The SOLDIER of Garreg Mach

By GreninJoker

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Following the supposed death of Sephiroth, former First Class SOLDIER Cloud Strife traveled around Gaia searc... More

Prologue: A Skirmish and a SOLDIER
White Clouds: Three Houses
White Clouds: Familiar Scenery
White Clouds: Mutiny in the Mist
White Clouds: Goddess's Rite of Rebirth
Cindered Shadows: The Fourth House
Cindered Shadows: What Lies Beneath
Cindered Shadows: Rite of Rising
Cindered Shadows: Danger in the Dark
A/n: An Update
Cindered Shadows: Betrayal
Cindered Shadows: Return to Me
Cindered Shadows: Wolf Pack

White Clouds: Tower of Black Winds

203 4 0
By GreninJoker

3rd Person POV

Opening up on another canvas, the scene slowly started to paint itself, displaying a stormy sea near the beach. Several ships crashed and collided in the heat of the waves. While over on the beach, the sun shone through the storm clouds, a rainbow forming overhead as the dawn of a new day began.

Narrator: The ceaseless rains that satiate the verdant landscape of Fódlan are accompanied by fierce winds and mighty roars of thunder. This abundance of rain, sparkling as it falls against beams of emerging sunlight, is a constant reminder to the people of Fódlan that nature is ever wild and unpredictable. For when the rain finally does pause, the clouds part to give way to a glorious rainbow.

Scene Transition

During the Verdant Rain moon, Byleth and Cloud were both summoned to the audience chamber to discuss their mission for the month, judging by the expressions on both Seteth and Rhea's faces, this mission seemed to be much more serious than before.

Rhea: I have a new mission for you, Professor. I would like for you to take your students into Kingdom territory to eliminate some thieves.

Seteth: They stole a Hero's Relic from House Gautier of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus-the Lance of Ruin. Their leader's name is Miklan. He is apparently a disowned son of House Gautier.

Byleth: Why was he disowned?

Seteth: I believe it had something to do with his lack of a Crest. Such happenings are fairly common within the Kingdom.

Rhea: The Crestless cannot harness the goddess's power, even if they possess a Relic. Nonetheless, they are still capable of simply wielding those weapons.

Seteth: The Heroes' Relics are immensely powerful weapons. We must meet this threat with adequate force. Unfortunately, most of the Knights of Seiros are away from the monastery purging the apostates of the Western Church. So we are entrusting you with this mission. After all, you wield the Sword of the Creator, which is more than capable of opposing any Relic.

Rhea: The Sword of the Creator is a powerful weapon, well beyond the other Relics. You have nothing to fear. However, to ensure that no harm comes to the students, we will also send the monastery's most skilled individuals to aid you.

Seteth: As for you, Cloud, you are in charge of watching over the outside of the tower, make sure no one gets in. Now then, Professor, I must remind you that you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner befitting the wielder of that holy sword. Also, you should know that Professor Hanneman has been looking for you. That is all.

The two soldiers bow, heading out to prepare for their mission for the month, to defeat the disowned heir of House Gautier, Miklan... And take back the Heroes' Relic known as the Lance of Ruin.


Later on in the day, Byleth and Cloud both went down to the main entrance hall where they met up with Dimitri, the three of them openly discussing their missions for the month.

Dimitri: I heard about our mission for this month. So... We are to eradicate thieves in Kingdom territory. I'm sorry for dragging into the Kingdom's petty squabbles. This should not be your burden to bear, but my own...

Byleth: Don't worry, I'm happy to help.

Dimitri: Thank you, Professor. Hearing you say that puts my mind at ease.

However, as they were talking, Claude walked up to Byleth, in his usual jovial behavior, seemingly thrilled to finally catch Byleth so he could talk to her, likely in regard to her recent ability to use the Sword of the Creator.

Claude: Hey, Teach. I gotta say, I never would've guessed you were a descendant of the King of Liberation. You didn't forget, did you? That story I told you about a Relic that could cut a mountain in half? That Relic was the Sword of the Creator! The very same used by Nemesis, the King of Liberation.

Byleth: The King of Liberation? What are you talking about?

Claude: Don't be coy, Teach. The Sword of the Creator could only be wielded by Nemesis. If you can use it too, that can only mean you have that bloodline's Crest.

Byleth: I don't understand.

Dimitri: Claude, leave the Professor alone, if she doesn't want to answer, she doesn't have to.

Claude: Fine, keep your secrets. But just so you know, "I don't understand" isn't gonna cut it here at the monastery. Speaking of, Professor Hanneman has been looking for you. He probably wants to examine your Crest with those crazy instruments of his. Actually... Sounds amusing. Maybe I'll tag along.

Cloud: (Grabs Claude's collar) Oh, no you don't. I'm not going to deal with more paperwork about you sneaking around and tampering with Hanneman's stuff and snooping around the monastery.

As the four all continued talking, something drew Dimitri's eyes and attention away from Byleth and the others, and judging by his expression, it was something he wasn't expecting, and was rather excited to see. Or rather... It was someone he was excited to see.

Noble: Your Highness? Ah, it's been ages!

Dimitri: It's been a long time! Two years, if I'm not mistaken.

Noble: Indeed, Your Highness. You've grown so much in those years. I hardly recognize you.

Byleth: Dimitri? Who's this? A friend of yours?

Dimitri: This is Rodrigue, an old friend of my father's. I believe I've mentioned him, if you recall. When my father died four years ago, he looked after me as though I were his own son.

Rodrigue: (Laughs) You flatter me, Your Highness. It was my honor to care for such a fine, young man. It's nice to finally meet you, Professor. My son, Felix, has mentioned you on occasion.

Dimitri: What brings you to the monastery, Rodrigue? Is it the thieves plaguing the Kingdom?

Rodrigue: I'm afraid so. This is not merely a problem for House Gautier, but for everyone. The thieves have set up their headquarters in Fraldarius territory, and are mercilessly pillaging the villages of that area. You have our full support in stopping those dastards. I thank you for your help, both of you.

Dimitri and Rodrigue both head off towards the main common area to catch up after not seeing each other in such a long time, also needing to get back to work and prepare the others for their mission this month, as well as checking in with Hanneman about his discovery; leaving Claude and Cloud alone in the entrance hall, with Cloud still holding onto his collar.

While the two were continuing to bicker with each other about whether or not Claude should be allowed to roam the monastery or not, a woman with long brown hair and a golden battle uniform, indicating she was from the Leicester Alliance like Claude.

Alliance Noble: If it isn't my little Claude! What has you so worked up?

Claude: Judith?! What are you doing here?

Judith: That's Lady Judith to you, boy. I told you, until you're in charge, I expect you to address me with all due respect. Anyway, I'm here to retrieve you. Duke Riegan's condition has taken a turn for the worse.

Claude: Are you saying the old man's on his death bed?

Judith: No, it's not that bad. But in the state he's in, he won't be able to participate in the next roundtable conference. He wants you to go in his stead. I volunteered to play the messenger.

Claude: Well, thanks for that. Oh, and Chief, this is Judith. Also known as the Hero of
House Daphnel.

Judith: So you're little Claude's teacher, are you? How much trouble has he been giving you?

Cloud: To be frank, he gives me more trouble than he's worth.

Claude: If her nickname didn't give it away, you should know that Judith... Er, Lady Judith is the leader of the famous House Daphnel of the Leicester Alliance. She used to be a big deal at the roundtable conferences, but it seems of late she's been reduced to a mere-

Judith: You had better shut that mouth before I put my boot in it, you tactless nuisance! Now come on. Let's get going. Sorry, Professor, but I need to borrow the boy for a bit.

Claude: I suppose we'll have to finish our chat later. Sorry, Teach. But don't you worry. I'll be back in time for our next mission. All right, Judith. Let's get going.

Heading off to get to work on preparations for the mission, Claude leaves Cloud and Judith alone to continue talking about how much of a pain Claude can be, along with how he's meant to take the place as the head of House Riegan.

Judith: It's Lady... Ah, I suppose you are the active leader for the time being. Fair enough, boy. Fair enough. (Turns to Cloud) See you around, Professor. It was a pleasure to meet you.

Cloud: (Bows) The pleasure was all mine, Lady Judith. Join me for a spar sometime. I'd love to see your skill in person.

Judith: I'll hold you to it.

Leaving Cloud alone, Judith heads off after Claude, hoping to offer him a little more guidance before he fully officially becomes the head of House Riegan. Heading off on his own, Cloud makes his way to the training hall to prepare for the mission, his sword already nearly half-drawn and ready for a battle.


Heading over to Hanneman's office, Byleth went over to see what the Crest Scholar wanted to see her about. Upon entering his office, Byleth found an... Uncomfortably overjoyed Hanneman rushing through his notes on her Crest...

