
By SweetSpicyMochi1013

515 40 53

The meaning of Serendipity is "the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Part 1
Chapter 6 - Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part 1
Chapter 8 - Part 2
Chapter 9 - Part 1
Chapter 9 - Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Part 1
Chapter 12 - Part 2
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Part 1
Chapter 17 - Part 2
Chapter 18 - Part 1
Chapter 18 - Part 2
Chapter 19 - Part 1
Chapter 19 - Part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Part 1
Chapter 21 - Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 25

18 1 0
By SweetSpicyMochi1013

We arrive at Gimpo International Airport early Saturday morning. As soon as we touch down and turn our phones on again, Jimin and Jae-sung are bombarded with non-stop notifications.

"I never considered something like this might happen," I say quietly. "I should've though...we know this is always going to be a possibility."

"No, Nae. This is something that shouldn't have happened. It never should've been leaked..." Jimin holds my hands in his, running his thumbs along the backs of them. When I look up, his eyes are shimmering, mirroring my own.

"Jimin-ssi, you know this is something we should've planned for. We've become complacent over the past week. Even I didn't consider it happening," Jae-sung shakes his head, and I can see the anger etched into his face.

"So what do we do now? We have to change our plans, make sure that no one knows we came together," I say. "Even if it somehow gets out that we came together on the same plane, we need to make sure it doesn't look as if we are "together" together, you know."

We all throw out ideas, casting most of them aside. In the end, we settle on how to make it appear that Jimin is coming back from a work-related trip to the States in relation to his planned solo album. Jae-sung makes a quick call to put their part of the plan into action. While they wait, both Jimin and Jae-sung change into different clothing. When Jae-sung comes out of the small bathroom in his suit, my heart plummets because it occurs to me this will be an ongoing thing from now on. We can't be anonymous like we were in New York City.

Once Jimin has changed into his airport outfit, he comes straight to me, grabbing me up in his arms and kissing me soundly.

"I love you so much, Nae. We're going to get through this, and I hope someday soon this won't be an issue and we can go everywhere we want to together, as we are meant to..." he murmurs into my hair as he places his cheek against my temple. I can only nod my head in acceptance and agreement, choked up knowing my first trip through the city of Seoul, my new home, will not be with him by my side. We hear the distinct sound of a notification come through on Jae-sung's phone. Reluctantly, he lets me go and steps back, slowly moving away from me. When he gets near the open door, he lifts his hand and blows me a kiss.

"Jimin!" I say, moving forward quickly as he turns to follow Jae-sung out the door, who had also just finished kissing Anaïse. "Wait!"

Both Jae-sung and Jimin stop, turning to look back at me. When I reach him, I grab his hand, my fingers sliding over his ring. When I look up into his eyes, he sees what I'm about say and he's already shaking his head.

"No, NaeYeong. It stays on. I don't care what people think, my love."

"We don't want any rumors started..." I start to say, but he interrupts me.

"But where is the lie? I am in a relationship, I am married," he declares vehemently.

"I know, my love... And I want nothing more than to see you wearing it all the time, but we both know that you need to appear as if you're available and free. If nothing else, put it on your other hand or let me hang onto it until we're together again at the meeting place..." With a catch in my throat I look up into his face, almost surprised that we both have tear-filled eyes, tears that are ready to fall.

"No. It stays on. I'll keep my hand in my pocket, or my shirt down over my hand. I'll figure something out. But it stays on," he says with conviction right before his mouth covers mine with outright passion, to show me that I'm his and he's mine and there's nothing that will change it. His hand snakes into my hair, holding me to him as I bring his left hand up to place it over my heart so he can feel the beat of it. Then he kisses me a few more times, gently this time.

When he pulls back to look in my eyes, I tell him, "I love you with all my heart, Jimin. This," I tap the back of his hand over my heart, then rub the ring with my fingers, "is yours, and it beats for you."

"I'll see you soon," he says, placing one more gentle kiss on my lips.

"I'll be waiting," I say, my lips trembling as he reluctantly pulls his hand away and steps back to the door again, a sad smile on his lips showing right before he pulls the mask up to cover it. Then they're gone, and I feel alone without him near.

As a lone tear slides down the side of my face, Anaïse comes up behind me.

"We'll see them soon, NaeYeong, we just need to get through this next part. We'll do it together," I hear her say near my ear as she places an arm around my shoulders and gently squeezes. It doesn't escape my attention that she has a catch in her voice when she says it, and I turn my head to look at her, seeing the sheen in her own eyes. I lean my head softly on her shoulder, nodding.

"Yes, we will," I respond, allowing myself to wallow in the sadness for a moment. But only a moment. Then I straighten up, wiping my face quickly. "Let's do this. The sooner we get through customs and security, the sooner we can be with our men!"

She hands me the suit I had pulled out when we came up with the final plan, and I go change quickly, putting my hair up in its customary chignon. When I leave the bathroom, I see she's also changed into the black jumper she wore the day we went to the office. I make a mental note that we need to go shopping for her, and soon. She'll need some suits before Monday.

