The Four Season Siblings (Leg...

Por SnowyChan8

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Alinta, Sierra, Celeste, and Winter are siblings who ran away from the cruel and horrific town they lived in... Más

OC Information!
Prologue: The Day We Disappear
A Hero Is Born: Part One
A Hero Is Born: Part Two
A Hero Is Born: Part Three
Bad Weather
Coming Home
Meeting Monkey King
Noodles Or Death
The Great Wall Race
Impossible Delivery
Wait... Two Dates?!
Skeleton Key
Revenge of the Spider Queen: Part 1
Revenge of the Spider Queen: Part 2
Revenge of the Spider Queen: Part 3
Revenge of the Spider Queen: Part 4
Season Two Outfits
Sleep Bug
Celestial Training Trip
Dumpling Destruction
Ping Pong Panic

The End is Here!

186 6 1
Por SnowyChan8

MK, Celeste, Winter, Sierra, Alinta, and Ironclad were coming back from Flower Fruit Mountain. The siblings were there to watch MK, Celeste, and Alinta train with Wukong.

Alinta also made Wukong apologize to Winter after the Macaque incident. Winter also had Shadow with her, which made Wukong uncomfortable for some reason. And Ironclad was there to protect Alinta.

Once arriving at Megapolis, Alinta and Sierra thought something was wrong. The sky was dark blue, even though it was still daytime. And the city looked deserted. But the others didn't notice as they were all distracted.

They then stopped in front of Pigsy's Noodles. MK gets out of the tuk-tuk and takes his headphones off. "Hey-yo! Guess who's back from his training with Monkey Ki-"

MK paused, seeing multiple Bull Clones above the shop. They looked more animalistic and had a more prominent blue. The rest also noticed them.

"Well, we're dead," Celeste declared, earning a look from Alinta.

The Bull Clones then charged at the group. The group screamed in fear until the bull clones were hit by a truck. The truck sent the bull clones flying away.

Then Mei, Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, Mo, and Bob got out of the truck. All of them, except Bob, were wearing dystopian outfits.

"Guy? Omg! You're so cool!" Celeste shouted, making Winter flinch.

"What's with the get-up?" Alinta asked.

"So, uh, some stuff happened while you guys were away. Got pretty intense. And we had an outfit change for our survival," Mei said.

"B-But I left you with one of my boys!" MK stated.

"Oh, he's been super useful," Tang said sarcastically, looking at MK's backup clone.

"I don't know what to tell you, guy," The clone said before exploding.

"Can you explain to us what happened?" Sierra asked.

Mei started to explain, but Tang interrupted. "If you'll allow me?"

Mei groans in annoyance but lets Tang continue. "Well. After you guys left, the Bull Clones attacked. But they were different. More powerful than before. We believe it's all tied back to the Demon Bull King himself. MK, he's conquered everything."

"Also, Bob isn't affected by him for some reason," Pigsy mentioned as Bob waved at Winter. Alinta noticed how Bob's eyes were now the color red. The same was true for Ironclad.

"Where is he? Where's DBK?" MK asked.

"We're not sure. But there's pretty scary noises coming from the mountain," Sandy said, looking at a mountain close by.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Celeste shouts. Everyone nods in agreement and then heads toward the mountain.

At the Flaming Floudry, DBK maniacally laughs while looking at the chaos he'd created. "Look at how they cower and run. With this power, even the Great Sage could not stop me."

Iron Fan and Red Son were standing next to him. "Yes, Father! We have finally taken our rightful place as the rulers of this city!" Red Son states.

Suddenly a warning came on the screen. It showed the Monkie Kids' truck. Whispers flooded DBK's head as pictures of the group showed on the screen. Alinta and MK's pictures were the biggest.

"Monkey King?! Horae!?" DBK shouted as MK's picture turned into Wukong and Alinta's picture turned into a serious-looking man.

"Come to take me, bind me? I will not let that simian abomination triumph again! And as for you, you won't take my daughter again!" DBK shouts before roaring. Iron Fan starts to narrow her eyes while looking at her husband.

Back with the heroes, they had just made it to the Flaming Floudry.

"all right, so what's the plan?" Sandy asks.

"Uh... I dunno. I was just gonna... wing it?" MK states.

"Oh boy! How did I not see that decision being made?" Alinta asks sarcastically. But everyone else agreed with the idea.

"What? No! I didn't mean you guys, too!" MK shouted.

"You thought you were going without us?" Tang asked MK.

"We're not letting you die out there," Alinta stated.

