By Modestyj

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Maura Isles and Jane Rizzoli are married. Maura wants to run in the Bay to Bay Breakers in San Francisco whic... More

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By Modestyj

I returned home and my sister was doing work. She got up and walked to the kitchen.

Sis you may not want to take Laura's money but please take mine and when you go to New York you can buy something new. Also, you have the key to my place. We will need more clothes etcetera and I will need you to meet with my assistant to bring back some files and other items. You can stay at my place when your there. Your doing us a big favor especially me  and my business.  Since you put it that way, fine. Thank you.

We unpacked the ice cream she bought.  My cell goes off and I read the text. 

She needs help getting up to use the restroom.

Madison leaves and I go to my bedroom to pack for my work trip to New York.

Babe thank you for helping me. This is so embarrassing.  No it's okay. We have been friends for years. We both are clean now and your dressed in shorts and you look hot. Madison! I know no dessert.

We kiss and she falls back to sleep.  I leave the guest room.

I sort our clothes and Laura's soiled pajama bottoms and start a load of laundry.

Hey sis is she okay? Yeah we didn't make it to the bathroom in time.  I started a load of laundry.  She is embarrassed and frustrated she is doing this all over again. Madison it happens. I will show you where I keep the extra bedding supplies when the bedding needs to be cleaned.  Thank you.

Sydney shows me the location and gives me Harold and Julie's number just in case I need them.  She also takes out more ammo for my and Laura's guns as well as cleaning equipment just in case too.
Sis I need to write you a list and have my assistant to bring the stuff over to the penthouse . I will tell you where my work check books and ledgers are too as well as Laura's.  Okay just make me a list and the contact information.  I will bring it back. Pierce and I still want to go to the city to support Jane, Maura and the others on Saturday.  We will be late coming home. Sydney - we will be okay.  I know you have a life. Sis your important to us too. I know. We will be okay.   You go do your work and I need to finish making some calls, emails and write everything we will need. I am going to forward our mail here. This way we can pay our bills etcetera.  Not a problem. If we stay here longer, I will rent a car. No I have two. You can drive my Lamborghini.  Don't waste your money.  Thanks.

I left the lounge area to finish doing what I needed to do.

Baby girl Laura had her surgery so
Maura and I are going to go there  and pick up dinner for us. Why don't you and Dorothy come for dinner too. Mom you sure it's so soon after her surgery? Yes Maura text Madison and she said yes on whomever wants to visit. Of course,  they will need time alone to do her physical therapy and time to be alone too. She just wants Laura to feel comfortable and for her to know we care about her. Mom of course we do. I know that.  I am on my way to get my wife so we can pick up dinner for us all. We will bring dessert over.

I hug my daughter and leave her office and drive home.

I park in the driveway and Maura comes outside with her medical bag and supplies.

Hey babe let me help you with this.  I already called in the food order.  Laura wanted Japanese food for dinner.

I closed the door and got into my side and started my vehicle and we left.

The two of us caught up on our day.

Hey Piper thank you for texting me. Did you enjoy yourself? Yes and I returned and swam some before I took a shower.  I noticed alot of guards keep themselves busy by swimming and playing basketball.  When Carly is with Jason, she doesn't need us. Whomever was suppose to cover her they get some free time to do what they want here.  She communicates with us all when she needs us to work again and where she needs us to be. Piper, I called Madison to see how she was doing.  She said she is doing alot of sleeping which we both know is good.
Dinner is ready.

We start bringing our food outside to eat. It's cooler.
If anyone wants more food, it's inside.  I  am leaving to go eat with my husband to Hells kitchen for dinner.  Piper please write down any food allergies so I will know what to do for you if it's needed. I am good with whatever you make.  Okay!

We tell her to enjoy her date night with her husband.

Piper before they
couldn't just go out on date night to do that but now since more people are hired they can do that.  I see it's like the military.  You do what your told. Yes some what.

We started to eat and talk with the others outside.

Max this was delicious.  I will do the clean up.  No you go rest, I will do it. I leave tomorrow to go back to work.  I enjoy spending more time with you in person than just talking to you on our cells. Me too Max.

Diane kisses me before she leaves to go swimming for her cardio workout.

Jason dinner was delicious.  I am glad you enjoyed the chefs fried chicken and everything else.  All your orders for all your casinos are done.  I know you leave for Vegss tonight. Carly I will have some of my guards follow you to make sure you get home safely.  This way your guards have more time to relax. I need to get going than.  Please text me when your in your in your hotel suite. I will.

I kiss Carly and walk her to her car and place her luggage in her vehicle.

My guards know who is to follow you. Thanks for spending more time with me. Jason I enjoyed myself too.

I started my car and drove to the gate and it opened.  Two of Jason's guards were following me in two vehicles.

In Sacramento...

Hi Bailey, are you, Eva and Abigail joining us for dinner? Nope Joan and I are having our date night. Abigail and I are going to the movies afte we eat dinner at TJ Fridays. You four enjoy yourselves. Don't walk us out.

Laura ice and alleviate your hip and relax after dinner.  I will. Bailey, Eva and Abigail thank you and enjoy yourself.   Laura I will bring a cane tomorrow.  I still want you to use all I brought you today.  I will.

They left and Julianne and Dorothy started serving everyone while Sydney when to get us wine, beer or ice tea.

