Fight For Feelings (Fight For...

By TheDarknessInsideYou

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Aaushi's troubles should be over right? She has officially started school, and her relationship with her frie... More

Act One: Charms: Part One
Act One: Charms: Part Two
Act One: Charms: Part Three
Act Two: Training: Part One
Act Two: Training: Part Two
Act Two: Training: Part Three
Quick Update, QNA, And Writing Styles
Act Three: Pasts: Part One
Act Three: Pasts: Part Two
Act Three: Pasts: Part Three
Act Four: Falling in Reverse: Part One
Act Four: Falling In Reverse: Part Two
Act Four: Falling in Reverse: Part Three
Act Five: Loose Strings Attached: Part One
Act Five: Loose Strings Attached: Part Two
Act Five: Loose Strings Attached: Part Two
Act Five: Loose Strings Attached: Part Three

Fact Stuff

162 4 0
By TheDarknessInsideYou

Hey guys! This is a quick update that I hope you actually read, because I'd really like that. Plus you'd get to know more about my characters! Some of these facts will have already been stated in my story, so see if you already knew them!

Aaushi Kanto Takomura

°Her middle name is Lynnette, like her mother's. Lynnette means little lion in french

°Aaushi is based off my emotions and the way I act. She acts the same way I do.

°I actually had to look up names I found interesting, and Aaushi was among the first on the list of popular girl names. I liked it, so that became her name. Her name was originally Tori, and this was a completely different story. Aaushi used to be Tori, a girl that is the spawn of satan, but after many, many changes she became a seperate character. Her personality and looks, however, stuck.

°Out of my three OC's, Aaushi changed the least, with her hairstyle and personality staying the exact same as the pilot and the only change being her name. The list for those that changed least to most would be Aaushi, Tori and then Yumi

°Aaushi's character design is actually very flawed if you think about it. Please don't think about it.

°Aaushi's name was actually supposed to be Ayashi

°When I wrote Act Four, i had to look up what their names meant. I found that Aaushi isn't actually a Japanese name (whoops), but the name Ayashi is, so I added the little tidbit about it almost being her name into the story for shits and giggles. Tori is a male japanese name (again, whoops) but I really liked that it meant bird. I haven't looked up what Yumi means, but I will when I do her character facts.

°The last name Takomura is a mix of Okumura and Takara, Rin and Nemu's last names. I'm not very original.

°Aaushi is musically talented because her mother was in a band and also musically gifted. She can play almost every instrument except for the trumpet. She hates the trumpet

°Aaushi's theme song would be "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark" by Fall Out Boy

°She loves baths

°She is 5'4 and two inches shorter then Tori

°Because she mentally blocked out most of her childhood in Germany, Aaushi can't speak German very well but can keep a simple conversation for a while

°Aaushi reminds me of emeralds, because she wants to protect everyone she loves with everything she has and is very fragile. I seriously contemplated changing her name to Emerald, but I had already written the first book and was too lazy

°Had Aaushi died when she was born, the prophecy would have either been filled by Tori or it would have broken. Had it been broken, catastrophic things would have followed

°Aaushi has a GPA of 4.0, the highest GPA a freshman in high school can have and if she became a sophomore she would most likely have a 4.8, two points away from the highest GPA in highschool alltogether. It has recently slipped a little, making it a 3.8 as of Act Two, but she got it up in Act Three. She would have had all honors classes, but she wanted regular classes for a "vacation", which put her in D class with Tori and Rin. Had she really wanted to she would have been in 1-A, but didn't find it challenging when she saw what kind of work they would have had and wanted to get amazing grades while in a lower class. She is actually extremely intelligent, but keeps it hidden because she doesn't want to be made fun of. Her overall IQ has yet to be seen

°Aaushi has only seen the tip of the iceberg of her powers. She can also create a bubble like shield to protect her from harm, can create small minions to protect her, can create wings and can absorb another demon's powers if she wanted to

