*Treasure and Secrets* Outer...

By Countrysweetheart39

360 11 0

Joanna Mills and the rest of the Pogues lost two of their best friends at sea. When they receive a text messa... More

The Gold
The Heist
The Darkest Hour
My Druthers
The Bonfire
The Cross
Pogue for Life Sneak Peek

The Costal Venture

34 1 0
By Countrysweetheart39

Buzz is sitting in his office talking on the phone.

On his laptop, there are missing posters on the screen of Joanna.

"I don't care what you have to do! I need to find out where my daughter is!" He speaks on the phone.

He listens to the person on the other end.

"Yes. Rose Cameron. You said she was at the port this morning."

He listens to the other end.

"Did she have anyone with her?" he asks.

"Two girls? Was it two teenage girls?" he asks.

"Just one? What about a 20-year-old man?" he asks.

He frantically types on his computer.

"Yes. Did he have a girl with him?" Buzz asks.

"Ok. Thank you. Do you know what ship they boarded?" he questions.

He sighs in frustration.

"You've been a lot of help thanks."

He slams the phone down in anger.

He starts printing out the posters when the doorbell rings.

He quickly stands up and makes his way to the door.

He opens the door and Carla Limbrey is standing on the other side.

"Hello Buzz." she greets.

"What are you doing here Carla?" he asks her.

"It's time." she tells him simply.


Jo pushes against Rafe's chest making him break away from her lips.

"Wheres Sarah?" she asks him.

He gives her a confused look.

"I'm on top of you and you're thinking about my sister right now?" he scoffs.

She pushes against his chest until he sits up.

"What can I say, I got a thing for blondes."

She stares him down with a pointed look.

"I'm not having sex with you. I'm mad at you."

She stands up to put distance between them.

Rafe rolls his eyes at her.

"Whatever, let's go. I'll take you to go see her."

He opens the door for her.

"Thank you."

She tells him as she pushes past him.

He grabs onto her arm to stop her.

"Stay by me. There's a bunch of sketchy men on this ship. I won't let anything happen to you."

He pulls her back against his chest.

She feels just how hard his body is and she has to remind herself that she's mad at him for kidnapping her and taking her to another country.

"Come on."

He leads her down the hall to another room.

He opens the door and pushes her inside.

She sees Sarah sitting at a table with tears in her eyes.

"Oh my God, Sarah!"

Jo rushes into the room and pulls her into a hug.

Sarah hugs her back tightly.

"Thank God, you're okay." Sarah cries into Jo's shoulder.

Rafe leans against the door watching them.

"What happened with Pope? Is he okay?" Jo asks Sarah.

Sarah wipes the tears from her face.

"We got him to JJ's cousin Ricky. The last I have seen him, the boys were waiting for me to come back with the keys." Sarah tells Jo.

Jo quickly sighs in relief.

"But there is something else that you need to know." Sarah tells her.


Before Sarah gets to tell her anything, the bathroom door opens and Ward walks out.

Jo gasps in shock.

"What the fuck!?" Jo exclaims.


"Hello, Joanna. I'm pleased to see Rafe finally convinced you to come with him." Ward smiles.

"Not by choice." she snaps.

"Like I was just telling Sarah, I'm sorry that you guys had to see that. But I had to make sure that Rafe got away." Ward explains.

Sarah gives her father a look of disgust.

"Thank you, Dad. At least one of us is grateful." Rafe glares at Sarah.

"That's psychopathic, both of you!" Sarah insults.

Jo wraps her arm around Sarah as she scoffs.

"I promised Rafe that he wouldn't go to prison for helping me. I had to make good on that promise." Ward tells them.

"Not that you care." Rafe directs at Sarah.

"Did it look like I didn't care when I thought Dad was dead!?" Sarah yells at Rafe.

"It actually looked like you cared about running off with some asshole!" Rafe yells back.

"Yeah? Well, it looked like all you cared about was the inheritance!" Sarah argues back.

"Yes, you cared! You cared! That's the point! Anybody on that dock could see how much you cared, sweetheart. And Joanna, anybody can see how much you still care about Rafe, and he needs you to be a better man."

Jo glances up at Rafe with tears in her eyes to see him already staring intensely at her.

"I know you both are angry right now and rightfully so. The important thing is that it's all behind us now. We're gonna live a new life now, all of us together."

Jo shakes her head as she glares at Rafe and Ward.

She is trying to wrap her head around what is happening and how she can get them out of it.