With a nod at each other, we put our masks on and move to the door, pulling our rolling suitcases behind us, my briefcase slung over my shoulder instead of the customary bag I usually use away from work.

Thankfully, we're quickly pushed through customs and security, leaving through a different door than the one Jimin and Jae-sung took because it's quiet beyond with very minimal traffic, and not one camera can be seen in the vicinity. I find our vehicle nearby, the driver getting out when he sees us coming through the door, an airport employee pushing a flat cart of our belongings behind us. Once he introduces himself as someone from our company, I let him know our destination change, to which he only grunts quietly in acknowledgment while loading everything into the back of the vehicle. We climb into the backseat, and once settled I let Jimin know by text we are finally in the vehicle and on our way.

I take a deep breath from my seat next to Anaïse and let it out slowly as soon as the vehicle starts moving, watching the cityscape of Seoul flow past us as we move ever closer to my new home. Although it's only been a few minutes that we've been moving, we're both entranced with the scenery, and I unconsciously compare it to New York City. It's quiet in the vehicle though, the driver doing his own thing, having barely spoken a word to us.

"How far do we need to go until we get to the meeting point?" Anaïse asks into the silence, rousing me from my staring contest with the window.

"I'm not sure. Let me ask," I reply, looking up front and noticing the driver has a frown on his face.

"Excuse me. How far to Nanji Hangang Park?" I politely ask.

The driver looks at me in the rearview mirror and shakes his head. "No Nanji Hangang Park."

I look at Anaïse with confusion on my face. When I turn back, I see him looking at me again, confusion on his face as well. Then I realize I spoke to him in English. So I repeat my question in Korean.

"How far to Nanji Hangang Park?"

"Not going to Nanji Hangang Park."

"Yes, we are going to Nanji Hangang Park. Please take us there," I repeat.


"Why not?"

"Address is where we are going."

"What address?" By now I'm getting frustrated, then pissed, when he doesn't say anything more.

"The address I was given."

"Please tell me the address."

"Your job is to ride, my job is to drive you to the address. You do not need to know the address." He shakes his head again, looking at me in the mirror once more. I look out the window, then down at my hands. Anaïse sees what I'm doing and does the same. I wait a moment before I speak again.

"No, my job is to arrive at my destination safely. Your job is to drive us to the destination we give you," I speak once again, this time calmly even though my anger is raging inside. "And our destination is Nanji Hangang Park."

Thinking about the map I looked at when we decided on a meeting location, I turn to look around us before I speak again. "At least the N Seoul Tower is where it's supposed to front of us. Though I don't see the Han River yet. I think we should be seeing it soon..."

"We are going to the address I was told."

"Who told you the address?"

"Listen, lady. Just sit back and relax. We will get to the address shortly," he snaps at me.

I turn to Anaïse. "I don't know what's happening, but the driver won't take us to Nanji Hangang Park. He says he's taking us to the address he was told, but he won't say what the address is. Can you see a street sign or a building name anywhere? We need to figure out where we are." I turn to look back out the window, paying more attention to the roads we're on. "It looks like we're on Gukhoe-daero, still heading toward N Seoul Tower. Is that Mokgong Stadium to our right? I'm so confused on where we are, or where we're going..."

I look at Anaïse, a little bit of panic now starting to push through into my voice.

"This is not how I imagined my first time through Seoul to be!" A thought enters my mind and it comes out of my mouth before I can stop it. "Sh* don't think that Leeza..." my voice trails off to a whisper, not wanting to put it out there. Before I can finish the thought, Anaïse is shaking her head.

"How would she know?" she asks.

"The camera..."

"We don't know if it was still functional, and if it was, who had the receiver. Let's not jump to conclusions until we know where we're going, okay?" Her rational, calm answers help to ease the panic a little bit.

"Sir, can you please tell me where we're going, or who gave you the address to take us to?" I implore of the driver again, hoping he will at least give us something. All he does is shake his head and point out the windshield toward tall buildings.

"What is that? What are all those tall buildings?" I ask as Anaïse lifts her phone to the outside of the seat in front of her, out of view of the driver.

We continue driving while Anaïse holds her phone up, capturing our route while I start to shake, my overactive imagination not allowing me any peace. With her free hand, Anaïse grabs mine, anchoring me. Soon we're amongst those tall buildings, and I'm more confused than ever when we stop in front of an office building. The driver looks at me in the rearview mirror once more, then holds a large envelope over his shoulder for me to take.

"What is that?" I ask without taking it.

"I don't know. I was told to give it to you when we arrived. That's what I'm doing. So take it."

I can see my name printed on the front of it, so I slowly take it from his hand. I pinch it lightly between my fingers to see if I can figure out what it is without opening it. It doesn't feel odd. In fact, it feels like there might be a plastic card or two along with papers in it.

Flipping it over, I undo the clasp then pull the seal apart. Taking a breath and holding it, I lift it up as I open it, facing it away from me. When nothing happens, I take a quick look, then another longer one, my brows drawing together when I see the letterhead from my company. I pull the few sheets of paper out, reading the information on the first page that is written in Hangeul.

