on my way to becoming a hero like my family!

Ruby: And what did you accomplish!?!? You only got as far as you did because you had Pyrrha to pick up your slack! When she was killed and we faced Cinder at Haven, you recklessly charged in and lost to her! So much for your training back then!

Jaune couldn't muster up a reply to that. How could he when she had a point? But Ruby wasn't done yet.

Ruby: When we were stuck at Argus, You knew we were desperate to get into Atlas, and yet, you suggested that we steal an airship from a military installation! We ended up destroying a mech that allowed some giant Grimm monster that nearly destroyed a town! Putting us on the wrong foot with Ironwood!

Jaune: You agreed to that plan!

Ruby: Because you and everyone else let me go through with it! The only person who had any sense to reject this was Qrow, and I went off on him about the whole 'not needing adults' nonsense! You even put your own sister, your nephew, and your sister-in-law at risk!

Jaune: I-I-I-

Ruby: And I should've never gone along with it......But then you never should've let me lie to Ironwood should you? I can't believe you let me believe that I knew what I was doing, that I was a good leader. It took being her without my now-dead friend to realize I wasn't! That I was never a huntress!!!

Jaune: Ruby, I-!

Ruby: Oh, and let's not forget how you and Weiss lied to me about how Penny died! And not only that, but you had the nerve to take her death and make it all about you, just like with Pyrrha!!!

Jaune: How can you say that, Ruby? Pyrrha was my partner! Penny was our friend! I didn't want to, but-


He groaned, thinking maybe she would stop, but instead, she dashed over to his blade. And then he was letting out a massive scream of pain, as she stabbed his blade into his arms, pinning them down, and then did the same with Crescent Rose stabbing them through his knees.

Ruby: .....But you deserve this.

Before he could come up with another word, there was a sickening crunch as Ruby fully leaned into her left-handed punch shattering a few teeth. The hood was blown back by the wind, as raw anger and hurt shined in her face, and then she was a blur as she let out a howl, her fists became like bullets, and she lost count of how many times she was punching his face, his chest, his limbs, but she kept going and going, even when the blood was being sent everywhere, teeth and slobber, tears, and mucus. But she couldn't stop, she didn't want to stop. And over and over Jaune kept saying he was "sorry". Until.....

Jaune: (Coughs) If you want to kill me, it's okay........

His face was mangled, eyes completely swollen shut, very little teeth left, and he was practically choking on blood, and Ruby looked at her bloodied fists, and she held them high and with a mighty scream she punched the ground next to his head. She then exhaled as she got up.

Jaune: Ru-

She got him off with a vicious kick to the face.

Ruby: No. You don't get off that easy. You worthless piece of shit!

She cussed, rage and sorrow finally at the forefront, as she began kicking him over and over, shattering a few ribs.

Ruby: You wanna talk about "guilt"?! (Stomps on his face) I TRUSTED YOU! FROM DAY ONE! (Clenches her bloody fists) I thought maybe, just maybe, that so what if he cheated his way in? He seemed good, he could surely earn it......(Sniffles) But now I see you for what you are. You're truly a despicable coward. You're no hero, you're no man, and you're not even a real friend. And I finally see it now.

Jaune tried to articulate, but his tongue had swollen too much.

Ruby: Pyrrha didn't just die because she threw her life away, SHE DIED BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T STRONG ENOUGH!

She twisted the blade of Jaune's swor,  making him screech in agony.

Ruby: You cheated your way into Beacon! You had no skills, you had no awareness, and Pyrrha tried her damn best. But even then, those consequences came for you. Because if you had been strong enough, you might have been able to keep her from going. But you weren't, and she's dead because of you! But you know what's funny?!

She punched him in the face yet again.

Ruby: (Grits teeth) I BLAMED MYSELF BEFORE I BLAMED YOU! I thought I wasn't fast enough, I thought that maybe if I had done things differently, she would still be alive. But no......It all comes back to you. You couldn't hold Cinder off long enough for Pyrrha to get those powers. You also chose to call me, instead of a fucking adult! You moron!

Several more impactful punches.

Ruby: But you just couldn't stop there, could you? I brought you and what was left of your team, because I needed people. I know I'm not good by myself, but you just forced everything on me anyway. And you never talked to me about Pyrrha or Penny, because I did see you. You made it all about yourself!

Jaune winced, remembering his shout at Ruby earlier.

