Yandere Females x Male Reader

By SteveJones687

851K 7.9K 5.3K

Everybody loves a good yandere story, so here we are. P.S. I don't own any of the photos I use. More

EP 1 Jedi Reader x Yandere Fem. Clone Squad
EP 2 Powerless Sidekick x Yandere Royal Pain and Layla (L)
EP 3 Male Reader x Yandere Boss
EP 4 Male Reader x Yandere Helen Parr
EP 5 Male Reader x Yandere Nekos
EP 6 Male Reader x Yandere Female Magician
EP 7 Male Reader x The Yandere Store
EP 8 Male Reader x Yandere Mermaids
EP 9 Male Reader x Yandere Poison Ivy (L)
EP 10 A Very Yandere Easter(Female Easter Bunny)
EP 11 Jedi Reader x Yandere Fem. Clone Squad Part 2
EP 12 Male Reader x Yandere A.I
EP 13 Teacher Reader x Yandere single mom
EP 14 Male Reader x Yandere Booette
EP 15 Male Reader x Yandere Demon (L)
EP 16 Yandere Time Loop
EP 17 Male Reader x Rich Yandere
EP 18 Male Reader x Yandere Highschool DXD
EP 19 Male Reader x Yandere Resident Evil (L)
EP 20 Male Reader x Yandere Female Pokemon
EP 21 Male Reader x Yandere Female Orc
EP 22 Male Reader x Yandere Nezuko
EP 23 Male Reader x Yandere Hermione Granger (L)
EP 24 Male Reader x Yandere Attraction Syndrome
EP 25 Male Reader x Yandere Werewolves vs Yandere Vampires
EP 26 Yandere Reunion
EP 27 Yandere Female Disney Plus
EP 28 Male Quirkless Reader x Nana Shimura
EP 29 Male Reader x Yandere Female Pirate
EP 30 Male Reader x Yandere Ghost
EP 31 Male Reader x Yandere Alien
EP 32 Male Reader x Yandere Teacher (L)(T)
EP 33 Male Reader x Yandere Alice Angel
EP 34 Male Reader x Yandere Fae
EP 35 Male Reader x Yandere Corpse Bride
EP 36 Male Reader x Yandere Female Jason Voorhees
EP 37 Male Reader x Yandere Female Frankenstein
EP 38 Male Reader x Yandere Succubus Girlfriend and Daughters (L)
EP 39 Abused Male Reader x Yandere EX-Girlfriend
EP 41 Male Reader x Yandere Tribe (L)
EP 42 Male Reader x Yandere Resident Evil Part 2

EP 40 Male Reader x Yandere Other Girlfriend

10.2K 169 88
By SteveJones687

Hey everyone, I believe this originally was going to be one of the stories I was going to release in October. This is based off the movie Coraline from 2009. I started it way back when, but I just got around to finishing it now. I hope you all enjoy it if you do be sure to like and comment because I enjoy reading them.

(Y/N)'s POV

Coral: For the millionth time I went out drinking with some of the people from the hospital after my shift!

(Y/N): You don't need to keep repeating it. I didn't ask you where you were, I was asking how you could forget our anniversary!

I said angrily as I paced around the kitchen while Coral sat at the table.

Coral: Why are you getting so upset about this anyway?

(Y/N): Because we've barely spent any time together the past three years. We set aside tonight and you just forgot.

Coral: I had to work. What, do you not want me to work?

(Y/N): Don't tell me about work. I worked three jobs to help put you through medical school.

Coral: So what? This is about money? What do you want me to pay you back?

(Y/N): That's not what I am saying so why are you hearing it?

Coral: This is why I went out drinking tonight because I have stress from work and then you want me to come home and be your stay at home wife.

(Y/N): That's not true at all. I do the cooking, cleaning, and everything else that needs to be done around here. Maybe I would like a little something like "how was your day" or "thank you" for any of the million things I do for you.

Coral: Listen if you want someone to be happy to see you each time you come home and show you undivided love and affection get a dog.

(Y/N): We had a dog till it ran away.

Coral: Probably because it thought you were too needy.

(Y/N): What did you say?

Coral: Whatever, I am going to bed. You can sleep on the couch.

She got up and went upstairs. I heard her slam the door to our bedroom.

