Angel or Killer [YiZhan FF]

By Diya-YiZhan

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A serial killer was on run. Xiao Zhan was standing alone in the hall of his house amidst the darkness. "Zhan... More

Character List
Chapter 2 : Past
Chapter 3 : Reconciliation
Chapter 4 : 'I am watching you'
Chapter 5 : Who's this Wang Yibo?
Chapter 6 : Who's the victim?
Chapter 7 : The 4th Murder
Chapter 8 : Investigation
Chapter 9 : Interrogation
Chapter 10 : Search
Chapter 11 : Angel or Killer?
Chapter 12 : Distrust
Chapter 13 : Misunderstanding
Chapter 14 : Hand in hands
Chapter 15 : The mystery unfolds
Chapter 16 : Chase
Chapter 17 : Tactics
Chapter 18 : Mission Failed
Chapter 19: Suspicions
Chapter 20: Conclusion
Chapter 21: Family
Chapter 22: End=New Beginning
Chapter 23: The Night Darkens
Chapter 24 : The Mysterious Man
Chapter 25 : Who is Xiao Zhan?
Chapter 26: Calamity
Chapter 27: Harsh Reality
Chapter 28 : Cold Night
Chapter29 : Realisation
Chapter 30 : Confrontation
Chapter 31 : Acceptance

Chapter 1 : The Story Begins

968 42 10
By Diya-YiZhan

"Xiao Zhan when will you return? Will you return after your home get ransacked, only to go back with empty handed? Why can't you understand the urgency here?"

Xiao Zhan yawned and looked at the watch.


His friend Zhuo Cheng had successfully ruined his weekend sleep.

Xiao Zhan was a graphic designer who worked at a company in B City. He was originally from C City, there he had a home where he was born and brought up. His childhood, his adolescence was also spent there. But later due to his work requirements he had to shift to a apartment in B City and since then his home in C City had been empty. He would visit it once in a year to check out the conditions, would stay there for 2-3 days and then again would leave to B City. Within those 2-3 days he would meet his childhood friends Zhuo Cheng, Xuan Lu, Yubin etc.

But there was also another one to whom he wanted to meet badly but unfortunately he couldn't.
He didn't have HIS contact information, neither do his friends had. He had called countless times the only phone number that he had of HIM from 10 years ago but every time he called a mechanical voice responded

"The number you've called is unavailable. Please check the number before you dial."

It was as if HE had vanished in thin air. He had tried a lot to find HIM but those were all in vain, he couldn't find HIM.


10 years ago the day before Xiao Zhan left for B City HE came at his door.

With a pair of innocent eyes HE pleaded

"ZhanGe will you really leave me?"

Xiao Zhan's voice was cold as he yelled

"Yes I'll leave tomorrow. And you don't ever try to contact me. I don't want to see your face anymore. Just leave me alone."

He had shut the door right in front of HIS face.

That had all been 10 years ago but he still regretted it to this date. He didn't really mean it. He hated himself for doing that.

He wanted to see HIM again, wanted to be called ZhanGe by HIM again but he couldn't find HIM.


Zhuo Cheng was still yelling from his phone "Hey! Get up! Collect yourself and try to listen what I'm going to say."

After getting a lot of a scolding and yelling finally Xiao Zhan understood the gist.
A group of thieves were lurking in the locality where Xiao Zhan's home was situated and they had robbed penniless several empty houses and as Xiao Zhan's home was also located in that remote area, moreover it was empty so it was risky to leave it alone right now.

At last Xiao Zhan was forced to stop him from yelling within phone

"Okay okay A-Cheng! I get it. I'll return as soon as possible to safeguard my house or I'll just bring all the valuables with me."

The next day Xiao Zhan applied for his leave and after getting approved he left for C City on the same day.

He had started late, it had already been noon. It would be night to reach his home at C City. He pressed on the accelerator. He must drive fast.

With the setting of sun the dusk fell, the chirping birds were returning to their nests. Xiao Zhan was yet several kilometres away from C City.

Slowly the night came. Xiao Zhan had entered C City but he was yet far away from his locality. He had to stay there for a few days, so he had taken some groceries with him too.

He turned on the news. The female reporter's voice sounded

"...The mystery of theft cases in C City has taken an unbelievable turn. The thieves have started killing people. Yesterday a dead body was found in an empty house in block E and today another victim was found dead in block G. The first victim had a piece of paper stuck on his forehead on which 1 was written in bloodstain and today's victim also has a similar paper stuck on forehead where 2 is written in red. So police are suspecting it as a serial murder case. It is yet unclear if the theft and serial killings are being done by same group. The killings are probably done by the same person as the style of killings were same in both cases. The police are trying their best to find out the culprit or culprits behind it. The residents of C City are requested to be on high alert and don't open your door to strangers."