Byleth: Uhm... Professor Hanneman? You wanted to see me?

Hanneman: Ah, good of you to come, Professor. I've heard much about you lately. Specifically, that you were able to awaken the Sword of the Creator's power. Thusly, it seems the true nature of your Crest has been uncovered. I had, of course, seen your Crest before. However, at first, I failed to recognize its true nature. Eventually, it dawned on me that what is visible is perhaps merely a small part of a greater whole. In other words, your Crest is too significant to be detected when using normal instruments. After this discovery, I began researching Crests that might fit that description, which allowed for a temporary hypothesis. However, I could not be certain. The Crest my conclusions led me to was far too unusual. A Crest thought to have disappeared in this world in the millennium since the fall of Nemesis, the King of Liberation. The Crest of Flames. That is what you possess.

Byleth: The Crest of Flames...

Hanneman: Your ability to wield the Sword of the Creator has unequivocally proven my hypothesis. A legendary power, dormant since time immemorial, and now resurrected... There can be no doubt that this ancient power resides within you.

Byleth: Is this what Claude was talking about...?

Looking over at the Crest Analyzer, Byleth looked into the purple image of her newfound Crest. The Crest of Flames, the very same Crest that was owned by Nemesis, the King of Liberation. A truly fascinating discovery for Hanneman and everyone who would learn about it... All of this only helped to beg the question... Was Byleth secretly related to Nemesis...?


As the days went by, Saturday turned out to be Manuela's birthday. As such, Cloud was kind enough to treat her to some tea to celebrate... Or more accurately, Byleth forced him to treat her to tea while she continued to work... The tea time went well... Or as well as it could given Manuela's flirtatious attitude towards Cloud.

Regardless of how it went, Manulea told him that she had a great time and would love to do it again. Afterwards, Cloud went back to work to prepare for some exams, and lessons for tomorrow when it would be time to teach his students more lessons for when it's time to get to work on the mission for the month.

Scene Transition

Late at night, Byleth was making her way back to her room when she suddenly came to a stop when she bumped into Mercedes, who was also heading back to her room after wrapping up her last few studies and nightly prayers before she heads off to bed herself.

Mercedes: Good evening, Professor. Returning from work, I take it?

Byleth: That's correct.

Mercedes: I commend you for working so late into the evening. All of my days at the academy are enriching, thanks to you. Try not to overtax yourself, all right? I'm concerned for your health. We wouldn't want you to wear yourself out. The goddess won't smite you if you rely on others for help, you know.

Byleth: Even so...

Mercedes: Listen here, Professor. You might not like what I'm about to say. To be perfectly honest, I had my doubts when I first met you.

Byleth: Really? That's surprising.

Mercedes: I don't want me to think less of me for saying this, but here we are.

Byleth: So we are. Why's that?

Mercedes: At first, I thought you seemed too young to be a professor. It is unusual, you have to admit. Yet, you seemed very composed and mature, despite your age. You're strong-willed, encouraging, and you go to great lengths to ensure that everyone is cared for. But it almost feels like you're trying too hard to be a perfect role model for your students.

Byleth: I'm not trying too hard.

Mercedes: If that's how you feel, I can't disagree. But I think it's necessary to give yourself a break every now and again. The mind has a tendency to make mistakes when you've exhausted yourself. In my case, I still seem to make mistakes even when I'm wide awake.

Byleth: Mistakes?

Mercedes: Oh, you know. I'm always mixing up the dates for drills or misplacing things. Just the other day, I forgot to put on my uniform and headed out to practice wearing only my- Oh, um. Well, you can imagine how embarrassed I was. My mind can be so scattered sometimes. Anyway... Where was I? Ah, that's right. What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't push yourself too hard. If you do, you might end up in a pretty bad place. That reminds me! Is there anything I can do to assist you, Professor? If it's alright with you, I'd like to help in any way I can.

Byleth: Thank you, Mercedes. I appreciate it.

Mercedes: Whatever you need, just say the word. I look forward to helping you out.

Scene Fade

Byleth and Mercedes have reached Support Level C!


Scene Transition

The next day, Byleth had gotten up a bit earlier to head over to the greenhouse to try and do a little more gardening, however, instead, she found that Dedue had beaten her to the punch, already working in the garden to work on some of the seeds he planted himself. As such, Byleth stood behind him to see what he was doing... Making things... Really awkward...

Dedue: ...

Byleth: ...

Dedue: Did you want something?

Byleth: No, nothing in particular.

Dedue: I see. (Stands up and turns to Byleth) If you have the time, then please assist me. I am to water the flowers in the greenhouse.

Byleth: (Nods) Right.

Dedue: Thank you. Only do not water the ones in that corner.

Byleth: What kind of flowers are those?

Dedue: They are from Duscur. They require a dry environment. The roots will rot otherwise.

Byleth: You seem to know a lot.

Dedue: I know enough.

Another long period of awkward silence ensued afterwards...

Dedue: ...

Byleth: ...

Dedue: I owe you a debt of gratitude. In both the extracurricular activities here at the academy, and on the battlefield... Your presence has been instrumental in the defense of His Highness. You have my sincerest thanks.

Byleth: Think nothing of it.

Dedue: To me, it is not nothing.

Once again, awkward silence consumed the greenhouse, making things uncomfortable for the two of them yet again...

Dedue: ...

Byleth: ...

Dedue: Was there something else you wanted?

Byleth: No, that's all.

Dedue: Then please, excuse me.

Dedue leaves the greenhouse, leaving Byleth with only one thought in her mind as she watched her student leave to fetch some water.

Byleth: (Sweatdrop) He's difficult to hold a conversation with...

Scene Fade

Byleth and Dedue have reached Support Level C!


Later on, Byleth had wrapped up some paperwork and gotten up to prepare for the day and head out to explore the monastery and see what was going on right now. Getting up from her desk, as usual, Byleth walked over to Sothis to check in on her and see what she was thinking.

Sothis: A stone? A stone... I do not understand. Yet as I think of it, the pounding in my chest grows faster still. But is that me... Or is it you? Hmm...

Heading out of her room, Byleth made her way over to the greenhouse again to check on some vegetables she was growing. However, along the way, as Byleth passed Bernadetta's room, she could hear a strange sound coming from her room... Almost as if someone was eating...

Byleth: (Knocks) Bernadetta? You in there...? And... Are you eating something...?

Bernadetta: (Shocked) I-I'm not secretly eating cake!

Byleth: Okay... I'll take your word for it.

Bernadetta: You're getting pretty good at talking through the door, Professor!

Deciding to leave Bernadetta alone with her supposed cake, Byleth made her way to the greenhouse. There, Byleth found Manuela looking over some flowers, likely contemplating what she should bring to her newest (and likely unsuccessful) date with another knight.

Manuela: It's awful, just awful what happened with the Rite of Rebirth. The infirmary... Well, it was a mess. Things are finally calm again, and so I've come here to unwind. Let me tell you, I put all of my knowledge to use keeping those kids alive. Still, the truth of it is that when someone faces death for the first time... Well, they figure out who they are. They learn if they can do it again. We can't lose them, Professor. Not to battle, or to cowardice. If you can keep them going, then I will too.

Byleth: Don't worry, I'll protect them.

After checking on her crops and leaving the greenhouse, Byleth made her way near the pond for a small spot of fishing. After catching some fish for tonight, Byleth made her way off to the side to feed some of the stray cats and dogs that liked to roam around the monastery. Off by them, Byleth found Flayn looking into the pond, specifically at a fish in the water... One which seemed... Suspiciously motionless...

Flayn: Why is that fish so... Still? Wait- Is it swimming sideways?! Perhaps... Perhaps it is resigned to its woeful fate of being plucked from the water and eaten... (Notices Byleth) Ah, Professor. You are so outgoing with all of the students. I would like to have more opportunities to connect with you, though I am certain my brother would disapprove.

Byleth: Don't worry, Flayn. We can hang out sometime.

Continuing down the road towards the market area, Byleth had found another shop being built. Upon talking to the shop owner, Byleth was given a small quest to help get the blacksmith shop up and running properly. Heading off to the side, Byleth found another merchant who was eyeing the corner of the market area, upon talking to him, the merchant revealed that Magred Way had been overtaken by bandits who were blocking merchants who wanted to set up shop in Garreg Mach.

Reassuring him that her class and the knights would deal with the bandits, Byleth made her way towards the main entrance where, as per usual, the friendly gatekeeper was keeping an eye on the entrance to make sure everyone was welcome and protected.

Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report! Oh! Come to think of it, last month there was something to report, wasn't there? Thanks to you, I hear that everything was resolved. I never realized that bandits had entered... I'm not a great guard after all, am I? I hope you will forgive me one day.

Patting the gatekeeper on the back to let him know she forgave him for letting Death Knight and those other mysterious soldiers enter the monastery, Byleth made her way towards the main entrance hall where she found Ingrid looking around the area, seemingly trying to find someone.

Ingrid: Wow, Lord Rodrigue in the flesh... What is Felix doing? This is such a rare opportunity for him to see his family...

Byleth: Hm... I haven't seen him in a while either. Don't worry, I'll find him.

As Byleth left Ingrid however, she suddenly came across someone who she hadn't met before, an older man, likely in his mid-fifties, with long dulled orange hair worn in a braid, along with a large hammer held over his shoulder.

Byleth: Excuse me? I don't believe we've met before.

Elder Knight: Hail, Professor. If I may introduce myself, I am Gilbert. My life has been spent as a dedicated knight. I am to accompany you on your assignment. I may have slowed a step in recent years, but I pledge to you the full extent of my abilities.

Byleth: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Gilbert: No, Professor. The pleasure is all mine, I assure you.

Leaving Gilbert after making introductions, Byleth made her way upstairs, heading near the dining hall. Unfortunately, she ended up finding Lorenz standing in front of the entrance.

Lorenz: I have heard that someone from House Gautier, one of the Kingdom of Faerghus's noble families, is causing some sort of commotion. What a complete disgrace to the nobility.

Choosing not to let Lorenz get to her with his usual antics, Byleth continued towards the garden area in between the entrance hall and reception hall, where she found Edelgard and Hubert talking with each other, again, being oddly suspicious about their actions and words.

Edelgard: For a Hero's Relic to be stolen... It's unheard of.

Hubert: And just last month, the Sword of the Creator was almost stolen too.

Edelgard: Also quite unheard of. What impudence.

After spending a little bit of time helping Edelgard and Hubert try and figure out what the enemy could be planning for the Hero's Relics, and why they could want them, Byleth made her way towards the stables, where she found Marianne hiding behind the corner, away from everyone's sight.

Marianne: You know, Professor... Some people are unhappy because they don't have the Crest they want... And some are unhappy because they have a Crest they never asked for...

Having a little internal conflict about Marianne's words about how people are often born with Crests that they don't want, and how just as many people never asked to be born with a Crest. The conflict was just now in a similar position to many of those people. She now possessed the Crest of Flames, the very Crest that was owned by Nemesis, the war mongering King of Liberation... Was this the Crest she wanted...?

Deciding not to focus on her Crest issue more, Byleth made her way towards the stables, where she found Ferdinand tending to some of the horses, hoping to make sure all of them were nice and happy despite all the uproar that came from last month.

Ferdinand: The coffin of Seiros in the Holy Mausoleum should have held her remains. Instead, they say, it held the Sword of the Creator. What could it mean?

After having a little discussion with Ferdinand about why the Sword of the Creator was being stored in the coffin of Saint Seiros, Byleth made her way down the path towards the knight's hall, where she found Tomas slowly making his way towards the knight's hall, likely heading near the vault.

Tomas: The head of the Western Church holds the title of bishop. That's not as distinguished as an archbishop such as Lady Rhea, but it still comes with a fair amount of authority. If someone in that position plotted an assassin, I cannot help but think it must have been instigated by some outside force. There are bishops in the Eastern Church as well, but to speak frankly, they do not have much impact. They are under the influence of both the archbishop and the Leicester Alliance, so their ability to voice grievances is quite limited.

After hearing Tomas's insight, Byleth continued to make her way to the knight's hall, where she found Rodruige and Catherine talking with each other, reminiscing on old times and discussing the situation going on right now with the disowned heir to House Gautier.

Catherine: You acquitted yourself honorably last month. To think they'd go into the Holy Mausoleum and assault the Goddess Tower... I cannot imagine the Western Church is acting on its own. Someone must have been helping them. As for the masked knight who escaped, his days are numbered. I hope we find him soon, so I can kill him myself.

Byleth: Don't worry. We'll find him eventually.

Rodrigue: Oh, by the way, Professor. Have you seen my son, perchance? I have need of him.

Byleth: No, I haven't seen him around.

Rodrigue: Is that so? That is too bad. I must ask him not to distract you, Professor, nor His Highness from the matter at hand.

Byleth: I understand.

Heading over towards the side near the fireplace, Byleth found just the man she was looking for... Sylvain. The man whose brother was stealing a Hero's Relic and likely only had the worst of intentions for the Kingdom and his family.

Sylvain: I'm so sorry my older brother is causing you all this hassle, Professor. Don't misunderstand, I always thought he was a piece of garbage, but I never thought he'd steal the Relic. I can't wait to see his face when he realizes I'm in the group that was sent to take him down.

Byleth: Don't get carried away. We'll find him eventually. And when we do, we'll take care of him.

Leaving Sylvain behind, Byleth made her way towards the reception hall, where she ended up bumping into Petra, who was reading a book on the climate up north in the Kingdom, likely getting ready in case she would have to head there to provide backup to Byleth and her class.

Petra: I have never had goings to the Kingdom's north. I hear the people of north are cold and have much loneliness. Professor, I hear you have had work... Uh... Have worked as a mercenary in the Kingdom. Did you find joy in this?

Byleth: Working as a mercenary in the Kingdom... Hmm... Strange. I can't seem to remember.

Petra: You cannot remember? Is that having possibility? I have amazement...

Thinking a little more on Petra's words, Byleth still failed to figure out if she had ever worked as a mercenary in the kingdom. Deciding not to dwell on it too much, Byleth made her way down the hall, meeting up with Caspar, who was just as energetic as he always was.

Caspar: I'm gonna keep training until I can beat you!

Byleth: Uh-huh... I'm sure you will.

After leaving Caspar with a lot more determination to surpass her, Byleth made her way towards the classroom area, meeting up with Raphael, who was standing out front of the Golden Deer's classroom.

Raphael: Hey, Professor. Don't you think everyone's making too big a fuss over these Crests or Heroes' Relics or whatever they're called? How important can that stuff really be?

Byleth: I'm not so sure about it either.

Raphael: Personally, I don't even care that I don't have a Crest. I'll take muscles over Crests any day. Heck, I'll take muscles over a hot meal! Actually...

Patting Raphael on the back and reassuring him she would make sure Cloud gets him a hot meal later, Byleth went to the Golden Deer's classroom where Hilda and Lysithea were both chatting with each other... Though, both of them seemed to be focused on completely different subjects...

Lysithea: Is it true that Lady Rhea entrusted the Sword of the Creator to you? I can hardly even fathom you being capable of wielding something of such power. Just who are you, anyway?

Byleth: I'm just Byleth. There's nothing special about me.

Hilda: I don't think so. I thought school life would be peaceful and quiet, with a sprinkle of drama to keep things interesting. But since you arrived, it's been one thing after another. Is that just a coincidence, I wonder?

Byleth: Who knows. I believe so.

Hilda: Oh, I was just kidding! Anyway, as I said before, I do like having a little drama in my life.

After giving a small lecture to Lysithea and Hilda about what's going on with her Crest and some other stuff, Byleth made her way out to her classroom with the Blue Lions, where she found a rather frantic looking Annette standing outside the classroom, seemingly searching for someone.

Byleth: Annette? What's wrong?

Annette: Oh! Hey, Professor? Did you happen to see that man I was looking for earlier? I just spotted him by the dining hall, but then he ran away!

Byleth: I think I might've seen him...

Annette: Oh? You saw him by the entrance to the monastery? Thank you, Professor! Father... I've found you at last!

After grabbing a few books from her classroom, Byleth went to check out the Black Eagle's classroom, in there, she found Lindhart reading some more books, although he did appear to be half asleep as usual.

Linhardt: You and your class were at that fight in the Holy Mausoleum, right? I sincerely hope the holy artifacts are unscathed. I admit I wish I could've been there to see it all, even if it does make me queasy. But I was there too early. I'd gone first thing in the morning. At noon, one of the monks chased me out saying I'd been there too long. Who were they to decide when I've been somewhere too long?

After reprimanding Lindhart about how he was spending too much time snooping around the Holy Mausoleum, Byleth went outside the classroom, fully aware that he wasn't listening. Deciding not to press him more, Byleth made her way towards the garden area where Dorothea was practicing her singing and some magic.

Dorothea: So, you have a Crest too, eh, Professor? Does that mean you're descended from nobility? You've certainly got the look for it... I sure do wish there were more nobles like you, Professor. A teacher, a mercenary, and so very mysterious... How could a girl ever get enough?

