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By LhilyBarbie

47.1K 3.2K 2.8K

A horrific incident on a rainy night changed an Omega's life completely, compelling him to cultivate an etern... More

Chapter ~1
Chapter ~2
Chapter ~3
Chapter ~4
Chapter ~5
Chapter ~6
Chapter ~8
Chapter ~9
Chapter ~10
Chapter ~11
Chapter ~12
Chapter ~13
Chapter ~14
Chapter ~15
Chapter ~16

Chapter ~7

1.9K 184 118
By LhilyBarbie

Pete gripped hard onto Violet's arm, greatly regretting his words from earlier. He couldn't believe he mumbled those three words. He would have never done that if he was a hundred percent sane. He went through heat all by himself in isolation and he believed he could get through this.

"I don't know how you masked your scent so well but I'm quite relieved this is who you are." Her concerns from before disappeared in a flash. But..." She chose her next words carefully. "Do you want me to call my son?"

Pete flinched. "No, no, don't. He doesn't know I'm an omega, he can't find out so please don't call him. I don't want him to see me in such a vulnerable state."

Violet took Pete's hand, wondering what he went through to live as a beta instead of an omega. "Son, are you certain I shouldn't call him here? He's the one you are yearning for and I'm certain you went into an early heat because you got exposed too much to his pheromones. He's a dominant alpha after all... but if you feel you can successfully go through this period, then I'll respect your decision."

"Have you been exposed to a dominant alpha other than Vegas?"

Pete immediately shook his head. "He's the first." He said inaudibly.

Violet let out a frustrated sigh before saying, "Then this will not be like any other heat you've had and I doubt you can successfully go through it by yourself. He's the reason you're suddenly like this and he should be the one to quench the fire."

Pete quickly pulled his hand away to hug his body. It felt like his body was thrown into a burning furnace and the fire was widely penetrating the deepest of his insides, almost tearing him to shreds. This heat was much more painful than the ones he's had. Was Violet truly right about this? But he in no way wanted anyone's touch especially if it's Vegas, worse, he's an alpha. But his hormonal reaction was beginning to get the better of him no matter how much he tried to suppress it.

But the urge to smell the pheromones of Vegas was hard to resist. He needed something of his to calm. Violet turned up the AC. "Is it better?" Her eyes were full of concern. She brought her hand up to his forehead but Pete wasn't any better. This was getting out of hand.

"Take me to his room," Pete muttered while forcing himself to stand.

Violet quickly agreed and held him up. Supporting him by the arm, she led Pete out of the guestroom. On their way, Pete's eyes landed on Macau from a distance, and he almost puked his guts out. The wet forest smell escaping Macau felt so disgusting to Pete. This wasn't what he wanted.

"Ugh... You stink... Get out..." He couldn't bear it.

Violet screamed at her youngest. "Get out Mac! Until he's fully in your brother's isolation chamber. You don't wanna run wild and pounce on him, do you?"

"You... You... You're an omega?! Macau couldn't understand it but he knew what this situation was. The only one Pete probably wanted to smell at the moment was Vegas' and not him so he wasn't going to take offense to Pete calling him stinky. He also couldn't stand Pete anyway, he was already losing it. But what on earth is happening? I need to go ask Joey then I'll call Vegas. Macau quickly ran out of the hallway and then out of the house.

Finally, they were in Vegas' bedroom, and Pete instantly felt a little bit of relief as the sandalwood scent graced his nose. He didn't want to see Vegas but he was going to selfishly use his scent to get through this phase.

Violet did not settle Pete in the bed but walked him to a corner and pressed a button. A door slid to the side and revealed Vegas' isolation chamber. This was the place he used when he was in his rut. Never once had he slept with any beta when he went into a rut because he knew they wouldn't be able to handle him in such a state. Thus, he stayed in here till it was fully over. He also had the place specially designed to prevent pheromones from escaping. This was the safest place for Pete to be at the moment.

The woman walked him to the bed and Pete finally settled. The place was unbelievably cold and any person in a normal state would run out but Pete felt nothing of the sort. It was the right temperature he needed.

His nails were beginning to dig into his palm painfully, almost drawing blood. "Please leave." He said to the woman.

Worriedly, "Press the button by the bed if you need anything and I'll be with you immediately. Okay?"

Pete nodded and Violet left him alone as asked.

He looked around but his vision was not quite stable but he tried to keep up. He realized the place was designed exactly like a bedroom. It was practically the same as Vegas' main one with closets and everything available. It only had special effects to accommodate rut and heat. Pete wanted to do something but he felt it was pathetic. Please be sane Pete, he's an alpha, and you should have nothing to do with him. His conscience poked him.

