The Alpha or the Beta

By MyBabyBlueEyes

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Leann Smith is in foster care and has been there basically her entire life. She tried her hardest to make it... More

(1) Going Out With a Bang
(2) His First Reaction
(3) Clouded Thoughts
(4) Make it quick!
(5) At Least you found me
(6) Nighty Night.
(7) Well Aren't You Cute?
(8) Are We A We?
(9) Complications
(10) Cinnamon
(11) Could You Have Two?
(12) Biggest Mistake of My Life
(13) Pack History
(14) Stop Fighting!
(15) Whipped
(16) Kind of Kinky
(17) Death is Never Peaceful
(18) Perfectly Made for Me
(19) A Little Bit Crazy
(20) Flashback
(21) I Love You
(22) Sitting Ducks
(23) And That Was Saying Something
(25) Was I Ready For This
(26) Betrayal
(27) I Still Love You
(28) The End is Near

(24) Delainey

633 14 0
By MyBabyBlueEyes

Liam POV

After my "talk" with Kyle I was extremely tired, so I decided that after saying goodnight to my angel I would hit the sack early. I wasn't really to sure how much more of this I could take. I couldn't stand not being able to talk to Leann but having to see Kyle every day. I hated the fact that I had to put up a strong front for the pack when truthfully all I wanted to do was sit and cry at her bedside. She was my everything and the fact that I couldn't prove that to her made me feel like a failure. I needed her to wake up! It was time, it had been over a month and it was time for her to come back to me.

When I reached the office I excused Thomas and Seth then took a seat at my desk. I had a few things to finish up so I figured I might as well get them done and not put them off till the next day. I looked through the mail then checked my email. I was bored with most of it like usual, that is until I clicked on one from an unknown sender. It basically said that I needed to prepare myself for a war because we had something that the Lori Creek Pack wanted. And the email made it pretty obvious that that something was Leann. What they could possibly want with my girl was beyond me. She had not even done something as simple as move in the last ninety days. So what she had done to disserve their attention was scary.

I had an overwhelming sense to go and protect what was rightfully mine. How dare they think that after I had just got done with the fight for Leann against Kyle I was going to go to war with them for her. If they did think that then they were going to lose, and I was going to kill every single member in their pack for even thinking so. I was done being the nice alpha, and everyone knew it. So if they wanted a war they were going to get one. I would never let anyone touch Leann again!

I rushed over to Leann's side and at the same time I called everyone that was in the house into my office. "Leann baby it is time to wake up. You have had enough time to rest, babe you have to wake up soon. I need you!"

"Son, what is it?"

I turned away from Leann reluctantly and found almost the whole pack squeezed into my tiny office. I left Leann's bed and walked over to my desk. "I have received an email from an unknown sender. The Lori Creek pack has declared war on our pack, and do you want to know what they want? They want my mate, another mother fucker who wants my mate! I want to give everyone the choose, if you do not want to go to war please speak up now." I said in my deepest alpha voice.

One of the nastier men from the group spoke up "And what if we don't want to Liam?"

"Steve, you will call me Alpha if you would like to stay in this pack. If you don't have a legitimate reason for not wanting to fight, then you are welcome to leave the pack. I am not going to lose her again. Do you all understand that? So no Steve, the reason of just not wanting to fight is not going to be good enough for me.

Come on everyone we have been working our hardest to bulk up. We have been training our hardest every day and I know that this will be an easy fight for us to win. I don't care how good they are, we are ten times better than that. We are ready for this, and like I said if you are not willing to fight for your alpha female speak up now and get prepared to pack up and leave. I am not going to force you to fight, just know that by the time we come back victorious you better not be here."

"Alpha I am all for fighting for Leann, I love her sweetheart, but I don't think my daughters or myself physically can." I looked to my left to see Jennet, a pregnant mother of 3 speaking quietly to me.

"Jennet of course I understand why you can not fight in a war, your pregnant. If you have an actual reason for not being able to fight of course I will understand. Guys just because I have become a stricture alpha over the last month doesn't meant that I have lost all compassion. I love each and every one of you, but this is my mate we are talking about and I need as many of you as I can get. How many of you, not including children, think that you will not be able to fight in a war?" I looked left to right only to see that most of the women and the injured pack members raised their hands. It went against every bone in my body to make a woman fight in a war. I didn't need everyone of my men worrying about their mate and not putting their all into what they were doing.