Ruby: Because Heaven forbid, that Ruby Rose, who saw Pyrrha turned to ashes in front of her is allowed to talk about it! But I was naive back then, and when I doubted myself, when I knew I wasn't cut out for this leadership? No, you forced me to keep going. I should've had the spine to tell you, no, to tell you to step the fuck up. (Exhales) But I could've forgiven all of that. (Laughs a bit) But then you tried to throw your fucking life away to Cinder!

She drove her elbow into his ribs, making Jaune cough up blood.

Ruby: You threw off everything making it all about your rage! Your pain! And Ren and Nora and I nearly watched you die! But that didn't matter to you, did it?!

Jaune wheezed.

Ruby: But then you just kept making things worse.

Ruby clenched her fists, and Jaune closed his eyes.

Ruby: It always came back to you. All your misery all your fucking pain. It's all on you! You chose this life! You chose to cheat your way into Beacon, and you just kept going and going. But then, you took out of your failure and anger on me. And it hurt. Because I blamed myself for everything, Penny's death, The Fall of Atlas, Ironwood's snapping. I hated myself. But you didn't care about that. Because you said it was all my fault, that you deflected every ounce of blame onto me, while still making it all about you. And not only that, you made Weiss feel sorry for you, even when I thought you moved on from her! I loved her! I loved Weiss! But now it's kind of useless since you stole her from me at the drop of a hat, so thank you, Jaune! You took away the one person I ever loved as much as Yang or Dad. Now, I have no one left to love because of YOU!

She decked him in the balls, making him cry out.

Ruby: The worst mistake I've ever made in my life? It was always trusting you, and all the other wrong people in my life. I should've trusted Ironwood and Ozpin, they weren't perfect, god no! But they didn't lie to me, they didn't go behind my back, and they didn't hide behind the convenient excuse of....."She asked me to do it." You're a worthless human being Jaune Arc. You're not my friend, you're not my ally, and you're not even a real huntsman. I should kill you.

Ruby exhaled shakily, as she yanked the blade out of Jaune's arms, raising it into the air, the menacing blade eager to strike down on him.

Jaune: (Weakly) No......

Ruby was undeterred by his pathetic pleas, and narrowed her eyes in response.

Ruby: You wanted to become a hero so badly........ If that's what you really want........ THEN FEEL FREE TO DIE LIKE ONE!!!!!!!

The sword began to drop.

Weiss: RUBY NO!!!

The blade she was bringing down was blocked by a white glyph acting as a shield. Before Ruby could react, she was taken off balance and found herself being pulled backwards. Looking behind her, she saw herself heading towards a black gravity glyph. It was Weiss alright. Thinking quickly, she reloaded her magazine, having already used up her clip shooting Jaune earlier, and fired Crescent Rose toward the ground, using the momentum to propel herself upwards and away from the glyph. Once she landed, she saw Weiss running toward Jaune.

Weiss: Ruby! Ruby, please! Think about what you're doing! You're going to kill-

Ruby: Trying to protect Jaune again? What kind of partner are you?

Weiss: I-

Ruby: I liked you so much, you know? I thought you were the prettiest girl ever. Even after everything with your family and your attitude, I still thought you were the best teammate I'd ever have.

Weiss: I'm sorry-

Ruby: No! Shut up! Beacon fell, and I had to go on without my team! I thought about you guys every night. I thought about all of us, but you most of all! About what I wouldn't give to just be studying in the library together on a Saturday morning. Eventually you and Yang showed up in Haven, and we were together again, and it was hard, and you almost died so I cried myself to sleep that night. But we got through that, right? Water under the bridge? Then there were the Apathy. Yang turned her back on me, and that was bad enough. But then you turned on me too. Yang and Blake were so busy trying to deal with their feelings, so I thought if I could count on anyone to be on my side, it would be you! But sure, I get it. It wasn't you talking, it was the Apathy, right? No harm done; case closed!

Weiss could only hang her head in shame.

Ruby: For a second, I thought maybe we were having a moment in Argus, but nope! No time! Gotta keep moving, gotta somehow use my eyes on the giant fricking Leviathan on command! Not to worry everyone, Ruby'll figure it out, it's do or die!

Weiss tried to search for words, but nothing felt right.

Ruby: I'm disappointed with you. You let me do everything I regretted in your kingdom. You were my partner, I thought you would have my back. But you just became a follower to this......This.....Monster, and you were always so proud, but seeing how you treat your own family, you're not worthy of that pride. Because of your inaction, you don't even have a kingdom anymore. But worst of all, heh, guess we're both liars now.

