Eluding Darkness: Luxvell Hig...

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Forcibly transferred into an exclusive school for the aspiring members of the Luxvell mafia, Athena Rei Valde... Mer

Chapter 1: Luxvell High
Chapter 2: Identity Unravelled
Chapter 3: Warm Welcome
Chapter 4: Adjustments
Chapter 5: Cambridge
Chapter 6: Against the Odds
Chapter 7: Curiosity and Conclusion
Chapter 8: The Murder
Chapter 9: Stay Away
Chapter 10: Samuel
Chapter 11: The Warning
Chapter 12: Foundation Day
Chapter 13: Masquerade
Chapter 14: The Nightmare
Chapter 15: The Nightmare 2
Chapter 16: Getting Over
Chapter 17: Sudden Change
Chapter 18: Parting
Chapter 19: Threat
Chapter 20: The Corpses
Part II: Eluding Darkness: Luxvell High (Darkness Remains)
Chapter 21: Cover Up
Chapter 22: His Request
Chapter 23: Blackmail
Chapter 24: It's Gregory
Chapter 25: Night in his Mansion
Chapter 26: Agreed
Chapter 27: Unwinding
Chapter 28: Admirer
Chapter 29: Two Inflicted Pain
Chapter 30: Meet Again
Chapter 31: Fieldtrip
Chapter 32: Fieldtrip 2
Chapter 33: Once Again
Chapter 35: Going Back
Chapter 36: Daybreak
Chapter 37: Start of the Nightmare
Chapter 38: Rules
Chapter 39: The Mafia Game
Chapter 40: Blames
Chapter 41: Second Stage
Chapter 42: Great Escape
Chapter 43: Lose one but Save one
Chapter 44: Left Behind
Chapter 45: Monsters
Chapter 46: Heir's Downfall
Chapter 47: Elude

Chapter 34: Hope and Concern

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Av aerxxn

THE rain stopped from pouring. He's carrying me on a piggy-back ride because my left leg was hurt and I can't walk.

We're both quiet as we head back to the camp site.

It's so dark and i cant even see anything around us, yet, Gregory was able to walk like he can see everything, even the bumps or some obstacles on the way. He's amazing.

“Uhm, why aren't you bumping on something? We don't have a light yet you walked like nothing...” I finally asked.

His body stiffened, then he laughed a little. I feel embarrassed on what I just asked.

“Because I can see the path, that's why I can walk freely...” He replied in an obvious manner.

“Seriously? Its really dark yet you can see the way?” I asked again in disbelief.

“I said yes...” He replied like he's done with me. My bad.

“I trained myself to see in the darkness...” He added.

I nodded and hugged even more on his neck..

“You're really are a vampire...” I aaod and chuckled.

“And why?” He shortly asked, amused on what I said.

“Aside from having this pale skin, you can actually see in the dark. Vampires were described as that...” I said with a bragging tone.

“So it infers that I'm a monster...”

“Yes, you are...” I proudly replied.

Yes, he's a monster, especially when he gets furious.

A faint light coming from the campsite reach us but he halted for awhile. I can see his face now near mine.

“Vampires are monsters that only exist on myths...”

I'm just staring on his perfect face while he's too serious while speaking.

“In the world of humanity, killers are classified as monsters, and I am one of them...”

I feel bad all of a sudden. His tone is quite sad.

“B-but, you kill because you have a reason, right? Is that classified as a monster?”

I felt his body stiffened. He became quiet for some seconds, I guess he's thinking.

After some seconds, he tilted his head and looked at me behind him.

“I killed tons of people, and I don't know if they all deserve to die or some of them were just innocent...”

That's my moment to be silent. I dont know what to say anymore because I don't know much about him. I feel a bit guilty.

When I first met him, I judged him as an absolutely outrageous person that you mustn't deal with. Then I realized why, because he is a heir of a mafia group. I just now comprehended that a person has reasons on his behavior and action.

“I'm a monster, and that's already showed off...” His tone changed to a bragging one and smirked at me.

“You seemed so proud about it...” I rolled my eyes on him.

“At least, I'm not hideous...” He argued.

“What hideous? So there are pretenders huh?”

He chuckled and holy, it's a sweet music in my ears.

“Everyone has a monster within themselves. Don't be deceived on what you can only see. You are one of those hideous monsters as well, anyway...” He quoted.

My brow raised on what he said. So he implied that I'm hideous monster? He's making me laugh, seriously.

“Killing me in your mind is what a hideous monster do. I'm aware that youre doing it before...” He chuckles.

I was caught off guard! I can't reason out anymore and just pouted. He's right.

He proceeded to walk and continued speaking.

“Thinking for someone's harm is a hideous act too. Everyone is guilty about it, no exemption. Everyone has monsters inside them...”

I nodded and unable to replied anymore. He's giving me lessons.

