Yandere One Shots

By A_non_ym_ous

52.6K 1K 354

One shots for when I'm bored and have quick ideas. All these stories have darker themes and plots, most if n... More

The Arena
The Arena P2
Into The Abyss
Once Upon A Dream
Hack N' Slash Pt2
Revenge is Sweet
Truth Hurts
All The Kings Men
Step Into My Parlor
Touch Tone Telephone
Into the Water
The Willow Maid

Hack N' Slash

3.7K 88 50
By A_non_ym_ous

M.Yandere x Reader

The dirt road caused the car to bounce up and down, the hot sun casting cool shadows through the trees.
Her arm lazily hung out the window as she enjoyed the hot Texas air. Most would complain about the heat, but to her, it felt like home.
She had grown up in this old town, leaving when she was only thirteen to live in the city- her mother took her there after the divorce. She hated it. Now a grown woman, she had come right back after her grandfather died and wrote the old farm house in the will, giving it all to her.

The h/c turned the music up, humming the tune, before pulling into a long driveway, the dirt bumpier from the lack of use.
She had moved in a few days ago and had been unpacking, so she decided to take a break and greet her neighbors, even though most wouldn't consider them neighbors from how far from her house they lived.
She had driven to the neighbors on her right, an old couple that she had known when younger, but this one? Well, she didn't even know he was there until the grocer in town told her. Apparently he's a pretty odd guy, keeps to himself on his property, only comes to town to sell pork; essentially a stay-at-home butcher.

Either way, she wanted to say hi.

The road became much denser in foliage and trees. No wonder she didn't know he was here, she still couldn't see this guys house and she was in his driveway.
Even though the day was bright as could be, the thick leaves and curled branches made it entirely shadowed. It had to be super creepy here at night.
Finally, the young woman pulled up to a busted old cottage, in desperate need of paint and all of the renovations looking like poorly done diy.

She parked in front, the driveway just being a flat patch of dirt with an old pickup truck parked to the side. A good sign that he's home.
Y/N parked the car, taking the key out of the ignition, getting out. She walked to the passenger side while straightening her cap, pulling her braid off her shoulder before taking the small, saran wrapped plate of white and chocolate chip cookies out of the seat, locking the car behind her.

     She looked around, seeing different pieces of wood structures rotting in the tall grass around the property. Old wheelbarrows, barrels, tools. This place looked old, must've been in the family for generations; though, she didn't remember this place or people from her childhood here.

   The front steps creaked as she walked up them before knocking on the chipped, green door.
   No answer.
   Y/N knocked a second time, louder, being met with no response again. She sighed, I guess no one's home-

   "Ohmygod!-" She gasped, jumping back, smacking her back into the door.
    A man the size of a mountain loomed over her, unkempt brown hair tumbling over his shoulders, strands falling over his face. His brown eyes narrowed down at her, his jaw strong with a stubble, his lips pressed into a thin frown.
   A bloodied white apron laid over his broad, strong chest, his hands covered in the same blood.

    She swallowed harshly, having to crane her neck to look him in the eyes- this man had to be almost seven feet tall.
   "Uhm- I-" Y/N cleared her throat, standing straight. "I just moved in, down the street, and I wanted to say hello." She smiled awkwardly, her heart still pounding from the scare- and he was still staring at her silently. "I also made you these-" She held up the cookie plate slowly.
   His cold eyes slowly softened a little, glancing from her face to the cookie plate. The man's stare landed back on her face with an uncanny amount of focus.
    Silence fell.

    "I'm Y/N." She introduced herself, wanting to break the weird quiet, praying he would talk and stop looking at her weird.

    After another few minutes of silence, his hands (that were probably the size of her head) wrapped around the plate, pulling it towards his chest.
   "John." He replied, his voice deep and raspy as if he hadn't spoke in years. Maybe he hadn't.
   Suddenly he reached his hand out right beside her -making her nervous- before realizing he was reaching for the door handle.
   "Oh-" She moved out of the way, John moving past her and opening the door, walking inside.