Leaving Dorothea to her fantasy, Byleth made her way upstairs and went towards the audience chamber, heading off to speak with Rhea and Seteth about the job for the month. However, once she bumped into Seteth, she learned about something that was wrong that Seteth wanted her to take care of.

Seteth: Ah, Professor. Jeralt was looking for you.

Byleth: Where is he?

Seteth: It seems he has gone off somewhere. If he is not in his room, then surely someone has seen him. Ask around. Also... How are you managing the Sword of the Creator? No problems? I hope you have not left it lying somewhere unattended or anything foolish like that.

Byleth: Nothing like that. No problems so far.

Seteth: You will need the sword's power on your next mission. I trust you will handle it without much issue.

Reassuring Seteth that she was using the Sword of the Creator properly and that she would look around for Jeralt, Byleth walked over to the table, in the archbishop's office, where Rhea was enjoying a hot cup of tea.

Rhea: You must be rather bewildered by the power that was hidden within. However, know that I believe in you. I have no doubt that you will use that power justly. You will most certainly fulfill the grand destiny that the goddess has seen fit to grant you.

Nodding and assuring Rhea that she'll make good use of the Sword of the Creator, Byleth made her way down the hall towards Jeralt's office to see if she could find him. Unfortunately, he wasn't there, instead, Lenoie was standing outside his office, also seemingly searching for Jeralt.

Leonie: Captain Jeralt was all furrowed brow earlier. Do you know what's got him so concerned? If there's a problem, I want to help any way I can.

Byleth: I don't know.

Leonie: Okay. I doubt there's anything I can do for him, but I figured I'd ask anyway.

Byleth: Oh, by the way. Did you happen to see where Jeralt went?

Leonie: Are you looking for Captain Jeralt? I just saw him in the knights' hall a little while ago. He was talking with a female knight, but I didn't get a good look at who she was.

Byleth: Knight's hall. Female knight. Got it. Thanks, Leonie.

After hearing Leonie's words, Byleth made a mental note to check out the knights hall later to see if Jeralt was still there. However, before doing so, Byleth wanted to check out the rest of the upstairs area, starting with Hanneman's room who was still excitedly looking into the existence of Byleth's Crest of Flames.

Hanneman: Oh my... The Crest of Flames? Could it really... Yes, the actual Crest of Flames! (Laughs) (Calms down) Ahem... No, that is quite enough. I should compose myself. I must remain objective in my research. Objective. Professional.

Byelth: I respect your self control.

Hanneman: (Sighs) The scandal with the Western Church troubles me. We cannot afford to let ourselves be swept along, and yet...

Deciding to leave Hanneman to his excitement about the Crest of Flames, Byleth made her way near the end of the hallway where she found Ignatz timidly looking around the corner of the hall near Hanneman's office.

Ignatz: Don't you think Professor Hanneman's been acting a bit...strange? Maybe he's made some kind of big discovery.

Byleth: It's just him dealing with my Crest. Don't worry about it.

Leaving Ignatz to calm down with the knowledge of Hanneman's excitement coming from Byleth's Crest, the professor made her way down the stairs towards the knights hall, heading back in where she found Catherine, still talking to Rodruige.

Byleth: Hey, Catherine. Have you seen Jeralt around? I haven't seen him anywhere.

Catherine: Oh, Jeralt? He said something about visiting a grave. There's a graveyard attached to the monastery, so you'll probably find him there. I can't remember where the graveyard is, but I bet Seteth knows.

Byleth: Now back to Seteth... (Sighs) This is getting annoying... Oh, well. Thanks, Catherine.

Once again, heading back upstairs, Byleth made her way back to Seteth, who was still doing some more paperwork to prepare for the battle at the end of the month.

Byleth: Seteth. Graveyard. Do you know where it is?

Seteth: You're back. Ah, the graveyard? Of course I know it. It can be a little hard to find. Would you like me to show you where it is?

Byleth: Please.

Seteth: Very well.

Laying down a map of the monastery on his desk, Seteth pointed to a small section in between the knight's hall and the reception hall. After hearing about it and learning of Jeralt's whereabouts, Byleth made her way downstairs towards the graveyard to see what he was doing there.

Heading down to the graveyard, Byleth found Jeralt standing in front of a grave near the end of the small plateau. Walking over to her father, Byleth curiously looked over at the grave to see what he was looking at.

Byleth: What are you two doing here?

Jeralt: Hey. I wanted to ask you to join me, but I couldn't find you. So here I am. I was thinking we should visit... Your mother. She's resting beneath this humble grave...

Byleth: My mother...? Why is her grave here...?

Jeralt: Hm? Oh. Of course you would ask that. I wouldn't know where to begin... I suppose I haven't talked much about her. She was gentle and smart. So smart. A wonderful cook. Always kind to everyone. And... She loved flowers. Whenever I brought her back an unusual flower, her face would light up. I cherish those memories. I can't count how many times she made me happy just by smiling. And she smiled the most... When she was pregnant with you. She died right after you were born. She wasn't able to spend much time with you. But she loved you with all her heart. That's the truest thing I know... Never forget it.

Seemingly remembering something, Jeralt reached into his pocket and pulled something out, as it turns out, it was a small, beautiful ring with a small flower pattern on it.

Jeralt: This ring is the only keepsake I have of her. In time, it will be yours. One day, I hope you'll give this ring to someone you love as well as I love her.

Byleth: Someone... I love... Like you did with her...?

Walking over to her mother's grave, Byleth looked at the tombstone, hoping to finally learn what her mother's name was... Instead, all she found was that the name on the grave had weathered away, making it impossible to see what the name was.

Still needing to get some work done, Byleth told Jeralt to deliver a message to Seteth that he should have someone fix the grave so she could check it later. Heading off to the training ground after seeing her father, Byleth found Dimitri training with his lance to prepare for when he would have to face the rogue who stole the Lance of Ruin.

Dimitri: Say, I hear that a Knight of Seiros named Gilbert will be joining us for our mission this moon. He is skilled, which is surely a boon for us. Still... That was not very thoughtful of Lady Rhea.

Byleth: It wasn't? Do you know him?

Dimitri: Ahh, well... (Clears his throat) Ahem... No, I do not. Not really. All I will say is that we have trained together a few times in the past. House Gautier is Sylvain's home. It would be nice if you could check on him as well.

After speaking with Dimitri, Byleth went over to Dedue, who was carefully observing Dimitri's training to make sure he wasn't pushing himself too much. Luckily, he seemed to be at ease and able to relax and take it easy with Dimitri training.

Dedue: I know Lord Rodrigue. He paid repeated visits to His Highness after the previous king was killed.

Byleth: I see... (To herself) So in a way... He's like a father to Dimitri...

Off in the corner, Byleth found Cloud and Jeritza both sparring against each other, luckily, they both finished by the time she walked over to them to see what they were doing. However, Jeritza seemed to not be paying much attention to his surroundings.

Jeritza: Mercedes... Her face looks... Familiar...

Again being slightly unnerved by Jeritza's attitude, Byleth made her way over to Cloud to see what he was doing. Cloud also seemed to be a little unnerved by Jeritza, seeming slightly fidgety and on edge about something.

Byleth: Brother? What's wrong?

Cloud: It's Jeritza... I don't know why... But there's something off about him... Best keep your guard up around him.

Byleth: Hm? You think so?

Cloud: (Sighs) Ah... Forget it. I'm probably just paranoid from all this crazy stuff that's happened these past few months. (Looks at the ring around Byleth's neck) Ah, I see you've gotten the ring from the old man. Glad you've got it. Be sure to treasure that. And... Once you find someone you want to give that to, I have to check him to make sure they're right for you. I won't accept anyone else but the best for you.

Byleth: (Rolls her eyes) Uh-huh... Sure.

Leaving the training grounds, Byleth made her way towards the cathedral to offer up her prayers to the goddess and practice in the choir for the day. However, instead, she found Ashe, who was uncharacteristically seething to himself, like he was angry about something.

Ashe: So the whole plan to attack the monastery was some plot devised by the Western Church? That means they used Lonato. What right do they have to drag a good man like that into their schemes?!

After calming Ashe down and assuring him that they would all make sure that they bring whoever was involved to justice, Byleth made her way off to the side of the cathedral where she found Mercedes offering up some of her prayers for the day.

Mercedes: Isn't it strange? Saint Seiros's body was missing from her coffin, but they found a sword in its place... Do you think she moved from her coffin and left the sword behind?

Byleth: Interesting theory, Mercedes. But best you keep it to yourself, otherwise Ashe and Annette might be too scared to leave their rooms.

