Shadow Of Knight

By Legends_Trilogy

442 111 0

In the beginning, our universe was dark and cold, with no life. Until the creator of the outerverse, Nova, br... More

§ Character Aesthetics §
Chapter 1 | Welcome To Alose
Chapter 3 | Cycle
Chapter 4 | Love?
Chapter 5 | Ice Storm
Chapter 6 | Destroy
Chapter 7 | Hope
Chapter 8 | The Voice
Chapter 9 | The Journey
Chapter 10 | The Farm
Chapter 11 | Unleashing The Darkness
Chapter 12 | Trouble
Chapter 13 | Deal
Chapter 14 | Whispers
Chapter 15 | Within The Silence
Chapter 16 | Moonlight
Chapter 17 | Long Story Short
Chapter 18 | Trusting A Demon
Chapter 19 | River Of Blood
Chapter 20 | Fear Death
Chapter 21 | Desire
Chapter 22 | Desperate Moment
Chapter 23 | External Factors
Chapter 24 | Friends?
Chapter 25 | Entertaining
Chapter 26 | Fire

Chapter 2 | Deceived

35 8 0
By Legends_Trilogy

"I can not change you, so I must replace you."

Lucid Dreams - Juice WRLD


Drake's POV:

Love, in my opinion, is overrated. In most cases, it gives short term pleasure and always ends up fading away, but do I really believe that or am I just making up petty excuses to fill the void in my soul? I don't know anymore, and I hide all of these thoughts behind a mask.

We've been riding for hours in silence, enjoying the tranquility and calmness of nature, not the loud noises of the busy streets. I've never been this far out before, it almost seems like another world out here.

The dry leaves crack under the feet of our galloping horses, winter slowly rolling in, I can already feel the change in temperature.

The peace is interrupted by the sudden halt of the horse's, refusing to go any further.

"What's wrong boy?" I ask the horse, rubbing at his mane. "He senses a threat." Dan states.

"It's best we travel on foot for now, the horse's could stir up trouble if their to loud." I spoke and the guys nod in response.

We let the horse's stay here and we continue on foot. I begin to notice a hill forming and we climb to the top of it, looking at the surroundings, what we see surprises us all. "It's a demon camp."

I state very quietly, not wanting to alert the demons with their heightened hearing and sense of smell.

"Not just any demon camp, it's a slave trade, it has humans locked up in the cages, right over there." Tim says softly and points in the direction of the cages, showing all the people in them.

"Alright, first order of business, we need to save these people and take them back to the palace. Their efforts could strengthen the refuge." I say confidently and I crouch down and crawl down the hill.

I crawl over to a crack in the wall, that leads into the camp, I'm followed by the guys as we hide and sneak through the camp to the cages.

We make it over and I tell them to watch my back as I try and open the lock. I take a needle out and I fiddle inside it, trying to unlock it. "Hurry it up Drake, we're going to get spotted." Don says, rushing me.

"I'm going as fast as I can, I'm not use to picking locks like these, their not the same like the ones in the palace."

I finally manage to open the cage and I reach my hand out to grab the person. I grab the persons shoulder, and it's soft to the touch, I slowly turn it over and the person...

Isn't real, it's a fake. I breath in deeply and I mentally prepare.

"Guy's, it's an ambush." I state softly and their heads turn to me slowly. "Everybody run!" I shout and a large amount of demons jump out to attack us. I pull out my sword and I begin to defend myself, I swing my sword at the first demon and it splits open at the touch of my blade. The guys begin to fight aswell, finishing off the last bit of demons before running off, as we're running, something catches my attention at the corner of my eye. A girl, a gorgeous girl, sleeping soundly in the cage, her soft dark brown hair, nearly black, lays on her shoulders, spread across the floor.

Her eyes are closed, making me unable to see her eye colour but her lips are pink and plump, and her eye lashes are long and elegant, who is this girl? I stop instantly and I can't help but stare, I'm drawn to her, this feeling is unexplainable and I can't stop looking at her, my heart and soul feel connected to her, it's like I'm trapped in a trance.

"Guys stop! We have to save her!" The boys stop and look back at me, then the girl, then back at me. "She's the only real person here! Even if it's just one life we save, it's enough!" I say taking a few steps back.

"Go without me, I'll buy you'll some time!" I say and they seem shocked.

"That's an order, go!" I quickly turn and run to the cage alone, instead of trying to unlock it, I decided to break it with my sword. One swing and it cracks a little, damn this thing is harder than a demon. I try to swing again but I'm jumped by a demon, but before it can hit me, Dan comes and cuts it's head clean off.

I stand up straight and I look down at him slightly, I'm a few inches taller than him. "What are you doing? I gave you an order to run." I say with authority, Dan looks at me in the eyes sternly, with Don, Jake and Tim behind him.

"You know I don't listen, you think I'd leave my best friend? Death before dishonor." Dan says with a smile, making me smile.

"Alright, everyone cover me, I need to bust the lock." The guys surround me, watching my back, I'm so grateful to have such good friends, my brothers.

I swing again with my sword and the lock breaks off, flying away. The cage door springs open and I run inside, I put my fingers on the girls neck to feel for a pulse...

She's alive, and damn her skin is soft but don't lose focus Drake, come on! I pick up her solid and slender body bridal style, she looks exhausted, don't worry princess, your prince is here to save you, that was so cringe. I shake the overpowering thoughts in my head and I charge out the cage with her in my arms, I nod to the guys and they follow after me. Unfortunately, the whole demon camp is on high alert now and a hoard of demons are following us. We run out the demon camp into the forest, still followed, night is creeping in so we need to find shelter soon. This girl is like a feather in my arms, it's either she's super light or I'm just to fucking strong. While we're running, I notice a dark cave and I shift my direction towards it. We all run inside and lay low, the hoard of demons run pass the cave entrance, unaware we're all in here.

We wait for the noise to die down, and the sounds of footsteps fading away. I stand up and I check outside the entrance and I see no sign of the demons, I take a breath of relief and turn around. I look around at the cave and I come to a conclusion, "We'll stay here for the night, let's set up camp."

After a few minutes of laying out the sleeping bags and creating a fire, I lay the girls fragile body on the soft blanket, covering her up to make sure she's remains warm, it gets really cold at night. Deep in her sleep, she pulls the blanket higher and snuggles in, making me smile genuinely, which I find shocking.

This feeling in my heart is...

I'm not use to it.

But she's still to weak to wake up, so the best thing we can do now, is wait...


The fire slowly begins to fade away, the ashy embers, prickling in the remaining sparks of flames. My eyes become droopy, the darkness of sleep trying to consume me but I hold onto reality, only able to sleep until she wakes up. My eyes flicker closed and I nearly fall over but I'm brought back to my senses by her movement. She stirs abit and shakes abit, she starts to whisper and moan, looking scared.

I rush over to her and I shake her abit, she's probably having a nightmare and I'm trying to wake her up.

"C'mon, wake up, wake up!" After a few seconds, her eyes open and she lashes at me, pulling away from my grasp, getting up swiftly.

"Who are you?! Where am I?!" She says loudly, her strange purple eyes staring darts into my face. Her legs are abit shakey and her breaths are heavy, she's still exhausted, her body can't handle the strain.

"I'm just here to help you, we saved you from a demon camp, we brought you here to rest." I say calmly, trying to ease her mind.

"I don't need anyone's help! Who the fuck are you?!" She says roughly, picking up her fists, ready for a fight.

"Calm down, my name is Drake Vulcan, prince of these lands, I won't hurt you." I say walking closer, slowly, trying not to startle her. "Prince? What is a rich asshole like you doing down here in the trenches?" She says, clearly upset about my background.

"I'll tell you, if you calm down." I say, getting closer. "Stay the fuck back!" She says as she throws a punch at my chest, her fist stopping dead, I'll be lying if I said I never feel anything. "What was that supposed to do?" I say, slightly amused.

"Screw you, you're so lucky my fire magic isn't working right now." She says lowering her fists, still visibly tense.

"Fire magic?" I say questioningly, she side eyes me. "Yes, I just said it, you don't listen do you?" She says, rolling her eyes, giving me attitude. This girl has some serious anger issues, but in this world, who wouldn't.

"You've got alot of attitude for your size." I say, towering over her.

"So what? You're not my father, you can't do anything about it."

She says, looking away from me, avoiding eye contact. I slowly raise my hand to her chin, turning her head slowly towards me, titling it up slightly so we can look in each other's eyes. She remains silent, but her legs are shaking slightly.

"I know you often talk to men with this attitude, but with me, it's not going to work out. You're in my lands, and you are under my protection, never forget that."

I say in a low tone, maintaining eye contact.

She nods slightly in response.

"Use your words." I say in a demanding tone. She bites her lip and speaks up. "I-I understand." I lower my hand and I notice her body starting to relax.

"Good. Are you hungry?" I say, gesturing towards the cooking food. "No, thank you. I'm just really tired." She says, and I'm surprised by her submissive tone.

"Use my bed, it's double layered for comfort." I say with a slight smirk, getting a small smile from her.

"How do I know I can trust you though? She says softly and I lower down to her ear. "Because why would I harm an angel like you?" I say, standing up straight, seeing the red hot blush on her face.

She avoids eye contact and walks pass me, over to my bed. She stands still and looks over to me, a question burning in her mind. "What did you say your name was again?" She says calmly, feeling comfortable around me.

"Drake, Drake Vulcan." I say cunningly, making her smile softly.

"Addison, Addison snow." Addison says warmly.

Such a beautiful name, I've never met  anyone with this name before. She strips from her crimson red jacket, revealing her black vest, and my eyes dart down to her breasts, their large but not to big, perfection if you ask me. Her arms are laced with scars, old wounds from the hard life she's lived, I wish I was there for her. She takes off her shoes and realises I'm watching her.

"What's wrong?" She asks, her cheeks turning a rosey red. "Nothing, it's just your distracting me."

"Is that bad?" She asks, pouting.

"Of course not, it's just, I can't keep focus when your in my sight." She gets shy at my words, and looks away. "It doesn't matter, rest now, you'll need the energy."

She nods and lays down on my bed, pulling the covers over her body.

Like who the fuck is this girl?

Her hair is sprawled out against my dark grey pillow, closing her eyes, and drifts off.

I take a seat on the rocks around the camp fire, and I carefully watch Addison, not in a creepy way but I'm just making sure she doesn't get another nightmare. I can't help but feel that this moment was destined, that it was meant to happen, I don't know anymore, but the one thing I am certain about, is that this girl is special somehow, I can't even explain the feeling. It's like I'm drawn to her, attracted to her personality, her eyes, her lips, her movements...

Maybe I'm just being deceived, and the gods are looking down at me, thinking I'm a fool. Whatever may happen, I'm ready for it, I've never been wrong before.

To Be Continued...

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