"What is it, NaeYeong?" Anaïse asks, curiosity in her voice as she leans closer to me.

"It's a letter from my company...our company... It basically says Welcome to the Seoul office. Included are our new credentials so we can enter the building Monday morning. It's strongly recommended to bring in anything to the office today so we aren't cluttering up work time when we arrive on Monday. We can leave it with building security to be held for us," I look up at her then. "I don't have anything to bring into the office yet because I don't know what kind of workspace I'll have, but even if I did, I certainly wouldn't be dropping it off to have some stranger hang onto it for a few days!"

Anaïse takes the envelope from my lap where I'd set it, checking to see what's left in it. Pulling out the plastic cards, she looks at them, handing over the one with my name on it while I continue scanning the papers in my hand.

"So we were brought here at the direction of the office manager with instructions to not deviate from the route," I summarize the part I've just read, anger at the audacity of this person to take over my life without my knowledge or consent. I mumble to myself, "I believe she and I will be having words right away on Monday because that is not acceptable!"

My ire just increases the more I read out loud, the next pages laying out the expectations to follow the office culture. I need to take several moments as I reach the last page, setting the papers on my lap and staring out the front of the vehicle while trying to breathe slowly to calm myself down. When it feels like I can finally do it, I pick the page back up, ready to finish. As I near the bottom, I see a line that makes me see red.

"What the f*ck!" I exclaim loudly. I look up, my eyes narrowed dangerously. Throwing everything to the seat next to me, I remove my seatbelt and throw the door open, not paying heed to any oncoming traffic as I get out and slam the door shut. I stalk around the front of the vehicle to the sidewalk, pacing back and forth in anger, trying to shake it off before I blow a gasket. I'm muttering to myself when I hear another door open near then Anaïse is standing in front of me, holding my phone out for me to take, which I initially ignore as I continue to pace.

"What's going on, NaeYeong?" I hear her voice, but I'm too furious to answer at the moment so I shake my head.

I turn around and look at the doors to the building behind me. Allowing my gaze to go up, I see it's quite tall with many floors. So many, that it rivals the headquarters building on Fifth Avenue. Now my curiosity is piqued as to which floor our office is on...

"Anaïse, do you have our new credentials or are they still in the vehicle?" I ask, startling her, still staring up the front of the tall building.

"I have them right here. Why?" she asks hesitantly, holding mine out in front of me. I grab it then look back down at the door we're standing in front of.

"I think I need to check out the new office..." I mutter half to myself as I take a step forward. I get stopped by a hand on my arm before I can take a second one. Looking down in surprise, I follow the arm up to see my love standing next to me, concern etched on his face.

Instead of going in, I throw my arms around his neck, relief flooding through my body. He envelopes me in his arms, holding me tightly to him.

"Jimin..." I breathe out softly.

"Oh my god, Nae, I was so worried. Thank god you're safe!" he whispers against my hair. Pulling back so he can look at me clearly, he continues. "Are you alright? Nobody did anything to you, right?"

"I'm fine, my love. Nothing happened. But I'm so angry right now!" I respond, my brows drawing down.

"That was really... I don't even have the words for it!" he exclaims again as he pulls me back into his body while I look around us. I see Jae-sung and Anaïse are standing in front of us, side by side facing out, along with several other men in black suits from Jimin's agency, shielding us from any onlookers as best they can.

"Can we just go home now?" I ask quietly into his shoulder, my arms gripping him as tightly to me as his are with me.

"Yes, let's go home," I hear the smile in his voice as he says home, causing my own smile. Turning to the group surrounding us, we tap Jae-sung and Anaïse on the shoulder simultaneously. They both turn.

"Ready, little sister? Jimin-ssi?" Jae-sung asks, looking at each of us in turn. We nod our heads.

"I suppose we have to go back in our same vehicles, don't we?" I ask sadly. "What if the driver takes us somewhere else?"

"Wait here..." Jae-sung says, before walking to our vehicle and getting in the front passenger seat. We watch as he has a very quiet but serious discussion with the driver. I feel justified when I see the driver gulp and nod his head several times, his eyes shifting from Jae-sung to us and back again. After a few minutes, he gets back out and pulls a few of his own men over to the side to talk with them. Then he's back with us.

"We're all going in your vehicle with one of our men driving, and our vehicle will follow to your home with your driver. It shouldn't take too long and we'll be there," he says to us, and I breathe a sigh of relief knowing the men will be with us the rest of the way home.

I gather everything I had set on the seat, placing it back into its envelope. I'm determined not to think about it until tomorrow night when I need to. Climbing in the back again, I sit in the center of the seat, Jimin on one side and Anaïse on my other behind Jae-sung, who's again in the front passenger seat. I watch as he holds his hand on the side of the seat towards her, and she takes it in hers, completing the connection. I snuggle into Jimin's side, his arm around me as my hand rests on his upper thigh as we continue to our final destination.