"Jo, the place that we're going to, is paradise. We can have a fresh start." Rafe tells her softly.

"It's all this small island of Guadeloupe. By the way, all those A's you got in French are about to pay off, they speak French there."

Ward slides over papers about the place they're going.

Sarah slides them back to him.

"This isn't right, I need to call my Dad. He's probably worried sick about me by now." Jo tells them.

"Yes, I want to call our friends and my boyfriend. Not to mention Joanna's boyfriend who you took her from Rafe!" Sarah glares.

"I am her boyfriend!"

Rafe straightens up and points his fingers to his chest.

"There is no one on this Earth that loves her more than me! So don't start your shit, Sarah!" Rafe yells at her.

"Quit yelling at your sister Rafe! You're not helping anything!" Jo yells at him.

"Listen, you guys can call whoever you need to call as soon as we get there. John B and your friends know you're both here. Plus your Dad knows as well Joanna." Ward tells them.

Jo gives him a look of disbelief.

"What are you talking about?" both girls ask.

"You know that cross that you all have been looking for? Well, Rafe got it." Ward tells them.

"Yea no kidding, I was there." Jo retorts.

"Turns out, historically it belongs to the Heywards." Wards says.

"Yea, we know." Sarah snaps.

"It also turns out that the most important thing to me is you. And you to Rafe." he points to Jo.

"So we both willingly gave John B the cross for you two." Ward tells them.

Jo glances at Rafe and sees a surprised look pass on his face, before it disappears.

Jo instantly knows that Ward is lying.

"And John B and JJ and everyone else was just okay with that?" Sarah asks not believing him either.

"I had just handed them over a half-billion-dollar artifact, so yea they all seemed pretty okay with that. Plus I paid off everything I owed your dad and then some." Ward tells them.

Jo feels Sarah grab her hand and squeeze.

She knows that Sarah doesn't believe the bullshit either.

"Rose! Wheezie! Come in here please!" Ward calls out.

Rose walks into the room with Wheezie behind her.

Rafe reaches over and grabs Jo's arm and pulls her off the bench and onto his lap.

He wraps one arm around her waist and the other arm is draped over her legs.

She can feel his breath on her neck and she shudders.

Wheezie smiles happily at both Sarah and Jo.

"I am so happy. We're all going back to our own private island! Jo, I am so happy you're coming with us! You make Rafe so happy!" Wheezie smiles happily.

Jo gives her a fake smile knowing she can't cause a scene with Wheezie in the room.

Rafe taps her on the leg.

"Come on, I wanna show you something." he whispers in her ear.

She stands up and he grabs her hand.

He leads her out of the room.


Rafe leads her back to the room she was in before.

"What do you have to show me, Rafe?" Jo asks.

He smiles as he pulls out a small baggie with coke in it.

She scoffs and shakes her head.

"I am not doing drugs with you!" she snaps at him.

"Good, 'cause neither am I." he tells her.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

He takes the baggie and dumps it down the toilet.

She gives him a surprised look.

"I'm done with it. I don't need it anymore because I have you."

He flushes the remains of his drugs and steps closer to her.

"Do you still love me?" he asks softly to her.

She shakes her head, not trusting her voice.

"Liar." he responds.

"No, I don't. I'm with JJ. I love him." she tells him.

Rafe scoffs and shakes his head.

"You're a liar. You wanna know how I know?" he wraps his arms around her waist.

"Because I love you. And I know you love me too."

He leans down and starts kissing her neck.

She pushes away from him.

"Please don't." She whispers and turns her back to him.

He moves her out away from her neck and starts kissing her neck again.

"I love you."

He whispers to her as he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her back against his front.

"I am giving up cocaine, for you. I am going to be a better man, for you." he whispers in her ear.

She sighs in defeat and turns around to face him.

She grabs his face and pulls him down and kisses him.

He kisses her back instantly pushing her back, until her back hits the wall.

"You would give up cocaine for me?"

She asks out of breath as he lazily kisses down her neck.

"Yes, I would. That's how much you mean to me."

He tells her as he grabs her face so she's looking at him in the eyes.

"I believe you." she tells him.

He smiles in contentment and kisses her again.

He pulls away from her.

"I'm gonna go find us something to eat. You have to be starved." he mumbles.

"Yea, I am actually." she says realizing that she hasn't eaten in a while.

"I'm gonna take care of you. Even if that means getting you food to eat." he tells her.