   Internally, she cringed, I guess that's it?
   "Well- goodbye." She said softly, starting to walk away, before hearing an irritated grunt, making her look back.
    He glared at her from the doorway, motioning her to come in. Alarm bells rang in her head, not wanting to walk into a strangers house- especially when he was twice her size and entirely unpredictable. "Uhm- I'm sorry, I've got to-"
   He rolled his eyes with a huff, before putting his hand out. "Stay." He commanded, before walking inside, shutting the door behind him.
   She blinked- they were right, he was a very odd man. Especially when the first time you meet him he somehow sneaks up silently behind you, covered in blood.

   After a few minutes, he came back out, his apron off and his hands clean, two glasses filled with what looked like iced sweet tea in his hands.
   He wore a dull orange flannel that seemed to barely fit, showing off every single muscle on his body- this guy truly was a specimen. He wore blue jeans to match- which only showed his legs were ripped too.
   With -well, not a smile but at least he wasn't frowning- he handed her the glass.

    "Thanks, John." She hummed politely, making him gulp, taking the glass.
    Y/N took a sip before smiling, that was some good sweet tea. "Man, you know how to make this stuff. Really takes me back." She snickered, causing the corners of his lips to upturn slightly. "I used to live here, actually."
    His smile dropped. She didn't remember him.
   "I hope you like those cookies- your tea is making them look like garbage." She laughed, the sound delighting his ears.

    John leaned on the wall, drinking his own glass.
   Y/N actually liked his company- now that she was mostly sure he wouldn't kill her. Though he was silent, and a little odd, he obviously had a heart. Maybe it's just the amazing tea talking.

    The two finished their glasses, Y/N explaining more about how she got here and how her grandpa gave her his house, before saying goodbye and getting into her car.

    He watched her go, his chest aching as he watched the girl who had befriended the boy much too big for his age. His friend. His only friend.
   John's hand gripped the glass with a longing as she left, almost... scared... that she would leave him alone for years, again.
   He was never a superstitious man, but after all these years she'd come back. It was hard not to call it fate.

The sun beat down, sweat beading at her neck and covering her back.
Y/N huffed and wiped her forehead before continuing on moving the paint roller up and down.
To the side of the house was an old shed that desperately needed paint, so, Y/N had got to work; painting it a cute, soft pink instead. With an accomplished smile, she looked at the finished wall- three more to go.

With a groan, she grabbed the paint bucket and hauled her stuff towards the front of the shed where the door was, knowing this would take more time as she'd now need to do corners. No reason to paint the door when the whole thing all together needed to be replaced.
Y/N started to walk back to get the ladder before seeing an old pickup truck pull into her driveway, quickly realizing it was John.
Diverting from her mission to get the ladder, she gave a smile and wave, walking over to the massive man exiting from his car.

"Hey, John! What brings you 'round here?" She asked, standing in front of him and placing her hands on her hips, having to squint since now she was looking up at him.
"Tea." He said blankly, shoving a plastic pitcher full of iced sweet tea towards her.
With a little laugh, she took it, John having to suppress a giddy little smile.
"Thanks- I'm dying in this heat; been painting the old shed. Things gonna fall apart if I don't." She pointed her thumb to the half pink, decrepit building.

His eyes looked over, to the shed, before looking back to her. "Want help?" He mumbled, causing her to think... she could use a hand.
"That'd be great." She smiled. "Lemme just go put this away- I'll be back."
The h/c jogged into the house, placing the tea in the fridge, before grabbing the ladder. While she was doing this, John took the liberty to peek around the sides of the house, memorizing the windows and doors. Just in case.

After a small while, she came back out, ladder in hand, before waving him over to follow, heading to the tool shed.
Once she got in front of the door, she put the ladder down, looking back at John to see he had tied his hair back into a ponytail- giving him full view of his face. All of his features were very strong and fairly attractive, his rugged appearance adding to the strange charm. She forced her eyes away, blaming the pink on her cheeks from the sun.
"Yeah I gotta do the corners and I can't reach."
He narrowed his eyes before he pulled the unbuttoned flannel off of him, tossing it to the ground, a black tank top underneath, revealing his massive shoulders and sun tanned skin.
John bent down and grabbed the paint brush off the ground before dipping it in the paint, smacking the excess off before standing straight and starting to paint the top of the door, reaching it with ease, only reminding her of how tall he actually was.
She watched as he attempted to paint a straight line across the top of the doorframe, brows furrowing when he realized how crooked it was, making her realize why he doesn't paint his own home.

