City of Smoke // Brian 'Otis'...

By winchesterszvonecek

31K 1.2K 229

[ COMPLETE ] When a new paramedic joins firehouse fifty-one, replacing the beloved Peter Mills, those in the... More

01 || AURORA
02 || RUMOUR
03 || MOLLY'S
07 || BAKERY
08 || ROUGH
13 || GALA
15 || AMY
18 || UNO
19 || PARTY
22 || STAY

06 || RORY'S

1.6K 70 25
By winchesterszvonecek

The smell of sweet treats and the lingering scent of coffee filled Rory's car as she headed to the firehouse, still getting used to actually feeling excited to show up at fifty-one given her first couple of shifts.

Ever since the guys had apologised and truly welcomed her into the family, Rory had been much more happier at fifty-one, finally getting to see the side of the guys that she'd heard so much about. And she got to get to know Otis a little better, which is what she had hoped for.

Instead of her crush going away, like she had once hoped it would, it had grown a little more and she sometimes felt a little nervous to around him if she was being honest. But thankfully she hadn't embarrassed herself in front of him. However there was still time for that.

Rory pulled up outside the house, parking on the street behind Severide's famous blue car, the one he never let anyone drive. Or touch. Or even look at. She shut off the engine and hopped out before rounding her car and lifting a large white box from the front seat, one that was so big she needed both hands to carry it.

Using her hip to shut the door, Rory just about managed to lock the car before she headed down the sidewalk and up the apron into the firehouse. Opening the doors into the building was a little tricky with no hands, but luckily Rory managed to use her elbow to pull open one of the doors and she turned sideways, slipping through the gap with just enough space between the frame and her hands that she didn't bang her knuckles against the metal.

"Whoa, what do we have here?" Mouch said excitedly as he all but leaped from the sofa, a large white box meaning only one thing. Sweet treats.

"A little gift." Rory said with a smile, the word gift catching the attention of those sitting around the table as they turned to look at her.

"Rory's bakery?" Otis questioned, his eyebrow raised as she shared look with Cruz. "Wait, Cruz and I go here all the time... Is this? Do you own a bakery?"

"God no, I can't even bake boxed brownies." Rory chuckled, setting the box on the table and keeping her hand flat on the top to stop prying hands getting into it before she allowed them to. "It's my dads bakery. He named it after me."

"No way, your dads place?" Otis exclaimed, surprised that he'd never seen Rory at the bakery before given how often he and Cruz frequented it, since it wasn't far from their apartment.

"Wait, is your dad kinda short? Brown hair? Faint... British? Accent?" Cruz asked, his head tilted a little.

"Scottish accent, but yeah. That's my dad. Scott." Rory told them, Cruz and Otis both letting out a little chuckle of surprise.

"Small world." Otis breathed out, looking down from Rory's face to the box beneath her hand, however his eyes kept flicking back to her face, and every time she smiled it sent a warmth through his chest, one that he didn't quite understand.

"So, who wants a pastry?" Rory asked around, a wave of overlapping response hitting her all at once. "They might be a little stale as they're leftover from yesterday. My dad was going to get rid of them but they're still pretty good as long as they're eaten today."

"Trust me, they'll be eaten." Casey chucked out, already seeing the guys move closer to Rory and if she wasn't quick when she opened the box she'd get dived upon.

"Have at them then." She opened the box and stepped back, just in time as a bunch of different hands soon crowded the box, a few of them fighting over certain pastries.

"Hey, you got the only cream puff the last time someone brought us treats!" Otis complained towards Cruz, who was happily biting into a cream puff and almost moaning it was so good.

"Too slow, Otis. Too slow." Cruz hummed out, making Otis sulk and pout like a child, something that made Rory smile as she found it utterly adorable.

"I'll save you the cream puff next time." She whispered as she approached him, his ears perking up as he heard her voice, one that also sent a strange wave of butterflies through his stomach.

The past few shifts had been weird for Otis, ever since he'd apologised to Rory and she'd forgiven him. He still felt really bad about how he'd treated her and he wished he could take it all back as he knew now what a wonderful person she was, but at least he could now make up for how he acted.