When we pull in, I'm amazed at the different security measures to get into the complex and building, then the apartment. All of it gives me a measure of comfort and relief, which I didn't expect. Getting everything to the apartment is quickly accomplished because of all the extra hands standing behind us waiting to go in. I'm glad that the driver of our vehicle was sent on his way once we got everything taken out of the vehicle. He gave me a weird vibe after everything that happened.

As I get ready to step through the door for the first time, I let out a little squeak of surprise when Jimin lifts me up and carries me in, setting me down carefully on the other side. Placing a slow kiss on my mouth, he pulls back with a sexy smile.

After a moment of staring in his eyes and a few coughs behind us, I quickly take my shoes off as my face flushes and grab my suitcases from Anaïse, who brings them in behind us. Following Jimin in further, my eyes get wide as I take in my surroundings. Once we're into the interior of the apartment, I set my suitcases up, leaving them near the wall as I take a step forward, looking around in a daze. I'm feeling overwhelmed and not able to absorb what my eyes are showing me. I stand at the back of the living room behind the couch staring into the kitchen...before I slowly walk in to that space.

Taking a deep breath in. Stopping suddenly, I turn with tears in my eyes, a hand covering my open mouth in astonishment as the other hovers over my abdomen. My gaze sweeps across the room. Jimin sees the look on my face and moves to me, taking me in his arms.

"Love, what's wrong? Is it something with the apartment? Are you unhappy with what you see? We can change things..." he says quickly, worry in his voice. I shake my head, stepping back slightly so he has to look at me as I drop my hand.

"I've... I've been here... before..." I whisper to him. He frowns at me.

"What do you mean? How can that be?"

"The dream I had. When we were still in Busan... This is the room where I was holding our little flower. After you left for your enlistment...I was standing right here. In this very spot. Holding her, missing you so very much..." My gaze sweeps through the room once again. "Everything is the same, down to the smallest detail..." The tears are tracking down my face now, knowing that the dream wasn't just a dream.

"What?" he whispers, stepping back into me, his arms pulling me in again. "How?"

"I don't...I don't know..." My body is shaking in shock, and I shake my head again, rubbing it against his chest with the movement, finally settling with my face away from the rest of the room. We stand like that for a while, neither of us saying anything.

"Are you alright, little sister?" I'm startled by the sound of Jae-sung's voice near us.

I had forgotten that both Anaïse and Jae-sung were still here, helping to bring things in. In fact, the whole group of people that came to the airport are still here observing us when I turn my head, wiping at my cheeks. I give a shaky smile in everyone's direction. I nod my head, then look up at Jimin.

"I'm doing better. I think it was just a shock to realize..."

He presses his lips to my forehead. Then softly to my own in a comforting kiss.

"Let me show you where to put your things, love. We'll work on getting everything put away later, okay? And we'll talk more about this when it's just us," he ends in a whisper as I nod my head. He takes my hand in his and looks at the others. "Can you put those boxes in the first room behind you?"

They all nod and move to place the boxes where he told them to. He leads me back to the living room, stopping to grab a suitcase while I grab the other. Then he pulls me through an open doorway, through the next room then into the one beyond.

"This is our bedroom, love," he whispers into my ear. "This is where I'm going to make you scream my name later..."

I feel my body responding to those few words and my breath hitches as I see the lust in his eyes, turning his dark eyes darker.

"I don't know if I can wait that long, my love..." I whisper back, the shock almost a memory now, want and lust having replaced it.

"If we didn't have guests here still..." he kisses my temple, his hand sweeping lightly across my body, lighting a fire that only he can quench. "Follow me."

He pulls me along to a doorway off to the side, and as we walk past the open closet space I stare at the contents. His clothes cover so much of the space. He sees what I'm staring at and grins. He sets the suitcase he was pulling to the side, then grabs mine to place next to it.

"Don't worry, love, there's going to be plenty of space for your clothes. I haven't been home in almost a month," I hear him say, spying outfits that I've seen him in hanging in front of me. I reach my hand out to touch them, my fingertips sliding over the fabrics in awe at what's before me. Turning to him, I slide my hand down his chest instead, feeling his body underneath the fabric there. Before I can reach his waist, he stops my hand from its downward trajectory, shaking his head with another grin and a wink.

"Company comes first, love, then we can..." He kisses me on the tip of the nose as I pout at his declaration, taking the sting out of his words. Wrapping his hand around mine, he has to adjust himself before he moves. "Although it's not fair..."

"What's not fair, my love?" I ask breathlessly as I watch what he's doing, squirming while standing in front of him.

"That you don't have to make any adjustments to get comfortable..."

"Oh believe me, my love...I'm not comfortable... I want nothing more than to be out of this suit with your mouth and hands on me...because I'm so wet..." I let my words trail off because I have to rub my thighs together to feel some relief.

"We really need to get back out there, love..." he pants, trying to convince both of us. I nod in involuntary agreement.

We take a moment before slowly walking back out to the living room where everyone is at, waiting for direction.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice and helping out. I think we have everything." He bows to them, as do I, and they bow back before turning to leave. Anaïse comes to give me a hug, which I warmly return.