(Y/N): Urgh.

I took a deep breath and went to get some bedding from the hall closet. I set it up on the couch and decided to lay down. I was still upset at Coral, but it wasn't hard to fall asleep.




I opened my eyes to see a white little mouse on the floor looking at me. Once it saw me looking at it. It ran off along the wall and snuck into the crawl space that was partially left open.

(Y/N): I'll deal with that tomorrow.

I lied back down and closed my eyes.




I sat up and saw the mouse was outside the crawl space looking at me again.

(Y/N): Really?

I said looking at the mouse. It jumped back into the crawl space. I decided to just close it and call an exterminator in the morning. As I got up the door of the crawl space seemed to open more. As I peeked inside rather than seeing my stuff it was some kind of weird colorful tunnel with an opening on the other side.

The mouse was completely gone so it must have gone through to the otherside. I just kneeled there debating on what to do when the floor underneath me gave out causing me to fall down the tunnel. It dumped me out on the side into what appeared to be my living room.

(Y/N): What the? Was that just a dream?

I heard classical music playing from somewhere in the house, but Coral hates it when I listen to it. Wait it's late I better turn it off before she wakes up even more mad than she was when she went to sleep. I got up and saw the lights were on in the kitchen so I walked in to see the table was set for two, there were plates of my favorite foods, candles, and even a nice bottle of wine. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

???: Welcome home, sweetie. I've been waiting for you.

It sounded like Coral and when I turned around to see her it looked like her, but with only one or should I say two minor details. I backed up until I hit the table.

(Y/N): Coral?

I said nervously as what was a nice dream turned into a nightmare real quick. I closed my eyes and hoped to wake up, but instead, I felt her arms around me.

???: Don't be so nervous, darling. Everything's ok.

(Y/N): Where am I? Who are you?

???: I'm Coral, your girlfriend. Well technically I am your other girlfriend and we are in the other world.

(Y/N): What?

She let go and stepped back.

Coral: It's me. Your girlfriend, Coral.

(Y/N): You can't be her. This has to be a nightmare.

She frowned a little.

Coral: Well that's not very nice, darling. But I understand this is a little strange. I know you think I can't be your girlfriend because I have b...b...buttons for eyes.

She giggled a little bit and it did remind me of when I first met Coral and we had good times.

Coral: As I said I am your other girlfriend. I am just like your girlfriend with a few small differences.

She said as she tapped on one of her button eyes and gave me a gentle smile.

Coral: Speaking of which do you like them?

(Y/N): Ahhh. I guess they're nice.

Coral: Awww that's the sweet darling I know and love. I could get you a pair if you'd like.

(Y/N): No and please don't call me that.

Coral: Oh well we can talk about it later. On the other hand, why don't you want me to call you darling? You always loved being called darling.

(Y/N): I do, but not by you. Well yes you, but the you without button eyes. I don't know what's going on here.

I said as I collapsed to the floor.

Coral: Darling?!

She got down and helped sit me up.

Coral: I understand that crossing over into the other world can be confusing so please let me explain.

I took a deep breath and decided to let her explain.

Coral: As I said I am your other lover. Everyone has their own other person based on who's in your life. Some people have other parents or other siblings, but you get the best of all, me.

She giggled again.

Coral: So are you hungry? I have plenty of your favorites prepared.

She pulled me up so I was on my feet again.

(Y/N): You did this? Why?

I said looking over the food again for the second time.

Coral: Of course, I did, darling, don't sound so surprised. It's our anniversary and I wanted to spoil you for being the best and most perfect boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.

(Y/N): You remembered.

Coral: What kind of girlfriend would I be if I forgot?

(Y/N): My you forgot.

It was hard to say and I could feel myself getting upset.

Coral: Oh darling.

She came to hug me again and I let her. Her embrace was warm and felt so nice so I hugged her back.

Coral: I'm so sorry, but you don't have to be upset anymore because I'm here to fix it. Also, you don't have to call her your me because I am also yours.

(Y/N): It's ok.

Coral: Is it? That other me that you've known goes out a lot huh? You don't spend time together and when she is also on her phone or just not showing you love and attention. Boo she is such a bad lover, but on the bright side you don't have to worry about her anymore.

(Y/N): What did you do? What happened?