Mercedes and Byleth allowed themselves to have a little laugh about how Saint Seiros might have gotten up from her coffin and left the Sword of the Creator behind on accident. However, after a while, Byleth still had one more place to go and explore.

Heading upstairs to the dorm rooms, Byleth had found Felix, angirly pacing around the halls, trying to keep himself calm while at the same time, making sure he didn't draw too much attention to himself.

Felix: Have you seen a man who looks like me? He's middle-aged and relatively tall.

Byleth: Uh, yeah. I have. Lord Rodruige, right?

Felix: Unfortunately. If you get the chance, tell him I've gone out. Okay?

Byleth: Don't worry, I already handled it.

Felix: Thanks, I appreciate it.

Leaving Felix with the knowledge that Rodruige didn't know he was here, Byleth made her way further down the hall where she found Cyril, who was, as usual, sweeping the floor of the monastery to keep everything nice and clean. However, something seemed different, he seemed a lot more jovial and excited than he usually was.

Byeleth: Hey, Cyril. What's got you so excited?

Cyril: Oh, nothing. I hear about the things you did. I'm so glad Lady Rhea's safe. I figure you're a great person after all, Professor. Oh, yeah! I also got an invitation from Professor Cloud to join his class! I'm super excited to learn from him.

Byleth: Huh... Didn't think Cloud would propose such an offer. Well, I hope you have fun.

Congratulating Cyril on his newfound role in the Golden Deer, Byleth continued down the hall to see the heir of the hour, Claude Von Reigan, leaning against the wall and relaxing as he simply prepared to try and take in the sights and relax.

Claude: Oof. This wasn't the first time I've taken part in an Alliance roundtable conference, but it was still exhausting. There's not enough cooperation in that group, especially from Lorenz's father. But at least my grandfather was surprisingly alert. Judging by that, I'd say he's got at least five more years in him.

Byleth: Five more years, huh? Well, you should have plenty of time to grow and become a better leader. Maybe one who can handle the pressure of being the Alliance leader.

Claude: We'll see about that.

Still having some more time to kill, Byleth went down to the dining hall, sharing a meal with Dorothea and Sylvain. Afterwards, she went off to do some more faculty training with Manuela and Hanneman, improving her magic skills.

However, as the day was quickly winding down, Byleth made her way back to her dorm room, ready to call it a day and finally get ready to prepare everyone for their new mission by the end of the month. It was time to defeat the disgraced heir to House Gautier, and retrieve the Lance of Ruin...


The next day, Byleth and Cloud both started training their students to prepare for the coming battle at the end of the month. Everyone was proceeding and growing at an incredible pace. Despite just joining the class, Cyril was already making some incredible progress with both his relations with the class, and prowess as a fighter. Of course, Cloud and Byleth made sure to keep up their relations with their fellow teachers... With some being more thrilled about it than others... But overall, like always, another successful teaching day had concluded, with each student stronger than before.

Scene Transition

At the training grounds, Cloud was hard at work, attempting to improve his already exceptional swordsmanship. However, Cloud had a spectator, one Professor Manuela who was mindlessly watching Cloud work and fight against the training dummies.

Cloud: (Swings his sword) Hngh! Hyah!

From behind a small pillar, Manuela simply watched Cloud, who seemed to have already taken notice of Manuela's presence and thought it best to ignore her for a while while he continued to train. Unfortunately, that went out the window once Manuela started speaking to him.

Manuela: Oh my. Just seeing you move like that only makes you more handsome, Professor Cloud.

Cloud: (Sighs) (Stabs his sword in the ground) What do you want, Manuela?

Manuela: Oh, nothing. (Walks towards him) I just wanted to ask you something if you have the time. (Trails her finger across him) Maybe we could... Talk alone~?

Cloud: (Deadpan) Another knight left you, didn't they?

Manuela: (Dramatic) Oh! How is that your concern? (Sighs) No matter how hard I try, there's always something wrong. Oh, why me and my poor lonely heart.

Cloud: (Sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose) You know, you kinda remind me of an old friend of mine.

Manuela: Really now? Who, if I may ask?

Cloud: An old friend... Jessie. She had a lot of bad luck with men, kinda like you. But she had a good heart too. Tried to get me to date her over a pizza one time... Which I assume is what you want as well?

Manuela: (Winks) Well? What do you say? Up for a little fun?

Cloud: ...(Sighs) Clean up your act, and I'll think about it. No promises though.

Manuela: Then I hope you'll keep your word.

Cloud: We'll see about that.

Manuela: Well, until then, have a nice day, handsome.

Walking away, Manuela left with a new goal in her heart, to try and clean up her act to find a way to get Cloud to fall in love with her and treat her to dinner one day. While the SOLDIER himself, just let out one long, final, exhausted sigh at Manuela's persistence.

Cloud: That woman's gonna be the death of me... But, she does seem like a nice woman. Who knows. We'll see how this turns out.

Scene Fade

Cloud and Manuela have attained Support Level C

During the week, Cloud had taken his class to help with dealing with the bandits that were menacing the Magred Way, allowing the merchants to travel once again and set up shop in Garreg Mach. During the mission, the Golden Deer and Blue Lions started to further develop their interpersonal relations, even a few members of the Black Eagle tagged along to help with the battles, with some of their fates intertwining at this very moment...

Scene Transition

Out in the forest, Cyril was hard at work chopping up some firewood for the monastery, and judging by the pile he had next to him, it seemed as though he had just finished his work and was ready to head back to the monastery.

Cyril: Hmm, this one oughta do.

As Cyril was looking through his pile to pick the right logs for the monastery to make sure everything worked the way it should and that they would have enough to last for a while. However, while Cyril was looking through his logs, he was paid a surprise visit by Lysithea, who had come all the way out of the monastery to see him.

Lysithea: Uh, what are you doing, Cyril?

Cyril: I'm picking out logs to carry back and chop into firewood.

Lysithea: You can't expect to carry all these by yourself. Let me help.

Cyril: Nah, I got it. I don't want ya getting hurt. Logs are heavy sometimes.

Lysithea: I'm well aware. You should accept the help being offered. I'm older and wiser- I know best.

Despite her claims, when Lysithea went to reach down and pick up the logs to help Cyril, it was very clear that she wasn't strong enough to lift as many as she would have liked. Something which Cyril noticed immediately as Lysithea picked up a log. Despite how much she protested.

Cyril: Um, Lysithea, ya seem a bit shaky. You okay?

Lysithea: (Clearly struggling) Yep, totally fine. I'm just kinda losing my grip on this log. Agh! (Drops the logs) Well, that wasn't much help. as it turned out. I didn't realize they'd be that heavy. Couldn't even walk in a straight line...

Cyril: I told ya, logs are heavy sometimes. It's hard work if you're not used to it.

Lysithea: I feel foolish.

Cyril: Well, if you've learned your lesson, I'm gonna go carry the older logs.

Lysithea: Hang on- Shouldn't you rest for a bit?

Cyril: Wood still needs chopping. I got a buncha other stuff needs doing before sundown too.

Lysithea: In that case, let me help you carry the chopped wood!

Cyril: You know how rough firewood is? You'll get splinters if ya carry it with your soft hands.

Lysithea: (Slightly offended) You can't be serious!

Cyril: You're just not cut out for this kinda work. Look at your hands, they're like a princess's. No point in you learning to chop wood, is there? You don't need to know how to do that stuff. You and me live in different worlds. There's no point lowering yourself down into mine.

Lysithea: Our worlds aren't so different. We're together right now, aren't we?

Cyril: Sure, we live in the same places now, but that's not gonna last forever. Don't see how it could, unless I actually turned into your little brother or something.

Scene Fade

Cyril and Lysithea have attained Support Level C

Scene Transition

In the reception hall, a furious storm was brewing, two avid pursuers of love were about to come head-to-head with each other... Walking up to her, Sylvain found Dorothea standing by one of the tables, seemingly awaiting something from the heir to House Gautier.

Dorothea: Ah, Sylvain. It's unusual to find you doing something other than hitting on women.

Sylvain: Ah, Dorothea! I've been preparing to do just that, as it were. My intention is to flirt with the monastery's most beautiful flower... Dorothea herself!

Dorothea: Oh dear, and I've ruined all your hard work. You might as well save the effort. I'm not taking the bait.

Sylvain: Heh heh... Oh, Dorothea, your wit is as sharp as your beauty. Don't you want just a little flirting? Just a sample? I'm not like all the others, you know.

Dorothea: I don't doubt it. By "not like all these others," do you mean how serious you are about being disingenuous when you flirt?

Sylvain: And that is supposed to mean... What exactly...?

Dorothea: Your social standing isn't bad, and you're not bad to look at or particularly dumb. You could easily be engaged by now. But you just flit from one woman to the next without settling on anyone. I bet you enjoy going out with them, but you hate women themselves. Don't you think?