"I can just use the ladder and you can paint roller the rest- oh!-"
Before she knew it, she was getting picked up as if she weighed nothing, being plopped onto his shoulders. Well that's one way to reach the door.
He lowered slightly, grabbing the paint bucket, before handing her the brush.
"I- uhm- thank you-" She stuttered out, her face flaming with embarrassment, this time unable to blame it on the sun.
She dipped the brush into the paint bucket he was holding at his chest, before running it across the top of the frame, painting over his sloppy stroke with a clean one.

After a few minutes she had finished, John relishing every second, enjoying the squeeze of her thighs on the sides of his face, wishing he could've touched more of her bare legs.
"Alright, I'm done." She announced, still blushing like crazy, unable to believe that she just painted with a man between her thighs (meaning that in the most non-sexual way possible).
He was disappointed, but let her down with ease. Y/N was no little girl and it shocked her how easily he could move her. But I guess when your that size it changes things.

"Thanks- now the rest should be easy!"

The next few hours were spent painting, very much sped up by him being there. After they had finished, the sun was setting, and the two were having sweet tea on the porch steps, once again.
Y/N enjoyed the silence, she enjoyed his company. It made her happy that she just moved in and already made a friend.
"John?" She questioned, he grunted in reply, still looking forward. "Can I have your number?"
His eyes travelled over to her, hesitating, before shaking his head. Her smile faltered- maybe they weren't in the friend zone yet?-
"No phone." He explained, clearing everything up.
"Oh- heh, good. I thought you didn't like me or something." She snickered jokingly, though he didn't find it funny.

He knew he was terrible with words -way too quiet- so he was terrified of her getting the wrong idea; especially if she thought he didn't like her.
His hand rested on her head while intensely staring.
Y/N blinked, a little confused, but just took it as a sign that he liked her. She smiled and playfully smacked his thigh. "I know you like me, it isn't every day a guy who lets me sit on his back and paint comes around." She laughed, causing him to smile slightly and take his hand from her head, missing the feeling of her hair.

    She sighed softly. "Well, it's getting late. I better get to bed early, I'm doing a lot of unpacking tomorrow."
   He nodded and stood up, leaving his glass where he had sat, making a note to come back and help.

   After a goodbye, he went back home, Y/N internally giddy from how well she was able to settle back into this town.
  She didn't want to make him leave so early, she would've invited him to dinner but she had some work to do. Her friend, Jen, from the city was coming to help her unpack. Kind of a house warming party, except only with one person. Either way, Y/N didn't want her house to look a total wreck and knew she should prepare something special for tomorrow.
After finishing baking an apple pie, she went to bed, sleeping later than she would've liked. Yesterday must've wore her out.

Y/N did her morning rituals and got dressed, pulling on a green tank top and jean shorts, tying her hair up since it needed to be out of her face. While finishing up her makeup, she heard a loud knock on the door, knowing that must be Jen.
"Coming!" She yelled, running down the stairs. She opened the door and it sure was Jen- but also four other people. Three of them were guys and one was a girl, a cigarette in her hand.

"Y/N!" The brunette squealed, pulling her into a hug.
"Aha- hey Jen uh... who are these people?" Y/N asked, knowing they certainly weren't invited and she definitely didn't know them.
Jen waved her hand dismissively with a shake of her head. "Oh just some friends. Cant be a house warming party with only two people, right?"
Y/N's smile faltered slightly. Yes it could be. "Eh... yeah I guess so." She replied awkwardly, not really wanting these people here. Jen had always been a social butterfly, and sometimes was a little much for Y/N; this was one of those times.

