Major players book 4

By aspaceintime01

17.8K 3K 1.3K

We pick up 3 months on from the day that Keegan left Charisma. More troubles, excitement and twists and turns... More

3 months on
Birthday boy
Birthday boy pt2
A new man
Home for now
Lasting legacy
Lasting legacy pt2
Loose ends
Loose ends pt2
In awe
A deep bond
A warning
Last time
2 days later
A turn of events
Kill mode pt1
Kill mode pt2
Eyes on
For her
The heads
Face to face
Frayed tempers
Something off
Put it behind
Major player
A mothers love
Dead man walking
Book 5

Not to plan

327 66 31
By aspaceintime01

".... So, about us... you know that you can talk to me about anything...

Kat nodded. "I know but when it comes to your son, I don't want to be the person that comes between you both..."

Josh took her hands. "Keegan is a fucking liability for me... I don't give a fuck if he's my blood, he's not coming in between me and you and he won't be the cause of me not being able to see my baby girl..." he told her. "I can kick his ass out.."

" I just don't understand what his problem is with me... I haven't done anything to offend him, he just decided that he dislikes me... He scares Mika.. and I don't want that for our baby girl.."

Josh nodded. "I hear that... look, do me a favour in future... If he says, or does something that upsets you, or Mika, you come and you tell me straight away... don't let it fester or get worse... I can, and will handle my son.." he told her.

Kat smiled, she put her arms around his neck. "I love you... but I am also worried about Danny...

"Will you stop worrying, I want you to leave all of the worrying to me... All I need you to do is be there for me and raise our baby girl.. can you do that?." He said looking at her with his eyebrows raised.


"Now boss, do you need me to do anything for you before I head out to just make sure business is where it should be?.."

She smiled. "I'm good.." she said.

"I will grab some take out from that Thai restaurant you love on my way back..." he was about to walk out and then he stopped remembering something and looked back at her. "oh, you need to give Keegan a call, he is waiting on you to let him know that you are home and everything is fine.."

She nodded. "I will." She swallowed hard and she waited for him to leave, she held her head in her hands, relieved she was alone but deep in her feelings.

Her phone lit up with an unknown number. She picked up but didn't speak.

"Nash?... you shouldn't be contacting me.."

"I know that I can't come and see you face-to-face, but I just needed to let you know that you're in danger... from the Diaz's and you know I care about you too much to let anything to happen to you..."

Charisma was silent for a second. "Nash... I'm sorry that it's come to this...

"Are you?... I think you know what happened that night don't you... when you got yo memories back.. I think at the same time you also remembered what happened the night I stayed at yo place, didn't you?"
Charisma kept quiet.
"Don't worry though, it'll stay with me.. I would rather take the fall for it than have anything come back on you?."

Charisma began to get upset. "I feel so terrible.. I can't eat or sleep...."
She broke down in tears. "How the hell am I supposed to stay with Keegan after this... I can't lie to his face, I don't wanna see anybody, I don't wanna face anyone.."

"C... it was my fault.. you were so drunk.. and I knew you didn't have it in you to stop me.. I went there, I took advantage of you.. I wanted it to happen, I put you in that position... and don't worry I already hate myself for it... and for putting you through this... it is the reason I walked away from my family without too much of a fight, because I deserve to be away from all of you..." he paused. "Just know I will
always protect you C.. which is why I need to keep Giovanni close... when the time is right, I'm gonna flip that motherfucker and his business will become my business and I can stake my claim in this fucking under world.. and do shit for me.." he paused. "I love you.. I will go on loving you baby girl.." he said and ended the call.

Charisma held her phone in her hand and then placed it slowly down beside her. All of a sudden she jumped out of his skin as the ringtone went off loudly next to her. She looked at it her phone and saw that it was Keegan calling her, she covered herself in her blanket, and she cried hard, putting her fingers in her ears just wanting it all to go away. Wishing that she still couldn't remember what happened the night that Nash stayed.


"...oh damn it must be bad I can't remember the last time my brother lit up a blunt...

Anton took a huge pull back on his blunt and shook his head. "It's over.. I ended it with Tian today.." he said.

Julian shook his head. "You have got to be the dumbest motherfucker, that I know... You love that man, I know what you did to him and how it has spooked you.. which is why I know that this is something that you'll never repeat... But to leave him completely, give up on yo marriage and yo life together ... Anton you are the eldest, and sometimes I think I'm more grown than you in my head.."

"Fuck you man... you couldn't hold onto yo first baby mother, remember... she was coming to me and crying on my shoulder all the time... so don't give me relationship advice because Lani is to loved up to see the actual old ass mess that you are." he said to his brother with a grin on his face.

"Oh man, I love her" he said with a smile. "I have never been more in love with someone as I am with Lani.. she is funny, sassy, beautiful and so fucking smart..." Julian added.

"And I am really happy for you and that everything has worked out for you and her... But I have to let Tian go now.." he said. "I crossed the line when I hit him, I won't be that person again, and I won't stay with him, so that he can accept me as that person..." he told him with meaning. " he deserves better, so much better.." he swallowed hard as he said it, because he loved him with all that he had.


"Aye!.. where the fuck is C!..."

"nice to hear from you to Keegan!." Jago said down the phone.

"Don't fuck me around motherfucker, where is she?..I have been trying to call her and I can't get hold of her and that is making me worry, and I told you that you had to look after her... I put my fucking trust in you... So you better put her on the phone now..."

"Umm... I am not at the house right now... I dropped her off, and I went to get us some food...

"What the fuck are you telling me! What part of do not leave her by herself did you not fucking understand?..." he snapped angrily.

"She is at home and there is security on the house, I told her to call you. I am literally 10 minutes away.." he said. "When I get back... I will get her to call you... And after that, I am not leaving her side again, it was just late and we both needed to eat..." he explained.

"Get yo ass back to the house now.. I expect to hear from my wife in 15 fucking minutes... I swear to God if I have got to come back there, motherfucker, I am swinging on you!." Keegan told him in the uncertain terms and ended the call.

"thanks a fucking bunch Gee!."
Jago said looking up to the sky and rolling his eyes....

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