Xiao Zhan's eyebrows got knitted.
Now this seems dangerous. This was absolutely unexpected.


He had finally entered his known locality where he had spent his childhood.
He smiled. But his smile faded away within a few seconds.

Why does it seem so odd?

The whole locality was shrouded in deep darkness. Not a single house had lit up their lights.


There was not even a single human being on the road. All the small shops and buildings were shuttered closed. It was so quiet that the sound of his own car engine seemed to be ear piercing. It seemed like a desolated area, abandoned by the living human beings.

Xiao Zhan got a spooky feeling, his eyebrows were twitching.

Something is not right!

He was feeling uneasy but his hands on steering wheel were steady. He directly drove to his home and stopped his car in front of it.

Today his home didn't seem to be warm as usual, instead it was giving off a cold and mysterious vibe. He looked around. The whole area seemed lifeless.

He was feeling extremely uneasy. He garaged his car as soon as possible and proceeded to enter the house. He unlocked the door with his key and the door opened with a squeaking sound. Immediately a hot air with dusty smell hit him. After all it was locked for over 10 months. Closing the door he tried to switch on the lights.


The lights didn't turn on.

Xiao Zhan frowned.
Now what is wrong?

He lit mobile flashlight and pressed the switch again but the light still didn't turn on.


Suddenly the realisation hit him.
Haven't I turned off the mains before leaving? Yes that's it! That's why the lights aren't turning on. I'm so stupid!

He was so tensed that he had absolutely forgotten to turn on the mains. It was beside his garage.

He chuckled and felt embarassed on his own foolishness. He put his hand on the doorknob to open it, just then he heard two knockings on the same door.

*Knock* *knock*

He immediately pulled his hand away. He was startled. He peeked through the peephole. There were 5 or 6 men standing in front of his door, their faces couldn't be seen clearly but all of them were bulky.

A deep male voice asked
"Excuse me! Is there anyone at home?"

Xiao Zhan stepped back from the door and hid behind a furniture. His heart was racing fast. Small beads of sweat were forming on the forehead. He froze on his spot, didn't dare to make a sound.

He tried to call Zhuo Cheng but found out that his mobile is out of network coverage.
What the hell is happening with me!

He was frustrated and felt that his doomsday had arrived. Even his own breathing sound seemed to be loud to him.

The knocking increased into banging.

"Excuse me! Is there anyone at home? We're from Police. Please open the door!"


Xiao Zhan came out from his hiding place and peeked through the peephole again. Now as his eyes had been a bit accustomed to darkness he could vaguely see the police uniforms in the moonlight.

He sighed.
So it's really the Police.

Before he could sigh the breath out properly the Police from outside said
"Hurry up! If anyone is at home open the door immediately! The serial killer had entered your house!"


Xiao Zhan immediately opened the door. There were a group of policemen standing. The one who seemed to be the leader came forward to Xiao Zhan showing his ID.

"Hello Mister! Sorry to bother you. My name is Li BoWen, I'm from Criminal Investigation Department. This is my ID. I'm the Team Leader or Captain of Special Investigation Team investigating the Serial Killing case. We've spotted the criminal entering your house. Considering the urgency can you please let us in to have a search?"

Xiao Zhan was so confused that he nodded immediately and as soon as they got the permission a large group of police with torches immediately entered the house and divided into several groups who went into different directions.

Xiao Zhan froze on his spot. He couldn't understand how the serial killer could get into his home.

"Are you wondering how the killer got into your home?"
It was a female voice.

Xiao Zhan turned around and met eyes with a female police officer. She was tall and beautiful but had a strong presence which radiate out the vibe that she wasn't someone to be messed with.

A low whisper was heard among the polices "It's Ma'am, It's Ma'am."

2 police officers came to her "Ma'am should we search the backyard too?"

"Yes of course." They went away after her command.

She raised her ID "I'm the Deputy of Criminal Investigation Department. My name is Luo Qingyang. May be you've already heard about the thefts and serial killings. Today a victim was found in Block G and we found a suspected killer from a CCTV footage of that area. That masked man was wearing a black hoodie and had changed his vehicles several times. After tracking all the CCTV footages from the roads we found out that he had ridden a bike to this locality and finally he entered your home premises and since then he never came out. We've temporarily used jammer to disrupt all the networks to get a easy hold on him. Please bear with the inconveniences."

Now Xiao Zhan understood why his call didn't get connected to Zhuo Cheng.

A police officer came "Ma'am there seems to be some problem with the mains. The lights won't turn on."

Xiao Zhan tried to explain "It was turned off actually. Have you tried to turn it on?"

The Officer fixed his glasses "It's damaged. It have to be repaired by electrician."

