One Kiss Left

By billieeilishsslut15

33.7K 838 98

"Don't you think that skirt is short for you?" She says, changing the subject and taking another long hit fro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 15

1.1K 28 1
By billieeilishsslut15

Heaven's pov

I've spent the last few weeks trying to figure out who trashed Valentina's locker and her car. I've been getting headaches everyday trying to find good evidence towards anyone at this point. I don't even have a suspect anymore.

The reason I'm not saying it's gross boy anymore is because the day that the locker was being demolished, gross boy was practicing on the football field.

There was no way he could've done everything at a span of time. Unless he's smart, but we all know that's not true.

Alan told me that he was there all morning, and for some reason, I truly believe him. Maybe because he's telling the truth for once and not constantly lying straight to my face.

As I'm walking to my locker, I see Valentina with Gina laughing at something that's probably stupid. Litreally they laugh at the most stupidest things ever and it's annoying.

Valentina has her hair down with two strands of braids hanging loosely from her face. She is wearing a denim skirt and a pink crop top with her doc martens paired with it.

She looks so pretty it's litreally undeniable. Wait... did I just call her pretty? And why did my stomach feel weird when I said that?

Maybe I'm hungry or something. It definitely has to be that.

"Hey loser." I hear one of my bestfriends, Fernanda, call out pulling me out of my glance on Valentina. I turn around and smile at her softly, before closing my locker.

"Hey bitch." I reply, giving her a playful punch in the shoulder.

"What have you been up to? I barely see you now." Fernanda says with a pout plastered on her face.

With everything going on, I haven't had time to hang out with Fernanda and Deena. My brain is fried, I feel so stressed, and I'm not even the one getting threatened. Well, people know better anyways, everyone is scared of me.

"I know, I've just been busy lately." I sigh, running my fingers through the locks of my hair.

"With what? Fucking your boyfriend?" Fernanda says ironically, since she knows about his one-inch dick and how it doesn't satisfy me.

I laugh and roll my eyes playfully, before walking up to Valentina and Gina. Gina instantly squeals and hugs Fernanda tightly peckering kisses all over her face. I truly envy that they can just do that without feeling uncomfortable or.. without the homophobic comments from others.

"Okay that's enough, I don't want to be a third-wheeler." Valentina says crossing her arms and frowning.

My god she's adorable.

Wait what? What the fuck??? No. No way I just said that. What is wrong with me?

"Ummm, Heaven?"

I look up at Fernanda who's calling me, and she points behind me. I then around almost instantly only to be met upon my boyfriend kissing Stacey, one of the cheerleaders on my team with his hands on her waist. How fucking pathetic of him.

I shrug and shift my body towards Fernanda who look at at me in shock, as well as Gina and Valentina who looks confused.

"You don't care that he's kissing another girl in front of you?" Valentina questions, and I shake my head.

It's simple. I don't really love Alan, and as I've stated before, I'm only with him because he gives me more popularity in this school. Once we break up, my popularity will go down almost 50 percent. Plus, it's everyone's fantasy. Everyone wants us to be together because of our status. He's the captain of the football team, and I'm the captain of the cheerleading team. He's rich, and I'm rich. I didn't even want to be with him, till my dad basically forced me to get with him, since he's good friends with Alan's dad.

"Not really. He'll get bored with her and come running back to him, so he always chooses me." I say, not giving a shit about him or this situation in general. He cheats on me everyday with different girls, he's a man whore.

"That's sad," Gina utters, her arm wrapped around Fernandas.

Before I can speak, Valentina beats me to it. Like always.

"You deserve so much better than him though, and you know it. Like let's face it, I don't hate you, and I may dislike you a slight bit, but you're so pretty and although you're a bitch, you deserve a guy who really cares about you and does not cheat on you." Valentina says with a smile, which causes me to smile with my dimples showing.

Why am I smiling? Stop smiling you idiot!

Internally, I want to hug her for saying that to me, but I don't. All I do is nod and smile at her, like a dumbass.

I turn around again and walk over without any explanation to Alan and Stacey. I clear my throat, which causes the attention of both of them. Alan widens his eyes, as well as Stacey because they're scared. As they should be!

I mean did they think they won't get caught since they're in the middle of the damn hallway? Like, be more smart.

"Hey babe." Alan smiles nervously, averting his eyes to the ground ashamed.

"So this is what you do? Cheat on me with a girl that looks like a literal rat." I emphasized to Stacey. She opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. What a pussy.

"No babe it wasn't like that. Okay yes, you saw me kissing her but that's only because you don't give me attention! I mean... whenever I want to hang out with you, you always say no or say that you're busy." Alan retorts.

Is he seriously going there? Is he really making an excuse for cheating on me?