He gives her another kiss before he leaves the room.

She takes a deep breath and decides to splash water on her face.

She has to start thinking clearly.

She looks around the room to find a way to contact her dad.

She knew for a fact he wouldn't let her leave the country with the Camerons.

She hears the door open and quickly shut.

"Did you find food that quick?"

She walks back into the room to see John B with his back to the door.


"John B?"

She quickly rushes over and jumps in his arms.

"Thank God! How did you get here?" she asks.

"We snuck on. But we have to go now!"

She doesn't even have time to think as he pulls her out the door.

They run down the narrow hallway.

They hear men shouting

. "Do you know where you're going?"

She asks as they come to a door that leads to the outside.

"We need to get back to the container!" he tells her.

A hand grabs her shoulder making her shout and ball her fist up.

"Holy shit!"

She lowers her fist when she sees Pope.

"Jo? That God you're okay. We dont have to worry about JJ going postal."

Jo jumps to him and throws her arms around him.

"Thank God you're alive. I was so worried." she tells him.

"Come on, you know you can't kill a pogue." Pope tells her.

"Ain't that the truth."

She finally notices the girl standing behind Pope.

"Who the hell are you?" Jo finally says pointing to the girl.

"John B, I brought a friend." John B's eyes widen.

"Cleo?" he asks in shock.

"Cheese on bread. It really is you." Cleo breathes out.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"This is my boat what are you doing here? It got too hot in Nassau because of you and Sarah. I had to run." Cleo explains.

"It's not safe out here. We gotta go." Pope says.

Jo follows her friends.

They make it to a shipping container and Pope jumps up first.

"Psst, open it." He whispers into the small air vent on the container.

She hears JJ open the grate.

Pope climbs through, then John B climbs up next.

"Hold on."

She hears John B say as she sticks her head through with a smile.

"Miss me?" she asks with a small laugh.

"Holy shit Jo?" JJ pulls her inside.

He doesn't let her go as he pulls her into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I knew I should've stayed there at the church with you."

Jo places her finger on his lips.

"It wouldn't have mattered. Rafe still would have taken me. But I'm okay and I'm here." she tells him.

She pulls his face down and kisses him.

"Who the hell is that?" Kie asks defensively.

Jo pulls away from JJ's lips, but he just tightens his grip on her waist and doesn't let her go.

"Remember I told you guys about the girl we met in the Bahamas who saved us?" John B asks.

"Uh, Cleo?" Kie answers.

"Meet Cleo guys. She's gonna help us." He tells the group.


JJ refuses to let go of Jo as they try to figure out a plan.

"So you guys seriously didn't grab anything? Not one single gun?" JJ scoffs.

"We tried okay. I got attacked." John B answers.

"This is why I should've gone." JJ argues.

"Let me get this straight. You four, with no weapons decided you were gonna hijack this tramp steamer on your own to rescue two people? Do you have any idea who these people are? Eberhimi, if he catches you, he's gonna kill you." Cleo tells them.

Jo feels JJ's grip tighten on her.

"Okay. What about waiting until we get to port? At least then, if something goes wrong, we have a place to run." Kie suggests.

"No." Pope shakes his head.

"Why not?" she asks.

"I've run this scenario in my head over 1,000 times. Our best chances are on this ship. There are 15 crew members and six of us. Three-to-one odds. That's the best it's gonna get! If we wait for them to port they're just gonna trap us." Pope argues with Kie.

"We have no chance." Kie argues back.

"Guys, there's something else too." John B starts.

"Ward is alive." he tells them.


"You have got to be kidding me!"

"Are you serious?"

"He's right. I've seen him. It was all staged. The boat blowing up and his confession to Shoupe. It was all to clear Rafe's name." Jo informs them.

"Think about it. He goes onto the Druthers. And what does he have on the Druthers?" John B rhetorically asks.

"Scuba gear." Kie answers.

"Bingo. I heard it from him directly." Jo comments.

"This is bullshit! These Camerons can't keep taking things that aren't theirs to take. Ward took the gold. Rafe took the cross. They both took Sarah and Jo. We can't keep letting them get away with this shit!" JJ exclaims.

"I agree. Let's do it." John B agrees.

"With her-"

He points to Cleo.

"We're gonna take the bridge, and we're gonna take it right now. Are you guys with me?" JJ asks.

"I'm with you." John B says.

"I'm with you, and I wanna be the one to take the bridge." Pope states.