However there were times like this morning, when he'd get these weird feelings anytime Rory was near him. Or when she smiled. Or when he heard her talking or laughing. They were feelings Otis didn't fully understand the true meaning behind, and that scared him a little.

"Did you guys leave anything?" Rory chuckled, leaning forward to look in the now almost empty box.

"There's a danish or two left." Mouch mumbled, spilling crumbs out of his mouth as it was currently full of pastry.

"Ooo, I'll have one of those-"

🔔 Ambulance 61. Man down from unknown causes 🔔

"Or not." Rory added with a chuckle before she turned on her heels and headed towards the door. "Save me that Danish!"

"No promises!" Otis called after her, although he would definitely be saving it for her even if he had to fight the others away from it. It's the least he could do for her... And he just wanted to make her smile given how he'd made her cry barely a week ago, something he still hated himself for.

The doors banged shut behind them as Rory and Sylvie headed for the ambulance, Sylvie in the drivers side as she often liked to drive. And Rory was happy sitting in the passengers seat and getting to choose the music.

"Wait, is this... Def Leppard?" Sylvie asked, the music just badly audible over the sound of the sirens. "I didn't take you for a rocker."

"I grew up with two dads." Rory replied, fiddling with the necklace around her neck. "Def Leppard used to be my lullaby."

Sylvie just let out a chuckle, finding that she was learning a lot more about Rory now that she was finally happy at fifty-one. And that wouldn't be all Sylvie learned when the two of them arrived at the scene of the call.

Pulling up to a rather familiar place, and what was almost like a second home to Rory, a small smile grew on her face as she hopped from the passengers seat. The row of motorbikes parked outside brought her a wave of comfort, the exact opposite of what it brought Sylvie who looked a little worried.

"Should we call Truck for back up? This place looks like it could get a little rowdy?" Sylvie suggested as she lifted the jump bag from the ambulance.

"No it's fine." Rory replied, grabbing the oxygen tank and flinging it over her shoulder. "This place is usually pretty calm."

"Wait, you know this place?" Sylvie questioned, the stones crunching under their feet as they walked past the row of different bikes.

"You could say that." Rory chuckled out, pointing up at the sign which made Sylvie look up, her eyes widening as she read:

Rory's Roadhouse
Proud home of the One Eyed Snakes

"It's my dad's bar." Rory told her, making Sylvie relax a lot more as she followed her towards the door.

"What's a one eyed snake?" Sylvie whispered, however Rory hadn't heard her as they stepped inside the bar, the swinging door clattering shut behind them.

The faint smell of alcohol filled the air, as did the clanging of pool balls and low rhythm of what Sylvie guessed was either AC/DC or Led Zeppelin playing on the jukebox. There were bikers all over the place wearing enough leather to open a store, all laughing and chatting away to each other.

Rory was right, it was a pretty calm place which is not at all what Sylvie would have expected.

Behind the bar sat another glowing sign that said 'Rory's' next to one of a snake with one eye, Sylvie guessed it was a biker gang of sorts, with a rather strange logo she might add. A logo that was embroidered onto the back of every bikers jacket or vest.

"Hey, princess." Rory's dad, Nick, called from behind the bar, erupting a cheer from the patrons filling the place at the appearance of Rory, their favourite little biker baby as she had been called her whole life.

"Hey, dad." Rory said with a smile, leaning over the bar to greet her dad with a one armed hug. "Someone call from ambulance?"

"Yeah, I did." Nick sighed, motioning with his head to the corner of the bar where the dart board was, Rory following it with her eyes.

"Say no more." She chuckled out, turning to Sylvie, who was still trying to process what exactly was going on, and motioning for her to follow her. "Excuse me, guys... Hey, Mudflap, it's good to see you." Rory greeted as she and Sylvie weaved their way through the crowd of bikers.

"Hey, kiddo." Mudflap replied, taking a drag of her cigarette and letting out a small puff of smoke.

"Mudflap?" Sylvie mumbled to herself, a small tickle in her throat making her cough a little as she passed by a table full of older woman, all of whom sported piercings and colourful hair.

"Hey Buck, what's going on?" Rory asked towards a rather large, bald man who stood with his arms folded in front of the dart board.