°When Aaushi was a child she had full control over her powers and could use them all at will, including the ones mentioned above. She lost the ability to use them after the incident, but she could use them again if she gained confidence  She lost the use of them in the first place because she stopped believing she could use them

°It is unknown as to where she received her extra powers from, as Todo is only a demon eater. That has yet to be seen

°Todo's whereabouts are unknown, though it can be assumed he is in Germany again

°Aaushi forgot most of her childhood before she was put into adoption, but for some reason she also forgot most of her time in adoption too, the only things she could remember being the more happier things. She forgot all memory of Tori because Tori was mixed in with all her memories of before adoption, and because she didn't want any memory of her past she chose to forget Tori alltogether so her mind could make things easier. After knowing of her existence she felt self anger for purposefully forgetting someone she loved with all her heart, and tried to make it up to her when they met but quickly grew angry at her short temper and personality

°Aaushi and Tori didn't get along when they first met again because they were so similar, like magnets. Putting two positively charged magnets together results in them being repelled, and the same thing happened with Tori and Aaushi

°Aaushi actually has future vision, but doesn't acknowledge it as a demonic power and more as Precognition. She doesn't tell anyone about it because she keeps what she sees of the future to herself, after informing one of the other girls in adoption that she was going to get hurt and having disastrous results of her falling down the stairs from being paranoid. It usually comes in small visions in her dreams or while she is awake

°Her favorite cartoon (if she watched american television) would be Steven Universe, because of it's backstory and cute characters

°This applies to Tori too; since they were born on October 31st, they are both Scorpios and act like it. Tori is extremely guarded and secretive, while Aaushi shows powerful emotions and determination, even if the things she says don't make sense or they sound dumb. They both pack a powerful sting, like a scorpion.

°Aaushi has an even more fouled mouth then Tori. Once when she and Tori were four and in preschool, Aaushi shouted at one of the kids, "OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO IGNORANT I COULD SHIT BRICKS TO THROW AT YOUR FACE TO GET YOU TO SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" After being thoroughly punished by the teacher she reduced her foul language to a bare minimum and it only shows when she gets annoyed or angry.

°Aaushi's powers seem more effective when she is upset, angry or determined. This showed when she surrounded the Gehenna gate with more fire then she has ever produced in determination to protect everyone.

°Like any demon, Aaushi has greater strength then any average teenage girl. This was demonstrated when she kicked a Naberius away from her, when she punched her bedframe and created a dent and when she dislocated Tori's jaw with one punch. Aaushi knows how strong she could be, which is why she holds herself back whenever she hits someone. When she punched Tori, she actually only put as much force behind it that a baby punch has but it was still very effective.

Aaushi's Relationships-

Rin: Aaushi and Rin get along very well because of their similar personalities. They both consider the other their best friend, and both become worried if the other gets hurt.

Yukio: Aaushi and Yukio seemed to get along fairly well, mostly because of their similar understandings in schoolwork. However when Yukio threatened Tori's life, their small friendship shattered and Aaushi was extremely furious as to make death threats at Yukio's well being. Their current relationship before Aaushi died showed that even though Yukio almost shot Tori, Aaushi still cared for his safety.

Shiemi: Aaushi and Shiemi never really created that much of a friendship, mostly Aaushi finds Shiemi slightly annoying, but they do protect eachother when the time comes in battle.

Kamiki: Aaushi and Kamiki mostly avoided eachother, knowing if they spent too much time together they might just kill eachother. If they ever did hang out, however, they wouldn't be that bad of friends.

Bon: Aaushi thinks of Bon as an older brother, and Bon thinks the same way. They mostly never interact, but when they do It's usually playful. Bon doesn't actually know how intelligent Aaushi is because she keeps her grades to herself. If he found out, a similar scenario would occur that happened between Rin and Bon.

Shima: Aaushi and Shima haven't even shared two words together, because Aaushi finds his girlcrazyness agitating and disruptive. They don't hate eachother, but they don't really have a friendship either.