Coral: I didn't do anything, relax. She's fine. What I meant is since you accessed the crawl space portal you can visit me anytime.

(Y/N): Really?

Coral: Yeah all you have to do is knock on it twice and the portal will open. You'll never be lonely again because you have me now forever and always.

She smiled again.

Coral: If you are ready I'd like to start our anniversary dinner. I am just so excited to have you try my food.

(Y/N): Ok, I'm sorry.

Coral: Don't apologize, darling. I am just so happy we can be here together.

We took our seats across from each other and started serving ourselves. I took the bottle of wine and opened it. I poured each of us a glass. Coral took her glass and raised it in the air.

Coral: A toast to us and our anniversary together. Let it be the first of many.

(Y/N): Cheers.

We cheered our glasses before digging in. I took my first bite and it was some of the best food I've ever had. I tried everything and I looked up to see Coral just staring at me.

She noticed me before looking away blushing.

Coral: I'm sorry for staring it's just because umm I am so happy you are finally home. I don't know how I lasted so long without you here. It's almost like I was dying without you. I'm sorry for ruining the mood. How are you enjoying the food?

(Y/N): It's wonderful, thank you. I didn't know that the other you could cook like this.

Coral: You're welcome. Truth be told, the other me doesn't know how to cook. I learned to cook for you because well you are my lover and I want to make you happy.

(Y/N): You did an amazing job. It was a lovely surprise.

Coral: Well I hope you are ready for your gift.

(Y/N): You got me a gift.

Coral: Yes. I'm sure you are going to love it. Just wait here with your eyes closed.

She got up from the table and walked off into the house. I closed my eyes and with moments I heard her footsteps enter the kitchen.

Coral: Ok open them.

I opened my eyes to see Coral holding a dog in her arms. It was a golden brown cocker spaniel with buttons for eyes.

(Y/N): It can't be.

Coral: It can be.

She placed the dog on the ground and it ran over to me. It started jumping and licking me.

(Y/N): Zoey.

Zoey: *Bark*

Coral: That's right. It's Zoey.

(Y/N): Omg I thought you ran away.

I said as I got down on the ground and started petting her.

Coral: I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Zoey didn't run away.

(Y/N): She didn't?

Coral: One day the other me was at home while you were at work. She wasn't paying any attention to Zoey. When Zoey needed to go out to the bathroom she took her to the front yard after she did her business Zoey wanted to play, but the other me just wanted to go back inside. I'm afraid she never liked Zoey. So when Zoey brought her favorite ball over the other me took it and threw it into the street knowing Zoey would chase after it. When she did, a car came and...

Zoey: *whining*

(Y/N): She killed my dog?

Coral: I don't know if it was on purpose or not.

(Y/N): Oh Zoey I am so sorry.

I said as I hugged her.

Zoey: *Bark*

Coral: We've been cooped up in here for a while, why don't we step outside.

Zoey: *Bark*

(Y/N): Ok.

Zoey ran past me to the sliding glass door I'm guessing leads to the backyard.

Coral: Looks like someone's excited.

She opened the door and we stepped outside. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was out here. There was a garden full of the most vibrant colors you could imagine and a large green field where Zoey ran off to.

(Y/N): Zoey, don't go too far.

I called after her. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Coral: Don't worry she'll be fine. There is nothing that can hurt her here. Why don't we explore the garden a little?

(Y/N): It's so beautiful. What kind of plants are these?

Coral: They are a special kind. They react to however I am feeling. Before you came here I was full of despair. The plants were colorless. When I would walk through them they'd die by the dozen. But I don't have to worry about that anymore.

We continued our walk until we made it to a small bridge that had a great view of everything. I looked at Coral and saw her looking up at me. It just felt natural and right so I leaned in close. Our bodies turn towards each other. I closed my eyes and my lips met her for a passionate kiss. When I broke away and opened my eyes I saw Coral had a deep blush and the plants were glowing extremely bright.

(Y/N): What's going on?

Coral: *shyly* I told you the plants react to my emotions and you made me so happy just now.

(Y/N): I'm sorry it just felt right.

Coral: It was right. It was perfect. Maybe we can go inside?

(Y/N): I'd like that.