Sylvain: Me? Hate women? (Laughs) Haha! That couldn't be further from the truth! I'm always serious when it comes to matters of the heart. When I flirt, I stake my life on it.

Dorothea: Uh-huh. I'll believe it when I see it. Staking your life on a person is the sort of thing you should only do when you're in love.

Sylvain: That's what I've been saying! I love you enough to stake my life on it. And I'm
seriously in love with each and every girl I flirt with.

Dorothea: I see. Regardless, I'm not staking my life on you. So you'd better go and fall in love with someone else. Good-bye, Sylvain.

Giving Sylvain what is beyond a shadow of a doubt, the coldest shoulder he's ever been given, Dorothea left the noble behind to get back to her own businesses, leaving Sylvain alone with only one thought in his mind...

Sylvain: She's stone cold... I love it.

Scene Fade

Dorothea and Sylvain have attained Support Level C

Scene Transition

At the dining hall, as usual, Raphael had arrived at one of the tables, his plate quite literally stacked to the brim with food and ready to chow down. After finding a spot, Raphael found Ignatz silently eating his lunch by himself. Naturally wanting to hang out with his friend, Raphael walked over to the table to enjoy his meal with his friend.

Raphael: Yes! Time for food! Hey, Ignatz! Is this seat taken?

Ignatz: Oh. Hey, Raphael... I'm done eating, so you can sit here if you like!

Raphael: Really? But there's still food on your plate.

Ignatz: Ah, it's fine, I'm not that hungry. Anyway, I guess I'll be heading off!

Raphael: Oh. Okay...

Scene Transition

Later in the day, Raphael went over to the training grounds to try and get some more training in before the day ended to hopefully get some more muscles growing to prepare for the end of the month. Again, Raphael found Ignatz at the training grounds, who, once again, tensed up upon seeing Raphael approach him.

Raphael: Hey, Ignatz! Wanna train with me?

Ignatz: Uh... Oh my! That equipment's looking rusty! Let me fetch some oil.

Raphael: What's the matter? It always looks like that! Come on, we'll take care of it later.

Ignatz: No, you have to do it as soon as you notice. There's oil in the warehouse. I'll be right back!

Scene Transition

Now upstairs over by the library, Raphael managed to find Ignatz once more, allowing him to trap his friend to see what was wrong with him this time.

Raphael: Hey, Ignatz!

Ignatz: Uh, hello, Raphael!

Raphael: Are you busy? I need to talk to you.

Ignatz: No, uh, that's... Oh, almost forgot, it's time to return this book to the library! I'll just...

Raphael: Hey, hey, hey! Hold up! Are you seriously gonna keep running away from me?

Ignatz: What? No! I'm not... Running.

Raphael: Yes, you are! Every time I try to talk to you, you make up some excuse and run! What's going on? You were a lot friendlier to me when we were kids. You were always so excited to show me all the neat stuff you had whenever I came to visit. We'd play hide-and-seek with my little sis, draw pictures and do other fun stuff too!
Remember all that?

Ignatz: Things... Can't be the way they were. It's regrettable, but it's the truth.

Raphael: Regrettable? What's there to regret?

Ignatz: I mean, you know... What happened to your parents. My parents are the reason your parents died.

Raphael: What're you talking about? My parents died in an accident while traveling for work.

Ignatz: Maybe so, but they were taking over for mine because they had other business that day and couldn't go themselves. So, they recommended yours to fill in for them.

Raphael: Huh... I didn't know that. But what does that have to do with our friendship?

Ignatz: No, but see, I...

Raphael: Oh, I see. But we're done talking about this. You gotta stop beating yourself up over it. It was an accident.

Leaving Ignatz with the knowledge that he doesn't blame him for the deaths of his parents, Raphael walked away and went off to get to work on his training... Unfortunately, Ignatz didn't seem to truly believe Raphael's kind words.

Ignatz: He's just putting on a brave face. No one is that forgiving...

Scene Fade

Raphael and Ignatz have achieved Support Level C

Scene Transition

Finally, in Cloud's office, the former SOLDIER was impatiently tapping his foot as he waited for someone to come and pay him a visit. Luckily, the person didn't take long to arrive, Claude von Riegan. Who, as usual, was as chipper as ever.

Cloud: Claude.

Claude: Hey, Chief. Heard you needed something from me?

Cloud: Yeah, I do. (Puts a letter on the table) It's from the Alliance Table. I've gotten a number of complaints, mostly from Count Gloucester. It seems the council doesn't think you're taking things seriously.

Claude: (Sighs) Man, they just can't sit back...

Cloud: This is starting to become a problem, Claude. You've got a big brain, Claude. Yet you spend it on menial pranks and schemes. Why not put it towards bettering the Alliance. or all of Fódlan for that matter?

Claude: Right, right. Don't worry, I'll handle it. Say, by the way, there's been something I've been reaaaally interested in, if you can answer.

Cloud: (Sighs) (Bluntly and slightly annoyed) What?

Claude: What do you know about Teach? Someone with no connections to the church or even the whole religion of Seiros suddenly turns up with the ability to wield the most powerful Hero's Relic? Pretty, strange, isn't it?

Cloud: ...I'm going to pretend that I DIDN'T hear that, so YOU can keep breathing. Invading Byleth's personal life like that isn't something I want to do, so I'd advise against it.

Claude: Fine. Keep your secrets. I'll just hope she becomes more talkative later on. Well, if that's all, see ya.

As Claude turned to walk away, he gave Cloud a small wave with two of his fingers. Strangely, Cloud didn't seem to see Claude when he waved goodbye. Instead, he saw a young man with short, spiked black hair, and strangely... Wielding the very Buster Sword that Cloud uses now...

Cloud: (Gasps and stands up) Zack!?

Claude: (Turns to Cloud) (Confused) Huh? Zack? Sorry, Chief, but wrong name. I'm Claude, remember?

Cloud: Uh... R-Right... (Rubs his forehead) S-Sorry... Forget it.

Claude: Alright... But I'm curious about this Zack person. See ya, Chief.

Watching Claude leave the room, Cloud could only stare at his hands and the reflection of his face in his coffee, simply trying to figure out what he saw...

Cloud: R-Right... (Sits back down) What was that...?

Scene Fade

Claude and Cloud have attained Support Level C


The day had finally arrived, the Blue Lions, along with Catherine and Gilbert had all moved out towards the tower where the bandits were supposedly hiding out in. Standing outside the tower, Byleth, Dimitri, and Gilbert all prepared themselves for a battle, or whatever may come their way against the Lance of Ruin.

Dimitri: It should be in our sights soon, Professor. The abandoned tower those thieves are using as a base... Conand Tower.

Gilbert: This area was the site of a massive battle several hundred years ago. That's when invasions from the north were at their peak. Back then, this tower was built for both surveillance and defense. It will be difficult to seize it.

Dimitri: You're very well informed, Gilbert. Please, tell us more.

Gilbert: Well, I... Ah. You're joking.

Dimitri: Professor. Did you see the local villages? They were in rough shape, no doubt because of the thief attacks. They're not going to make it through the winter in that condition. If the thieves had taken up pillaging in order to survive, that would be deplorable... But understandable. But this... This is something else entirely. It looks as though they destroyed those villages purely for pleasure. No matter what their reasons may be, that sort of behavior cannot be allowed. Ever.

Byleth: Right. We'll cut them down, swiftly and without hesitation.

As everyone prepared themselves for the battle, Sylvain walked up to the three knights, an unusual serious expression on his face, for once, it seemed as though Sylvain was actually going to be taking this fight seriously.

Sylvain: Don't bother losing your head over those lowlifes, Your Highness. It's wasted effort.

Dimitri: Sylvain... The thieves' leader... The one who stole the Relic. Word has it he's your older brother. I know he's been disowned, but...

Sylvain: He is no longer a member of House Gautier... Or my brother. Miklan's nothing more than a common thief.

Dimitri: Are you sure about that? It would be understandable to find this situation... Well, regrettable, to say the least.

Sylvain: Regrets? Heh, you must be joking. You know we're far past the point of regret. And it always falls on the younger brother to clean up the mistakes of their elders, doesn't it?

Leaving Dimitri and the others with that message, Sylvain walked away back to his friends, preparing his lance for battle to finish his brother for good and make sure that he doesn't hurt anyone ever again, especially with the power of the Lance of Ruin.

Dimitri: This rain threatens a coming storm. We must hurry and begin our war council before the heavens let loose.

Byleth: (Nods) Right. Let's move, everyone!