"Hey Rory, and maybe you should ask Critter here." Buck replied, scoffing a small bit as he stepped aside and revealed the smaller biker behind him who had a dart sticking out of his forehead.

"Screw you Buck, you're the one who threw it." Critter scoffed out, making Buck nod his head in agreement, and defeat.

"Ah, the old lime on the head trick, huh?" Rory breathed out, shaking her head as she cleared a space on one of the tables for Sylvie to set the jump back. "Didn't last time teach you guys anything?"

"What happened last time?" Sylvie whispered towards her as she unzipped the bag.

"Ask Dave over there." Rory replied, gesturing towards the man in the corner who wore an eyepatch over one eye, the answer to that question being pretty obvious.

"Ah." Sylvie breathed out, grabbing some bandages from the bag. This was truly a whole new experience for her, however Rory seemed like she was right at home which Sylvie would have never seen coming giving the type of person Rory was.

"I'm just gonna pull it out." Critter spoke up, about to grab the dart and pull it out before Rory stopped him.

"No you're not." She said seriously, pushing his hand back down to his side. "Those points are at least an inch long, you need a trauma surgeon to remove that."

"Come on Rory, you know I've made it through worse than this." Critter complained, almost like a petulant child.

"I know you have. And I know you like to think you're made out of stone, but you're not." Rory explained, grabbing a plastic cup that sat nearby to cover the dart and securing it in place with some bandages and tape. "You're going to the hospital."

"Okay." Critter mumbled, getting up from the chair he'd been sitting in. "But I'm walking, ain't embarrassing myself by getting in that silly chair y'all like to use."

"Fair enough." Rory chuckled, putting the tape back into the bag before zipping it up. "As long as you don't feel dizzy or like you're going to throw up."

"Haven't thrown up since 1995." Critter replied, walking with Rory as she led him towards the exit, Sylvie following close behind.

"There's still time." Rory mumbled as they approached the bar, where her dad still stood behind with his usual rag thrown over his shoulder.

"Thanks princess." Nick called towards her, nodding his head once at Sylvie who flashed him a quick smile.

"You got it." Rory called back, almost at the door before she added. "Tell the guys no more throwing darts at each other."

"You know I've tried." Nick replied with a chuckle. "See you later, sweetheart."

"See you later, dad." Rory said with a smile, Sylvie opening the door and holding it. "Later guys!"

"See ya Rory!" Was fired back to her, some of the patrons replacing Rory with 'biker baby' which had Sylvie raising an eyebrow as they walked out of the bar and back towards the ambulance.

"Biker baby?" She repeated, opening the back of the ambulance for Critter and Rory to climb in.

"It's a long story." Rory chuckled, helping get Critter seated and strapped into the gurney.

Sylvie just let it a soft laugh before the ambulance doors slammed shut and she hopped into the drivers seat. That had been one hell of an experience for her, one she would have never expected when they rolled up to the bar.

Who would have thought Rory was an honorary member of a biker gang?

The bay doors of Chicago Med slid open as Rory and Sylvie wheeled a complaining Critter into the emergency room, him protesting about them not letting him walk on his own two feet.

"Uh oh, what do we have here?" Dr Rhodes said as he saw them coming towards him, closing the folder in his hands and passing it back to Maggie.

"Little bar trick gone wrong." Rory sighed out, slapping Critters hand as he tried to fiddle with the cup covering the dart in his head.

"Buck always was the worst dart player." Critter mumbled. "I'm the reigning champion, haven't been beaten since 1995."

"1995 sounds like a great year for you Critter." Rory chuckled out, Dr Rhodes helping her and Sylvie wheel the gurney into the trauma bay where Critter was transferred to the hospital bed.

"You've got no idea, kid." Critter replied, clasping his hand with Rory's. "Good to see you again, Rory."

"Good to see you too, Critter. Now be good for Dr Rhodes, he'll take care of you." Rory said as she let go, gesturing towards said Doctor. "You'll be back playing darts in no time."

"That I will." Critter exhaled, resting his head back on the bed as Rory began to walk towards the bay doors, before she was called back by Dr Rhodes.