Weiss: Ruby, please-

Ruby: Shut up and wait your turn.

She wasted no time firing a round at Weiss, who attempted to block it with a glyph but was knocked back instead. As Weiss finished skidding on the ground, she was hit again by another of Ruby's rounds. This time, her aura shimmered. Ruby looked toward Jaune and aimed at him again, only for Blake to step in front of him.

Ruby: Like that's gonna stop me!

She quickly pulled the trigger. However, as she saw Blake get shot, Ruby saw her dissipate into shadows. Jaune disappeared as well.

Ruby: Figures, so you all really are coming together against me?! I knew it, Salem was right about you, all along!

Before she could chase them down, she suddenly felt restricted. She couldn't move her arms, and all she could do is kick her legs at the moment.

Yang: Ruby! It's me, your big sister. You have to stop this, Ruby. We can talk this out, please!

It took her a second to realize Yang was holding her in a bear hug, but Ruby used her Semblance to escape Yang's grasp. She then used Yang's moment of confusion to shoot her from behind, knocking her forward before Yang used Ember Celica to upright herself and turned to face her little sister.

Ruby: Now you wanna talk? All you ever did ever since we got here was get all lovey dovey with Blake!! Even though, I was happy for you both, at first!

Yang felt her regret growing for every word Ruby spoke.

Yang: I-

Ruby: And before that, you and her went behind everyone's backs telling a STRANGER about Ironwood's secret plans! You didn't know who she was or who she was working for! For all we knew, she could have been working for Salem!

Yang: She wasn't! We thought she was just trying to help, so we-

Ruby: Spilled the secrets to someone who was working to make things harder for him, AND US?!?!?" Ruby shot back. "You still don't get it! You put everything at risk by going behind our backs! Oh, and the whole 'just trying to help' thing. Is that what you think, or was that something Blake fed you to believe?

Yang was stunned with the realization of how her actions affected her sister.

Yang: T-That-

Ruby: You betrayed me in Atlas. You lashed out at me after Beacon, telling me to essentially give up because things are bad. And you know, despite how much of a fuck up Jaune is, at least he kept me alive before you reunited with me. But did you ever try to talk to me about what I might be feeling? No, you didn't. It took my dead mother to get me out of that horrible place. The woman whose been less in my life compared to you. Dad may not have been perfect, but at least he cared. I can't say the same for you, not anymore. And I truly never want to see you again. Enjoy your life with your cowardly girlfriend.

With that, Ruby aimed and fired with her Crescent Rose at her own sister, while she moved to get out of the line of fire as much as she could using Ember Celica to increase her monility.


Yang felt crestfallen hearing her say that and paused. That was a mistake. Ruby managed to hit her with a sniper round, breaking her aura. She took aim at her defenseless sister before-

Weiss/Blake: RUBY STOP!!!

Blake and Weiss suddenly appeared at each side of her in a pincer ambush. Ruby scowled before she used her Semblance to escape before they could reach her. Ruby then fired at Blake, but she managed to escape using her own Semblance, letting her clone take the hit. As she turned to Weiss, she used a glyph which shot ice particles at her, forcing the scythe wielder to use her Semblance to dodge another attack yet again.

Ruby: Why won't you just leave me alone, Weiss!

Weiss: Because I care about you, Ruby, you're my best friend, and nothing will change that!

Ruby: Friend? Friend?! What makes you think that we're still friends?! You don't care about me! You don't know me! You don't care how I feel about you or anything! You think you can just come in here and act like everything's fine, calling me your "best friend"?! Even after knowing my feelings for you! I'm not some princess in need of rescuing, unlike you!

Weiss: Ruby, please! I care about you! I'm sorry for not noticing!

Ruby: Sorry?! You don't even care enough to think about my feelins and expect us to be fine just because you said sorry?! This isn't some fairytale, where things will just magically be okay Weiss! I love edyou......I really, really wish I didn't... But I do......Did? I don't know........And believe me, if I could dispose of it with just a snap of my fingers, I would... IF YOU'RE NOT FINISHED PLAYING WITH MY HEART, JUST PLEASE GO AHEAD AND RIP IT OUT!

Weiss looked dumbfound as those words hit her.

Weiss: (Whispering) Ruby......I'm sor-

Ruby: Save it! I don't want to hear your "apology"! Quit doing this to me!