“ATHEN!” I heard Chelsea shouted when we arrived on the field.

Gregory brought me to them. All the Class A were there too.

“Waaaaaahhh!” She cried.

“I'm fine Chels, calm down...” I hissed.

It seems that everyone is in the gymnasium. Only the Class A and F were outside and perhaps, waiting for us.

“Someone confessed that Athena was intentionally pushed on the cliff...” I heard Blake told Gregory.

“Who?” He asked and I feel his mood changes.

Blake was right. I was pushed, that's all I know.

“She's in the building...” Blake replied.

Gregory, Terrence and Blake split ways with us as they head towards the big building.

My friends guided me to walk and we followed Charled and Cendrick.

After a couple of minutes, we entered a white room. I realized that it's a clinic.

“Lay her down...” Cendrick ordered.

My friends helped me out. I hissed as my back touched the clinic bed.

“Athen, where does it hurt? Your left leg was badly hurt too...” Chelsea worriedly inquired beside me.

“My back. It possibly bumped on something hard like rock or the roots of the tree...” I whimpered.

Gian, Kenzo and Charles were just silent on a corner while sitting at the lengthy couch.

“Let me check your leg...” Cendrick came close to see.

Chelsea twirled my pants on the left part. She carefully did that and there, my leg has a big abrasion. It's too severe.

CENDRICK started treating the bruise with a cold compress. Everyone was tight-lipped inside the clinic.

“Marga pushed Athena, one of the Class E witnessed that...”

We all gaze at Charles who broke the silence among us.

“I don't wonder why...” Gian madly mumbled.

“Let them handle her...” Cendrick said while busy on treating me.

Everyone became silent again.

The clinic has a wide room and the equipments were all complete. It's well lighted and the ambiance is easing. The skyblue curtain complemented the atmosphere it's giving.

“Lets went out. I'll call the nurse so she will check Athena's back...” Cendrick stood up and smiled at me.

The four of them instantly followed Cendrick and they went out of the room. Cendrick gestured me to wait for awhile before he finally closed the door.

Minutes had past after the door opened again and a beautiful nurse entered. She's the nurse from the campus. I just remembered that Cendrick had a crush on her.

“It's been awhile...” She said as a greeting then smiled at me.

“Yeah, it is. Unfortunately, we're only meeting each other once my body was beat up...” I frowned. I just noticed that.

She laughed softly and prepared her stuff to be used.

She didn't waste any time and instantly checked my back. She said that I got a huge abrasion there too. I hissed because of the cold compress she placed there. It's too cold and my back truly hurts.

“I just hope that next time, we'll meet each other while youre in a good state, not with this bad condition anymore...” She said and chuckled once again.

I chuckled too. After she told me everything that must needed to be done, she called my friends back inside.

They're now guiding me out of the clinic. We're walking on a lengthy hallway heading to the exit of the building.

The two Class A were busy on talking ahead of us. We're just following a bit farther behind.

“Too bad, I think we won't win the game...” Gian said.

“Im sorry about it...” I murmured. That was sad.

“Hey! Cheer up! It's not your fault. If only that freak doll Marga didn't hindered, maybe we got our chance, you know...” Chelsea complained with an irritated tone.

“It's just fine. What's important is your safe Athena...” Kenzo said and pat my shoulder.

It's sad but it's okay. I know that everyone in Class felt the same too and were concerned.

We arrived at the gymnasium. The time had finally come to announced the winner of the team-building activity.

Charles and Cendrick bids as we parted ways. Some students were eyeing us, specifically, to me.

I guess they have an idea on what just happened. It's humiliating on my side.

“You okay now? I'm sorry, we hadn't noticed...”

I gawked at Christopher as he speak to me. I answered him by a nod and a thumbs up.

Ervene looks at me too and nod. I guess he meant that it's just fine.

My other classmates asked too and I appreciate everyones care.

The announcement finally started. Celine announced the result on stage and as expected, we didn't made it.

“Our team-building winner for this event will be the Class E!”

Class E rejoiced on the result. It's sad for our group but we need to be happy for them.

I clapped when all of them goes up in the stage to claim their award. They're too lucky to have a holiday trip for all their Class together.

Celine shows the tally result and explained it...

“It's unfortunate to the three Classes who supposed to be at the high rankings...” She started.

“Class F was supposed to claim the spot as they got the black flag which valued the highest point...”

Everyone's reaction varies. Mostly was amused that we got it. Perhaps, that's what we have to be bragged, it's cool enough.

“But unfortunately, one member of their team didn't came back on time and went missing...” She continued.

I sighed deep, does it need to be announced too?

“The same goes to Class A. One member didn't make it on time...” Celine said and glanced on her class.

I looked at them and there's Gregory, cross-armed and just quiet. Raven patted his shoulder and chuckled, I guess he's teasing him.

“And for the Class B, unfortunately, they are disqualified for some reason...”