"You doing okay, Rory?" Dr Rhodes asked hushed towards her, it having only been about a week since she was attacked and sitting on the very hospital bed Critter was currently lying in.

"I'm good." She breathed out, a true smile on her face which was nice for Dr Rhodes to see. "Really good."

"Good." Dr Rhodes said with a nod, mirroring her smile. "Glad to hear that."

Rory just smiled again, appreciating Dr Rhodes, and literally the whole of Med's, concern for her. They always showed her just how much they loved her around the hospital and it was something that made Rory feel incredibly happy.

"If Critter gives you any trouble you call me and I'll come sort him out." Rory half joked, pointing towards Critter who was currently poking the IV bag that hung next to him.

"I will do that." Dr Rhodes said around a chuckle, before bidding Rory goodbye and watching as she rejoined Sylvie in the main area of the emergency room.

"Your dad's in a biker gang?" Was the first thing Sylvie said, having already written up the report while Rory had been talking to Dr Rhodes.

"It's not like a proper gang." Rory replied, the two of them beginning to wheel the gurney back out towards the ambulance. "They're not territorial or violent, they're just a group of men and woman who happen to have a name."

"And you're their biker baby?" Sylvie teased playfully, Rory knowing that she'd be telling everyone about that when they got back to the house.

"A lot of the guys knew me when I was a baby, watched me grow up... They're like family, and yeah, I guess I am their biker baby." Rory added with a soft chuckle, having missed those in the bar as it had been a while since she visited them, off shift anyway.

"You have a bakery and a bar named after you... I never would have guessed." Sylvie said as they loaded the gurney into the back of the ambulance.

"Benefits of being an only child I guess, you get everything named after you." Rory shrugged, slamming the door shut before she and Sylvie went to get into their usual seats in the front.

"Was it lonely? Being an only child?" Sylvie asked curiously, she could relate to being adopted but unlike Rory, she had siblings.

"Not really. I mean, we grew up next door to my aunt and uncle. My cousin Shane and I are around the same age so we used to play together when we were younger, but he's off in LA now doing... Something, I'm not sure what actually, something about ghosts?"

"Ghosts?" Sylvie repeated, glancing over at Rory with her eyebrows furrowed a little.

"Don't ask." Rory chuckled, shaking her head as they carried on down the road and back towards the firehouse, where Rory hoped someone had saved her that Danish as she was really craving one right now.

Lucky for Rory, Otis has managed to save her the Danish and almost having to fight Mouch for it was worth it when he saw the look on her face once he told her.

"My hero." Rory breathed out, eyes widening as she took the Danish from him, her mouth already watering at the mere sight and smell of it. "Thank you, Otis."

"You're welcome." Otis smiled, once again feeling that feeling inside him, the one he was trying to ignore. Only it wasn't as easy as he'd hoped.

It's not that Otis didn't want to have a crush on Rory, actually well maybe he didn't as he knew there was no way she'd want to date him after how he'd treated her when they first met. But it's more that he knew Rory deserved someone better than him, someone who hadn't insulted her or made her cry, someone who would treat her the way she deserved to be treated.

The way he wished he had treated her when they first met.

But no, Otis had started to form an crush on her and he knew he had to get over it as it was slowly building inside him, before he hurt himself. Or worse, before he hurt Rory, again.

"Hey, you haven't uploaded a new episode on your podcast in a while. How come?" Rory asked, licking her finger tips to get some icing off them.

"You listen to my podcast?" Otis asked, mouth a little gaped and honestly a little surprised.

Rory nodded her head, given that her mouth was full and she didn't like to talk while she was eating. Which is more than could be said for some of the guys in the firehouse.

Oh no, Otis thought to himself. She listened to his podcast? Wait, had she known who he was before she joined fifty-one? Oh this was just great, as if he hadn't felt bad enough already. Rory'd probably been even more disappointed when she met him that she would have been if she didn't listen to his podcast? Why oh why did he act like that when she joined? Why couldn't he have just been his usual self then maybe this wouldn't be so damn hard.

"Otis?" Rory said, snapping him from his thoughts and making him realise he'd been zoned out for a second there. "You good?"

