Feels Like Home

De pahinanoel

5.1K 183 252

A Duskwood Tale. Jake is free and he get to start his life with MC (Mahri). This has a bit of drama and a l... Mais

I'm Free!!
Alive again
Warming up
Confessions and Coffee
Twenty Questions
Dance With Me
A Dream Fulfilled
Breaking Point
42 hours and 38 minutes
Old Friend, Good Advice
more good friends and some good advice
First Date
Day to Night
Haunted House
Bonding Time
When Harry met Margaret
The Rocket, Dinner Prep, and A Minor Disaster.
Waiting Game
Big brother
The Moment
Snowed In
Holding Tight


96 1 3
De pahinanoel

I sit by the fireplace on my favorite couch in the world. It is the cabin where he held me for the first time, the porch where he told me that he loved me and then proceeded to show me what love looks like, it is the place where we have and will continue to share our love.

We have been snowed in for the past couple of days. It has been fantastic. We stayed in bed for a lot of it, showing all of our love to each other. We did somehow manage to pull ourselves out of bed long enough to do things like eat and shower. We played some poker and set up the tree. We hung decorations and talked about all of our family traditions, ones that we would keep if we had a family of our own. We enjoyed candlelit dinners and warmed up by the fireplace curled in each other's arms and wrapped in our love. In short, it has been romantic and sexy, heartwarming and comfortable.

This vacation, this time of being snowed in, has convinced me that I want this to be genuinely, officially, and unquestionably our cabin. Just as I want it to be our life, our dreams, and our future. I want to be here with him, to share a life with him, I want to run to this life with no looking back. I love sleeping in his bed, waking in his arms, discovering more about how his brain works, and I certainly love learning what makes him scream my name in the night as well as what makes me scream his. These have been fun discoveries, to say the least. Ones that I am pleased to keep exploring.

I want to share all of the moments, big and small.

I sigh as I think about these last few days confident that the smile on my face won't leave anytime soon. In addition to losing power, we lost phone service, which means that we have had no contact with the gang. I hope they are ok and all are in a safe place. I hope Betty and Phil, Jessy and Dan found each other before the storm set in.

I pick up my phone as I have the last few days, Just to check the service. This time I have a signal and a hundred messages and chat notifications. Every bell and whistle on my phone goes off.

Jake walks into the room and I am compelled to watch. He hasn't pulled his shirt on yet, and his black sweats are sagging low on his waist. My stomach still flip-flops when I see him this way. His hair is a disheveled mess and his bare chest still holds a few loose droplets of water which my eyes trace to his waist. By now, I thought this feeling would be over. I thought after a few days of ravaging each other that I would be able to resist him, but the closer that I am to him, and the more skin we shed, the more that I want to be with him. The more I think of his taste and his touch, the more that I want. I can not get enough of him. I can not be close enough to him. Right now with him this way, so casual and comfortable, I am having a hard time not pulling him close and having my way with him once again.

He is drying his hair with a towel allowing me to see every muscle on his toned chest. I am still in awe that a man who spends so much time on his computer can look like that. I will not complain. When he finishes, I see him smirking at me. I am honestly having a hard time determining what to do, should I answer my phone or spend more time with Jake?

"M... it is ok if you want to answer all of those beeps and whistles, but I know you are trying to figure out how to keep your hands off of me. I know that I am hard to resist." He smirks and pulls his shirt on over his head.

I am pretty sure that a sigh of disappointment escapes from my lips. I am also pretty sure, by the look on his face that he heard it. I don't really appreciate the overly confident attitude he has had lately. He winks and makes his way to the back of the couch, kissing me on the head. I lean back and my lips meet his. What begins as a soft kiss turns into more. His hand finds its way up the front of my shirt, his fingers barely brushing the bottom of my breast and his lips move their way to my neck. He kisses me hard, and I begin to tug on his shirt. He pulls away, "Mmmmmm.. you taste delicious." and he walks away teasing me.

He runs his hands through my hair and heads to the kitchen, "Love, check your phone, the power is back on. I will make you some proper coffee."

"Oh, proper coffee...what did I do to deserve that?"

"I can think of many things that you have done that would have earned a perfect cup of coffee, especially that thing last night. You know, the one..." I blush and he laughs, loudly. He loves getting under my skin. He is the only one that can make me fluster so quickly.

Once he caught his breath, he said, "Mahri, have you forgotten that I love you and that I adore everything about you, that I have made it my life's mission to bring you as much happiness as I can and to always keep your coffee cup full?"

"Your life's mission seems pretty shallow."

"Well, that is part of my life's mission, there is the part where I intend to make you scream with delight every chance that I get. There is one more secret that I hold, but I will not share the other part just yet." He says with a swagger. His new confidence angers me and turns me on at the same time.

"I thought we had shared all of our secrets?" I try to tease my way out of the tension that I have created for myself.

"This is not a secret, it is a surprise and you love surprises. and you don't want to ruin a surprise by trying to squeeze it out of me, now do you?"

Damn it, he calls me out every time.

He is right. I hate it. I stick my tongue out at him and he chuckles while making my coffee. I couldn't be any happier had I scripted out my own life.