Xiao Zhan frowned.
How come today everything is going South!

"Ma'am we've found an open window. It seems the killer had entered from there." Another Officer came and reported.

Ms Deputy Luo Qingyang and Xiao Zhan went into that room along with other officers.

The window was wide open but Xiao Zhan was certain that he had properly locked every doors and windows before he went out. He told this to Ms Deputy.

She nodded "Yes, I know. The Killer picked this window open. See this hole..." she pointed at a tiny hole in the glass almost unnoticeable "This hole was drilled by the killer and then by using some wire he picked the lock and opened the window."

"Then why didn't he pick the lock of the door? Wouldn't it be easier?" Xiao Zhan spoke his mind out.

Ms Deputy shook her head "It would be risky, if he tried to do something with the door then he would get cought on the CCTV across the road. Maybe he wanted to avoid it."

As they were investigating suddenly the Team Leader Li BoWen rushed into the room panting.

Seeing him Ms Deputy frowned
"Now here comes the Team Leader. Where were you that your subordinates came to me to report!?! Aren't you the Team Leader? Shouldn't you be responsible to listen to their reports?"

"I'm sorry Ms Deputy. I was searching in the garage...oh so this is the window from where the killer entered!"
He examined the glasses thoroughly.

He instructed his subordinates
"Okay then you guys examine the glasses, take some pictures and collect the samples if you get any fingerprints or anything other then that."

Then he turned to Ms. Deputy "Mianmian let's go and check the upstairs. There are many rooms at upstairs, we should check them thoroughly too."

Ms Deputy frowned "Mn. Let's go."
They left.

Xiao Zhan was confused.
Why did the Team Leader call Ms Deputy as Mianmian?
It seems a nickname. Isn't she a senior?
How can he call her like that?

As if to clear up his confusion two officers started to gossip among themselves

"Huh! Still Team Leader can't change his old habit of calling her as Mianmian!"

"How can he? They were in the school together, they had trained together, they had long been friends and it was always like this. And now just because she was promoted to Ms Deputy you expect him to change his long adapted habit?"

"She is extremely talented, that's why she got promoted to Deputy at this young age where as in reality all the 4 officers who are in charge of this case and she herself were trainees from the same year."

Xiao Zhan came out to the hall, it was empty by then as all the officers got divided into different rooms. He was standing alone there.

Xiao Zhan sighed.
HE wanted to be a police officer too.

"ZhanGe are you alright?"

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened.
Was he hallucinating?
He couldn't believe his own ears.

It was the same voice...the same innocent voice which had once used to call him ZhanGe, the same voice which he had wanted to hear from years, the same voice that he yearned for, longed for.

He turned around, his heart was racing fast.


A lone Police Officer was standing amidst the darkness beside him.

The police officer chuckled "Oh! So ZhanGe still remembers my voice!"

Xiao Zhan wanted to cry out loud.
It's YIBO!
It's Really YIBO!
Finally I found you!
I've missed you a lot!
How can I forget your voice when I was waiting everyday to hear it again from you!
I've finally found you and I won't lose you ever again!

But none of the words came out from his mouth. He stood there frozen. It's Yibo, Wang Yibo to whom he wanted to meet again.

He looked at the man in front of him. He was no more the 17yr old boy that Xiao Zhan had known, he had grown up into a fine handsome man. His sharp handsome features were radiating even in the dim moonlight but his eyes were cold unlike the old innocent ones. He had changed a lot. After all it had been 10 years since then, Wang Yibo is now 27 and Xiao Zhan himself is 33. He had spent 10 years without him and he don't want to spend one more year without him.

Xiao Zhan raised his hand to touch Yibo's face and Yibo too let him do whatever he wanted.

Yibo's face is still soft like old times but the texture has become a bit harsh considering the police has to go through tremendous trainings.

"Yibo! How have you been?" Xiao Zhan asked caressing his face.

Just then Ms. Deputy asked from upstairs "Mr. Xiao Zhan are you talking with someone?"

Xiao Zhan also replied back raising his voice "Yes, with one of your subordinates."

"Okay! Please keep your voices down and be careful and be on your guard."

Now Xiao Zhan again turned his face to Wang Yibo and he saw him smiling teasingly
"So does ZhanGe care about me?"

Xiao Zhan lightly hit him "Tell me."

Wang Yibo smiled feebly "Yes, I'm fine. What about you ZhanGe? You didn't get hurt, did you? Are you alright?"

Xiao Zhan brightly grinned which made his eyes crescent shaped "Yes yes, I'm alright."

Just then some footsteps were heard at the stairs, it seemed the police team from upstairs were coming down.

Wang Yibo suddenly seemed to be in a hurry.
"ZhanGe listen. I'm going outside to have a look. Don't come outside. You stay inside with the other police officers. And be on your guard. I'm at outside safeguarding your place."