"That's what I'm talking about." JJ gets hyped up.

Cleo starts laughing.

"He's gonna take the bridge? He couldn't even take me." Cleo insults.

"Ok, first of all, I was going easy on you." Pope argues.

"HA! I was going easy on you!" Cleo argues back.

"Everybody needs to be quiet! They're gonna hear us."

Jo pushes Cleo and Pope away from each other.

"If you're really with us, if we use that knife, we can go up into the bridge and hold it up against the captain's neck. We get on the intercom and make him tell the rest of the crew to meet up in the forward hull. Once they're in the same place, bam, we lock them in there. Then we take back what's ours." JJ finishes his plan.

"You know for once one of JJ's crazy plans might actually work for once." Jo comments.

"Hell yeah, I'm down." Pope states.

"We just have a problem, Rafe. There is no way he's going to listen. Not when I'm missing. He's gonna be hunting my ass down." Jo tells them.

"Then, he will get taken down like the dog he is." JJ comments.

They hear men coming up onto the container.

"Alright, let's check this one."

Cleo quickly climbs out and tells the men that the container has been checked.

Pope then climbs out and tells them to wait for his signal.

They sit in silence until they hear the captain over the intercom telling the crew and passengers to go to the forward hull.

"They did it!"

"Alright, we gotta split up. Once they're in the hull, Kie and I will lock them inside." JJ says.

"Jo and I will find Sarah and get the lifeboat." John B says.

"I'll go keep a look out for Rafe while helping you search for Sarah." Jo tells them.

"No, out of the question. You're not going anywhere near that psycho ever again!" JJ argues.

Jo grabs his face.

"Listen to me, whether you wanna believe it or not I am the only one that can keep a handle on Rafe. I am the only one on this ship that's protected from him. He's gonna be unstable and lurking around looking for a fight. I can talk him down so he doesn't get in the way."

She speaks firmly and calmly to JJ.

He shakes his head.

"We just got you back. I just got you back! I can't lose you again." he admits to her.

"Look at me, whatever happens, just know that I love you." she tells him.

"I love you too."

He pulls her into a kiss.

"Are you lovebirds done now? Can we finish the plan please?" John B ruins their moment.

Jo flips him off.

"What's the rest of the plan?" she asks.

"We all meet up at the lifeboat, load the cross and get outta here." Kie finishes.

"Alright, let's roll."

They do their Pogue handshake.

They climb out of the hole and split up.


Jo quickly rushes back to the room that she was in with Rafe.

She opens the door.

"Rafe!?" she calls out.

She doesn't see him so she quickly leaves the room.

She runs to the room where Sarah was being held.

She opens the door.

"Sarah?!" she calls out again.

She doesn't see her.

She leaves the room and tries to open other doors.


She climbs down to the machine room.


She hears movement and runs towards it.

She sees Rafe swinging a gaff hook at John B.


Jo slams her body into Rafe's knocking him away from John B.


John B stands up.

He hesitates waiting for Jo.

Rafe stands back up and glares at her.

He chuckles darkly.

"I knew you were gonna do this! You have always chosen them over me!" he shouts at her.

She shakes her head.

"They're my family! How dare you make me choose! You wanna know why it's never been you? This is why!"

Rafe shouts in anger as he swings the gaff at John B.

John B pushes Jo out of the way and jumps back.

"Rafe stop!"

Jo grabs onto the gaff hook and tries to take it.

"Let go Joanna!"

He manages to get the upper hand and push her away from him.

"John B run!"

Rafe swings the gaff hook again at John B.

Jo grabs for it again and uses her strength to push Rafe into one of the machines.

He falls to the ground in pain.


John B starts climbing up the steps with Jo behind him.

Rafe grabs her foot and pulls her back down.

She swings her fist, but he grabs her wrist slamming it to the ground.

"Stop! Why are you always defending them? I'm trying to do what's best for you!"

He grabs a rubber belt and ties her wrists together.

"I'm doing this for your own good." he grabs her and picks her up.

He throws her over his shoulder.

"Let go of me, Rafe! You can't keep doing this to me!"

He hauls her back up and carries her back to the room they were in.

He throws her down on the bed.

She struggles against him.

"Stay here."

He quickly leaves the room and locks the door.

She struggles against the binds, until they finally come loose and she unties herself.


She bangs against the door.

"Somebody! Help!"

She shouts as she continues to bang on the door.