We went inside to the living room. We got on the couch together and Coral threw a blanket over us. A fire started in the fireplace to set the mood. We were kissing our bodies grinding against each other. I forgot how good it was to be intimate with Coral.

Coral: *moaning* Oh (y/n) I love you so much.

(Y/N): I...

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

We stopped what we were doing.

Coral: What is that?

(Y/N): That's my alarm back in the real world. I have to go to work.

Coral: Wait, you don't have to go.

(Y/N): I do.

Zoey came running back into the house and started whining.

(Y/N): I'm sorry I have to go.

Coral: But we were just about to... and I had so much other stuff planned.

(Y/N): I'm so sorry, but I have to go to work.

Coral: I guess you'd rather go back to the other me who treats you poorly.

(Y/N): Are you upset?

Coral: I'm just sad to see you go. If you wanna leave you just have to promise that you'll come back soon.

(Y/N): I promise.

Coral: Goodbye darling.

Zoey: *Bark*

I headed back to the portal and climbed back through.


It had been a few weeks since the last time I visited the other Coral and since my Coral was working late tonight I decided to go to the other side. I got to the crawlspace and knocked on it twice so the portal opened. I started to make my way through when I heard something.


It got louder the closer I got to the end of the portal. Once I came out the other side I saw Coral on the couch crying. Everything was so dark and cold in here. One of the floorboards squeaked.

Coral: Who's there?!

She stood up, but relaxed once she saw it was me.

Coral: Baby?! It's you!

A smile returned to her face.

Coral: I thought I'd never see you again.

(Y/N): Were you crying?

Coral: I was. Is that obvious?

She turned away.

Coral: Please don't look at me. I'm sure my eyes are puffing and I look like a mess. What happened? You said you'd come back soon and it's been so long. It feels like months since you visited me.

I didn't say anything, not that I knew what to say.

Coral: You're not falling for the other me again? You wouldn't just forget about me like that right?

I still couldn't find my words.

Coral: Why aren't you answering me? Are you in love with her?

(Y/N): She is different now.

Coral: What do you mean different?

(Y/N): She's paying more attention to me now. She is acting like she did when we first got together.

Coral: Wait so she treats you terribly for years and now your head over heels for her because she gives you a little bit of attention. What does this mean for us? I know we only had a little bit of time together, but it's obvious they didn't mean nearly as much to you as it did me.

She started crying again and ran off into the kitchen. I followed her to the kitchen.

Coral: *crying* I tried being the sweet caring girlfriend that you deserve and it's still not enough to get you to stay. I can see it in you that no matter what you'd go back to her.

She wiped away her tears.

Coral: I think I might have to work a little harder to make you see that I am the perfect girlfriend for you. I know exactly what I need to do.

She started to change. Cracks started to form on her body. I stepped away from her.

Coral: What's wrong baby? Why are you backing away from me?

(Y/N): You look different.

Coral: Darling, I feel fine. I feel better than fine. I am absolutely in love.

She grabbed a pan off the stove and hit me in the head.


My head was pounding and the light stung the eyes. I saw I was in the kitchen and I heard humming coming from over by the stove. I saw the other Coral still had cracks over her skin. She turned around and smiled.

Coral: Baby, I'm glad you are awake. Dinner will be ready shortly and I have a surprise for you once we finish. Oh I just can't wait to show you.

She walked out of the kitchen into the house. I tried to get up but my arms were handcuffed to the chair. I didn't struggle too much since I heard her coming back. She walked into the kitchen with a box she placed on the table.

Coral: I know I was mad before, but I've calmed down. I think we should talk about our relationship after dinner. I think we are ready to take things to the next level.

She opened the box and I saw two buttons that matched my eye color, string, and a needle.

Coral: We are going to sow these into your eyes and seal our relationship.

She smiled and rubbed my cheek a little.

Coral: Be good darling. It won't be long now.

She went back to cooking so I knew I didn't have much time. I stood up and slammed the chair down as hard as I could to break it.


Coral: I wouldn't do that, Darling.

I made a run for the portal. I started to climb through, but I felt Zoey bite the leg of my pants and pull me back. She was much stronger than a dog her size should be. I was pulled back into the living room to see other Coral standing over me.

Coral: I guess you wanna play games. Ok we are going to play hide and seek. Come find me when you wake up.

