The Fairy and the Dragon

By EmmyNealStock7

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Fairy Tail Gajeel Redfox x Reader There will be modern twists on the series. I even decided to make both boys... More

Chapter 1: The Aftermath of Edolas
Chapter 2: Gajeel gets hurt
Chapter 3: Healing Gajeel
Chapter 4: Gajeel's Awake
Christmas Special
Chapter 5: Karaoke at Fairy Tail
Chapter 6: The Big Sleepover

Chapter 7: The Sudden Duet

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By EmmyNealStock7

Hey guys! Your girl is back with another update! So I noticed that you guys don't care if there are more than one point of view in each chapter, so there might be a few more POV changes than usual. And I'm going to have Y/n wear her mom's wedding ring from the Christmas special because it works with the plotline for this chapter. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. ^-^

Narrator's POV
At around 10:30 p.m., the girls had fallen asleep. About an hour and a half later (around midnight), Gajeel ran over to Y/n's house, hiding out underneath her bedroom balcony on the third floor.

"Urgh!" Gajeel mentally groaned, careful not to wake the sleeping girls. "Why did I have to run back here in the middle of the night?! I already know she has a crush on someone! But why do I care so much about who it is?" "Do I have feelings for her? I mean, Y/n is always making me laugh and smile, and she looks beautiful in her different forms whenever she's using her magic."

Soon, Gajeel started to think about Y/n, essentially thinking about his feeling for her.

"Do I have feelings for her?" Gajeel thought to himself. "I mean, Y/n is always making me laugh and smile, she looks beautiful in her different forms whenever she's using her magic, she's tough, and she doesn't care about what happened between Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail. Y/n doesn't even care that I gave her a scar on her left eye."

After that flurry of thoughts, Gajeel felt the heat rise up to his cheeks, letting him know that he was blushing.

"I guess I do--"

Just then, Gajeel's thoughts were cut off when he heard the balcony slide door open and footsteps overhead. He knew that he should be safe from anyone finding him, but Gajeel couldn't help but worry about getting caught by one of the girls. After a couple minutes, the footsteps stopped, letting Gajeel know that whoever it was outside was at the edge of the balcony.

"Shit!" Gajeel thought to himself. "What if it's Fairy Girl?! Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!"

Y/n's POV
It was around 12:15 a.m. when I woke up because I couldn't sleep. I needed to think and get some fresh air. So I got out of bed and grabbed an iron-gray, oversized hoodie and slipped it over my head, then grabbed my phone, and went out on the balcony to think and get some air. I think I know why I couldn't sleep, but do I really want to admit it? I mean, come on. I just found out that I have a crush on Gajeel; the same person who attacked the guild hall; the same person who attacked me, Levy, and the boys; and the same person who gave me the scar on my left eye during our raid on the Phantom Lord guild.

But Gajeel's also the same person who makes me smile, the same person who makes me feel like I belong, the same person who makes me feel true happiness, the same person who's willing to do anything to make me feel accepted, and the same person who's willing to put his life on the line in order to protect me.

I held my right hand out and looked at my mom's wedding ring, something that Gajeel got me for Christmas. Whenever I look at the ring, I can't help but smile and remember how much my mom loved my dad.

"I miss you, Mom," I thought to myself. "I wish you were still here. I hope you and Dad are back together. After everyone from Fairy Tail came back from Edolas, I found out that Dad had passed away. I know that you still love him, even after seeing him send the Southern Wolves guild after me because you passed away 14 years ago. Then my friend Gajeel gave me your wedding ring as a Christmas present. I'm even wearing it right now."

After that, I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket, unlocked my phone, and opened my music library. It's weird, singing always helps me think clearly and even helps me calm down. I pulled up the song Between the Raindrops by Lifehouse featuring Natasha Bedingfield, pressed play, and just let the music soothe my racing mind.

Gajeel's POV
After about 10 minutes of silence, I heard whoever it was playing some music.

"I know this song," I thought to myself. "It's Between the Raindrops by Lifehouse featuring Natasha Bedingfield. It has to be Fairy Girl on the balcony. I just know it."

Eventually, I heard the first verse play, so I started to sing along to it.

Narrator's POV
As soon as the first verse of the song started playing, Gajeel began singing.