Weiss: Ruby, I-

She was hit with another shot from Crescent Rose, shattering her aura. Now, just like Yang, she was vulnerable. Ruby suddenly used her Semblance to side step and avoid Blake's attack from behind, before firing Crescent Rose opposite of Blake's direction, using the momentum to carry her toward Blake with sudden speed and kicking her square in the face, shattering her aura.

Ruby: Blake, when things got tough, you ran away! From my sister, my team, and Vale! You showed me that you're a COWARD!!!

Blake looked toward her leader, shocked at what she told her.

Blake: Ruby......

Ruby: I used to admire you, as funny as that is. Because you were this mysterious girl, that seemed wrapped up in tragedy like me. But you kept going, but now I see you for what you've always been: You're a coward, an even bigger one than Jaune himself. You ran away before, and you always do that. You first made my sister felt guilty, despite everything she's been through, then steal ger and then use her as a convenient shield. And you just follow her lead like some kind of succubus. But no, you're a worthless coward, and it's because of people like you, that allowed people like Adam to rise. Because someone had to be willing to fight for your people, and it certainly isn't you, no matter what you claim. ALL OF YOU SET ME UP TO FAIL!!! ALL OF YOU BLAMED ME WHEN THINGS WENT SOUTH!!! YOU CODDLED ME AND LET ME BELIEVE I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING!!! I NEVER ASKED TO LEAD ANYBODY, BUT I HAD NO CHOICE TO BECAUSE OF OZPIN'S STUPID MARRIAGE PROBLEMS!!! AND MOST OF YOU DID NOTHING TO HELP ME WHEN I WAS STRUGGLING BECAUSE ALL YOU WERE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR LITTLE PROBLEMS!!!

Ruby panted as she spilled all of her feelings. None of her "teammates" could say anything in response.

Ruby: That's what it was all about, it was all about anything except me. You looked the other way when I drowned in all my big and little problems. Salem was right.......

Hearing that, everyone had a look of horror on their faces.

Ruby: I've never been important. Never have been, and never will be.

Yang: YOU'RE ALWAYS IMPORTANT! I know......I'm sorry I haven't been a good sister......But.......I......I want to make things right!

Weiss: You're not just my partner! You're like the sister I never had! Even if I don't always show it. But now, I want to fix what went wrong! I'll be with you!

Blake: And.......I......Need to step up again. I'm so sorry we forced so much on you.

Ruby: ........No. No, you're not.

Yang: Ruby?

Ruby: I hate you.....

She looked down at the ground and turned her back towards her teammates, making them open their eyes in awe.

Ruby: I hate you with all of my heart.

With a fierce swipe of her scythe, a slice of darkness pushed the three back against the tree.

Yang: (Oh, no, it's happening again!)

You see, eversince the death of her mother, Ruby had some.......Unique abilities, per say. That she is able to use the power of darkness, aside from her eyes, and it was really concerning for her family throughout her childhood, as she first used this at a convienent raven who told her the truth about Yang's parentage. Qrow went to Ozpin about it, and he and Ironwood had their theories: Ozpin believed the darkness was the manifestation of the trauma of losing her mother, and if not controlled, Ruby could be consumed by darkness. Ironwood, however, believed something much more bigger was at play back then, as Salem could potentially be trying to corrupt Ruby, as this has never happened before with any Silver-Eyed warriors throughout the times Ozpin lived. James immediately suggested they take Ruby to Atlas where she could be contained, but of course, Ozpin and Qrow were not on board with that happening to a child, so the Headmaster suggested that Qrow and his family do everything in their power to actually comfort Ruby, and if possible, allow her to channel that darkness for good. But the darkness got more stronger and stronger, that she refused to use it at the cost of potentially hurting her friends and becoming consumed in the dark. But now, it seems to be happening, and Ruby couldn't know if she wanted to care for her now-former friends or not.

Beowolve: There she is!

Romand and Neo ran with the Beowolves behind them, seeing what appeared to be the aftermath, as Ruby walked towards them.

Roman: Red?

Ruby: Take me to HIM.

Both looked at each other in surprise and confusion, but then nodded as they gestured the Grimm dogs to lead them to Salem. Unbeknonwnst to them, Yang started to get angry. At herself for being a bad sister and more concerned for herself. At Weiss for not knowing of Ruby's heart, breaking her heart, and lying to her. At Jaune for making Weiss pay attention to him and lashing out at Ruby. At everything. And at Salem. Her hair light up in flames, her tear-filled eyes going red with rage, and a loud scream coming out as she dashed at Neo, ready to pummel her in two.