"Well, uhm- come on in!" She opened the door wider. They drove all the way out here from the airport, she might as well be a good host. Though sleeping arrangements were gonna be an issue. I guess there was the couch and-
The girl with the cigarette walked in, blowing smoke into the air, making Y/N cringe. "Hey uhm- I don't want smoke in my house. Can you finish that outside?" She asked politely, the girl scrunched up her nose and looked the h/c up and down.
"Uhm, it's just smoke? It's from the environment." She retorted, flipping her dyed red hair over her shoulder.
Y/N's brows furrowed, not liking the disrespect. "Okay well, then it can stay outside, with the environment." She said more stern. The two girls had a stare off before the red head rolled her eyes. "Fine. Just kick me out into this awful fucking heat, whatever." She scoffed, flicking her cigarette onto the porch before walking into the house, Y/N closing the door rather harshly behind her.

Jen rested her hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Oh don't mind Charlie, shes just really addicted, yanno?" Jen said as if Y/N was supposed to sympathize.
"Yeah, obviously." She mumbled.

"Hey! You got any beer?" One of the guys was rummaging through the fridge while the other two began to roughhouse.
"Uh- no I just moved in so-"
"No beer?! No alcohol- nothing?!"
"There's sweet tea-"
"What kind of party is this?" He grumbled, closing the fridge with a huff. Y/N's eye twitched. It wasn't supposed to be a party.

"They are right, a party with no alcohol kinda isn't a party." Jen shrugged, her smile turning into a nervous one when Y/N's glare met her green eyes. "But hey! Uh- gives me a chance to take a drive, yeah? I'll go get some!" She answered awkwardly, noticing that Y/N was pissed.
"Your going to leave?!" Y/N exclaimed, not wanting to be left with her bitchy friends she didn't know nor invite.
Jen patted her shoulder. "Babe! It'll be alriggghhhttt! Plus- Kev over there is singleeee!" She whispered with girlish delight, pointing to the dyed platinum blonde who was currently wrestling with the other boy who had black dreads. Her brows furrowed, not wanting anything to do with a man who found it appealing to just start wrestling in someone's house.

"Have fun!~" Jen chirped with a giggle, before opening the door- a scream coming from her mouth, catching everyone's attention. The brunette fell back, Y/N having to catch her. And standing at the door was John, having to lean down since his head touched the top of the doorframe. Everyone went silent.
"Y/N- call the cops." Jen whispered in total fear, causing the h/c to roll her eyes at her dramatics.
She slid away from Jen's fearful hold. "Guys this is John, my neighbor. John this is my friend Jen- and- her friends." She introduced.
John's eyes narrowed around the room, a certain sort of distaste in his glare, every person he looked at seeming to wilt under his gaze. He did not like these people.

Jen went back to Y/N's side. "Y/N?! Who is this guy!?" She whispered aggressively in her ear. "You can't just let him in- he's not invited!-"
"Your the last one to be saying that." Y/N hissed in return causing Jen to shake her head.
"Well- they're my friends, I know them!"
"And John's my friend! So he's invited too." Y/N was starting to think they were forgetting this was her house. "Plus, he's super helpful."
Jen went silent, but looked up at the mountain of a man with a little frown of disgust.

The room went silent. "Well, the whole point of this was to unpack. So let's get to it." Y/N said half heartedly, losing her want to be nice or a good host anymore. Jen had turned this whole thing sour in one go; the city girl has before pulled some stunts that would make them have a falling out, but nothing like this. Normally, they were opposites that attracted, but right now? Y/N was debating asking her and her posse of rude to leave.

After some more awkward silence, Y/N started to work and everyone cautiously followed suit, each one being petrified by John, especially since every time one slacked off he'd let them feel the wrath of god just by looking at them.
Once they started working, it didn't take long for Jen to leave with Michael (the one with dreads) and Luke (the one who had so kindly rummaged round her fridge). Shortly after the three left, Charlie went to have a smoke, and the platinum blonde followed, leaving Y/N and John with most of the work.
Y/N would give him instruction on where things went and he followed it to a T, unlike the others who could care less.

