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As it just so happens, Chief Hatcher was more than happy to tell Chief Boden the reasons as to why Rory had asked to be transferred, and it was safe to say that Boden was not at all thrilled to hear the details of what his house had done to make her want to leave.

In fact, he was furious.

Furious that those under his command would ever treat a new member of the family, one he specifically told them to welcome in that first day she showed up, with anything other than the utmost respect. To hear that they made her feel so unwelcome that she was willing to quit the fire department just so she didn't have to work with them? Well that was enough for him to want to ruin breakfast for the entire firehouse.

Upon entering the common room, steam practically radiating off him, Chief Boden slammed Rory's transfer request on the table hard enough that it shook every piece of crockery sitting on top of it, spilling coffee over the edge of their mugs and milk over the edge of their cereal bowls. And had every single firefighter sitting around it almost jump out of their seats.

"Chief?" Herrmann questioned, knowing all too well what the look on Boden's face meant.

"What's this?" Casey asked gesturing to the paper that was now next to him, having been sitting at the end of the table where Chief Boden was now currently standing.

"That..." Boden spat out, with extra emphasis on the 't'. "...is Rory's transfer request."

"Her what?" Sylvie spoke up, wondering if she'd heard him correctly.

"Her transfer request." Boden happily repeated, wanting every single one of them to hear him. "One which Chief Hatcher was happy to write up for her after she showed up at his office yesterday morning... Only after she tried to hand in her resignation."

"She tried to quit?" Mouch reiterated, unable to help when he glanced over at Otis, whose eyes were glued to the pink piece of paper stuck to the surface of the table.

"She did, and I have to say that I am not at all surprised given what she told him." Boden's booming voice bellowed out, making those in the room shrink in their seats. "How you've all been ignoring her... Talking behind her back... Saying stuff that upset her enough that she left Molly's the other night in tears."

Boden knew what had happened to Rory when she left, but he didn't think it was his place to tell the guys. And sure he wanted to bring it up, use it as a way to make them feel guilty about how they treated her, but he didn't know whether she'd want them to know the details which is why he kept it to himself. He'd talk with her about it after, but for now he just wanted answers.

"Tears?" Otis whispered to himself, ignoring the way Cruz, Mouch and Herrmann were looking at him. He honestly felt bad enough as it is, he didn't need their pointing stares adding to that. He hadn't meant to upset her and he shouldn't have opened his big mouth either... Now he just felt like such a dick.

"You know I pride myself in running one of the best damn firehouses in Chicago... Full of the most caring and supportive men and women, so you can imagine my surprise when I heard exactly how you've all been treating her and I am beyond disgusted. I am disappointed... And you lot better have a damn good reason as to why you think that this kind of behaviour is acceptable!"

"There was a rumour floating about, Chief." Severide spoke up, knowing that it was between him or Casey as none of the others would probably have the nerve to say anything, let alone confess to spreading or believing a rumour.

"A rumour?" Boden repeated, folding his arms. "What rumour?"

"One about Rory having four different ambulance partners in one year. That they either requested to be moved to a new house or that... She kicked them off the ambo." Severide replied, the lack of anything but anger in Boden's eyes hinted that he knew the truth about said rumour and he almost regretted bringing it up.

City of Smoke // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek ✔️Where stories live. Discover now