After heading into the tower, everyone got their weapons ready, with Byleth even taking control of the Sword of the Creator once more. Properly this time. As everyone ran up the tower, Dimitri led everyone to the floor with all of the bandits, preparing his friends and reminding them of just how much danger they could be in if they get careless.

Gilbert: The enemy is close by. We're almost to the top floor.

Dimitri: They are merely thieves, but they have a Hero's Relic. Do not drop your guard.

Sylvain: Don't hold back for my sake. My brother is going to pay for everything he's done.

Byleth: Right. Everyone, move out!

Following the professor's orders, everyone started charging through the tower, clearing the way for everyone behind them. And, with the added assistance of both Thunderbrand and the Sword of the Creator, the Blue Lions would surely reach the top of the tower in no time at all.

As everyone pushed through the bandits, more voices could be heard from below. Unfortunately, Gilbert had predicted an ambush would be coming from the rear to catch everyone off-guard. In order to prevent this, Gilbert and some knights opted to trail further behind to allow the others to continue pressing forward without fear of facing more reinforcements.

Turning a corner to head closer to the top, more voices could be heard, signaling another ambush was coming. Ordering her class to keep going, Byleth and Catherine stayed behind to hold the bandits back, soon being joined by Gilbert and his knights, having finished off the bandits who came down from the lower levels of the tower.

Luckily, everything had gone off without much trouble, the bandits weren't able to keep up with the awesome power of the Sword of the Creator and Thunderbrand, making it so they ended up falling before they even got the chance to harm the students. After wrapping these battles up, Byleth and the others all made their way further up the tower, allowing everyone to catch up with the students.

Finally, after a long and grueling battle throughout the tower, everyone had finally reached the top of the tower, allowing them to finally face Miklan and retake the Lance of Ruin. Leading the charge, Sylvain, Dimitri, and Byleth all walked up the stairs to face Miklan and the Lance of Ruin.

Miklan: Why have you come, you Crest-bearing fool?

Sylvain: I'm here for the Lance of Ruin, Miklan. Hand it over. I don't want to humiliate
you, but I will.

Miklan: Hmph! Hurry up and die already. If not for you... If it hadn't been for you...

Sylvain: Shut up! I'm so tired of hearing that. You've always blamed me for something that isn't my fault.

Miklan: I see... So, you think you can take the lance from me, huh? I'll kill you... I'll kill every last one of you!

Charging at his brother, Sylvain and Miklan both clashed with their lances, fighting each other to the death to determine who would be the rightful owner of the Lance of Ruin. Surprisingly despite being up against a Hero's Relic, Sylvain was able to hold his own against his older brother most likely thanks to his Crest.

Backing him up, the Blue Lions all helped to gang up on Miklan and his remaining bandits. Slowly, Miklan found himself in a corner, no more bandits around to help him as they were all still trying to get back up the stairs. Left with no escape, Miklan was stuck, however, he remained confident as he still had the Lance of Ruin, believing he could still make it out of here alive.

Miklan: Not bad for your kind... A bunch of spoiled rotten children.

As the lightning crackles outside, Miklan attempts to use the Lance of Ruin's full power to completely obliterate everyone in his path. However, as the rogue heir attempted to use the lance's power, the Crest Stone within the lance, suddenly, a strange, red and black sludge-like substance started leaking from the Crest Stone, slowly consuming Miklan.

Miklan: What the hell?!

Slowly, the sludge starts to overtake Miklan, causing him to scream out in pain and agony as the Lance of Ruin seemingly rips him apart from the inside, causing all of the bandits to panic and retreat in fear of what's happening.

Bandit: Damn! Look at that... I'm outta here!

Second Bandit: Hold on!

Suddenly, Miklan was completely consumed by the sludge-like substance, drowning out Miklan's voice until all that could be heard was this garbled strange roar... Miklan, was gone now... All that remained...

Was a massive, hulking, Black Beast...

The one bandit who stayed behind was left completely horrified by the strange Black Beast that Miklan has become. Turning his attention to the bandit, the beast grabbed the man and killed him, holding him in his hand, showing how Miklan's humanity was now completely gone...

Bandit: No!

Standing up at his full height, the beast roars and turns his attention to the class, preparing to destroy everything in sight. Now, the class was done fighting humans, but now... It was time to fight a monster.

The Black Beast roars at the class, shocking everyone that saw him. Luckily, because of this, all the remaining bandits in the tower had cleared out in fear of their leader, causing them all to run straight into the knights waiting outside with the Golden Deer. However, the beast wasn't going to let anyone get away alive...

Black Beast: Graaaargh!!!

Sylvain: What the-Miklan?! Is that you?!

Sothis: That form... Oh my. Is this your first time fighting such a thing? Then listen well to what I say.

Following Sothis's orders, Byleth listens to her words, and starts listening to Sothis's advice on how to fight against such a giant monster. After hearing her out, Byleth, now armed with the knowledge she needs to fight against the monster, was still left with one last question in her mind...

Byleth: How did you learn all this anyways?

Sothis: But you should be conquering that thing instead of talking to me! If you're out of questions, get over there and fight!

Charging the beast, the Blue Lions all worked hard to slowly chip away at the beast's outer shell of armor, however, once the beast turned his attention towards Sylvain, the young heir froze in horror, terrified as to what his brother had become.

Sylvain: What is that? It's like watching a bad dream come to life.

Black Beast: Graaaargh!

The fight continued to drag on, everyone slowly getting more and more worn out, but luckily, the beast's armor was broken completely, allowing Byleth and Catherine to completely destroy the beast, killing it and bringing an end to this long and arduous battle.

Black Beast: Graaaargh!

Gilbert: Goddess... The beast is gone, yet Miklan and the Lance remain.

Dimitri: It's over... Let's retrieve the lance and leave this place.

Sylvain: Miklan... My brother...

The battle was finally over, Miklan was now dead. And the Lance of Ruin was now safely back in the hands of Sylvain and the Church of Seiros, never to fall into enemy hands again... Despite the horrifying revelation of Miklan turning into a monster, the mission was a success, and now, it was time to head home...


On her way to the audience chamber to give her report to Rhea and Seteth about the battle, Sothis called to Byleth again, reaching into her mind to talk to her about what happened with Miklan and the Lance of Ruin.

Sothis: That man... His form was changed. It was as though that lance was swallowing him whole. Upon that sight, it makes sense that your students were upset. I wonder if those Relics truly hide such power? Yet even still, that power seems familiar. That form as well... As one who wields the Sword of the Creator... Does that mean you possess that power too?

Byleth: (Shudders) I hope not... I don't plan to become a monster anytime soon.

After finishing their little conversation, Byleth made her way to the audience chamber where Rhea and Cloud were waiting for her to arrive and give the report on the mission and return the Lance of Ruin to House Gautier.

Rhea: Professor, you have returned. The goddess is indeed generous with her divine protection. I have already heard Gilbert's report about what happened. See to it that you keep what transpired at the tower to yourself. People would lose faith in the nobles should rumors spread of one using a Relic and transforming into a monster. All regions of Fódlan would fall into chaos. We must avoid that at all costs. Please ensure the students who accompanied you understand that as well. Have I made myself clear?

Byleth: Of course.

Rhea: His transformation into a Black Beast was nothing short of divine punishment from the goddess. Punishment for someone arrogant and foolish enough to use a Hero's Relic even though they were unworthy and unqualified.

Byleth: Will I share that same fate?

Rhea: If someone without a Crest were to wield the Relic you possess, they would likely meet the same fate as Miklan. You, however, have been chosen. You are worthy of wielding the Sword of the Creator, so there is no need to worry. Now then, the church will formally return the lance to House Gautier. If you would...

Byleth: I'm sorry... But I will not.

Rhea: What is the meaning of this?

Cloud: Ooh, rebellious aren't we? Where's this side of you been?

After hearing this que, Sylvain opened the door to the audience chamber to speak with Rhea regarding what they would do with the Lance of Ruin. Proposing an idea as to what they should do.

Sylvain: Ahem, excuse me. (Walks in) Lady Rhea, I am overjoyed and beyond grateful to you for recovering the Relic of my family, House Gautier. Now, may I please have that lance? I have received direct approval from my father to take possession of it.

Rhea: As the next head of House Gautier, do you swear that you will never cause such a deplorable incident to transpire?

Sylvain: On my family's name... And on my brother's life, I swear it.

Rhea: Very well. However, I have one condition. You must never allow another to wield this lance. Your brother clearly demonstrated what fate awaits those who break that restriction.

Sylvain: Yes. I... I will not soon forget.


Later on in the afternoon, Byleth had returned to her classroom where Dimitri was waiting for her to return, hoping to hear what had gone on with the meeting with Rhea, although, something seemed to be wrong with him, almost as if there was something on his mind.