But I want to feel his scent all over me. He got off the bed and strutted towards the walk-in wardrobe filled with Vegas' clothes. Without second thoughts, Pete took off his shirt, throwing it far away from him, and grabbed one from the closet. Inhaling it, relief washed over him as he had been craving this for some time now. But it still wasn't enough. He wore the shirt and threw on a pant as well. Feeling better but it still wasn't enough.

He frustratedly went through the wardrobe, picking anything he could lay his hands on which had the alpha's scent. Nobody is going to find out I did this so it's fine. Assuring himself, he carried all the clothes to the bed, dumping them and later spreading them all over. He lay in the middle, with Vegas all around him and hugging another shirt to his chest, inhaling it like it was an addictive drug.

"Feels good a little."


Rushing to the Black Pheonix Macau barged into Joey's room and the latter jumped up to face the intruder with a harsh glare.

"Can't you knock first!" Joey screamed at his friend and Macau waved him off, not ready to deal with Joey's temper.

"Where's Mr. Prem? I didn't see him in his office. He wanted to understand all this.

Joey rolled his eyes at the other man. "He's away on a trip, why?"

"There's a problem and trust me you'll be shocked out of your mind." Macau brought a hand up to massage his temples. "Did you know about Pete's rank?"

Joey's face contorted into a frown and said, "Of course, he's a beta."

Macau sighed. "Even an omega like you was fooled... Turns out you had no idea too." He uttered inaudibly. "Listen to me, Pete is not a beta but an Omega." He announced and Joey collapsed onto the couch.

"What... What do you mean? How can that be? He never smelled like one." His face screamed shock all over. "It can't be!"

Macau went on. "That is not even a problem. Pete went into heat at our mansion. This is complicated."

"Heat? Oh no..." Joey paced around endlessly. "He doesn't have an alpha. What's he going to do?"

The two sat down, pondering over everything for about an hour until Macau received a sudden phone call and answered.

"Your brother is the reason he went into an early heat but Pete insisted we don't tell Vegas anything about this but I'm worried." Violet paused. "This might not be like the normal ones he's had. I'm afraid he'll need Vegas or he wouldn't be able to cope."

Macau was lost in a trance. "I don't like him but this situation is complicated. I think we should let Vegas know about it."

"I just got close to him and I wouldn't want to do anything that will make him upset. Let's see if he can get through this by himself."

"Alright Mom," Macau replied and the call dropped.

Joey glanced at his friend. "What?"

"Pete doesn't want Vegas to know about this."

Joey jolted up once more. "You're not about to abide by his wishes in such a condition right? I'm an omega and I know how it fucking feels." He went silent as if not sure if he should spill the next words. "Macau... My last heat was so painful because I yearned for one idiot and well, it just happened, I went down with Pun before and my suffering ended." He bit his lips nervously.

Macau's eyes enlarged. "You did it again with Pun?!" Both of them were crazy. "So his shitty excuse to keep you because you stole for him was because he wanted to... Oh no!" Macau couldn't care about them right now. Maybe later.

"That's why we have to call Vegas as soon as possible," Joey added but Macau didn't want to go against his mother.

"But my mom asked me not to..."

"I'll take the blame for it, Macau, let's do it now. Right now."

Macau was nervous as hell but thinking things through, this was the only choice they had. "Okay fine."


Completely focused on a meeting, Vegas only had one goal in mind and that was to make a deal with the German mafia to partner together in the weapon business. Once in a while, his thoughts swayed to Pete but he wasn't going to let that distract him. He quickly swept it aside and focused on the one before him.

"We have a lot more to unveil to you, Mr. Vegas." The German boss said with a satisfactory grin.

"I'm all ears," Vegas replied, clasping both hands together but a vibration distracted him. He checked and it was Macau.

Frowning slightly, he cut him off, focusing back on his work. Minutes passed and Macau kept calling and it was beginning to throw Vegas over the edge.

"Maybe you should answer it. " Pun whispered from the side. "It might be urgent."

Vegas was unwilling to do so. He handed the device to Pun to go ahead. Macau calling was just trouble and nothing else. Pun sighed before excusing himself to take the call.

A few minutes later, Pun returned, and his expression altered from before. More like he needed to spill something very urgent but looking at Vegas and how he never played around with business, he thought it wise to keep it in till they were done for the day.

"That's it for today. Let's discuss more in two days." The man offered his hand which Vegas took in a handshake.

"See you soon."