Xiao Zhan tried to call him again but he had already left with his long steps. Xiao Zhan couldn't recall when did Wang Yibo enter his house. He had come to him abruptly and left him abruptly too.

Xiao Zhan had again forgotten to take his contact information. He was staring at the wide open door as Ms Deputy Mianmian and Team Leader Li BoWen came down in front of him.

Xiao Zhan turned his gaze away from door and his eyes fell on the half stripped man on the sofa. The police had brought him from upstairs.

Officer BoWen sprinkled some water on his face "ZhanJin, are you okay?"

The half stripped police officer, whose name was probably ZhanJin was handsome but he was skinny and didn't seem to have enough strength. He looked pale but he lightly nodded.

Another Officer brought him some water to drink, then he asked the man "Do you feel better now?"

He feebly replied "Yes. Thanks ZiXuan."

Oh! So his name is ZiXuan.
Xiao Zhan had been noticing this officer for a long time, he was very polite and kind to everyone. This type of soft-spoken police officers were really rare.

As Officer ZiXuan took the water bottle away from ZhanJin something shimmered under his sleeves. It was bright enough to catch Xiao Zhan's attention but just for a few seconds, then it went covered under his sleeves again.

It was an expensive bracelet.
Seems like Officer ZiXuan wears it always under his uniform.

Ms Deputy started asking questions to Officer ZhanJin, so Xiao Zhan too concentrated into it.

Ms Deputy asked "Can you tell us what had happened with you?"

"I went to search a room at the upstairs...but...suddenly got hit at the back of my head and...then it all went blank...I fell unconscious."

Mianmian asked "Then you didn't see who hit you?"

Officer ZhanJin shook his head "No."

Li BoWen and Mianmian exchanged looks.

Li BoWen said "I found you lying unconscious and you were only in your inner garments, you were stripped off your uniform." He paused
"Then either the killer is still in the house or he had already left mixing among us."

Mianmian raised her voice and asked directing to everyone present there
"Did anyone of you had seen anyone suspicious? It can be anyone wearing police uniform too."

Only whispers were heard but no one replied anything.

She asked again "Then did anyone suspicious leave the house?"

Again only whispers were heard but no one replied anything.

She turned to Xiao Zhan "Weren't you at the hall? Did you see anyone leaving?"

Xiao Zhan's heartbeat increased as his eyes widened.

He had definitely seen someone leaving the house!
There was only one person who fits the description!
He was in a hurry and was suspicious too!
It was none other than Yibo!
He was the only one who left the house.
Then is Yibo....?

No, Xiao Zhan couldn't think anymore. He couldn't say out his name.
He was sweating much as drops of sweats were gliding down through his cheeks.

He bluntly replied "Yes I was at hall and I haven't seen anyone leaving."

She frowned "Strange!"

Just then the lights of the house lit up.
"Ma'am we had brought an electrician and he had fixed it."

Mianmian clapped her hands and raised her voice
"Okay then everyone gather up! We'll check your IDs."

But none of them was found suspicious. They checked the whole house one more time but nothing out of ordinary was found.

Thus the whole night was spent into tension and searching for the serial killer. Xiao Zhan couldn't get even a wink of sleep the whole night.
At last when the morning sun had started to peek through the horizon the Police started to leave from his house.

Li BoWen said Xiao Zhan "As the Killer was last spotted in this locality, so we're cordoning off this D block temporarily to search it more thoroughly. And if anyone from this D block want to leave then they'll need special permission from us and have to show proper reasons. This is official, by tomorrow morning you'll get the notice."

Xiao Zhan nodded "Okay."

Li BoWen continued "And as block D doesn't have a market, our authorities have decided to provide the residents groceries. This killer is attacking victims only at night, so after sunset don't come out of your house. If you need something urgently at night, just call the Police. The safety of civilians is our top priority."

Xiao Zhan smiled "Thanks to your hard work that we can sit in our house peacefully."

Li BoWen replied "It's our duty. Always be on your guard."

Mianmian handed him a police document and as he was signing Mianmian repeatedly reminded him to lock his door always and not to let enter any strangers.
"...And don't come outside after evening. Try to sleep early. We've already announced it to the whole C City and they are already doing according to it. It's for your own safety, try to abide by them. And here is my phone number. If anytime you need any help or you see anything or anyone suspicious just call me at once."

She handed Xiao Zhan her contact card and the whole police squad left from there.

Finally Xiao Zhan could get some peace. Locking the main door he headed straight to his bedroom and laid down on his bed. Within few seconds his tiredness succumbed him and he fell into deep slumber.

[A/N: If you're liking the chapter please do vote it and let me know how does it feels 🥺]

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