Dimitri: Is your meeting over, Professor?

Byleth: Yeah... What's wrong? You look troubled.

Dimitri: I was just thinking about something. Professor... The possession of Relics and Crests has been highly valued in Faerghus since ancient times. It's far from uncommon for someone to lose their ability to lead their house because they don't bear a Crest. Just like Miklan. It happened to my uncle as well. The eldest child of the king, and yet he never ascended to the throne. All families whose bloodlines carry Crests of the 10 Elites are much the same. But House Gautier takes it a step further, and absolutely requires an heir who possesses a Crest.

Byleth: Why are they so obsessed? And House Gautier in particular?

Dimitri: To that house, the power of Crests is a necessity, not a luxury. House Gautier holds the most northern territory in the Kingdom, and they have fought with the people to the north for many years. The head of that house is responsible for protecting that territory from fearsome invaders, whom they keep at bay with the power of Crests and Relics. In exchange for that responsibility, they are granted special privileges within the Kingdom.

Byleth: Their Crests grant them special privileges?

Dimitri: In a way. That said, ability cannot be measured by the possession of a Crest alone... I believe that Margrave Gautier was wrong to disinherit Miklan because he did not bear a Crest. Still, there is always a reason for why such customs stand the test of time. Imagine what this world would be like if no one placed any stock in Crests... Bloodlines that carry Crests would dwindle. The metaphorical blade used to oppose threats would eventually rest. This same argument has been made time and time again across the years. Both sides are at once right and wrong.

Byleth: What do you believe, Dimitri?

Dimitri: I believe those with Crests and those without should acknowledge the others' strengths and learn to respect each other based on personal merits. And that doesn't apply only to Crests. The same holds true for lineage, race, faith, ideologies... If we could just accept each other and make mutual concessions, one step at a time... Perhaps... Who knows if that's even possible. Everyone has something that is unacceptable within them. I certainly do, and I'd wager you do as well. I wonder which is best, Professor... To cut away that which is unacceptable, or to find a way to accept it anyway...

Byleth: Yeah...


Over in the library, Cloud and Claude were both discussing the events in the tower, recalling the strange and horrifying events that took place with Miklan and the Lance of Ruin.

Claude: Nice work, Chief. It's thanks to Teach that we successfully completed our mission. As for Miklan... I wonder if he really believed he could wield a Relic.

Cloud: Who's to say.

Claude: I bet he just wanted to get his hands on it, even though he knew he couldn't use it. Though I'm sure he wasn't counting on turning into a monster like that... I wonder if that monster represents another aspect of the Heroes' Relics. What a strange and terrifying power.

Cloud: Seems so... Who knows.

As the two continued to discuss and debate what happened with Miklan and the lance, Tomas came up to the two of them to offer some more of his wisdom and knowledge on the Crests and the Hero's Relics.

Tomas: Stories of misfortune have followed the Heroes' Relics since ancient times.

Claude: Tomas! You've caught me by surprise. That's not easy to do. Though I suppose I should've expected to see our librarian in his library.

Tomas: I am sorry to intrude. I simply heard you speaking of the Heroes' Relics. I can tell you more about them, if you'd like. The story goes that Nemesis was corrupted by evil because of the Sword of the Creator. Other Heroes also lost themselves by continuing to use the Relics... Transforming into Black Beasts with twisted souls. There used to be a great many records regarding the dark history of the Relics.

Claude: Used to be?

Tomas: They have been destroyed, across all of Fódlan. Stripped from their shelves, including those that resided at this very library.

Claude: You make it sound like the church is covering up the truth. But now that you mention it, Rhea was very specific about not wanting anyone to find out what happened at Conand Tower. Hey Tomas... Why are you telling us all this?

Tomas: It seemed like you were searching for answers about the Relics. What is a librarian if not a guide in the search for knowledge. And not only have you been searching, but you have been doing so through the night. I would suggest you stop before the knights notice. And that is enough meddling for today. Please excuse me.

Turning away, Tomas left the others to continue their debate to try and figure out what the relics and the Crests meant in the wider world. Unfortunately, it seemed as though all their answers only led to more questions.

Claude: So I've been found out, have I? I suppose I do spend more time at the library than most students. But I won't stop. I can't afford to.

Cloud: Claude... What are you after?

Claude: Chief... You don't really expect me to tell you something so personal like that, do you? Though, I wouldn't mind sharing if you were to tell me some of your secrets in exchange...

As Claude and Cloud stared each other down, one more person came in to interrupt their little standoff. Edelgard. Walking over to them, the Adrestian Princess sought to offer her advice in the matter between the two of them.

Edelgard: I can't let this exchange pass without comment... If you're sharing secrets, perhaps I can share one as well?

Claude: Are you sure you could survive that? I'd say you're the least likely to share secrets out of everyone at the academy.

Edelgard: (Chuckles) Heh heh, coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment. After all, you're easily the student with the most secrets.

Claude: I'm afraid you overestimate me. My secrets don't amount to much. But back to Chief...

Edelgard: Don't try to change the subject, Claude. We're talking about secrets. Yours. Who is your father? And why did you appear so suddenly, as if from nowhere? Duke Riegan's eldest son died in an accident. Having tragically lost other family members as well, he was without an heir. The Alliance would undoubtedly have been shaken if House Riegan had lost its position of leadership. But then you showed up. Why did you return to House Riegan? What brought you to the monastery?

Cloud: Okay, Edelgard, calm down. You asked him ten questions before he could even answer one. He doesn't have to answer if he doesn't want to.

Claude: Oh boy. I'm trapped here. I have no choice but to surrender under your intimidating gazes.

Cloud: I'm seriously going to kill you one day.

Claude: My dream, in truth, is a selfless dream. But I require power to make it a reality. When I learned about the power of my Crest, I knew I had a chance. So I'm chasing that dream. To the bitter end, if need be. I came to this monastery because I thought I might find someone useful. Someone to help me on my path. So, what do you think? If you promise to help me achieve my dream no matter what, I'll promise to tell you anything.

Edelgard: (Shakes her head) I have my own dream to tend to. I pray that yours does not interfere with mine.

Claude: What about you, Chief?

Cloud: I think it's a pretty noble dream, Claude.

Claude: I see. Well, now isn't the time to discuss this. You are still my Chief, after all.


Later in the audience chamber, Byleth and Cloud were already getting their tasks for the month from Lady Rhea. Who was as calm and serene as alway, providing the two professors with guidance for their missions.

Rhea: Professor, you have done well to complete such a difficult task. You have shown exceptional skill in leading your students. I am forever grateful for the safe return of the Hero's Relic. Just as I expected, you have mastered the Sword of the Creator. Now then, I shall tell you two about your missions for the coming month...

Suddenly, the doors to the chambers bursted open, where suddenly, Seteth busted in... Shockingly, he seemed scared, panicked, and terrified about something horrible going on.

Seteth: (Panicked) Rhe- Archbishop!

Rhea: Seteth, what troubles you?

Seteth: Flayn is missing! I cannot find her anywhere! (Turns to Byleth and Cloud) Professor, Cloud, have either of you seen Flayn recently?

Cloud: Hmm... Now that you mention it, I haven't. She hasn't been around in a while.

Byleth: Have you looked everywhere?

Seteth: I have searched every corner I can think of! I could not find her anywhere. She may be in danger! Oh no... No, no! What am I to do?!

Rhea: Calm yourself, Seteth. Professors, we shall continue our discussion another time.

The two professors nod, acknowledging that they would both have to postpone their missions for the month to help lead the search to find Flayn. Wherever she may be... All they could do now was pray for her safety until they found her... And hopefully, it would be with her in one piece and safe and sound...


Later, Claude and Cloud both walked through the monastery late at night to do some snooping. However, as they were exploring, they came across something peculiar... Something that seemed rather out of place in the picture-perfect monastery...

Claude: Now that's a strange looking thing. What do you think that is?

Cloud: I'm not sure. Let's just ignore it.

Claude: Hold on... I know we should be searching for Flayn... But... Aren't you a little curious as to what's down there...?

Looking back down at the strange thing, Cloud simply nodded, realizing that they found something interesting that they could explore and find some more secrets about the monastery... A secret buried underneath the monastery... A secret in the depths... A secret...

In the abyss...

Cloud: Okay... Let's go in.

A/N: Here we go! Gonna take a break from the main story real quick for the next few chapters to go through Cindered Shadows and meet the Ashen Wolves! This ought to be fun and provide me with a nice break from all the long chapters that I've been releasing lately with this story. So, yeah! It's time for the DLC! I'm excited, I hope you're excited, so, see ya guys later!

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