"None of the women in the pack are going to fight along with none of the injured pack members and children. You are going to stay back and watch over our town because I sure as hell know we are not having this fight on our territory, let their land get destroyed."

"Alpha, what if we would like to fight?" Before I could even get a word out to Becca, Thomas growled in obvious annoyance. They had a deep conversation through their own mind link and Thomas smiled Victoriously. Well at least he thought he had won until Becca walked up and stood next to me.

"Alright ladies! I know that all of you are not going to want to go off into a war but I know that there are a lot of you out there that want to fight for her. We all love her and we would do anything for her. So if you would like to fight alongside the guys please step forward so that Liam knows how many he is adding to the training list." To my surprise about thirty girls stepped forward, and as they did about thirty male wolfs growled in disapproval.

"Becca as much as I would like to let you all fight I don't think that any of your mates will let me, but even without you girls I know that we will win this fight easily."

"Alpha I don't think that any of us care what our mates think, if we did I don't think we would have stepped forward and volunteered. With all due respect, Alpha we are all planning on fighting, whether you want us there or not."

"Oh, Becca I'm all for having more wolves to help. But really I don't think your mates would let me live if I let you help."

"We are helping Liam, end of story." Having the extra thirty girls there would help a lot actually. I knew that they could each take care of themselves and could learn to fight easily.

"Alright any women that would like to help may, and any males above fifteen may fight as well. Now everyone please get out of my office. If you are planning on fighting in this war show up to training tomorrow. Meet me in the field at five thirty tomorrow morning. Don't be late!" There, that gave the women's mates time to talk them out of it.

As everyone filed out the single door I made my way back over to Leann. She looked just as beautiful as ever. All I wanted to do was open those big gorgeous blue eyes of hers. "Goodnight sweetheart I love you so much and even though I haven't talked to you in a very long time I fall deeper and deeper in love with you every day. Even though you wont see mine, ill see your beautiful face tomorrow.

I had moved my bed into the office along with everything else, I was going to be as close to her as I could. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. Even if half of the women that said they wanted to help showed up tomorrow it meant that I had to start them off from the beginning.

4 hours later (around 3 in the morning)

I opened my eyes to the sound of movement. If the Lori Creek were already here I swear to god I was going to kill every one of them. As I shot out of bed I noticed that Leann was stirring in her deep sleep and I couldn't believe my eyes. I rubbed them and made my way over to her. "That's it babe you got it now just open them! Come back to me!"

I called my mother in through the mind link and she brought my father along with her. "Mom, dad, do you think that we should call the pack doctor?"

"Son, I think that she is probably just having a bad dream. Don't worry she will settle down in a minute. Now I'm going back to sleep, are you going Renee?"

"Honey I better go with him. If anything happens you better call me in here. Do you understand me young man? I said anything!" I couldn't believe that they were both leaving. Leann had not moved once in the last ninety days. This was progress!

"Fine mom whatever, will you watch her for me while I'm in training tomorrow?"

"Of course Liam, now try and get some sleep honey you have a big day tomorrow." I sat with Leann for another couple hours until it was time for training. I waited for my mother to make her way to the office and then I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten. Once I had successfully stuffed myself I ran out the front door. It was still dark outside and I had about fifteen minutes before everyone else was going to start off to the field. I stripped off my boxers and shifted, sprinting my way through the woods. I was dodging trees and branches left and right knowing that I was getting close to the clearing.

I remembered the last time I had been here. I had been looking for Leann, she had gotten lost in the woods when she was a human. Actually I think it was the first day she had been with my family. I thought about that day over and over wishing that I had just excepted her as my mate. Maybe then she would still be with me. I shifted back to human and walked around looking through trees for hidden cloths.

I put on a pair of shorts and shortly after turned around as I heard someone approaching. I got in a defensive stance, only to quickly feel like a foul because it had only been a member of the pack. It was one of the women I didn't know very well but she was always extremely nice to Leann and myself.