"MK, we get it. You're the Monkie Kid, eh? It's your job to go fight the bad guys," Pigsy said.

"But that's also my job! Along with my siblings!" Celeste proclaimed, hugging MK and making him blush.

"And we're your team, little man! It's our job to get you there!" Sandy said.

"And we also protect you," Sierra said.

"No matter what," Mei said

MK looked at everyone and smiled. Then Winter spoke up. "Well, I'm only doing this because I can't let Celeste's future boyfriend die just yet."

Celeste started turning red. MK didn't understand Winter's comment.

"Will you stop assuming other peoples' relationships?!" Sierra shouted. Winter answered with a giggle.

Pigsy then stepped on the gas and smashed into the fortress. Once they got into the Flaming Foundry, a truck started to follow them. It then pushed the group's truck on its side, but it was still driveable.

"Look! There! DBK's throne room!" Tang pointed to a massive hole in the ground. "It's gotta be down... there."

A truck then appears next to the group's truck. It then started ramming into them. Luckily, Sandy managed to get Mei, MK, and the siblings out of their truck before the truck was destroyed by the other truck.

They started running toward the hole. But they were stopped by the truck that rammed into their truck. But Sandy destroyed it before it hurt the group. Mei, MK, Celeste, and Alinta jumped off Sandy's back while Sandy, Celeste, and Winter fought off the oncoming Bull Clones.

"Come on, guys! Leggo!" Mei shouted before jumping into the hole with the others.

But the hole was very deep, so they started falling. Luckily, Mei plunged her sword into some rocks to stop them from falling. Alinta, Sierra, and MK were hanging on her for dear life.

"Now what?" MK asked. Sierra answered with a shrug.

"So, about getting down. If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you do the same?" Mei asked.

"Mei, if you kill us, I'm haunting you for the rest of your life," Alinta stated, making Mei laugh nervously.

"Uh, guys," MK said nervously. The others then saw multiple inactive Bull Clones around them.

"What are we gonna do?!" MK quietly yelled while he and the others panicked.

Suddenly Mei's phone started to ring. It echoed throughout the hole, making the Bull Clones flicker to life. Mei started to reach out for her phone in her pocket, but let go of her sword in the process. Luckily, MK managed to grab the sword and Mei, preventing everyone from falling.

Mei groans. "Seriously? A phone update now?"

"Not the time, Friend Mei," Sierra said, holding onto MK's arm.

"Yeah! Now's a great time to download the latest version of Monkey Mech," Mei stated.

Everyone gasped. "Monkey Mech!"

MK pulled out his staff and swung everyone toward a rock wall. "Here comes Monkie Kid!"

MK then smashed his staff into the wall, creating the mech from their first battle with DBK. They were inside the mech. The Bull Clones then charged at them.

"Let's do this!" Mei and Alinta stated.

"No. Mei, you hold off the zombie bull clones. Sierra, Alinta, and I'll finish this," MK said.

Mei shook with excitement. "I've always dreamed of piloting a killer mech!"

"I don't think putting Mei in charge of the mech was a good idea," Alinta stated while Sierra nodded in agreement.

Mei then started pressing multiple buttons until the floor under MK, Alinta, and Sierra collapsed. The three then started falling, screaming at Mei. She ignored them and focused on the Bull Clones.

MK, Alinta, and Sierra then crashed into DBK's throne room, creating a crater. All of them groaned in pain.

"Noodle Boy? Firefly? Demi Spider?" Red Son said.

"The little thief," DBK said along with whispers as his eyes glowed blue.

MK stands up, cracking his back. "Give me a minute."

"You okay, Sis?" Alinta asks, helping Sierra up.

DBK's eyes changed to his normal eye color, then back to blue. He thought that MK was Wukong and that Alinta was Horae.

"Yes, Sister Alinta. I'm fine," Sierra said.

"Okay! Think I'm ready to fight now. Let's go!" MK said while making his arm turn in circles.

"Sun Wukong! Come to lock me away again? And Horae! Come to find my daughter? I'll crush you where you stand!" DBK shouted.

"Wukong? I think you got the wrong guy. You feelin' okay bud? And who's Horae?" MK asked, perplexed while picking up his staff.

Alinta and Sierra were frozen as ice.

"How do you know his name?" Alinta asked, terrified.

"And who's your daughter?" Sierra asked, less frightened than Alinta.

DBK didn't answer, instead, he charged at them. Thankfully, they'd managed to dodge his punches.