"Thank you for being by my side. Enjoy your alone time with oppa," I whisper in her ear before she lets me go. I watch as she turns a faint pink with a shy grin. Jae-sung holds out his hand for Jimin to shake, which he takes, but the surprise can be seen on his face when Jimin pulls him into a hug. When they let go, Jae-sung switches spots with Anaïse and the hugs are repeated quickly.

As we walk them to the door, I speak up.

"Anaïse, why don't we go shopping somewhere tomorrow so you can have some new things for work?" She turns and looks at me, studying my face. I see a bit of apprehension on hers, so I pull her back into me. "It'll be okay. I want you to feel comfortable when we go into work on Monday, so you can be your bad*ss self and show those in the office who's coming for them if they mess with us!"

I wink as I let her go, and she finally has an answering smile for me.

"I think I'd like that. Thank you, NaeYeong," she replies.

"I'll text you in the morning once I know the plan for tomorrow. We'll also need to talk about what the rest of the letter said," I state, my face turning grim as a storm cloud crosses over it filled with anger. "I don't want to talk or think about it right now, so we'll deal with it tomorrow."

She takes a step back, searching my face. She nods her head. "Tomorrow then. Try to have a good rest of your day and night."

We say our goodbyes quickly as they join the other men who are waiting in the hallway. Once the door is closed, I turn to go back into the living room but Jimin grabs me by the hand and turns me around, capturing my lips in a heated kiss. Pushing me up against the wall, his tongue invades and plays with mine. His body melds to mine until I feel all the contours of his hard body pressed against my soft curves.

"Baby, I want you..." he moans into my mouth. He slides his hands up my arms, stopping at the back of my head to pull the pins from my hair, undoing the chignon to let it fall loosely. I sigh as I skate my hands down his chest to slip under his shirt, his flesh warm and satiny.

"Yes..." I breathe as I lift the material high so I can flick my tongue across his n*pples, making them hard as I graze my teeth over them. "I need to feel you, touch you...taste you..."

Allowing my body to slide down the wall slowly, I kiss my way to the waistband of his pants. I pause to look up at him, and see his hands are braced against the wall above me while his head hangs, watching my movements. I bite my bottom lip as I unbutton his pants, the sound of the zipper echoing in the hallway. I smile when I see his c*ck revealed to my hot gaze, the saliva pooling as I want to wrap my mouth around him.

Pushing his pants down out of the way, I grip his scorching hot flesh with my hand. I run my tongue from his b*lls to the tip, then slide my mouth over him, sucking him in deep as he draws a sharp breath at my touch.

"Oh god, Baby..." he moans, a hand sliding into my hair, palming the back of my head as his hips move in tempo with my mouth. My fingers dig into his *ss, pulling him deeper when I want more. I moan as well, and I feel the not so subtle vibration through the satin encased hardness pressed between my lips. His hand is suddenly holding my chin as he pulls his throbbing c*ck from my mouth and I try to chase it, still wanting the taste and feel of him. He lifts my chin so I have to look up at him. A smile curves his lips. He crooks a finger, gesturing for me to stand up, which I slowly do while my gaze continually flicks between his eyes and mouth. "Baby," he growls, "you need to stop looking at me like that..."

"Like what, my love?" I ask breathlessly. He doesn't answer with words. Instead his hands slide down my chest to unbutton the suit jacket I have on. He pushes it off my shoulders, letting it slip down my arms, dropping on the floor at our feet. Then he captures my mouth with his while his hands work on the buttons of my blouse, pulling it out of the waist of my skirt. Soon that goes the same way as my jacket, pooling on the floor at our feet.

His hands touch the skin of my waist, moving around to my back as he gets us moving down the short hallway to the interior of the apartment. As I'm walked backwards, his body rubs against mine, the fabric of his shirt teasing my satin covered br*asts while his hot, throbbing c*ck slides up and down my stomach, rubbing deliciously as we walk, our mouths devouring each other.

When my back makes contact with a cool wall, I gasp, breaking the kiss as he pushes tight against me again, pinning me there. I take the opportunity to push his shirt up, reveling in the contact of his flesh on my flesh as his lips travel down my neck to feather across my collarbone, nipping. I push his shirt even higher, wanting it off, pulling it up over his head and dropping it to the floor then weaving my hands into his hair and pulling his mouth back to mine.

Then he's moving us again, his hands roaming and caressing up my back to reach the hooks of my bra, undoing them. Sliding the straps down my arms, there's barely space between us to allow for the fabric to drop, and I gasp again when my hard, sensitive n*pples make contact with his chest. I slide my hands up his back, feeling the muscles bunching under my fingers as I knead his flesh while his hands glide down to reach the zipper of my skirt, unzipping it then pushing it down over my hips until it falls and I easily step out of it as he continues to guide me backward.

When the edge of the table bumps into my *ss, I'm surprised at the cold contact of wood. He easily lifts me up, setting me gently on the table, then as I watch he takes his pants off the rest of the way, standing there in all his n*ked glory, and I bite my lip as heat pools low at his hungry gaze sweeping up and down my body.