Everyone is just listening and not making any noise.

“We need to follow the mechanics of the game that's why we came up to the result. Congratulations once again to the winning team!”

Everyone clapped for the winner. After the announcement, a bountiful meal was served for everybody.

There's a big boufet served for us. There's a lot of food on the lengthy table and the party was on because of the loud party songs.

Its like were on a promenade.

There's a chocolate fountain and a lot of pastries and sweets.

Kenzo instantly went on the boufet table to have a chew. There's nothing new. That's Kenzo.

I'm just watching them gaily. They even took some foods for me and we ate all together in the class.

THIS will be the last activity for the night and before the field trip ends.

We're chanting while the bonfire was set to gave us light.

Blake takes over and lead the activity. As the chanting ended, he grabbed the microphone and faced everyone.

“Greetings, Luxvellians...” Everyone transfixed their eyes on him.

“Before this event ends, I would like to say that it was fun...” Blake announced and for the first time, I saw him smile.

“This activity is a tradition of our academy. This is for the graduating senior year of Luxvell High...”

It was like yesterday, I started my senior days in Luxvell but now, we are already reaching the end.

“We aimed for this event to have a great bond with everyone before we parted ways to achieve our different goals...” Blake resumed.

“Tonight, I would like everyone to write their hopes and concerns in a small piece of paper...”

Members of the Student Council started to hand us papers and ballpoints...

“After writing down, I'm requesting my Class to present what's with their papers...”

I chuckled when I hear some complaining from the Class A.

When I got the pen and paper, I started writing down my hopes and concerns.

“I hope that we can see Reinne again...” Chelsea mumbled. That's what Im about to write too.

Kenzo and Gian peeks at her, I guess we're writing the same hope on this small sheet.

I smiled bitterly while looking at the phrases I wrote down...

'I hope that we'll find Reinne soon'
'I hope everything will be fine as what Sam said'

I hold my tears to shred. There's a lot of awful things happened.

I wished it was enough. I don't wanna be bound on nightmares of the past.

Blake goes in front and showed his paper.

“After reading this, I'll burn this letter, wishing this to happen or perish...”

He opened his letter and cleared his throat to speak.

“This year is a tough year for all. I hope everyone is coping up with it until we graduated...”

As he ended, everyone applauded then he burned his letter on the bonfire.

“Next, Chandria Jung...”

She stood and and went beside Blake and read her letter.

“Honestly, the previous happenings were unbearable. I hope to be home...” She said.

I know like her, everyone felt the same way too...

Next was Charles, the most jolly one of them.

“To be honest too, I'm worried for the coming days...” He startsd.

“What I'm hoping is, I hope my twin will become a bit kinder to me...” Everyone cackled then he went on.

“And also, for Sam, I hope you are doing well now from above dude..”

I stared on him, he's looking up and smiling.

Reinne onced said that Sam and Charles get along with each other. I never saw them together but seeing how Charles smile with sadness makes me wanna cry... 

After that, he bowed his head and burned his paper.

“Hi everyone...”

Seive is smiling and some girls giggled in admiration.

“I hope we will last forever, Yzel...” Seive said with much love.

“And also, I hope to create a band group, pursue my passion and become a band leader...”

I clapped my hand as he burned the paper.

“I wished to become a skillful hacker in the future...” Neon said next.

“I hope I can minimize cussing all the time...” Raven confessed. I laughed a bit on it.

“I hope I can go visit my relatives abroad...” Rinzuki said. He's too introvert.

“Hi, your Clinic assistant is here...” Cendrick greeted and everyone shrieked.

“I just hope that this year that my crush will noticed my feelings...” He laughed.

The crowd of girls got excited and some asked who's the lucky girl, but Cendrick refused to tell.

“Moreover, I hope I'll achieve my goal as a doctor...”

Celine was next and get the microphone.

“Like everyone said, I hope too that these coming days, everything will be in it's proper order...” She smiled then proceeded.

“And, I'm hoping that we reached a higher level with someone I admired for  years...”

I quite stiffened on what she said. Everyone reacted and chanted Gregory's name.

Even though I know Gregory's feelings for me, I'm still hurt because Celine is here.

I looked down and play with my paper while everyone still kept on chanting.

I only looked back as Terrence went in front. It's been a while since the last time I talked to him.

“I just hope that you take good care of yourself once that day come. I wish you all the luck, yet I know you can annihilate 'em all once you shred who you are...”

Of all I heard, Terrence's message was the mysterious one.

Everyone applauded. I think everyone was on the dark about what hes letter  mean.

I transfixed myself to Gregory as he finally stood. All went silent as he took over.

He didn't made a single glance to everyone and peered at the content of his paper...

“My concern...”

It's like no one moved a muscle as they waited for him to resume.

“Having great responsibility sucks. I'd rather not have this name for it has a heavy burden to carry...” He said.

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