My Hero Academia: A Hero With...

By Ryu_Nagichaka

20 4 3

after gaining her unique quirk Washi Tsume signs up for the school of her dreams UA and gets into the hero st... More

Prologue: Start line
Episode 1 What I can do for now
Episode 2 Rage,You Damn Nerd
Episode 3 Deku vs Kacchan
Episode 4 Bakugo's Start Line
Episode 5 Yeah,Just do your Best,Iida!
Episode 6 Encounter with the unknown
Episode 8 All Might
Episode 9 In each of our hearts

Episode 7 Game over

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By Ryu_Nagichaka

I flew across the water with Tsu resting in my talons carrying Mineta and Midoryia.

Tsume " I can't hold you guys any longer so I'll have to drop you guys off here."

Mineta " Wait!"

I released Tsu as they gently splashed a foot in deep-ish water.

Tsume ( so...tired)

I was then grabbed by Tsu and she wrapped my arm over her shoulder.

Tsu " You okay Tsume?"

Tsume " yeah just tired from flying so far and carrying three people."

I then stood up fully and began walking before mineta said.

Mineta " I had a good poop this morning, which makes my balls stickier. They're not goin' anywhere!"

Izuku " can't believe we managed to get all of em' at once. It took everything I had to keep my composure. It was such a a gamble, what if they'd had reserves underwater that we didn't know about? They could've..."

Asui " your creeping me out. Stop it. Please."

Tsume " Yeah. You're worrying to much. Besides even if they had reserves that giant explosion definitely would have gotten them.

Asui" Instead of second guessing what we did, shouldn't we think about our next move?"

Izuku " yeah. your totally right. Ah--"

Tsu " are you okay?"

Tsume " your fingers are all bent up it looks disgusting."

Izuku " Yeah. Fine. Don't worry about me. We should make getting help our top priority!"

He then began bringing his elbow sleeve down before I stopped him.

Tsume" allow me."

I reached in my soaked pocket and brought out water proof bandages that I gently wrapped over his fingers.

Izuku " perfect coincidence."

Tsume " well, when you've got hollow bones, having bandages is important."

Izuku " if we follow the shore to the exit, then we can avoid the Central plaza entirely."

Tsu " good idea. That way we don't run into the villains Mr. Aizawa's facing off with there."

Izuku " if he doesn't get some backup, then he's just going to overexert himself. Hell end up defeated by those villains 'cause he was trying to keep us safe."

Mineta [gasps] Wait. Don't tell me you're suggesting...?"

" Are you trying to get us killed or something?"

Izuku " I'm not saying that we should jump into the middle of a battle. But... Maybe we can find a way to take out a few of those guys out and lighten his load."

Tsume ( that battle was successful with minor injuries. This gave us a sense of false hope, hope that we could survive this mess or any else we came across. We would soon come to realize how delusional we really were.)

A few minutes later

Mineta " Remember, Midoriya, we're just here to see how things are going, right?"

Tsu " Ribbit."

Izuku " yeah, I know. We'll get out of here the second it seems dangerous."

We peaked above the shore to see Aizawa still alive and kicking ass left to right. Suddenly the hand villain ran forwards before Aizawa elbowed him in the gut.

Tsume " see he's still alive and kicking. "

Just then his elbow began changing into a stony gray color and cracking revealing skin and eventually muscle. He then pushed the villain away and jumped backwards, as the villains charged towards him he began fighting again. Suddenly the giant creature that was standing near shigeaki only seconds ago appeared behind Aizawa and threw him to the ground beating him repeatedly.

Izuku " --No, Mr. Aizawa..."

I looked away in terror shielding my eyes before I heard a nerve-breaking crack I looked over and Aizawa's broken arm was in the crouched beasts hand and Aizawa was a bloody pulp on the floor.

[Nomu shrieks]

The beast began twisting Aizawa's arm before it snapped again and Aizawa let out a blood curdling yell. Aizawa turned his head and tried erasing it's quirk but the beast pushed it's arm down and snapped Aizawa's other arm, he then picked up his head and slammed it into the ground.

Mineta " no... No! I can't watch this anymore. We should be getting out of here super-fast, shouldn't we?"

Tsu " Ribbit."

Tsume " we can't just leave him here!"

Suddenly the warp villain appeared next to the hand villain.

Warp villain " Tomura Shigaraki."

Shigaraki " Kurogiri, did you manage to kill Thirteen?"

Kurogiri " the rescue hero is out of commission. But there were students I was unable to disperse and one of them got outside of the facility."

Shigaraki" Huh?!"

Shigaraki began to scratch his neck wildly before it started bleeding.

" Kurogiri... You fool... If you weren't are warp gate, id tear apart every last atom in your body."

He then stopped scratching and let his arms down.

" There's no way we can win if dozens of pros show up to stop us. It's game over. Back to the title screen. And I was looking forwards to finishing this today. Damn it. Let's go home."

Mineta " huh? Did I hear that right? Did he say they're gonna leave?"

Tsu " that's what it sounded like to me."

Tsume " ditto"

Mineta " Yes! That's amazing! We're safe and we don't have to fight."

Tsu " Uh, yeah. But..."

He then leaped over and hugged Tsu making her uncomfortable.

She then dunked him underwater.

Tsume ( pervert!)

Tsu " I have a real bad feeling about this, guys."

Izuku " it seems weird that they'd retreat at this point, even if help is on the way."

Shigaraki " Oh, before we leave, let's make sure the symbol of Peace is broken."

He turned his head towards us staring into our souls.

"Let's wreck his pride."

He shot forwards, his hand outstretched, and he reached for Tsu his hand connecting with her face.

Shigaraki " you really are so cool..."

I looked back to Aizawa his bloodied face staring at Shigaraki, quirk activated.

"Eraser Head."

The beast then raised Aizawa's head and slammed it on the ground.

I jumped out of the water and reached up my leg and slammed it into his arm sending it into the ground as Izuku lunged forwards fist reared back.

Izuku " You! Let her go! Now! Smash!"

A giant blast of wind and water flew at us, As the wind cleared I saw Izuku's fist against the monster beasts stomach unfazed.

Shigaraki " you're pretty powerful. This "smash" of yours... Are you one of All Mights disciples? Doesn't matter. I'm done with you now."

He twisted his hand out of my talon and grabbed my leg Disintegrating the skin and muscle off.

Tsume " AHHHHHH!"

Suddenly the beast grabbed Izuku's arm and pulled it closer reading his fist. Tsu shot out her tongue reaching for midoriya before the U.S.J's doors burst open and a large fog of smoke flew out.

Mineta " Look, we're saved!"

Tsu " Ribbit."

Izuku " He's here... All Might..."

Shigaraki " Ah. Looks like our games getting a "continue." "

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