Suddenly Iron Fan created wind shurikens and launched them at DBK. She then uses her wind magic to pick up MK, Alinta, and Sierra before DBK could attack them. A bunch of debris then fell onto DBK.

Iron Fan placed the three next to her. "The canisters. The power inside has driven him mad."

MK uses his gold vision to see the inside of the canisters. They contained the bones of a human.

"We need to destroy them," Iron Fan said.

"And after that, you and your family need to do some explaining!" Alinta shouted, making Iron Fan sweat.

DBK then started to charge at them like a wild beast.

"Okay! Time for round two," MK said, getting into a standing position.

"No! This time, we fight with you," Red Son said before charging at his father.

"You'll have one shot. So make it count. Protect Firefly for us," Iron Fan said, then followed Red Son's lead.

Both mother and son used their combined powers to attack DBK. But both of their powers didn't do any damage.

"You will meet your fates together!" DBK shouted, pushing back both Iron Fan and Red Son to the ground. He then starts walking towards them, ready to finish them off.

Suddenly a vine whips DBK's head. Then a burning hot rock hits his head. He yells in pain and looks toward MK, Alinta, and Sierra. Sierra had vines around their arms while Alinta created a small fire in her hand.

"Yeah! We got more rocks where that one came from!" MK shouted while throwing a rock up in the air.

DBK then grabbed MK and Alinta very tightly in his hands. Sierra managed to get away before she got caught by DBK.

"You two have been utter disappointments. I had hoped you would have learnt more of the Great Sage's little tricks. Or even Horae's combat," DBK said.

"I don't know what to tell you, dude," MK said, nonchalantly. DBK then started to crush him and Alinta. "No! Wait!"

MK then exploded into hair while Alinta screamed in pain. Suddenly Alinta's body was engulfed in flames, causing DBK to let her go. Alinta wasn't in control of her body. It was like it had a mind of its own.

"What?! A copy?! And you can burn me?!" DBK said, shocked.

"Sister Alinta!" Sierra shouted.

"Firefly!" Red Son and Iron Fan shout.

"Yeah! Turns out I did learn some tricks."

DBK looks up to see the real MK with a bunch of his clones appearing behind him. Some of his clones then launch him toward DBK.

"Here comes Monkie Kid!" MK and his clones shout as they all attack DBK with punches. The canisters then fall off DBK's back before exploding. All the Bull Clones in the city then lost their power since DBK lost his power source. A blue fog then travels away from the foundry.

Suddenly the foundry starts to crumble as rocks and rubble dropdown. MK panics while Sierra checks on her still-flaming sister. Alinta was in so much pain.

DBK was next to them, on the ground like Alinta. Red Son tried to go near his father, but Iron Fan stopped him.

DBK's eyes returned to their normal color. "What... what happened?"

Iron Fan started walking toward DBK.

"Mother?" Red Son studdered.

Iron Fan then lifts DBK's face to face on her own. Iron Fan looks him dead in the eyes and smiles. She pressed her forehead on his. "You came back to me."

The wind starts to surround the two as Red Son looks over to the canisters. He looks at the canister, suspicious about where the power went.

Suddenly Alinta attacked Red Son, pinning him to the ground. She had Red Son in a chokehold while on top of him. Some of the fire on her body disappeared; only her hair and burn marks were still on fire. Red Son was struggling to break free from Alinta's grasp.

"Sister Alinta! What are you doing?!" Sierra shouted, but Alinta ignored them.

"How does your family know his name? Who's your sister? And why aren't Bob and Ironclad following your lead?" Alinta shouted. She was furious that someone knew that man's name.

Red Son stopped struggling and looked at Alinta with an upset look. "I can't answer the first and second questions. But the reason those Bull Clones aren't following my father is that they follow you now. You fuel their power with your own and they'll listen to your every command."

Sierra then pulled Alinta off Red Son. Alinta was shocked by Red Son's statement. "I don't understand. How is that possible?"

Red Son got up from the ground. "You will someday. So long, Firefly."

He and his family then vanish in a cyclone. The force of the wind made the fire on Alinta's body vanish

"You can't just... ugh! Again?!" MK shouts while avoiding falling rocks.

"But how do we get out?" Sierra asks while helping their sister up.

Suddenly a giant rock was about to crush them. They screamed in fear, ready to meet their fate. That was until something destroyed the rock. The group looked up to see Mei with the mech.

"Mei!" Everyone shouted.

Mei laughs. "Let's get out of here, ya Monkie Man!"

After leaving the foundry, the heroes sat on top of the mech. Everyone was together eating noodles, minus the Bull Clones. And Winter, Bob, and Mo weren't sitting with them. Alinta also had bandages on her since the flames she created had hurt her.