Yang: RUBY!!!!! NO!!!!!!

Roman: NEO, WATCH OUT!!!!!

Neo quickly turned and acting instinctively, she channeled whatever energy she had left to roll herself out of the way!

Gasps of shock and awe rung out. Weiss and Blake hung their jaws, and did Roman. Neo looked up from where she'd stopped and felt her blood turn cold and her bloodlust wither away, replaced by a dawning horror. Yang's vision finally evened out, and as she stood there, lunged forward with her, she realized what she had just done. Ruby moved in front of Neo, but now just stood there petrified. Her bugged out eyes gazed vacantly into space. She looked down, but she had already felt it happen. Yang's fist jutted out of her chest cavity, going through her body like a knife through butter. She didn't scream. She didn't even appear to be in any kind of pain. She just looked.......Stunned.

Yang: No.......No, no, no, no......

Ruby: Yang?

A groan emanated from Ruby's throat. A miserable, self-pitying frown replaced her look of shock. She was able to force herself to croak out what might have been her last words.

Ruby: You're just like your mother. And I......Hate you.

(Sad music playing)

Those venom-laced words were all Ruby had to say before she felt herself crumple and darkness envelop her.

Yang: NOO!

Roman: KID!

Beowolves: RUBY!!!!

Blake/Weiss: RUBY!!!!

?????: NOOOOO!


Suddenly, a white blur of roses, similar to Ruby's Semblance, dashed at the fallen form of the red-caped girl. Yang's eyes widened once more, as Weiss covered her mouth in shock.

Yang: .......Mom?

That's right, her eyes did not decieve her, Summer Rose, her "Super-Mom", was in-fact, alive.

(Appearance and outfit)

She cradled Ruby, tears spilling out from her silver eyes and hitting her daughter's face.

Summer: Ruby! Please......Ruby, open up your eyes for momma.....Please......Ruby......RUBY!!!!

No response, so she held her daughter close to her, crying, as all Neo could do was put a hand over her mouth at what just happened, until a thought came to Summer's mind. And so, she carried Ruby bridal-style, reaching her arm out as a purple portal opened.

Summer: You're not going to die, my sweet rose. (Looks towards Roman and Neo) Let's go.

Yang: MOM!

Summer turned to offer a sharp glare, which was combined with anger and dissapointment, then turns to The Beowolves.

Summer: Deal with them.

Yang, wide-eyed, sees Summer enter the portal with the criminal duo tailing behind as The Grimm circled them, but while Blake and Weiss got their weapons, the blonde suddenly ends up passing out until she hits the ground.

Blake: YANG?!

Meanwhile, Salem was waiting for the trio to arrive, hoping that the mission was alright and Ruby wouldn't get hurt, and hoping to catch up with her all these years. A purple portal opened, and as Salem prepared herself, but before she could even get out the first words, her jaw dropped in horror as a teary-eyed Summer holding an unconscious Ruby, a bleeding hole in her chest.

Salem: Oh, my god.......WHAT HAPPENED?!

Summer: Where's the pool?!

Salem: What?

Summer: The pool you went in, where is it?!

Salem: Follow me!

She led the three towards the main room, where more Grimm spawned from the Grimm pools.

Salem: Wait, Summer, we don't know what it'll do to her once she's inside!

Summer: Well, it didn't seem that bad for you!

Salem: Because of my immortality, it seems as though she hasn't unlocked it, yet! She may not be able to come back in the same state as before!

Summer: That's a risk I'm willing to take! I'm not gonna lose my daughter! I just hope her father will guide her.......

Walking into the black pool, she carefully laid Ruby on it, seeing her body slowly drift under, as Summer clenched her chest.

Summer: Please, Galbatorix, save her........She needs you......Now more than ever.

Ruby POV:
My eyes fluttered as a saw light flash before my eyes, as I closed them, before opening them up to see what appear to be a dark void in space with mist surrounding me.

Ruby: Wha-? Where am I? How did I even get here? The last thing I remember was I was in the woods, fighting Jaune and the others, and actually kicking their asses, and then.......What happened again?

????: Hello, Ruby.

I gasped, turning around to meet a helmeted face with red and purple accents, but I could see under the slits to see.......Silver eyes?

????: You don't know how much I waited to see you......

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