I begin to type a note to Jessy on my phone.

I can hear him fidgeting in the back. He has a way of being exceptionally loud when he is happy as if he can't keep his body under control. He has been carefree these last few days. I hope we can hold on to these feelings when the world starts again. Being this careless would have been dangerous for a hacker. I wonder if there is there any hacker left in him? Whatever he was, hacker, computer nerd, I don't care. I love all of it, every ounce of who he is.

Mahri: Jessy, how are you all? We are safe and well.

Jessy doesn't answer right away which gives me the chance to watch Jake a little while longer. I watch as he balances both of our cups and breakfast, some scones that we had baked made the night before. I smile as I remember baking together and the mess we made. We did simple things, but there is such delight in these little daily things for me. I can't imagine how our life would bring us anything but happiness.

He sits on the couch next to me and I wrap my legs over his. Scooting as close to me as possible, he hands me my cup. and rests on hand on my thigh as we drink in silence.

The smell of his shampoo still delights me. The feeling of his legs underneath mine and the warmth of his side next to me still makes me feel alive. The depth of his intellect both inspires and intimidates me. He is all that I could dream of and I still wonder if all of the loneliness and pain that I have felt has allowed me to appreciate all of who he is and all of the ways I adore him.

He places a kiss on my cheek. It is sweet and sexy, entirely too sexy if he wants to get anything accomplished today. I turn so I can kiss him, his lips are sweet and they taste of coffee and cream. The kisses that were supposed to be a calm and sweet start to the day now drive me wild, I roll over and I sit on his lap, my legs straddling him. My kisses slowly become demanding. His tongue explores mine, and his hands move from my hips to my thighs slowly, taking their time. My hand roams his chest and begins to sneak down the hem of his pants as my lips move to his neck, stopping to nibble his earlobes.

He suddenly stops and squeezes my legs letting me know that this has to end.

"What is the matter? Why did you stop?" I am concerned. I thought things were going so well.

"Oh, Love. There is not a thing wrong in this world." He puts his hand on my cheek and softly pushes some hair out of my face. His eyes hold mine for a long time. "We have to do a couple of things. The world will return to normal soon and I want to spend all of the time that I can while our cocoon still exists, but I need to check the status of the roads. We will eventually have to leave. I want to see if I can get us out of this place, because you, lady, are antsy and won't be able to sit here much longer. I know that work will call you in soon and those friends of yours won't be able to leave you alone."

"They, " I protest, "are OUR friends. But I think you are wrong. I could stay here with you forever," I respond. "I am reformed socialite. Our cabin, a campfire, coffee, and you... that is all I need." I look into his eyes with a smile.

Jake's POV:

The devotion on her face shows so much love that I almost can't resist her. Who am I kidding? If she truly asked me I would never resist. I never want her to leave this place or my arms.

The truth is, when the weather clears up, life will begin again. Our normal life is where we have jobs and friends and two separate places to live. I have to get used to things the way they will be, but not the way they are now. It has been a wonderful vacation, but we have to live within each other's schedules and find the time to devote to each other when the real world returns. I have to learn to be less demanding and go back to my patient ways, always a little unsure how much time is too much, how much touch is too little,

I wish with my whole being she lived here, that we could share every night and every morning, but I don't think she is ready for that.

Right now, however, when I look at her and see the way that she is looking at me when I hear the words that she so lovingly speaks, I wonder if maybe she isn't ready. I wonder if she might want to consider a merger of our lives. I don't have a life apart from her now. She is my joy, the completion of who I am meant to be.

Asking her this wasn't part of her surprise, but I wonder now if it could be. I wonder if it should be. I need to talk to Betty. Now.

My eyes threaten to light up with an idea, but I can't let her know that something is going on. She is too intuitive, one of the things that I love the most about her. I need wise counsel before I say something that I will regret. It is the only way that I can pull away from her.

"You should stay warm in here." I kiss her deeply one last time before I rise. "Stay on the phone, it has been off for days. I am sure you have things to catch up on with your friends."

"Again, they are OUR friends," I repeat. "Will you be all right out there? Do you need my help? It is so cold."

"You can warm me up when I come back inside, that would be a big help. I can think of a few ways that could be accomplished." I wink at her and give her a cocky smile.

"So, hot cocoa and a warm fireplace? Maybe a couple of warm blankets, extra socks?" She says. She is so cheeky. I love it when she blushes

I could play this game.

"I was thinking about a warm fireplace, and a hot you in only a couple of blankets."

"Deal," she smiles and shakes her head. "Anything you want. Go be a big strong man and take care of me. I will take care of you later."

"I will always try to take care of you," I respond sincerely.

She runs up and jumps into my arms. Her legs wrap around my waist and she kisses me.

"Just one for the road, so you won't forget me." She kisses me, long and hard, then sets her feet back on the ground.

"Baby," I lower my voice because I know it drives her wild, "It would be impossible to forget you."

She sways back to the couch with a smile on her face and starts typing on her phone.

"Tell Jessica hello for me," I yell over my shoulder as I walk outside, pulling my phone out of my pocket and dialing Betty's number. I have my own catching up to do.

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