She quickly searches the room for something to use.

She finds a knife and grabs it.

The door opens and she quickly holds the knife in front of her.

"Whoa! Easy girl."

She recognizes Cleo's voice and lowers the knife.

"Come on. We gotta get to Pope."

Jo follows behind Cleo and runs out of the room.


They make it to the top deck to see Pope operating the crane.

"Hey!" Cleo shouts.

"Send it up Pope! You got this!" Jo shouts to him.

"Did John B get the lifeboat?" Pope shouts to them.

"Haven't seen him!" Cleo shouts.

"He's still looking for Sarah! I just had to battle Rafe away from him!" Jo shouts back.

"You need to find Sarah!" Pope shouts as he continues to operate the crane.

The crane lifts the cross up above the deck.

"Wow." Cleo comments in awe.

"I know it's beautiful." Jo smiles at her.

The end of the rope appears and Jo and Cleo grab onto it.

"Pope, move it more that way!" Cleo shouts the instruction as she points to her right.

"Over the water!" Jo shouts.

"I'm moving!" Pope shouts.

"To the right!"

'Come on!"

The girls shout at him.

They hear gunshots and Pope is being shot at.

"Drop the line!" Pope shouts to them.



"Just do it! We're pinched!" Pope shouts to them.

Jo locks eyes with Cleo and they drop the line together.


Rafe runs past them and grabs the line.

"What the hell are you doing Rafe?!"

She watches as the cross falls into the water and Rafe struggles to hold onto it.

The rope pulls him to the end of the ship.

Pope climbs out from the top of the crane.

"Pope, we gotta go! Come on!" Jo shouts.

Pope jumps down from the crane.

"Come on! Help me!" Rafe shouts struggling to hold the cross.

He sees that Jo is about to jump with Cleo and freaks out.

"Somebody grab her!"

Before Jo can start to run, she is grabbed and thrown down onto the floor.


Pope shouts seeing what just happened before he jumps in the water after Cleo.

"Let go of me!"

Jo struggles against the guy holding her.

John B and Sarah pull up on the lifeboat towards Pope and Cleo.

They pull them into the boat.

"Where are JJ, Jo, and Kie?" John B asks them.

"I don't know where JJ and Kie are, but Jo got grabbed. She didn't make it with us." Pope tells them.

"No." Sarah sounds devastated.

"We gotta find Kie and JJ! We'll try to get Jo after we get them."

John B drives the boat around to the other side.

They find Kie and JJ in the water.

"Help!" Kie shouts holding JJ up.

Pope and John B help get Kie and JJ into the boat.

"Where's Jo?" JJ asks frantically.

"She got grabbed. She's still on the ship!" Pope tells him.

"We need to go get her!"

JJ tries to jump back in the water.

John B and Pope hold him back.

"We can't! We'll have to find a way to get her later!." John B pushes him back to sit down.

"I can't leave her there with him!" JJ shouts.

"Rafe is not gonna hurt her. We'll figure out how to get her away from him." Sarah tries to reason with JJ.

The engine in the lifeboat starts sputtering and quits working.

"What's going on? Get it started John B!" Kie shouts.

"I'm trying!"

Sarah looks up and sees Rafe holding up a rifle pointing at them.

She gasps. "Guys we gotta go! He's aiming right at us!" she shouts scared.

Jo is still struggling and manages to push the man off of her.

"Get away from me!"

She kicks the guy and punches him in the face.

She manages to stand up and sees Rafe with the gun pointing at her friends.

She makes up her mind and runs to him.

"Rafe stop please!" she begs him.

He ignores her and gets the boat in his line of sight.

"I'll stay. I choose you Rafe." she firmly tells him.

He looks at her with wide hopeful eyes.

"What did you say?" he asks.

"Let them get away. Leave them alone. I won't fight you. I won't try to run. You'll have me completely. I am yours. You were right. I still love you."

She tells him as she places her hand on the rifle lowering it.

"Say it again." he says pulling her against him.

"I choose you, Rafe. I love you."

She pulls his head down and connects their lips.

She kisses him passionately.

He kisses her back with just as much passion.

They finally pull away from each other and she looks over the boat.

Her friends are still close and figuring out what she is doing.

"Go! Get out of here!" she shouts to them.

Everyone is looking at her with wide eyes and JJ's heart breaks.

John B finally gets the engine to start and they take off.

Jo watches as the crew lifts the cross back onto the ship.