She kicked me in the head and everything went black. When I woke up she and Zoey were gone, but I didn't wait for them to come back. I ran to the portal and climbed through it back to my world where it was safe. After I came through I moved the couch against the wall god forbid she tried to come through. I took a deep breath and looked around the house. I saw it was morning and the sun was shining bright through the windows.

(Y/N): Coral, honey. Are you home?

I called out for her as I walked in the kitchen. I was stunned as to what I saw when I got in there. I saw two Coral's both of them had one regular eye and one button eye. They both had the same cracks over their skin. They were similar in every single way. They sat the same, moved the same, and neither one of them spoke. I saw a note on the table on top of a box. I grabbed the note and both Corals turned their heads towards me with a gentle smile. I opened the note and it read.

" To, My Darling.
From: Your Other Lover,

I knew you'd come back, my love. There is no need to worry about the other me. The button eye she has is just for show. The second you left me my heart broke into a million pieces. I think it's time to end this game. As you can see there are two of us and we are absolutely identical so don't try to figure out who's who. Inside the box is a gun with one bullet you have shot one of us. Which Coral you get is entirely up to chance. Good luck, I love you.''

I put the note down and opened the box. I took the gun out and held it in my hands. Neither one of them reacted to it. If they are exactly the same, how am I going to decide? I didn't know what to do until I saw something. I saw Zoey sleeping on the couch.

(Y/N): I got you now. Zoey come here.

She woke up and ran over to me and started jumping up wanting to play. I picked her up and brought her over to the table. I held her up to the first Coral and she had no reaction. When I moved her to the second Coral she started barking and even bit her, but she still didn't react.

(Y/N): Bad Zoey we don't bite.

She wiggled out of my arms and ran under the chair of the first Coral. I grabbed the gun and pointed it at the first Coral. I took a deep breath and even though I knew she was the fake it was still killing a version of Coral. She was looking at me with a smile like I didn't have a gun pointed at her. I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger.


I heard her body drop to the ground. I couldn't even bring myself to look at her so I turned to my Coral.

(Y/N): Oh sweetie, I am so sorry. Are you ok?

She turned to me and started laughing.

Coral: *Laughing*

(Y/N): Sweetie, what's so funny?

Coral: Oh baby, just that I knew just how to fool you into allowing me to have you forever.

Both of her button eyes returned and her cracks healed.

Coral: Looks like you got the wrong one, but got the better lover.

I looked at the Coral on the ground and she had normal eyes.

(Y/N): No!

I dropped to my knees and held her.

Coral: I knew once you saw Zoey you'd use her to find out who is who, but she listens to me above all. I told her to bite and bark at me. Which she did just like a good girl. Yes she did.

She said as she petted her.

I looked up at her with tears in her eyes.

Coral: Don't cry baby. Your eyes are too beautiful to cry besides it's your fault. All you have to do is just let me love you.

(Y/N): Don't!

She put her hand over my mouth and forced me to the ground.

Coral: We are having a nice moment darling. Don't ruin it by yelling. This is your fault, but you did do something nice for me, so I will forgive you.

I just glared at her.

Coral: I see that you are not fully aware of what you did so I will have to enlighten you. You see if I was to kill the me from this world I would cease to exist, but if she was to die any other way I would be able to take her place.

Her eyes changed into real eyes and the cracks disappeared.

Coral: The best part is I get to keep all my powers, so now I can do this.

She waved her hand and Zoey's eyes changed into normal dog eyes and Coral's body disappeared.

Coral: Now then darling should we pick up where we left off on the couch. You know where we are about to make love like we never have before.

She waved her hand and the bed moved out here and the covers wrapped me up and tied me to the bed. Coral got on the bed with me.

Coral: Zoey do me a favor and wait out here. Me and your dad are going to be busy for a while.

Zoey: *Bark*

Coral: Good girl.

She turned her attention back to me as the bed started moving back into the bedroom.

Coral: Do me a favor, love and don't fight. You know you want this just as much as me.

She removed the bedding from my mouth and kissed me deeply before putting it back.

Coral: I love you, darling. Just know if you do fight they say even the strongest of wills can be broken by love and I will drown you in my love and them some. Now time for fun.
Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did leave a like and a comment. I love reading them. You guys are pretty funny and

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