(Author's Note: bold is Gajeel, italics are you, and underlined is both)

Look around
There's no one but you and me
Right here and now
The way it was meant to be
There's a smile on my face
Knowing that together everything that's in our way
We're better than alright

Walking between raindrops
Riding the aftershock beside you
Off into the sunset
Living like there's nothing left to lose
Chasing after gold mines
Crossing the fine lines we knew
Hold on and take a breath
I'll be here every step
Walking between the raindrops with you

"Wait, I just heard Gajeel singing," Y/n thought to herself. "M-Maybe Gajeel is underneath the balcony and heard me turn on my music. Well, singing does help me think clearly, so I guess I should start singing the next verse. I just hope that Gajeel's gonna be singing the chorus with me."

And so, Y/n started singing the second verse.

Take me now
The world's such a crazy place
When the walls come down
You'll know I'm here to stay
There's nothing I would change
Knowing that together everything that's in our way
We're better than alright

As soon as the chorus came on again, Y/n heard Gajeel singing with her, causing her to blush and smile.

Walking between raindrops
Riding the aftershock beside you
Off into the sunset
Living like there's nothing left to lose
Chasing after gold mines
Crossing the fine lines we knew (Oh oh, oh oh)
Hold on and take a breath
I'll be here every step
Walking between the raindrops with you

As the two kept singing, Y/n started walking towards the rope that was tied to the railing of the balcony and started sliding down the rope while still singing.

There's a smile on my face
Knowing that together everything that's in our way
We're better than alright

Once Y/n's feet hid the ground, she started walking towards Gajeel. After about three feet, Y/n was standing next to Gajeel, still singing the song with him. Y/n put her hand on Gajeel's upper arm, letting him know that she was next to him.

When Gajeel felt someone's hand on his arm, he flinched a little, but soon saw that it was Y/n, Gajeel relaxed, knowing that she wouldn't judge him for singing with her. In fact, Y/n liked singing with Gajeel, and he liked singing with her. Everyone at the guild could tell, especially the girls.

Walking between raindrops
Riding the aftershock beside you
Off into the sunset
Living like there's nothing left to lose
Chasing after gold mines
Crossing the fine lines we knew (Oh you, oh you)
Hold on and take a breath
I'll be here every step
Walking between the raindrops with you (Oh)
Between the raindrops with you
Between the raindrops with you

After that line, Gajeel saw the opportunity to hold Y/n's hand. Immediately, he took Y/n's hand into his own and gave it a gentle squeeze. When Gajeel looked at her face in the moonlight, he couldn't help but notice that Y/n was smiling, more than she usually did. It seemed that whenever he was around her, Y/n would always smile more than she did at the guild. After seeing her beautiful smile, Gajeel couldn't help but smile himself.

"It's weird," Gajeel thought to himself. "Fairy Girl's always smiling around me, more than she does at the guild. I think it's kind of cute."

"Thank you, Gajeel," Y/n thought to herself. "Thank you for always being the person that always makes me smile. Even if you don't mean to or don't even realize it, you make me smile and laugh every day. I love you, Gajeel Redfox."

"Thank you, Y/n," Gajeel thought to himself. "Thank you for being the first person who accepted me when I first joined Fairy Tail. You make me laugh and smile every day. I love you, Y/n L/n."

Between the raindrops with you

As soon as the lyrics were done and the music was fading out, Gajeel took Y/n's chin between his index finger and thumb and did something he never thought of doing in his entire life; he captured Y/n's lips in a soft and gentle kiss. Y/n was shocked for a few seconds but soon kissed him back. It was at this moment that the two knew they were in love with each other.

"There's no denying it anymore," the two thought to themselves.

"Gajeel's the reason that I smile more than I used to," Y/n thought to herself. "He doesn't care about my magic, but instead cares about who I am. He loves me for me and not for who I'm friends with. I couldn't ask for a better person to fall in love with."

"Y/n's the reason that I started laughing," Gajeel thought to himself. "She loves me even though I caused her guild so much trouble in the past. She doesn't care about what I did back with Phantom Lord. She makes me happy. I couldn't ask for a better person to be with."

"I can now say that I found a reason for me to be happy," the two thought to themselves, breaking the kiss.