"Lay back, Baby," he says throatily as his hot gaze watches when I comply with his wishes. The coldness of the wood shocks me when my back makes contact with it, causing me to arch up. He reaches both hands out to palm my full br*asts, his fingers rubbing around my n*pples, making them even more er*ct. Then his hands are gliding down my stomach, reaching my thong to pull it slowly off only to drop it to the floor, and I watch the range of emotions play across his face in rapid succession as his gaze sweeps over my prone body.

He pushes my knees apart so he can look at my weeping core before he goes down on his knees and licks with a quick flick of his tongue. Then he's lapping and sucking, making me cry out at the pleasure he's wreaking on my body and senses.

"Jimin!" I pant as his tongue stabs deep then sweeps up before he stands and glides into me, seating himself as deep as he can go. Then he stops moving, holding himself there as he leans over me, bracing his hands next to my sides as he gazes into my eyes. I lift my hands up to cup his cheeks, rubbing my thumbs across his cheekbones lightly.

"Wrap your legs around me, love," he quietly says, waiting for me to do it. As soon as I do, he leans down and kisses me gently. He slides his hands under my shoulders, lifting me as he straightens up. Picking me up, still buried deep inside me, he walks us to the bedroom and lays us down on the bed. His weight settles on me, pinning me into the mattress.

Breaking the kiss, he looks into my eyes.

"As much as I would've loved to enjoy you on the table, I want our first time here in our bed, where I can worship your body the way you deserve, with the best comfort and care."

With the softest press of his lips to mine, he makes love to me in our bed, over and over again, as if he can't get enough of my body. I'm the same way with him, and I show him that many times over the next several hours.


"So, what were Jungkookie's requests for dinner tonight?" I ask as I stand in my underwear, staring at the clothes in my open suitcases, trying to decide what to wear after our shower. Settling on something comfortable, I look up as I continue, "Whatever it is, do we have everything to make it?"

"He asked for dakgalbi and bibimbap," Jimin replies, pulling on a t-shirt. "He really didn't have a lot for a request. I got the feeling he was trying to keep it simple since it's your first night home."

As he walks into the bathroom to fix his wet hair, I pull on loose, wide legged cotton pants and a t-shirt, running through an ingredients list of what would be needed for those two dishes. Digging through my other suitcase, I grab a comb then move back to the bathroom too, leaning against the door jamb to watch him as I start untangling the wet mess.

"What about samgyeopsal? Should I make some? Does the apartment have the necessary grill to cook the pork belly?" I wonder out loud. "Or would you like some mandu again?"

He turns to me, his eyebrows lifting up. He steps over and slides his arms around my waist, dropping a kiss on my mouth.

"Baby, you don't need to do a whole lot of cooking tonight. I'm sure Jungkookie would understand, especially if you're tired too."

"Actually, I'm not as tired as I thought I would be. I might still be on New York time, but I slept a lot on the plane. And remember, I've seen how he eats."

I smirk as I finish with the last few tangles and gently flip my hair over my shoulder to let it air dry naturally down my back. I look at the comb in my hand wondering where to put it. Jimin takes it from me and sets it on the counter next to us. I slide my arms around his neck as he places another couple kisses on my lips. But all too soon it's over.

"Come on, my love. I'd like to show you the rest of your home," he grins at that, taking me by the hand. Going slowly through the apartment, he explains the different rooms. The library-study combination, which is the room attached to our bedroom that we have to pass through to get to the living room and kitchen, several other bathrooms, and the few bedrooms near the front where we came in. The one closest to the dining room has another bed in it and is relatively spacious, along with a collection of music related things. Then he brings me to the next room, another bedroom, but sparsely furnished. Finally, he brings me to the room closest to the front door, which is where we find my boxes stacked just inside.

As we walk in, I notice the flooring first, which is a beautiful hardwood, darker than the rest of the apartment's flooring and looking brand new under the recessed lights in the ceiling. There's no furniture in the room, and I'm surprised to see one wall has floor to ceiling mirrors. As I walk further into the large room, I stare at myself in the mirrors, internal music taking control of my body, moving it slowly in a rhythm only I hear. Suddenly, I hear quiet music coming through hidden speakers overhead and it startles me to a stop. Then he's next to me, holding out his hand. I place mine in it, and he waltzes me around the room in a slow, sensual dance. When we stop at the end of the song, I watch as Jimin heads to the open closet that I didn't see when I came in. I look past him, my eyes widening when I see folded up mats stacked to the side, sparring gear on shelving opposite them, and a stereo system on a shelf in between.

"Our own private dance studio and dojang?" I ask, my mouth hanging open. His smile gets wider as he comes back to me.

"Yes, love. Our own private dance studio and dojang, a place where we can work up a sweat in different ways and not have to worry about possible cameras and unauthorized video." I throw my arms around his neck, kissing him hard until we're both breathless.

"This is such a wonderful surprise! it soundproof?" I ask shyly.