Once out, Pun immediately stopped Vegas. "You should have answered the darn call yourself." He sounded more like he was scolding the alpha.

"Macau probably just missed me. He could have waited till after the meeting." Vegas shrugged and began walking away.

"And if it had to do with Pete?" Pun cocked a brow.

Vegas hearing the name came to an abrupt stop. "Pete? What's up?" He finally took interest, hoping nothing was wrong.

"Looks like they found out he's an omega."

"How's that possible? You and I are the only ones in the know."

Pun then went ahead. "That's because he went into a sudden heat and I learned it happened while he got invited over by your mother for dinner. She's the one taking care of him now."

"DAMN IT!" Vegas grunted before hurrying to the car. This was not something he expected to happen and worse, in his home.

"Where are we heading?" Pun got in the car.

"To the hotel." That was all Vegas said before he drove off.

Vegas didn't care about anything else right now but Pete. Calling his mom to confirm the situation, he found out Pete was in bad shape even though he insisted he could do this by himself. He was the last person he expected Pete to yearn for while in heat. Did he trigger it? Vegas found it hard to believe but that was the reality.

Arriving at the hotel and entering Vegas' suite, he crashed onto the bed, his mind clouded with thoughts of Pete. He sat himself up after a few minutes, burying his face in his palm and clenching his jaw fiercely while his friend watched.

"I thought you'd be on your way right now to see Pete? I expected you to run to him." Pun said in awe after seeing Vegas was not attempting to get back to Thailand.

He looked up at Pun and muttered, "I'm the last person he would want to see."

Pun's pupil dilated in incredulity. "What do you mean by that? He's in heat because of you and he's going to get hurt if you do not go to him. Are you insane?"

Vegas took off his shirt and walked into the bathroom to wash his face. "I'm not crazy. Pete is strong and can do this without me being there and besides, I'm not about to make him hate me even more. He dislikes my kind, remembers?" He recalled how disgusted Pete was by his touch the last time and sighed heavily. His heart was worried sick but he tried to hold himself back in order not to worsen his situation with Pete.

"You're making sense but the situation needs you." Pun reasoned.

"Cut it out Pun." Vegas shut him up. "He's in good hands with Violet."

Pun rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me I didn't warn you." He walked out of the room.

Back in Thailand

It's been two days since Pete went into heat and he felt it was despicable not to have any sense of control over your own body and he abhorred this fact. He gritted his teeth painfully in annoyance as he dug his nails into the sheets, the burning sensation not willing to bend to his will. His mind was in an uproar because it has never been this intense but the more he indulged himself in Vegas' scent, the lesser the pain so he needed the man one way or the other.

This is pathetic. Pete thought to himself. He even thinks I'm a beta how so can I stupidly yearn for him? He buried his face in the sheets. At this point, his hate for the alpha couldn't surpass the desire for Vegas right now.

"I know it's painful but you have to endure it," Violet said calmly but she's been worried and so out of it for the past two days. She still held on to Pete's wishes of not calling Vegas over but was beginning to have second thoughts. This normally lasted for a week and it's only been two days. She was worried if Pete could pull through without breaking.

Pete's body trembled as he tried to look up at Violet. Seeing her, he tried to force out a smile but failed miserably. "I... I'll be fine... In a few days." He stammered. "He can't know I'm an omega.

It was finally time for the reveal. "He knows you are." And just like she expected Pete went into a state of frenzy.

"He knows? Did you tell him? I told you not to!" He yelled. "Why did you have to spill!"

She patted him gently on the head to calm him down. "He knew not long after meeting you and not by me telling him. Be right back." She excused herself for a second to make a phone call. Once out, she placed a call to Vegas.

"How's he?" Vegas asked immediately after answering.

"Not better, he's getting worse."

There was silence from the other end for a few seconds.

"I think you should get back, son."

"That's a bad idea."

"Vegas are you crazy? Do you care for him as you claim?" She scolded.

"I care so much for him and that's why I'm doing this. I wouldn't want him to get intimate with me in such a state. If he was sane, he would never think of doing that with me."

Violet exhaled heavily. "He dislikes you that much?"

"Yes." Anyone could sense the pain in the alpha's voice.

Violet turned and stumbled back in surprise seeing Pete standing there suddenly, his eyes swollen from his subtle tears. "Vegas?" He heard her call his name when he came out of the isolation chamber.

Vegas' bedroom wasn't very safe but luckily, Macau hasn't returned ever since Pete's situation.

"Are... you speaking with him?" After trying for two days Pete was at his limit. He was hurting and he needed this person to calm him. He held the woman's arm to support himself.