"M'dont like them." John mumbled in that deep, raspy voice; probably the most he'd ever said to her.
"Neither do I." She sighed. "It was supposed to just be my friend but... she brought all these people." Y/N shook her head, picking up a box full of glasses and setting it on the kitchen table.
John grunted in irritation, breaking down an emptied cardboard box.

Suddenly the front door swung open. "NOW it's a party!" Michael yelled, holding a pack of Bud Lights over his head, the platinum blonde and red head coming in from outside.
He walked into the kitchen and smacked the pack down onto the counter, Jen placing some margarita mix and wine coolers on the countertop as well, a pack of cigarettes too; for Charlie, she assumed.
Michael then raised his hand to quiet the now whooping group. "And for the Pièce de résistance!" He said in a goofy French accent, before slowly and dramatically revealing a zip block bag of gummy bears, holding them over his head. "We are getting fucked up tonight!" He yelled, all of them cheering, making her realize the gummy bears were actually edibles in disguise.

"That's my man!" Lucas yelled, before playfully punching him in the shoulder. The two immediately began to wrestle back and forth, her eyes thinning as they bumped into the table- getting closer to the box of glass. "Wait no!-" She yelled, but it was too late, the cardboard box was already falling to the floor- and glass went exploding across the ground, the sound causing the boys to stop roughhousing and look at the mess they made.

"That's it!" Y/N yelled, curling her hands into fists. "I'm done, so done! You come into my house, demand alcohol demand to smoke- help with nothing!" She hissed, her eyes flicking from each person in the group.
Michael shrugged and put his hands up lazily. "Chill lady, it's just glass." He snickered, causing the others to laugh softly too.
"Chill?" She snarled, before grabbing the collar of his shirt and yanking his head down to her height. "You wanna say that again?" She growled lowly, this close to breaking his nose.
"Alright, fine fine! Jesus!" He exclaimed, pulling back. "I'm sorry- were sorry. We just wanted a party and well..." he cringed a little, "your kind of a stick in the mud." He mumbled low enough so she couldn't hear. "From here on out, we'll keep it all outside and you can stay in here and unpack with Jason Vorhees back there; completely out of your hair, capeesh?"
"And you'll be gone by tomorrow?"
"Y/N!-" Jen whined, but Y/N cut her off. "Gone. By. Tomorrow?" She reiterated.
Michael placed his hand over his heart. "Gone by tomorrow, I swear."

The room went quiet, Y/N still churning with rage at the absolute carelessness and disrespect these people had shown. And because of Jen, her friend of all people.
"Good. Now get out." She grumbled, all of them moving into action, grabbing their drinks and leaving without a peep. They didn't care about the unpacking anyways and obviously hated her too.

A hand gently rested on Y/N's shoulder.
"Y/N... please, you know they didn't mean it-"
"Out of my house Jennifer." She snapped, not wanting to hear her apology. None of this would've happened if she had just came alone like she was supposed to.
Her hand slowly slid from her friends shoulder. "I'm sorry-" Jen simpered.
"OUT!" Y/N snapped, pointing to the door, causing Jen's lip to quiver, her eyes getting all big and puppy dog like. But she left.

    With an annoyed sigh she rested her elbows on the table and smack her head into her hands, covering her face. "I cannot believe this went so bad." She mumbled, almost wanting to cry from how much the event was ruined. It didn't help that their horrible music started to blast from a speaker they had outside, the bass abnormally harsh.
   She felt a large hand gently lay on her back, the thumb rubbing her spine gently. Based on the size and silence of the footsteps, she knew it was John, and let him comfort her, just needing a second to collect herself.

    He rubbed her back while glaring towards the door, seething with rage. Not only had these people barged in, but they had insulted and mistreated her. His friend.

   "Okay." She sighed, leaning back up before rubbing her face aggressively, clearing her thoughts. "Let me just uhm, clean this up... and we can get back to work." She said determinedly, just wanting to be done. "They won't be in our way anymore."
   His eyes narrowed. He's going to make sure they're in their way never again.


{probably could've made this one a whole story, this is my longest one shot yet}

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