Act One: Charms: Part Three

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I went through my classes like normal. I didn't talk to Michael or Rin, and Rin didn't try to talk to me. I guessed he was still caught up in the fact that i know he's a demon.

Oh if he knew what i was.

I practically ignored Michael's attempts to talk to me. He even started poking me, which got on my nerves to the point where i broke his finger.

"OW!" He shouted. He held his broken index with gentle care.

"Don't poke me then."

"You didn't have to break my finger!"

"I found it necessary." He moaned in pain, and he walked himself to the office. I seperated from him to go to Cram School. I walked in and sat down at the same place as usual, and Rin followed suit. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, then closed it. Finally he said, "You won't tell anyone-"

"I'm in your situation. I'm not telling people. Trust that." I said. He smiled.

"Alright! What's eating you?"


"You're a horrible liar."

"It worked for the first week before school. You didn't even know what i was. I didn't know what i am. I still don't." I sighed.

"Are you a half-demon?" He whispered so no one else would hear. I shrugged.

"My dad was i guess. Though I'm not talking to him anytime-" I suddenly realized.

"He knows!"

"He knows what?"

"He probably knows where my sister is! Mom couldn't sign off on adoption without his consent, that's what dad had to do, well, the officer did. But he'd have to sign off to give her away! I have to..." i trailed off. I had to find my evil, no good father. Great.

"I've gotta find him."

"How are you gonna do that? You need permission to leave the school grounds."

"I'll find a way." I said. People were filling in the classroom, and Yukio started class.

"Today we're going on a retreat to true cross town, but we'll be in the forest next to it. We'll have you do a mission of interest. So today you need to get ready to go. I'll give you one hour and then you're leaving. Hustle." We all got up and left to pack. I had nothing to pack, so i just waited in the classroom.

"Don't you have things you'll need?" Yukio asked.

"No. I don't."

"What about people you need to say goodbye to? We'll be gone until tomorrow."

"Nope." I popped the P. I started playing with my lanyard, then realized who gave it to me and took it off. But i still kept it in my hand. Yukio looked confused, but shrugged and left. I laid my head down and soon drifted off to sleep.

I was in Mephisto's office. He was yelling at me. I was silent as he did. Then he told me he didn't love me anymore. He started walking away. I reached out for him, called his name. He kept walking away.

He kept walking...

"Aaushi!" I opened my eyes and looked around, but all i could see was the walls. Then i looked down.

I was floating.

Rin was several feet below me, his mouth open in a perfect O. I blinked.

"This is gonna hurt. Catch me."

"What do you mean catch-" but i made myself fall. Rin jumped under me and caught me before i hit the ground. I tried to calm my breathing before my heart exploded.

"I could have dropped you!" Rin exclaimed.

"But you didn't." I smirked and hopped out of his arms.

"Are you gonna tell me what that was about?"

"My habit of singing in my sleep has changed to making things float. It's weird."

"Well good thing i was here before anyone else, or you would have been in so much trouble."

"Yeah, i know. Thanks for waking me up."

"No problem." He grinned. Yukio walked in and stared at us.

"What's going-" he began, but suddenly a table fell from the ceiling and crashed onto the floor. Rin and Yukio jumped.

"Shiiiiiiiiiit." I said.

"What the hell was that?!" Yukio asked, looking startled. I tried to play it off.

"Maybe it decided it didn't want to table today."

"Did you do that?"

"No. Maybe? Why are you asking so many questions?!"
Yukio sighed.

"Tell me what happened."

"Aaushi's half-demon." I punched Rin as hard as i could in the arm. He was thrown backwards over a table. And he broke the table.

"Oww! Hey!" Yukio stared at me.

"Also she knows im the son of satan."

"Well i knew you were a demon but i didn't know you were satans own damned!"

"I thought you-"

"Nevermind. Don't tell people Yukio." I turned back to him, pleading.

"I won't. But you have to learn to control... whatever that is." He waved his hand at the broken table. I nodded.

"Mephisto's teaching me." Then i realized i said his name and i pouted and became sulky.

"What happened?"

"Nothing happened! Nothing at all, im totally fine!" I laughed. Yukio wasn't convinced.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine TOTALLY fine, Without a doubt fine!"

"No you're not." Rin said from the floor. He stood up.

"Is it Me-"

"Don't say his name!" I shouted. I covered my ears like someone was spoiling my favorite show. I sat down in a chair and refused to uncover them.

"Aaushi!!" Rin shouted next to my eardrum.

"Don't make me deaf!" I shouted back. I removed my hands.

"What did Mephisto do?"

"Nothing! I messed stuff up! With my stupid demonic instincts. Ugh." I put my head in my hands.

"It wasn't your fault." Yukio said.

"No, it probably isn't." I said.

"It's not your fault." He repeated.

"I know it's not!"

"It's not your fault."

"Don't do this to me."

"It's not your fault." Rin joined in.

"You better stop man, i swear to god."

"It's not your fault." They said at the same time. It finally got to me. I broke down.

"It is! I didn't mean to attack him! We were just playing around and i just, i almost killed him! I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to!" Rin sat down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You didn't mean to." He told me.

"He'll never forgive me."

"Yes he will." Rin made a face.

"Because he loves you." Rin stuck his tongue out. I hit him, but not that hard. He still winced though.

"Yeah alright. People are coming back soon, so let's stop this conversation before it starts." He smirked and nodded. Just then Bon, Shima and Konekomaru came back with a small bag each. I smiled to myself.

"What happened to the table?!"

Fight For Feelings (Fight For Affection Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz