Little Payne

By Claire_201

27.1K 1K 126


Little Payne
Chapter One: The Story Of Strike One
Chapter Two: The Story Of Strike Two
Chapter Four: The Story Of Strike Three
Chapter Five: Skipping Town?

Chapter Three: In-Between Strike Two And Three

2.7K 159 20
By Claire_201

 Now, before I tell you the reality- what's happening right now, this was- still is one of my biggest prank's of time. I had put it off for five month's, all for one reason.

I won't tell you like this, I will tell you, well, i'll show you why I had put it off and how I am the girl right now. I haven't pulled a 'Prank' in nine month's, and honestly, i'm not feeling it anymore.

I don't even want to do the prank now, I have stopped working on it. I've stopped, because of him. Not Liam, because of Peter. Before I go on and show you, I will tell you about Peter's and I's past, we were connected at the hip since when I was three, him five, we went through everything together, we knew each other's crushes, he was there when I was tormented and bullied, he was even there when I had my first period... awkward, right?

But you should have seen him, he walked straight into the grocery store, head high, chest puffed out and bought me some pad's, funniest thing i've seen in my life, it wasn't Liam who I went to, Liam was the second choice- probably even the last, since he alway's seemed to be 'too busy' for me, he was my bother, more than Liam ever was.

And this is how I lost him, I lost the only person i've ever loved in my life.

"Baby, lemme go" I whined, Peter laugh's, "Honey, you know that stuff doesn't work on me" he smile's and kisses me gently on the lips. We had gone out for a few month's now, three day's after I got my second strike to be precise.

He had awkwardly asked me out on a date, we went to the movies- movie hopped for a couple of them then went out for pizza, we walked through the park, arm's linked while eating ice cream. We had sat on the swing set there for three hour's, talking.

It was such a wonderful date, then we had one, every few day's, we couldn't get enough of these, we went to the arcade, we went to the movies, to the lake, to the bowling alley, and after two week's, we became and official couple.

We were the school's 'Golden Couple', we were the couple in the spot light, the populars were jealous, girl's were, boy's were, everyone were, I guess. But we were to blind to see it, we just smiled and walked hand and hand with each other.

"Let me go man" I pouted, "Right, that might work on me" he chuckles, "Come on, just a milk shake babe, you can even get a cheese burger if you like" I wiggled my eye brows at me, he clutches his heart dramatically, "Uh, my only weakness, cheese burger's" he gasp's.

"You know it" I laughed. I'm a seventeen year old girl, begging for her boyfriend to drive to a twenty-four hour diner, and before you ask's, he's nineteen. He in fact work's at my school as a teacher helper, we haven't done anything illegal, we've both agreed to save ourselves when we get married.

"You know, babe, you sure know how to treat a man" he laugh's, "Come on, i'll drive you" I grin and then hold my arm's out, "Piggy back ride?" I asked him, "Sure mam! I would never give up an opportunity to give such a lovely girl a piggy back ride" he grin's at me and turn's around.

I laughed and climbed onto his back, we were at my house, having a sleep over, mum trust's us both, mostly because she know's our promises and know's we wouldn't change them, even with teenage hormones.

He set's me down in the front seat of his car and I buckle up, he get's in the driver's seat and I notice the key necklace around his neck, I smile, looking down and fiddle with the lock around my neck.

As cheesy as it sound's, he had given it to me on our six month anniversary, we sang along to Ed Sheeran's song's, then his ipod changed and I laughed, "What, it's a good song" he flashes me a cheesy grin.

"Yep, Black Veil Brides, very attractive, what I like in my men" I winked at him, "You know it my love" I laughed and looked out of the front of the car, the wind screen wiper's went back and forth as the rain thundered down on us.

"Here we are, my love" we get out of the car and run into the diner, we sat in a red booth and looked at the menu's, "What can I get you two?"

"I'll have a cheese burger with a coffee, please" the old woman look's at me, "A straw berry milkshake and a apple pie, please" I smiled up at her, she nod's and walk's away.

"You and your bloody apple pie" Peter chuckles, I rolled my eyes and we continued chatting, "I got us tickets to Blood On The Dance Floor" he suddenly say's.

I dropped my apple pie, "What?! No way" I stare at him, "Yes way, we'll be going next week"

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled and leaned over the table and hugged him, "This is going to  be awesome!" he laugh's, "It is!"

We walked out, leaning on each other and are hand in hand, laughing and chatting, "Wait, I have to tell you something" we stop, the rain was a light dribble and I stared at him and he looked at me, "You know I love you, ever since I was twelve"

"P-" "No, no, no, let me continue" he laugh's. I stop and wait for him to continue, he then get's down on one knee, "Wait, wait-" "Shh" he shushes me.

"Right, Emily Jade Payne, I have loved you for a long time, and I want to grow old with you. This isn't a real ring, it's a promise ring. I promise, one day we'll get married and run off together" he pull's out a little box.

He open's it and a silver band with two heart's together gleamed in the light from the twenty-four hour dinner, one was black, the other was clear crystal.

"So, Emily, will you do me the honors and promise that we get married?" "I promise" I whispered.

We hug and he put's the band on my finger, "You cheesy idiot" I laughed and Peter chuckles and we climb back into his car, "You know, we went for burger and pie at three a.m?" I laughed.

He laugh's too and start's the car and we sing love song's together, as weird as we are.

I looked at him, smiling and he did too. We looked back to the front and I sang along to NeverShoutNever, "Baby I love you, I never want to let you go-" I cut myself of, "PETER!" I screamed, he slam's the break's down, and turn's the wheel.

The car swerved, skidding in a circle and the light's of the truck blinded me. Then, the truck collided with Peter's side, and all I could hear we me screaming.


All I could feel was my body aching, "P-Peter?" I stuttered, I blinked a couple times, dizzy, my seat belt dug into my skin and I noticed that I was hanging up side down, "Peter?" I whisper.

I looked over and saw Peter, his face was covered in blood, "Peter" 

I shakily reached out and touched his face, "Peter?" I croaked again, that's when I heard distant sound's of ambulances.

"I.. love... you..." I heard him whisper, "P-Peter, no, stay.. stay with me" I wheezed, he cough's, blood came out of his mouth.

"Peter!" I screamed.

From there, it was just a blur, fire fighter's had to cut me out, apparently. 

It turn's out that Peter had turned the car, so the truck wouldn't hit my side, it'd hit his. He died on the scene, and I was taken to hospital in ambulance. 

I have two scar's, a small one on my hair line, and one across my heart where glass had shattered and sliced it, scarring me for life. Apparently, I was lucky. 

Was I though? Was I really? 

I had just lost the guy i've been in-loved with since I was thirteen, and now he's gone. All because I wanted a milk shake and apple pie.

How selfish I must be.

People say it isn't my fault, it was the drunk truck driver's fault... but I know what they really think, it's mine.

No matter what they say, it'll alway's be my fault. 

People, my friend's have tried talking to me, but to be honest, I didn't talk to them to them until two month's ago, I still don't eat properly, he just never leave's my mind really. They way he laughed, how he talked, how he alway's shaked his head in amusement, I miss it.

I guess you can say, i'm suffering silently. 

But hey, it can't all be bad, right? 

Becca's been going on and on about a party that's coming up, she say's there will be alcohol there... she seem's excited for that. I might have been too, if he was still alive.

I guess you can only push on, right? I can't do anything now, he isn't here with me anymore, but that doesn't mean I can't stop mourning and wanting him to be here with me, does it?

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