Violet nodded and placed the phone on speaker.

"Pete?" Vegas called. "Pete? Can you hear me?"

"Vegas," Pete called inaudibly. "Why are you not here yet?"

"Does it hurt?" Vegas' tone was laced with unrest.

Pete forgot to ask him the most important question. How did he know he was an omega? "You're pathetic! Staying away when I'm like this because of you!" Pete lashed out, anger taking over his body.

"Hey, hey, don't be mad, I'm sorry." Vegas didn't know why he had to apologize when he was only doing this for Pete's sake. "I'm sorry okay? Don't be mad."

The atmosphere felt like Vegas was trying his best to not make his mate displeased with him and Pete mad at his mate for neglecting his duties. Violet shook her head at the both of them. Taking over the device, "Return now, you're not in your rut and I know you wouldn't go bazaar. I'm hanging up." She announced and the call dropped.

"Let's walk you back to the room." She said and Pete nodded, still actively mad at Vegas, his hormonal instinct completely taking over.


10 hours of flight felt like an eternity before Vegas could successfully land in Thailand. He had Pun help him out with the remaining business so he could attend to Pete. He strode into the mansion and was met by Violet who melted him with a dazzling smile.

"Took you long enough." She embraced him.

"Vegas pulled away. I'll head up now."

She stopped him. "You can do this?"

Vegas nodded. "I'm not in my rut so there's nothing to worry about. I'm sane." He flashed a smile before walking up.

His heart thumped hard against his chest just at the thought of seeing the face he's always yearned for, how he wanted to hold Pete in his arms. Vegas mentally slapped himself, not wanting to think of anything immoral at the moment.

Opening the door, it was a sight to see. Pete wore Vegas' clothes and was curled up in the middle of the bed, with lots of other clothes pilled up on every side of him. "Is this what an omega in heat looks like? How on earth is he comfortable sleeping like that?"

Pete hearing the familiar voice opened his eyes to see Vegas. He forced himself up, trying to get off the bed as the strong pheromones clouded the entire atmosphere. It was in huge amounts and he was beginning to feel relaxed, "Vegas." The words came out in whispers and he hurried to him.

This wasn't like Pete and this side of him was new. "Hey," Vegas met him halfway, his heart pacing abnormally, and was lost in a trance whether to touch him or hold back. Suddenly, Pete crashed into the alpha's chest, and in a flash, inhaled him deeply in an attempt to calm down completely. "Feels good." He mumbled, not letting go.

Vegas pulled him away a little bit, leaving Pete confused. "Pete, you're not going to regret behaving like this tomorrow." He reminded but Pete only stared blankly.

Pete shook his head from side to side and fell back into his arms. Bodies touching, Vegas had a tight grip on Pete yet, his memories weren't triggered like the last time. Pete did not look disgusted by Vegas' touch and this reminded Vegas he indeed was not himself. The real him would have pushed him far away. His hand went all the way up to the back of Pete's head and rubbed through his hair gently.

"You'll hate me when the morning comes."

There was no reply from Pete and his only goal was to take in Vegas as much as he could. He inhaled and even though it was soothing, it felt as if it wasn't enough. He wanted Vegas, wanted the latter to touch him and if possible do the stuff he hasn't done with anyone. He wanted all of the alpha and it was out of his control.

"I want to kiss." Pete pulled away, giving Vegas no time to think things through, and smashed their lips together roughly.

Vegas froze right there because he wasn't prepared. Pete bit his lips, trying to make him open up and Vegas parted his lips without knowing he did. Pete hungrily snaked his tongue into the alpha's mouth, exploring every inch of it while needfully rubbing his body against him and making sensual sounds that were pleasing to the ears and about to drive Vegas insane.

After allowing Pete to play with him, he let out between kisses, "Jump." His deep voice made Pete break the kiss, panting and finding air to fill his lungs.

Obeying the command, he jumped Vegas, wrapping his legs around the alpha's waist and arms going around his neck desperately. Vegas supported Pete up by gripping his ass with both hands and he felt something drip onto his hand.

The slick coming out of Pete's rear coated Vegas' hands in copious amounts. He was wet and all he wanted was for his needs to be met.

"You're wet, Pete," Vegas mumbled softly.


(For those who are new to the word)

Slick is a semi-translucent fluid (lubricant) produced by omega's when they go into heat to make penetration easier and less painful.


I'll see you at the next update but before that, humbly take your mind out of the dirty gutter if you think something will happen between them lmao

Until then, luves.

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