Y/n's POV
"G-Gajeel," I stuttered, catching my breath. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Do you want the truth or some half-assed lie?" Gajeel replied, not even out of breath from the kiss.

"The truth please," I responded.

"Well, after you and the girls left the guild, Salamander, Gray, Jet, Elfman, and Happy had the idea to spy on you," Gajeel explained. "They even dragged me and Lily along for the ride. Lily wasn't really happy with the idea, but I wanted to see what you were like outside of the guild, so I went along with their stupid idea. When we got to your house, we saw you and the girls in your pajamas and setting up your karaoke machine. Then you and the girls started singing. After a while, the boys and I thought that it would be a good idea to leave, so we did."

"But that doesn't answer my question, Gajeel," I countered. "Why are you here in the middle of the night?"

"I'm getting there," Gajeel stated, his grip on my hand not letting up. Then he took a deep breath before continuing his explanation. "After we left, I couldn't get what you said out of my head. I didn't think that you would like someone in the guild after being dumped by the asshole plant boy. When Lily and I got home, we went to bed since it was around 9:00 p.m. or so. After a few hours, I started tossing and turning and couldn't sleep with you on my mind. So I came here. And you know the rest."

"Y-you were thinking a-about me?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, I was," Gajeel replied without hesitation.

"But why were you thinking about me?" I questioned. "I'm nothing spec--"

Before I could finish my sentence, Gajeel began kissing me again. Although the first kiss was amazing, I could tell that Gajeel was more passionate about the second one. He was kissing me a bit harder than before, but it was still gentle and passionate like the first one. Without any hesitation, I closed my eyes and kissed him back with a similar amount of passion, dropping Gajeel's hand and wrapping my arms around his neck (I even felt Gajeel wrap his arms around my waist). This one was even longer than the first one. After about five more seconds, Gajeel broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes.

"You're special to me, Y/n," Gajeel countered, using my name instead of calling me 'Fairy Girl'. "I don't care what happened to you in the past and I don't care if you have flaws or insecurities. To me, you're someone who deserves the world and more. And I want you to know that."

"I...I don't know what to say," I stuttered.

"Then don't say anything," Gajeel replied. "Just enjoy the feeling of having someone who actually cares about you. I'll never leave you for someone else. I can promise you that much. I love you, Y/n."

"I...uh," I stuttered again.

"I understand if you don't want to say it back right away," Gajeel said to me, kissing me on my forehead. "But know that when you're ready to say those three words, I'll never turn away from you."

After Gajeel had said that, he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek.

"Well, I should probably get home," he stated. "I left Lily alone and I'm sure he'll be interrogating me about why I was gone in the middle of the night as soon as he wakes up. Goodnight, Y/n."

"Night, Gajeel," I replied back, leaning in for a goodbye kiss. "See you at the guild tomorrow."

"Right," Gajeel responded.

And so, Gajeel went back home and I went back inside to try and get some sleep, but not before thinking of those three words that he said to me.

"I love you too, Gajeel," I thought to myself. "And I'll tell you how I feel about you at the guild tomorrow, I promise."

The Next Day

After a while, I woke up and got dressed.

(Here's what your outfit of the day looks like ⤴️ I do not own the photo. I just chose this photo to show what your outfit of the day looks like)

After I got dressed, I walked out onto the balcony and leaned against the railing. I just couldn't stop thinking about what happened between me and Gajeel last night. It was something that I will never forget and cherish forever and ever. Every time I think about it, I can't help but blush.

"I wonder if you saw what happened last night, Mom," I thought to myself, thinking about what my mom would say about Gajeel. "I hope you're happy for me. I remember that you would always tell me that if I follow my heart, I'll find someone who loves me for who I am. Well, I think I found someone who loves me for who I am. And his name is Gajeel Redfox. If you were here now, I just know that you would love him. I wish that you could've met him, Mom."

After a bit, I walked back inside and noticed the girls wake up.

"Morning, girls," I greeted them.

"Good morning," the girls replied.

"So, are you going to tell Gajeel how you feel today?" Lucy asked me.

"Yeah," I answered her, blushing like crazy. "I plan on telling him at the guild in private when I get the chance."

"Well, we'd better get going to the guild then," Mira stated.

"Right," we all replied.

Then the girls started packing up their things, getting ready to leave.

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