My Druthers

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Topper takes Sarah and Jo back to their parent's house, but he steers them toward the small shed-turned-apartment behind the house facing the water.

Topper leaves the girls to get showers and a change of clothes.

Sarah passes out instantly on the day bed.

Jo stays awake and sits in the window seat.

She grabs her phone and sees that she has several missed calls and texts from Rafe.

She can tell based on the messages that he was at Barry's meaning he was high.

She shuts her phone off and throws it down on the seat.

Topper comes back to see Jo looking out the window with tears in her eyes.

"Hey Jo, are you okay?" he asks sitting down beside her.

She wipes the tears from her eyes and gives him a small smile.

"I just can't believe he almost killed Sarah. I mean that's his sister. How can I still care about someone like that?" She cries as Topper pulls her into a hug.

"It's going to be okay. I'm gonna make sure he never comes near either one of you again." Topper tells her.

"I thought I had finally got through to him this time. I thought that I would be enough to make him want to get help. But I'm just an idiot who continues to fall for his crap." She continues.

"You couldn't have known that he was gonna do that. You did what you could to help him. But sometimes people just can't be helped." Topper tells her.

"I know. I just wanted to help him do the right thing so that John B could be free. And I know that you dont like him, but he didn't do this Top." Jo tells him.

"After what happened last night, I believe you." he tells her.

"Thank you Top. I'm glad that I can count on you. And I'm sorry for all of the other Kook verses Pogue stuff before. To me, it doesn't matter. We're family." she tells him sincerely.

"Hey uh, do you know why Shoupe was at the house?" he asks her.

"When?" she asks him confused.

"Just as I was going in to give you guys some privacy. Shoupe was there along with that SBI agent." he informs her.

She stands up instantly.

"Are you sure?" she asks him.

"Yea they were talking in your dad's office just a little bit ago." he tells her.

She rushes out the door and heads for the house.

She pushes open the back door and runs to her dad's office.

She opens it, and her dad is sitting at his desk.

He looks up with surprise to see her.

"What's going on? Why was Shoupe and that SBI guy here?" she asks him.

He sighs before he decides to speak.

"They're going after Rafe and Ward." he informs her.

She gasps in shock.


Jo rushes back to the apartment.

She opens the door and sees Topper and Sarah sitting on the bed.

They look up at her and Topper stands up quickly.

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