"Hi Alpha." Now I realized why I didn't know her very well. She was extremely shy and reserved. She had not grown up here with my pack. She was a rouge up until about a year ago.

"Um hello..." Shit I realized I didn't know her name.

"Its ok I didn't expect you to remember my name. I'm Delainey Addisyn Stewart, but if you are ok with it I would like it if you would call me Lainey." I felt like a dick for not remembering her name.

"Okay Lainey it is." She seemed almost scared of me, not that I blamed her. I had changed a lot in the last month and most of the people in the pack were afraid of me.

"So Lainey what are you doing here? You're new to the pack and you are a women, I don't expect you to be here. I hope that you know that." I also hoped that that did not come off sexist, because a lot of women in the pack were very sensitive about that kind of stuff.

"Of course I do but I wish that someone had fought for me in my old pack. I mean the circumstances were a bit different but it got so bad I had to leave. Your pack is so much better than the one that I lived in before. My Father was the Beta of my old pack and had to take over for the elderly Alpha when he was diagnosed with dementia. You are a much better Alpha than he is, and I am glad to be here. I am sure I will have to go back, but for now I'm glad that I'm here.

I smiled at her as the rest of the pack started to show up. "Alright all of my fighters come over here, the rest of you can stand and watch." We went on for hours slowly incorporating the newbies. I left the women for last though because they didn't know anything about fighting. About twenty of the thirty women that had volunteered were here. "Alright Lainey I can help you over here." I lead her over to an unoccupied spot in the clearing.

"Alrighty, so we are going to start off with something easy. Sound like a plan?" She smiled shyly at me.

"Yes sir." She was kind of cute.

"Lainey you know how I like to be called alpha?"

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry Alpha!"

"No, no I was going to say you are aloud to call me Liam. Lainey how old are you?" She smiled at me as I told her she could call me Liam.

"I'm only 17,, I know that's to young to be out here fighting with you guys but I'm sure that I will impress you if you just give me a chance. How old are you Liam?" She did not look sixteen at all though she looked like she could be 18 maybe 19.

"Actually I just turned 20 last week but shh, don't tell anyone I'm trying not to make a big deal about it. Everyone will want to throw me a party and I just don't have time for that right now."

"Well happy late birthday Alph..Liam." As she smiled at me I could help but smile back. She really was a cute girl and I liked her, how her pack had ever let her go was beyond me.

"Alright so you told me I was going to be impressed, show me what you got Lainey."

"Oh, I wasn't kidding I've been fighting since I was a little girl. I'm the daughter of a Beta who is now an Alpha?" She cutely smiled at me. She would make a great Luna, she was extremely confident.

We both got into our stances and got ready to go at eachother. She came at me and I was surprised at her quickness and skill. For only being 17 and being a girl she was extremely skillful and could probably beat some of my fighters in a brawl.

We did this for days, soon days turned into weeks and everyone looked ready to fight, not only fight but win. As for Leann she had been thrashing around in her sleep and breathing heavily. It scared me because I knew she was in pain, but also it brought me joy because the doctor told me that this meant she was getting closer to waking up. I couldn't wait to talk to her again. She was still my everything and I would still wait as long as she needed me too.

We had gone from fighting in human form to wolf form and then back. We were ready for this fight in every way possible. Whenever it was going to be, they were going to get their asses kicked.

"Lainey, go at him with your left then undercut with your right." She smiled at me and did exactly as I asked then mock bit his neck. I gave her a thumbs up then moved on to another pack member. Delainey and I had grown extremely close in the last couple weeks and I was glad I had her. She was great and my parents loved her too. Actually I thought that my father loved her just a little bit to much but I did not want to over think it. I was hoping that when Leann woke up she would like her too.

"LIAM!!!" I turned swiftly around to see my mother bounding at me, tears in her eyes, screaming.

"Mom, what is it? Did something happen?"

"Liam, Leann has woken up! She is asking for you..."

Hey everyone! (: extra long chapter for you all (: Anyways Lean is awake! Will she need Kyle? Or will Kyle bite do nothing? Hope you enjoyed!

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