Konekomaru: Though they don't talk anymore then Aaushi and Shima do, they do share some kind of secret understanding because it was at Koneko's suggestion that Tori and Aaushi go hang out at their dorm before Neuhaus' wife attacked them.

Tori: When they first met, Aaushi didn't really know how to feel about Tori. When Tori blatantly made fun of her however they butted heads with extreme force. But even though they argue and fight, Aaushi does deeply care for Tori, taking a bullet for her and even giving up her physical body so she could be safe.

Yumi: Aaushi didn't really know what to think of Yumi, not actually getting to meet her in life and only hearing stories about her from Margaret and Todo. But she does show extreme care if someone insults her, going as far as lashing out at anyone that says anything rude regarding her. She admires her passion as an exorcist, which inspired her to become one when she was old enough.

Fujimoto: Though they briefly met when Aaushi was six, she showed admiration for Shiro when he told her to grow up and come back to be an exorcist. She had deep regret for not being able to talk with him more before he died, as revealed when whe confessed to Mephisto. It's hinted he knew Yumi, but their relationship is unknown.

Margaret: Aaushi showed great passion and love for Margaret when she adopted her, and Margaret would be the only person that would calm Aaushi down whenever she was mad. Her death deeply wounded and scarred Aaushi, as it was her fault in the first place. She still carries secret guilt for causing her death, she just doesn't show it.

Terrence: Aaushi and Terrence hate eachother with a burning passion. Terrence hated Aaushi because she seemed to only care about herself, while Aaushi hates how Terrence is a drunk and constantly beats on her and Margaret. She finally stood up to him on Margaret's deathbed, throwing him against a wall and claiming she wasn't as gutless as him to beat someone weaker then her.

Mephisto: Aaushi and Mephisto's relationship seemed to have died down a bit with all the events happening around them, but she still greatly cares about him. She was angered when Mephisto dissapeared without telling her, and when she was still suffering from Margaret's death she subconsciously started walking to his house, seeking comfort in him.

Shura: Initially, Shura treated Aaushi as if she was a baby she was forced to watch. But as she spent more time with her, Shura gave Aaushi life advice and even protected her. She used to call Aaushi 'kid', but after seeing Aaushi die for everyone she called her by her name, symbolizing she thinks Aaushi has grown up.

Tori Kanto

°When I first planned this story, Tori was supposed to die instead of Aaushi. I changed it because I found Aaushi's death more interesting. Plus I could do more with Aaushi's death then Tori's

°When I planned to have Tori die, I actually found myself crying. When I had Aaushi die instead, I didn't feel much sorrow or pain. I think this is because I am more emotionally attached to Tori then Aaushi because she is the first character I made

°Tori is based off my cousin, Jazmin. They both are arrogant and stubborn and want their way all the time, but they love their friends and family

°When this used to be a different story, there was no sister character and only one female character. However after a lot of suggestions from myself and how the story could be more interesting (because I think the "Third spawn of satan" writing style has been overused), I made changes and created this. Cool, huh?

°Tori is a male name in Japan, something I should have thought about in hindsight but it kinda makes sense since she was born in Germany

°Tori and Aaushi being born in Germany was a completely random thing I made up because I wanted Mephisto to make more facts about Aaushi. But I liked it, so it stuck

°Tori is my favorite character, Yumi is my second favorite and Aaushi is my third. Sorry Aaushi...

°She is 5'6

°She secretly loves Shojo manga

°Tori can speak fluent German

°Tori gets about 6 hours of sleep at night, and recently as of Act 4 it has declined to 3 hours

°Tori is actually Ambidextrous, and can write with one hand and draw with the other. At the same time.