"Oh Baby, yes, the whole apartment is." He gives me a sexy and mischievous smile.

"I'm looking forward to testing it all out then!"

Turning the music off, he grabs my hand and walks me back out, showing where the laundry is. Finishing in the kitchen area, he starts opening the cupboards to show me where everything can be found. Then he looks in the refrigerator.

"Looks like we'll need to order food from the market for tonight. Do you know what we'll need?"

"How fast can things get delivered? Will we have enough time? Or should we actually go to the market?"

He looks at his watch. "It's almost half past four now. Jungkookie will be here in a couple hours, around seven. We may not have enough time for the market to deliver things, so maybe we should go."

"Let's see what ingredients are here first. Do you have a pen and paper so I can write stuff down?" He grabs both and hands it off to me. I start naming things we would need, and after he searches, we have a fairly long list, which includes things to last for a few days. Throwing on a sweatshirt and grabbing my purse, I meet him by the front door with the list. When we leave, I follow him down to his car then watch where we're going, trying to memorize the route while staring at the city around us. It doesn't take long to reach the market.

"If you want, I can go in and grab the things we need," I suggest, trying to minimize him getting recognized. He shakes his head as he places a hat and mask on.

"No, I'm going with you. You shouldn't have to do this alone. And I have a few things that are not on the list that I'd like to get."

"Why don't you tell me what they are, and I can add them?" I respond as I put on my own hat and mask.

"Because they're a surprise for later..." I lift my brow at that, wondering what he's planning on getting, and why it would be a surprise.

Once we're in the store, I follow him around as we place items from our list into the cart. When it's nearly full, he tells me to wait where I'm at and he'll be back in a little bit. I arch a brow at him, giving him a deadpan, unamused look before he goes, and he leans in to whisper, "Trust me, you'll like it. I promise."

I just shake my head at him, smiling under my mask at that, feeling the tell-tale signs of arousal at the promise of whatever will happen later. I look over at the shelves next to me, reading the labels as I wait patiently for his return. As I do, I notice other patrons giving me looks as they walk by, glancing out of the corner of their eyes when they see me just standing there.

As I start to shift uncomfortably under those gazes, I can feel the beginning tendrils of anxiety crawling in my chest. I slowly move the cart down the aisle, still looking at the labels on the shelves, trying to focus my attention on other stuff. I've moved about ten feet from my original spot when Jimin finally comes back, startling me enough that I jump.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asks, steadying me as my heart beats erratically from it.

"Nothing, love. People were staring at me just standing here, and my anxiety started to kick in. I needed to move a bit, so I was reading the labels," I shrug at that last part.

"Do you need anything else?" he asks, his hand covering mine on the cart handle, lightly squeezing my fingers before letting go slowly.

"No, I think we have everything. I'm ready to leave if you are," I say quietly, going through the list once more in my head. He leads me to the checkout line and we get through swiftly and back to the car, heading home. We get everything inside and put away. He's even able to get the things that he got as a surprise put away someplace without me seeing. Standing up, I wobble, feeling a little fatigued.

Jimin grabs my hand and leads me to the living room without a word, picking up a remote before sitting down on the couch and pulling me down next to him. He situates me so that I'm laying down with my head resting in his lap, his hand brushing my hair out of my face as he turns on the television with low sound, and that's the last thing I remember.


I'm roused out of my sleep by low voices talking nearby. When I open my eyes, I have to squint to bring things into focus in the low light. Rubbing my face with a hand, I carefully sit up, a blanket sliding down my body and onto the floor.

The talking abruptly halts and I look around. I spy Jimin and Jungkook sitting at the table in the dining room, looking at me, an open bottle in front of each.

"Good evening, Sleeping Beauty," Jimin says softly with a loving smile as he gets up to come over to me. I still feel a little groggy, my mind filled with sleep cobwebs. He stops in front of me, squatting down to my level, brushing hair out of my face and tucking the strands behind an ear. "How are you feeling, Baby?"

"Still half out of it," I say with a quickly covered yawn. "What time is it?"

"Almost eight."

"What? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I feel wide awake suddenly, trying to stand, but I'm still not coordinated enough to manage it and drop back to the couch heavily.

"It's okay, love. Jungkookie got here a little late and we've been catching up with work talk. You were exhausted and I thought you should sleep a bit more."

I run my hand down my face again, looking at him in front of me, and I feel an overwhelming urge to jump him. He sees the change in my breathing and posture. Without taking his eyes off me, he says calmly but loud enough for our guest to hear.

"Hey, Jungkook-ah... I need to help Nae with something. Wanna go check out what we had done to the first bedroom...there's even a stereo in the closet to try out. We'll come find you soon, okay?"

"Alright, Jimin hyung. Hope you're alright, big sister."

The scrape of his chair across the floor vaguely registers in my brain as Jimin takes a hold of my hands, pulling me up when he stands. Leading me to the study, he closes the door behind us, pulling me into the bedroom. As soon as we're there, his mouth descends on mine, his arms yanking me tight to his body. My needy body betrays me by rubbing against his like a cat, and I'm damn near purring as his hands begin to remove my clothes before he takes his own off.