Jo watches as her friends ride off on the boat.

Rafe wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her against him.

"Get this back in the crate." he orders.


Jo is standing in the room that she woke up in staring out the window.

Rafe left her in there saying that he wanted to make sure his dad was taken care of.

She feels tears fall down her face.

She looks down at her wrist that has a small P4L tattooed on the inside of her wrist that JJ inked into her skin.

She is completely heartbroken at having to stay behind and let her friends get away, but she did that because she loves them and doesn't want them to get hurt.

She hears the door softly open and Rafe walks inside.

"Hey." he greets.

She quickly wipes the tears from her eyes.

"How's Ward?" she asks him.

"He's stable. There is gonna be a doctor waiting when we dock." he tells her.

She just nods her head and he steps closer to her.

He takes her face softly in his hands and tilts her face up to meet his eyes.

"I know why you decided to stay. But I don't care about that. You chose me, and I'm not gonna let you regret it. I gonna step up and take care of this family while my dad is down."

He takes the gold ring that he is always wearing off and places it on her left ring finger.

She freezes in shock.

"What are you doing?" she asks him weakly.

"This is my promise to you that I'm gonna be a better man. I'm gonna be better for you because you are the most important person in my life. I am gonna keep proving that to you every day." he promises to her sincerely.

"I love you."

He leans down and connects their lips together.

She feels herself kissing him back as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"I love you too Rafe."

She speaks against his lips.

He gives her a wide genuine smile.

She hasn't seen him smile like that in such a long time.

It makes her heart flutter.

"You make the voices in my head calm. They're not so loud." he confesses to her.

"I'm glad I can finally help you get better Rafe. Maybe with us being away you can get the help that you need and finally be calm." she suggests to him.

"I'll agree to whatever help you want me to get. Just don't leave me."

She shakes her head at him overwhelmed at the vulnerability in his voice.

"I won't do that. I'll stay with you as long as you want me to." she tells him.

He gives her another smile.



The Pogues find their way onto an abandoned island.

"We need to get back out there! I can't just leave Jo to stay with that psycho!" JJ argues with the group.

"I know how you're feeling JJ. I want more than anything for her to be here with us. She stayed so Rafe wouldn't shoot at us. We won't leave her there with him forever. Okay? We will find a way to get her away from him." John B promises.

"He won't hurt her JJ. Okay, he loves her in his own twisted way. If it brings you any peace know that he won't hurt her." Sarah tries to reason.

"I love her. I just got her back. I feel like a piece of me is missing." he confesses to them.

"I know how you feel. But look, I know where they're gonna be. When we get off this island we can go find them and storm the castle and rescue her." Sarah says.

"Yea man, we're pogues. We save our own and right now Jo needs to be saved." Pope comments.

"From what I got of Jo she is a very strong girl. She will be fine man." Cleo states.

"Yea, come on Jayj. We'll get her back. I promise." Kie says.

"We're pogues. P4L dude."

John B sticks his fist toward JJ.

"P4L man."

JJ bumps fists with John B.


The rest of the pogues bump fists together.

Jo sacrificed herself for her friends.

They will make sure they get her back.


Buzz pulls the car up to the small shack that is right on the water.

He gets out of the car and opens the back door and Carla steps out.

He holds the gate open for her and they walk up to the front door.

He knocks on the door and a man answers.

Carla holds up an envelope that has the wheat symbol on it.

The man moves out of the way and lets them through.

"Where is he?" Carla asks.

"He's out back." the man answers.

Buzz and Carla make their way out onto the back deck.

They see a man sitting on a rocking chair with a blanket draped over him.

"She finally got to you too huh?" the man speaks.

He turns around and reveals himself to be Big John Routledge.

"How are you doing Bud?" Buzz asks him.

"I've been better." John responds.

"What are you doing here?" he asks them.

"We need your help." Buzz answers him.

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after the pogues find out about the terrible news of John B and Sarah's "death", everyone is heartbroken and don't know how to move forward in their...
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CURRENTLY RE-WRITING!! "๐‘…๐‘ข๐‘›๐‘›๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” ๐‘Š๐‘–๐‘™๐‘‘ ๐ด๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘…๐‘ข๐‘›๐‘›๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” ๐น๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘’" เผ„เผ„เผ„ ...
12.4K 203 48
outer banks: one year after the treasure hunt John B and Sarah are missing. Pope and Kie are still together. Rafe and Ward haven't been arrested. At...