°Tori is trying to be an Aria and a Knight, but she would be a better Tamer then an Aria because of her mother's status as an Exorcist

°She can't play an instrument to save her life, but can sing about as well as Aaushi. She will never sing, however

°Tori reminds me of garnets, because she is strong on the outside and beautiful on the inside

°If Tori listened to regular music (and she usually doesn't) her favorite genre would be rock or metal core

°Tori acts like a older overprotective sister to Aaushi because she never had siblings after being adopted, and seeing her sister again had her adopt this personality and need to protect her from leaving again

°She secretly is afraid of the dark and has Monophobia, the fear of being alone

°Before she knew their mother was alive again, she secretly blamed Aaushi for her death and held a small grudge until she was eleven, when she realized how wrong she was for thinking it was her fault. When she met her again, she tried to make up for her grudge

°Tori was adopted five years before Aaushi, because Aaushi didn't trust anyone when Tori was adopted. They were actually supposed to be adopted together, but Aaushi forcefully declined

°When Tori met Aaushi again, she refused to believe it was her sister because she felt regret for leaving her behind when she was adopted and didn't want to hear if Aaushi was angry at her for that. Thankfully, Aaushi didn't remember any of it, which both deeply satisfied and saddened Tori

°Tori's last name didn't change when she was adopted because she wanted it to be the same, hoping that if and when Aaushi went to find her it would be as simple as looking for their last name

° When Aaushi fused her soul with Tori, they became one person. Had they stayed like that for a longer period of time they would have made a completely different person that had both of their personalities. Her name would have been Diamond, and she would have Tori's height but Aaushi's eyes and half white, half brown hair

°Tori's eyes are actually a darker brown then Aaushi's, which is most likely how Yumi could tell them apart when they were born

°Tori was supposed to gain demonic powers instead of Aaushi, but because Aaushi was sick she actually gave her powers to her so she could live. As a baby, this was completely possible because they both had a shared connection while in the womb. She lost all demonic powers while Aaushi gained them. Todo activated them with his bite, and that's how she lived

°Tori's GPA is a 2.6, very low compared to Aaushi, but this is because she mostly sleeps in class and doesn't generally care about school. If she tried she could squeak a 3.0 in school but doesn't try

Tori's Relationships-

Rin: Tori and Rin seem to get along just fine, and their relationship is neutral.

Yukio: Tori finds Yukio intimidating, and she gets jealous of his skills as both a scholar and an exorcist. This drives her to have more determination to become a great exorxist.

Bon: Bon and Tori don't seem to get along very well, mostly because Tori shows almost no interest in school, though they don't argue much over it.

Kamiki: Tori and Kamiki completely avoid being around each other more then necessary because they don't get along at all. The only time they share words are when needed.

Shima: Though they don't talk much in public, Shima and Tori are pretty friendly towards each other. They talk a lot more then Tori talks with anyone else, and Tori shows genuine concern for his "Girl Habit".

Yumi Kanto

°Yumi means beautiful and popular

°In the pilot, Yumi was never supposed to exist. It wasn't until recently that I wanted her to exist to make the story better. Her first appearance in the first book was only to make a path for Tori to be added in the second one, and she resembled Aaushi at first

°I have no idea where the name Yumi came from

°The last name Kanto came from another story I was thinking about creating but never did

°She was in a band named Stars and Staircases when she was the same age as Tori and Aaushi, and can play the piano

°Yumi almost had a child before Aaushi and Tori were born, but had a miscarriage

°Yumi has a sister named Laura, Aaushi and Tori's aunt that has never met her nieces' and who has a son named Connor, their cousin. They moved to america, which is why they don't know about their other family in Japan

°Yumi can speak fluently in German, English, Japanese, French and Polish

°Yumi's last name would have been Todo, but she died before getting married to Todo.

°Yumi has the meister's of Dragoon, Knight and Tamer, and could summon a golden three tailed fox for a familiar. After she died, the fox could be summoned by one of her kin but they never did summon him. It's unknown that the fox is still her familiar now that she is alive, or the fox remained loyal to her kin instead.

I think that's it for now! Thanks for reading this, it means the world. Also thanks for 450 reads!! Happy reading, and I'll update soon, I haven't written the next chapter. Sorry, but I will post soon!

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