He lifts me up and deposits me on the bed, crawling up my body, lust written all over his face. I feel out of control as he slides easily into my wetness, and I groan lowly at the feel of him filling my body up. The groan turns into a moan as he moves, his mouth swallowing it as he captures mine in a passionate kiss. The touch of his hands on my br*asts cause another moan to well up from deep and escape into the silent room, our breathing and the movement of flesh in flesh the only other sound heard.

My hands have a mind of their own, roaming over his body, urging him to move faster, harder, the need overwhelming my senses.

"Jimin...god, I need you so bad. Please..." I whine into his mouth, needing more. He hears it in my voice, quickly adjusting his pace. He's hitting all the right spots, his hands kneading my br*asts before he's kissing down my neck to my chest to take a n*pple into his mouth, sucking and playing with it using his tongue and teeth. The stimulation is making me writhe beneath him, rubbing against his with my own, fully out of control by now.

My hands fist in his hair, pulling him back up to my mouth in order to feast on his. He shifts his body so that he's able to get into a sitting position, lifting me up at the same time to straddle him and allowing me to be in control of the pace of our union. I grind my pelvis down on his, rocking my hips as he penetrates deeper with each move. It doesn't take long to org*sm once his thumb starts rubbing my cl*t, the pressure building steadily then going off like an explosion. The pleasure is indescribable and so quick that I'm not able to make a sound other than panting. With a few more deep thrusts, he stiffens beneath me, his climax just as explosive as mine.

It takes several minutes for us to move after that, and I feel my body flush in embarrassment as I realize we just had mind blowing s*x with Jungkook in the apartment. I cover my face with my hands as I lean back on his bent legs, his c*ck still buried in my body, still throbbing in tempo to mine with mini aftershocks.

Jimin wraps his hands around my wrists and gently tugs. His gaze captures mine and he asks, "What's wrong, my love?"

"Did we really just do this with company still in our home? And not just anybody. Jungkookie!" I whisper, my blush deepening as I say it out loud.

"Yes, Baby, we did," he grins at my blush. He leans up on his elbows to look at me better. "Does that upset you?"

I pause, having to think about it. Slowly, I shake my head. With my next words, I think I blush even more.

"Actually, I think it was kind of a turn on..." I whisper to him. His grin gets wider at my words and he drags a fingertip down my chest, between my br*asts, until he reaches my belly button. There he pauses, covering the area below it with his palm, where our little flower is nestled and growing. His grin changes to a soft, loving smile. When his gaze finds mine, I see the love in them as my hand settles on his.

"As much as I want to continue this, we really should go back out there before Jungkookie decides to come find out why it's taking us so long," he says, breaking the silence and our sweet moment. He grins again when the blush runs straight from my body up into my hairline at the thought of being caught in this position. As the last word to get even, I shift my hips slightly, undulating my body on his, and I know I caught him off guard by his swift intake of breath.

"Baby..." he groans out as I feel his c*ck come to life once more, throbbing inside me as I lean forward over him, kissing him with everything in me. This time it's hard and fast for both of us, and when we finally catch our breath, he gently cups my cheeks. "I love you with all my heart, but that was playing kind of dirty, my love." He softens his admonishment with a slow, sensual kiss.

When he lays his head back on the bed again, I brush the damp hair from his forehead, a sad frown on my face. "I'm sorry, Jimin. I'll try to refrain from doing that in the future. You're right, it was playing dirty on my part. I just needed you more."

"Love, all you have to do is say that, and everything else can wait. I'm not mad, just surprised. I will always want you in some way." He kisses me once more, then I roll off him, laying on my side briefly as I watch his face before rolling all the way onto my back. I stare at the ceiling, straining to hear anything in the apartment, but there's not a sound, just our breathing and the shuffling of bedding as Jimin gets up and walks into the bathroom where the sound of running water starts. Then he's next to me again, leaning forward from the end of the bed, a certain part of his anatomy inches from my face as he cleans me with the warm wet cloth that he brought out.

I grip the bedding next to me, telling myself to not do what I am so tempted to do. When he's done and heads back into the bathroom, I breathe a sigh of relief but feeling very aroused. Tamping the feeling down as much as I can, I roll off the bed, grabbing my clothes from the floor and putting them back on. When I'm fully dressed again, I go back to my open suitcases and rummage for a hair tie, then grab my brush out to work on the knots before putting it up in a messy bun on top of my head.

As I'm dropping my brush back to my suitcase, Jimin opens the bathroom door and comes out, still n*ked and looking damn fine. He doesn't hesitate but comes right to me and captures my lips with his, kissing me one more time before letting go. As he steps back, I see The Beast is awakening once more. I lick my lips and swallow hard, knowing exactly what I want to do, but I force my gaze back up to his. He winks in my direction as he continues to step out of the closet, then he's gone from my sight. I take a few deep breaths in, holding them to a count of five before letting them back out. As I take a step to go back to the bedroom, I murmur under my breath "This is going to be a long night." 

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