demon's favorite

By lampterracoon

2.7K 132 1.2K

Tommy took in his,brother ranboo that he got custody of after his adopted dad (philza) passed away though the... More

morning routine
an unfamiliar fellow
ranboo's therapy session!🤭🎉
invader (we are getting to the LORE!)
who's bil?
awakening the unwoken
learning the truth
trip to lamanburg
trip to lamanburh pt-2
the dream
discussion pt-2? (running out of titles!!)

telling the truth

150 6 57
By lampterracoon

Okay soooooo Tommy facts!!!!!

So like when he was little,he was in the circus and there were animal as yk? It's the circus

And there also was this elephant,Tommy loved all of the animals equally and adore them and had even some who didn't had it

So Tommy named an elephant at the circus,as you PROBABALY has guessed it





(Third pov?)

He’s not really much of a fourteen-year-old, is he?” bil said, still amused, “He’s so possessive of you already. I wonder why phil didn’t think of that when he left the kid to you. What am I saying? Of course he thought of it.”

“Get out!” Ranboo repeated. The gun didn’t even shake in his hands as he unlatched the safety with an obvious click. He kept the barrel trained on bilzo as he slowly made his way to the door.


“Little brother needs to learn how to share, but I’ll leave it to you to teach him.”

Bil went through the door and closed it.

That’s right, get out! Get out of our space.

There was a tense frozen moment and then Tommy was in front of him snatching the gun from his hand turning on the safety.

“Ranboo! What the hell were you thinking?!”

“You’re yelling at me!? What the fuck was that about Tommy!? He kissed you! And you were expecting him! Just what the hell is going on? What did he mean about the ‘family business?’”

Tommy seemed ready to burst. He quickly stepped away from Ranboo in obvious distress and agitation.

“You all have been keeping secrets from me for a long time. I want answers, now.”

Tommy winced. He put the gun on the table and slowly turned.

“…how are your dreams?”

“This is no time to talk about—”

“It’s related.”

“…what is this about?”

Tommy sighed. He moved to the couch and sat down patting the space next to him. Ranboo didn’t hesitate. He sat down and he felt calmer to be close to his guardian.

How dare bil touch him like that?

Tommy moved closer, “Let me see your ribs,” Ranboo lifted his shirt, bruises were already forming. Tommy sighed, “You’ll be okay, just bruises. I’m sorry, I’m sorry I let him do that—”

“Less apologies, more explaining.”

“phil didn’t want you to know unless it went beyond dreams…” Tommy began, “The truth is Ranboo,phil… all of us… aren’t exactly what we seem to be.”

“What are you then?”

What am I?

“You father is—was a paranormal investigator…and hunter.”

Ranboo stared. Of all the things he expected to hear this was not one of them.

“I know, crazy right?”

“tommy if you’re having me on after what I’ve seen I swear to—”

“When I was a kid my parents would worry. I would talk to people that they didn’t see. I would know secrets I shouldn’t have known."

“He thought I had the sight… it was more complicated than that, but he was on the right track. My Mother didn’t believe in that sort of thing, but she let him do the old spells and rituals. My new friends went away, at least for a while. Mom thought I had grown out of my imaginary friends. Dad knew better… he also must have known that it wouldn’t work for long.” Tommy looked up at the ceiling. Ranboo watched him

“One night we were in lmanburg. Lamanburg’s a black pin city—that means we pulled out all the stops. We took out the nets, we did the most daring tricks because, as my Dad always said: ‘lamanburg’s hungry and you need to keep a beast well fed otherwise it’ll devour you.’ A man named scar messed with the rigging for the trapeze because the owner of the circus refused to pay protection money. My parents fell to their death. I almost did as well, except…”


“One of my imaginary friends grabbed me and pulled me back before I could jump into my Mom’s waiting arms. It was screaming for me to stop. I watched them fall.”

Tommy went quiet.

“My friend was a ghost.”

Ranboo shivered.

“phil was in the audience. He saw the whole thing, he saw what no one else saw… well, what almost no one else saw.”

“My father could see ghosts?”

“No, not without help. He could use spells talismans, summons… that and… he just knew. That’s what made him good at his job. He was there to exorcize the ghosts of the circus, my friends and protectors. He took me in instead.”

“But he didn’t exercise the ghosts?” Ranboo didn’t know if he would believe any of this if it was coming out of any other person’s mouth.

But I trust him.

“They were harmless… actually they were more than harmless, they were helpful. They protected the people at the circus. They protected me because it wasn’t that I can just see ghosts. It’s that I… I guess you could say I attract the supernatural. I’m sort of like candy to them. They really like me and sometimes that’s bad, really bad. The ghosts of the circus stopped the nastier things from coming my way.”

“You’re going to tell me there’s more than ghosts out there?”


“...What happened to scar?”

“Got arrested, serving life.” Tommy seemed satisfied with that, pained, but satisfied.

“What’s bil?”

It didn’t take a genius to see where Tommy was going.

I’ve accepted his ‘I see dead people’ line pretty quickly.

“I’ll get to him. For a long time I helped phil with his crusade, which was to wipe out every evil spirit, ghost, goblin, fairy, and demon that made its way into lmanburg.”

“You’re kidding me.”

“I wish. A lot of the time I was the bait or ended up in an old warehouse tied to a chair.” (as i said,he is a CANDY!!! though i like chocolate there's litrelly nothing interesting about eating just sugar that candy is atleast chocolate HAVE something else then sugar thougill give the the point for cotton candy as it's quite nice and good-oh wait-am swaing from the story here-)

“What happened?”

"I grew up and we clashed. I started branching out. Joined a group of other paranormalists on the side. They were… young. Rookies that were good enough to get hits, get themselves into trouble. Most of them were looking for their lost loves or excitement, or answers or protection. Bruce didn’t approve. He wanted me around full time. I left—he kicked me out… it was one of the two."


Aaaaaaand that's enough lore for todayyyyyyy

The next chapter is quite.......juicy so watch out!!!!

And yeaaa,tell me how you feel for each character and no the killer of tommys parents is not an OC it's "scar"


From hermit craft,actually funfact!-fyck h almost revealed something personal here and that is like-

Moving on! I hope you liked it!!!!!

And Emma just add i love making me sunflowers die from suspense!

Okayyy byeee and-

Just to make you cry?

"I don't whats happening,Mr stark,i don't feel so good-..........sir-.........I don't wanna go,sir I don't wanna go,i don't wanna go sir"

Did i make you cry? I hope i did becuz i sure as hell did when THAT happened

Okay now the real byeee!!

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