Thank you for picking up the food. You all are spoiling me. Laura we are your extended family. We treat everyone like this, says my daughter.  Madison and Laura before I forget I already took your vitals, showed you how to give you your own shot to prevent complications during the healing process.  Yes this is new to us because the doctor never requested me to give myself shots. I would make a bad drug addict. I don't like needles. If you need help, please call any of us. We all know how to do it. I left you extra first aid and medical supplies you will need during your recovery.  I am not charging you nor accepting any money. Our cousin Juanita,  my sister in law Rony, Christopher, Sienna and Halle said if you want food from their place just call and they will have it delivered all for free just tip the driver. Sydney has the menus which also states their hours. They asked to call a minimum of two hours ahead.  Sis you know where the menus are kept.  Yes I do.   See this is overwhelming. Laura get use to it. Your stuck with us, says Dorothy.
This food is delicious.  By the way we brought dessert actual dessert to make banana splits. We know your throat is a little raw still. Yummy more ice cream.  Laura there is alot of ice cream and fixings too to even make milk shames or a smoothie too. I am going to gain weight. Babe you look gorgeous.  If you gain weight, well there will be more for me to love you.

Everyone said ah so cute. Madison kisses Laura and we continue to eat and drink our beverages.  We are enjoying catching up on each other's lives. 

Maura and Jane we already deposited money in the accounts you provided us with.  Thank you Madison. Your welcome.

I leave tomorrow early for New York.  I  am going tomorrow too at 6 a.m. for a case.  I am flying.  You can come with me. Cancel your ticket. I will be back on Thursday so if you need a ride back, let me know. I want to stay an extra day to shop with money Madison gave me plus my own and visit some friends there. Jane do you have a hotel yet? No I was going to get one after my court hearing.  You can stay with Sydney at the penthouse.   Plus our dog would like the company.  I will take it for a walk. Our friend will be leaving so I will ask her not to leave until you or my sister get there.  Sis I will bring your dog back.  He can stay here in a kennel at night and roam around the backyard. He is going to think he is at a park. I will clean up his mess and pay for any damages he does. Please make sure you tell Harold to call you so you can bring him inside. I will.

Jane all we have now is Lou. Our cat Izzy died last year.Hmmm Izzy.  No mom don't go there. Out cousin, Joey Raymund. Her wife nickname was Izzy. You mean the pastry chef? Yes, we got to see hee every time we went to Italy but than they said she moved here.  Yes she did.  She died several years ago. We are so sorry. Thank you,says Jane. She definitely was loved by many and was a well known for her desserts. Yes I loved her raspberry tarts. We did too, says baby girl. Izzy taught my wife and my mom how to make them. I will make some tonight and bring them by tomorrow before I go to work.  Thank you Dorothy.  Babe I will need to figure out to exercise.  Once your stitches are gone, we can swim.

Whose up for dessert ? I laughed because everyone was ready. We all got up.   Madison helped Laura to the couch and got her situated.

Babe I know what you want.  Also here is your medication and your water.  Thanks Maddie.  Your welcome.

Everyone helped clean up the dinner mess and started making banana splits. We ate them and didn't stay long. We knew my mom and Sydney had to get up real early as well as Maura since she offered to pick up Sydney which meant they would be up by four thirty to get ready. We all left by 8.

You guys I won't wake you up when I leave.  Sis here are my spare keys to my Lamborghini. Pierce will be here tomorrow after dinner. Don't worry about him or be scared if the alarm goes off around nine. Sis you have a monitor in your room that you can see everything. Just turn it on.  Good night and I love you both.

We hugged one another and Sydney left the master guest bedroom to hers for the night. 
Maddie shower time before I get much sleepier.  On it.

I helped her to the bathroom.  She uses it than I do. We wash our hands. I get undress and help her than we take a shower being careful not to get her stitches wet. I covered thar part up with a trash bag with some tape. The tape removed some of her hair and thank you God it didn't hurt her.

We got out,dried off, floss our teeth with her leaning against the vanity. She gargle and brushed her teeth.  I got dressed really quick while I had her seat on the toilet seat. We finally got her dressed and we walked to the bedroom.  I helped her get situated.  I hooked our cell phones to the charges and turned both lights off.  We talked a little before we fell asleep.

Julianne no more for you or you won't get anymore. I will take them to work.  Okay.   I am going to take a shower and than do some work.  I am staying home so I can finish up a project.  I don't want to get interrupted by my employees . Okay sweetie.

We kiss.  Julianne left while I cleaned the kitchen. I took  a shower and was asleep before Julianne cake to bed.

Maura and I made love in their shower than went to bed. We both were tired.

Our alarm goes off at 4:15. We get up moody and get ready.   We leave and will pick up some breakfast after we get Sydney. Jane tears her and tells her we are twenty minutes away.

I finish eating my breakfast and drinking my much needed latte. I clean up the kitchen and transfer the last load of their stuff in the dryer. I folded everything else and left it on the couch.

I see them drive up. I set the alarm and lock the door.

Sydney we are going to go through McDonald's drive thru for breakfast.   I already ate. I am wide awake.  We will sleep on the plane or I will. It's way too early.  I hear you.

Maura gets us breakfast and she drives us. We finally arrived.  We say goodbye and I kiss my wife before we take our luggage and other stuff to go through security than board the plane.

We will be asleep so don't bother telling us the safety directions Mrs. Rizzoli and Mrs ..Hill, I will wake you up an hour  before we land. 

We say okay and lay in the bed. We both remove our sticky holsters and place the guns on the night stands . We put our earplugs in. I know Jane will be snoring.

I decided to go for a run with Courtney and Mario when I get home. We jog for an hour an half than go inside to take showers and go to work.

I wake up to the door bell and Dorothy has the tarts. Thank you we will definitely have a few for breakfast. Enjoy! How did she sleep? She still Is. I am awake so I need to call my office . Thank you.

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