"I actually have a fucking life, unlike you. I'm sorry I don't spend all of my time fucking people all day, like you. Stop trying to make excuses for cheating on me," I say angrily staring deeply into his eyes. Valentina, Gina, and Fernanda are now beside me trying to support me with an unknown hand on my shoulder.

"Also, we're over. I cannot have you cheating me, while I'm here being faithful to you." I finish off, and Alan shakes his head disagreeing with me.

"You can't break up with me-" He tries to say, but I cut him off with my hand.

"Yes, I can. I can do anything that I want to, so don't even try to talk." I say. I look over to Valentina who looks at me in pure misery.

"Oh come on baby, you know you're going to miss me. Either way, everyone wants us to be together even your father. What will you say to your little daddy when he questions you?" Alan asks, which got me thinking.

My father is someone that I don't want to piss off. Sure he and my mom aren't together anymore, but still, it wouldn't be right for me to disobey him even though it's not what I want. I didn't want to date Alan in the first place, but my father insisted that I do so.

I hate my father. Part of me wants to just kill him, so I can live the life I want to, yet I can't. He's more powerful than I am.

I stay quiet. I don't speak, until I hear a familiar voice speak for me.

"She doesn't want you."

Valentina. Oh god, this isn't going to be good.

Alan smirks and licks his lips hungrily, looking at Valentina up and down like she's some type of meal. Not on my watch.

"You want me or what?" Alan smugs, and Valentina quickly shakes her head and gags dramatically at the words he says. Stacey from beside Alan, leaves without any context. Well.. thank god that snake left.

"Hell no. What makes you think that?"

"You sounded jealous, so I assume you want to be with me," Alan says in a snarky voice, and the final bell rings after what feels like years of arguing.

This motherfucker will pay.


"Heaven, get back with him now. Do you know how bad this looks for me? And for you!" My father shouts.

Here we go again with the same old shit that I always deal with. My father is giving me a whole lecture on how he needs me to get back together with Alan because of his reputation and because his, 'best friend' is Alan's father.

Why should I care though? Oh right, because he's little Mr. Perfect who's the mayor of this horrible city.

"No Dad, I said no. He cheated on me, he always does. What's the point? I mean... do you even care?" I ask upset, while I fiddle my fingers on the chair I'm sitting in.

He never understands me and that's the problem with him. He doesn't listen to anything I say or do.

"Get over yourself, Heaven. If he cheated on you, then so be it. Stop being a baby." My father says, pushing his glasses up that were on the bridge of his nose.

"This is the reason why my mom left your ass. You never listen, and you only care about yourself. I get it, you're the mayor and have very high values in this city, but I'm your daughter. You need to get your head off the gutter, and be there for me like the father you're supposed to be." I spit out, causing my father to get up from his seat and head towards me.

"What did you say to me?" He clenches his jaw in fiery. I gulp in fear and try to stand up, but his strong shoulders push me down.

"You know it's true," I mumble quietly, but enough for him to hear me because he slaps me across the face. My phone signaled that I got a text message, but I couldn't read from whom.

"Don't you ever speak to me that way again? You know better than to do that. I've supported you up until I left, and now you're speaking to me as if I haven't."

I sit here ashamed that I let him lay a hand on me without fighting back. This is the first that he has done this, but I never not even Alan, got the chance to touch me in any sort of way.

"Fuck you," I exclaim, and walk out of his office door.

I grab my phone from my back pocket and read the text message in confusion and a slight bit of passion.

Valentina: hey ummm, idk if you know this number but if you don't, it's Valentina lol. I got your number from Fernanda. Anyways, are you okay??? I just wanted to check up on you because I know how it feels to go through a breakup like that. anywaysss I'll shut up and let you answer. byeee ˙ᵕ˙

I smile at her dorkiness and decide to answer back in the middle of the hallway. I don't even care where I am at this point.

Me: thanks for checking up on me, i feel better now! :) 

I quickly walk over to the elevator and press the button to bring me downstairs to the lobby.

Valentina: You're very welcome. if you need anything, although you hate me. I'm always here for you.

My head flips into a thousand butterflies when she sends that. Why am I feeling this way?

Me: I don't hate you.

It's true. I don't hate her. Yes sometimes I'm mean to her and make fun of her, but that's just the way I am with everyone. I can't help it.

Valentina: I find that hard to believe. You're always rude to me ˙◠˙

That emoji is the cutest thing ever, and I can picture her face just making that face. The elevator dings and I walk out of the door and head towards my car.

Me: I try not to be though. Anyways, thanks for checking up on me. I'm fine.

Truth is, I'm not fine. I feel like taking my anger out on something, but I don't know what.

Valentina: my senses are telling me that you're not. how about we hang out somewhere?? Just to get your mind off things. we don't even have to talk or look at each other— we can just chill.

Do I really want to hang out with Valentina? Yes.

Me: I'll pick you up. be ready!

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