R5 Imagines


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R5 Imagines
Out Cold
Here Comes Forever
The Boy In The Park
Concert Chaos
Chaotic Crisis
Fantastic Photoshoot
What's the problem?
I Don't Even Know You
His Golden Locks
Perfect First Date
Wrong Chords


1.3K 13 5

I hear the children screaming, laughing, and fighting. God I hate the public pool. Why is it I came here again? Oh yeah, I skipped swim practice to go to an audition. So now my coach wants me to swim 100 laps… and since it’s a weekend the school pool isn’t open. Actually now that I think about it… there’s no way I can swim 100 laps with all these people in the pool… I take a look at my bare legs…geez I’m white, well I did bring a bikini as well as a one piece, maybe I’ll just tan for a while. Yeah that’s a good idea.


Once I have my bikini on I find a spot at the end of the pool. I lay down and immediately put my ear buds in. I lay undisturbed for about two minutes, until I am bothered by someone poking my shoulder. Oh the peacefulness of the public pool. I take off my sun glasses to find the culprit. My eyes meet with a tall blonde boy, and may I say, HOT. I take my ear buds out.

“Hi.” I blankly say… what else could I have said? I’m dumbfounded by his… well let’s just say it like it is, I’m dumbfounded by his prettiness.

“Hey” He smiles “I was just wondering if you would mind if my family and I set up next to you?”

“Not at all” I smile back “Uh I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name”

“I’m Ross” he hops up.

“Fern” I say slightly hypnotized.

“Huh? Where?” he looks around him.

“Uh I meant to say I’m Fern”

“Well that’s not a name” I furrow my brow at him “Isn’t that a plant?” I sigh “What’s your real name?”

“Yes it’s a plant… but it is also my name” I feel like this happens every time I meet someone new, and then we will get into an argument whether it really is my name or not. I mean it is MY name, I think I’d know if it wasn—

“Well I like it” Ross cuts me off, my eyes dart over to the smiley boy.


“Heck yeah! It’s very unique, just like me!” he does a little pose that causes me to giggle. He looks back down at me. “Hey, wanna come swim with me and my siblings?”

“Oh no no no, there’s too many people, I’d rather just sit here and listen to music.

“Party pooper” he pouts and turns away. Well then, music it is.

And yet again I am unable to enjoy the luxuries of the public pool, possibly because there are none. I am again disturbed this time by something much more wet. I feel a wave crash on top of me and I let out a scream.

“Ahhh!” I shout while standing up and snapping my eyes open. I stomp over to the edge of the pool… this is where I felt it come from, but there is no one here, hmm. I am utterly confused until I hear bubbles near my feet. I look down and notice 5 shadows under the water. Gotcha.

All I have to do is wait them out now. I sit at the edge criss cross applesauce and wait, I don’t have to wait long for the first one to come up, he makes a loud debut laughing like a maniac. Once he calms down I speak.

“Excuse me” I say pushily. The brunette turns to face me and his eyes widen. He then sinks himself back in the pool. Damn, this might take a while. Within seconds the other 4 float up, followed by the first. One of the shadows was Ross. I stand up.

“Hey! Ross!” I say a little peeved off.

“Yes?” he says innocently… oh please.

“You splashed me!”

“No I didn’t, Rocky did” he holds his arm out to point at another brunette. I send him a questioning look. “He’s the best splasher! So we all dubbed him ‘The Splasher of Fern aka Party Pooper’”

“…So I’m guessing this is your family” I say unenthused.

“Yep! There’s Riker, Rydel, Ryland, and as you know Rocky” He smiles “So did you change your mind on swimming with us?”

“Nope.” I say frankly

“Okay then, I guess its gunna be the hard way. You heard that team Alpha! Plan Beta!” What? I see Ross duck under water and rocket himself off the wall, a distraction, I look up to where the others were and see two are missing. Riker and Rocky. Uh oh this doesn’t look good… I turn and look all around me, I feel relieved until there is a gripping sensation at my ankles. I peek down to see two pairs of hands just in time to watch them flip me over their heads, and into the pool.


I open my eyes under the water and see Ross near me… waving under water at me, we both resurface.

“Oh m—“ I begin to yell but I’m cut off.

“Glad you changed your mind” he smirks, damn he’s cute.

“I did not! You just—you—I mean they—Ahh!” I’m so frustrated, and confused. I climb out of the pool.

“Hey Fern” Riker says “What time is it?”

I look up to find the pool clock.


“Oh hey!” They all say in unison as they climb out of the pool.


“Our pool should be clean now” Ryland replies

“You want to come swim in our pool?” Rydel asks, hmm I could get my laps done there, and Ross will be there… not that I like him, but he is easy on the eyes.

“Sure, but only for the pool.”

“Sure that’s why” Ross winks

“It is” I say uninterested

“Please no one can resist the charm of a Lynch, especially not Ross Lynch” he holds up his arms and does a muscle man pose. No, stop don’t do it Fern. A tiny little giggle slips through my lips, damn! Ross’ grin grows “Haha! I knew you liked me!”

“Puhlease!” I extend the word “You’re the one that likes me!”

“Not even!” he argues like a ten year old.

“Then how come you’re trying so hard to get me to hang out with you?”

“Uh I, I—“

“Save yourself the embarrassment, let’s go”

Once at the Lynches house we go through the side gate and their pool comes into view, secluded, nothing like a public pool. YES. Rocky jumps in the pool, followed by Riker, Rydel, and then Ryland. As I get ready to run and jump in my arm is grabbed and I’m pulled behind the wall to the house.

“What Ros—“ My lips are sealed by Ross’. Wait, read that back to me again. My lips are sealed by Ross’. Holy shit! Ross is kissing me right now! I snap out of my narrative world and flicker my eyes open as Ross parts from my lips.

“I really do like you…” He says avoiding my gaze and rubbing the back of his neck.

“Can I tell you something?” He looks at me questioningly “I really do like you too” and again our lips are joined.

Let’s just say I didn’t end up getting those laps done after all.

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