"Yeah, sorry, just spaced out there." He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck and hoping he wasn't blushing. "My podcast... Yeah, I just have had time lately, or had anything happen that was worth talking about I guess." He shrugged, Rory nodding her head.

"I get that." She replied, using her finger to pick up the last few Danish crumbs on her plate as Sylvie returned to the common room, having used the bathroom once they arrived back from their call.

"Did you guys know that Rory's dad owns a biker bar? That is also named after her." Sylvie said immediately as she took a seat at the table, frowning a little when she realised there was no pastries left.

"Wait, your dad owns a bakery and a biker bar?" Casey asked, a little puzzled.

"I have two dads." Rory told them, walking towards the kitchen area to leave her plate in the sink and grab some coffee. "One who owns a bakery, and the other who owns a bar."

"A biker bar." Sylvie corrected. "And is part of a biker gang. Who all call Rory their little biker baby."

"Biker baby?" Cruz repeated, chuckling a little as Rory hid her smile behind her mug.

"Yeah." Sylvie replied, accepting a pastry from Dawson who'd managed to keep one for her. "Our call was to the bar, and everyone there seemed pretty happy to see her."

"When you say two dads..." Mouch interrupted, catching Rory's attention. "Do you mean like two dads, or a dad and a step dad?"

"Two dads." Rory replied, hoping everyone in the room was accepting to gay couples, and gay couples adopting children. "They adopted me when I was a baby."

"No kidding." Mouch said in a tone that made Rory sigh a little in relief, nothing about his answer suggesting he had anything bad to say about it.

"Actually I was left outside a firehouse." Rory added, taking a sip of her coffee. "I was found by a firefighter called Grissom, I think?"

"Chief Grissom?" Severide asked, his ears perking up at the mention of his old mentor.

"He could be Chief now, I'm not too sure." Rory said apologetically, shaking her head a little.

"Is that what made you want to join the CFD?" Casey asked curiously, their conversation taking a lot of different turns in such a short period of time.

"No, actually." Rory replied, taking another sip of her coffee. "When I was 17, my friend and I got into a really bad car accident. I was pinned in pretty badly. Bad enough that it took the firefighters a long time to get me free, but if it hadn't been for the paramedic on the call, I don't think I would have made it to the hospital alive.

"I got impaled by a big piece of glass." Rory told them, pulling her shirt from her trousers and lifting it to show them the huge scar that went diagonally across her stomach. "And me being the young and reckless teen I once was, I pulled it out. Had it not been for that paramedic, I probably would have bled to death before they even got the car door off.

"After I woke up in the hospital, I decided then that I wanted to be a paramedic. To save people the way they saved me."

"Damn." Cruz mumbled under his breath, none of the guys really knowing how to respond to that other than saying they were glad she made it out of there alive.

"You know, that kind of makes you a CFD baby too." Mouch added, a touch jokingly but also serious too.

"A biker baby and a CFD baby." Cruz added, making the others chuckle.

"Not to mention the bakery and the biker bar." Sylvie also pointed out.

"Damn kid, you really have it all don't you?" Herrmann teased, making Rory smile.

"Almost." She added in a whisper, bringing her mug to her lips as she glanced over the edge of it, her eyes finding Otis.

She almost had it all.


this chapter was so fun?? i really liked how it turned out and i hope y'all liked it too!

next chapter will probably have jimmy joining the firehouse and will maybe start following some of season 4, mainly stuff that isn't carried on through multiple episodes, like the whole Chief Patterson and Chief Riddle storyline

also, I wrote about the tortoise in my other fire book, so i won't be including that episode in this book as i don't want to have to write it again. same with the gala that happens in season four too! although i may change that up and make it like a charity dinner or something, idk yet

and incase you haven't noticed, otis does not have a crush on sylvie like he does in the show... truthfully i hated that part of the show as it just didn't make sense to me, especially when sylvie had just been dating cruz... idk, i just didn't like it and it will probably not be a thing in any otis books that i write

oh and shoutout to those who recognise the name of rory's dads biker gang and some of his biker friends ;)

but yeah, if you liked this chapter don't forget to leave a vote and maybe even leave a comment? really helps me out

okay, bye! :)

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