"Well, you did it, kid," Pigsy said, checking Alinta's injuries.

"You beat DBK! Again!" Sandy said, patting Ironclad's head.

"I'm not sure we did, Uncle Sandy," Sierra said, looking at MK.

"Whatever was powering him up, it made him... different," MK said, looking down.

"But we won, right?" Mei said, not thinking about what MK said.

"He couldn't have been that different," Celeste stated.

"I'm sure it's fine. You were done with this, hmmm?" Tang asked, taking a noodle from Pigsy's bowl.

Pigsy pulls his bowl away. "Hey! Get your mitts off my bowl, Tang!"

Mei, MK, and Celeste laugh at the twos' silliness. Pigsy then noticed something.

"Uh, Alinta, you feelin' alright?" Pigsy asks.

Everyone then turns their attention to her. She laughs nervously. "There's something I wanna tell you, guys."

Pigsy raised an eyebrow. "Okay, what is it?"

Alinta took in a deep breath. "DBK knew someone I wanna forget. His name is Horae."

Celeste spits out their noodles. "What?! How does he know that crazy old man?!"

"We don't know."

"Sorry to interrupt, but who's Horae?" MK asks, confused about who they were talking about.

"That man is our... biological father," Sierra says, looking at their spider limbs.

"Wait. You mean the guy who abused you guys until you came here?" Mei asked, looking like she was about to explode.

"Yes. But don't worry, he's gone now. And DBK also said he had a daughter," Sierra mentioned.

"Wait, there's a fourth member in the Demon Bull Family?" Tang asks.

"Yes. And I think I know who it is," Alinta states, leaving the others confused.

She then took off the ring on one of her horns. She then pressed the gem on the ring and a screen appeared. The others were amazed.

"Alinta, how long did you know about this?" Sandy asked.

"Ever since I got it. Ironclad threw it when they'd tried to steal Mei's sword. And look at this," Alinta tapped a file on the screen. It showed a picture of a baby and a Bull Clone together.

"Aw, they're so cute! Wait, why didn't you tell us this?" Celeste asked.

"You guys would make too many theories on it. Plus, I didn't want to worry you guys. Also, the baby looks like me. Just a little bit," Alinta stated.

"So, this could be their daughter?" Pigsy asked.

"Yes. But I don't why they didn't mention her or why we've never seen her before."

Celeste sat next to Alinta. "Well, whatever the case is, we'll find out together."

Everyone agreed with this statement. They then began to resume eating their noodles. Sandy then left the group to see Winter.

He found Winter with Mo on her lap, Bob on her right, and Shadow on her left. She was singing something so beautifully that Sandy didn't want to interrupt her.

"Where the north wind meets the sea, there's a river full of memory. Sleep, my darling, safe and sound. For in this river, all is found."

Sandy started clapping, surprising Winter. "Winter, that was beautiful! You should sing more often."

"T-Thanks, Papa. But I don't like everyone staring at me," Winter said, blushing from embarrassment.

Sandy sat next to Bob. "Alinta told us something important."

"I heard. Shadow and I have good hearing."

"Why aren't you with your friends and siblings? You could've heard it better."

"Because I like being with my friends. Mei and MK aren't my friends. They just say that because they're friends with my siblings. And my siblings don't understand me. They never have. That's my reason," Winter said, looking at her siblings.

"You just gotta get to know them better. They like you a lot. By the way, who are your friends again?" Sandy asked.

"Well, I have five friends. Mo, Red Son, the twins, and Shadow. It's very little compared to my siblings," Winter said while patting Bob on the head.

"I'm not sure Red Son's a good friend. He did do bad things to us and others."

"Papa, there are two sides to every coin. Think of those situations from Red Son's perspective. He might have done those things to gain attention from his parents."

Sandy hummed in agreement. An awkward silence began as the father-daughter duo sat and watched the sunset.

"Hey, Papa. Can I tell you something?" Winter asked.

Sandy smiled. "Sure! You can tell me anything."

Winter paused. "The Bull Clones we fought today were... familiar to me."

"Familiar how?"

"I don't know, they were just familiar. Like some sort of deja vu. I feel like I'm connected to it somehow."

Sandy patted her head. "Maybe we can figure it out together. This deja vu might be connected to your powers somehow."

Winter softly smiled while rubbing her sore neck. "Yeah. Together like always."

The song Winter sang in this chapter is called "All Is Found" from Frozen 2.

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