The High Queen Book Two

By Kitty220305

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It has been one miserable year for the Pevensie siblings and Matilda Knight back in England, while it has bee... More

Author Note
Chapter 1 - Brawling
Chapter 2 - Back Home
Chapter 3 - The Truth
Chapter 4 - Reality
Chapter 5 - Alliance
Chapter 6 - New Friends
Chapter 7 - War Plans
Chapter 8 - Break In
Chapter 9 - Attack Gone Wrong
Chapter 10 - Broken
Chapter 11 - Barely Alive
Chapter 12 - She's Back
Chapter 13 - War Approaches
Chapter 14 - The Challenge
Chapter 15 - Close Call
Chapter 16 - The Power of Narnia
Chapter 18 - Home
Chapter 19 - Problem

Chapter 17 - Celebrations

152 3 0
By Kitty220305

Third-Person POV

Standing beside her father and friend, Tilly smiles happily at the young girl but is glad the bad times are behind them and Narnia. Twisting her head forward, Tilly sees Edmund and the others climbing out of the water, all dripping wet, but the raven-haired boy doesn't seem to care as he dashes forward, enveloping her in a warm but wet hug.

"Oh, Edmund, you're all wet!" She screeches as he pulls her closer, spinning them around before placing her feet back on the ground.

"When will you stop scaring me like that?" The King asks jokingly, but with a serious look in his eyes, telling his girlfriend she keeps giving him heart-attacks.

"Sorry, Love. I'll try."

"No, you won't," Peter says to the couple making the others laugh around them, but a deep cough makes them freeze and turn to the lion. Tilly backs away from her family to stand beside Lucy as the others kneel while Aslan addresses them. Peter and Susan have fear blooming in their hearts, knowing they didn't believe in him for a time, and Caspian still doesn't feel worthy of the crown. And while the three freak out inside, Edmund can only think about holding Tilly in his arms again. He would never let on, but for years, he struggled to be away from the blonde even before they came to Narnia. She was the only one who stuck up for him and liked him. So, even now, when he has a good relationship with his siblings, he can't help but feel every time he loses sight of Tilly, she might disappear and never return.

"Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia," Aslan instructs, but as the three siblings stand, Caspian stays kneeling before the Great Lion. "All of you," he reminds the Telmarine Price, making Caspian's head pop up.

"I do not think I am ready," he voices his self-deprecating inner thoughts to the large cat.

"It is for that very reason I know you are." Aslan smiles at the young boy as he rises beside the Kings and Queen of Old.

The sound of bagpipes and little feet shuffling in the rocky sore takes the attention of the royals and Aslan to the squadron of mice carrying their fearless leader, Reepicheep, near death on a stretcher. With one nod from Tilly, Lucy dashes forward with her cordial, pouring a drop into his mouth while everyone waits for the mouse to return to them. With a gasp, the large mouse breathes again, slowly sitting up as he thanks Lucy for saving his life.

"Thank you, your Majesty," the young Queen laughs lightly with her siblings at the fierce warrior, but the mouse is stunned to see not only the Daughter of Narnia before him but Aslan beside her, smiling down at him. "Hail, Aslan! It is a great honour to be in..." Reepicheep goes to bow but finds himself unable to balance due to losing his tail. "I'm completely out of countenance. "I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion." The poor mouse quivers, embarrassed like none before. He crawls over to Lucy, asking for another drop of her cordial, hoping it could fix his tail, but the Queen shakes her head, afraid it doesn't do that.

"You could have a go," he deadpans, but Aslan's laugh cuts him off.

"It becomes you, well, small one." Tilly kicks her foot at Aslan's side shaking her head at the name, 'little one', knowing Reepicheep doesn't enjoy being called small things of any kind.

"All the same great King, I regret that I must withdraw, for a tail is the honour and glory of a mouse."

"Perhaps you think too much of your honour, friend," Aslan says back to the mouse, but Reepicheep quickly replies with what else a tail is used for, such as balance and climbing. A mouse behind Reepicheep grabs his tail and his sword, making the motion that he and the rest of his men will cut their tails off if their chief is denied the honour of having one. Tilly shakes her head at the mice and then her family before glancing at Aslan, who nods in approval of the Queen's plan.

"Not for the sake of your dignity, but for the love of your people." She smiles as the other frown before suddenly, a new tail grows from where the old one used to be on the chief mouse. Reepicheep grabs his tail in shock and awe, glancing at the two powerful Narnians before him.

"Look!" He yells to the people around him, then addresses the other two. "Thank you, my liege, your Majesty. I will treasure it always. From this day forward, it will serve as a great reminder of my huge humility." Everyone starts laughing as Reep puts away his sword happily.

"Now, where is this dear little friend you've told me so much about?" Aslan questions making Tilly and Lucy smile as Trumpkin moves away from the water's edge closer to the huge lion. So large it could eat him in one go. Tilly stands seriously beside her father, putting on the same terrifying front for the dwarf. Trumpkin slowly kneels before the two as Aslan opens his colossal jaw and roars loudly, scaring the dwarf and drawing some attention due to how loud he is.

"Do you see him now?" Lucy jokes, making the others laugh as Aslan smiles at the still, slightly scared dwarf.

Quickly the news spread like wildfire that the tyrant Miraz had been overthrown and Lord Sopespian was dead. Therefore, he would not take over. The burden and honour fell to Prince Caspian, now riding on his horse through the village, waving to his people, with Tilly riding along beside him, her waving to not only the joyous Telmarines happy to be rid of Miraz but the Narnians from when she was last here, or at least their kin. All cheering and overjoyed to see Narnia return to how it should be, with a son of Adams blood on the throne and The Daughter of Narnia beside him, even though she makes most of the decisions. The Pevensie's road along behind the pair, Lucy is never better happy to be home, while Susan and Peter plaster a smile when they know time is running out. And Edmund, sweet, jealous Edmund, smiling to the people while glaring at the back of Caspian's head for being the one beside Tilly. First, Peter was beside her on the throne, and now Caspian. All the young man can think about is when he will have his chance to stand beside the Daughter of Narnia and rule over the Kingdom; Together.

As the day's celebrations came to a close, the castle's gates opened to the public, and the party began. Music echoes through the large ballroom as guests from all over the Kingdom come to celebrate the reign of the new King. Laughter rang through the air as the food was devoured and enemies became friends. Tilly looks out over her people, finally free from the evil Telmarines as now Caspian is a true Narnian King.

"My Dear," Aslan mutters to the girl coming up behind her, taking her gaze off the party. "We must talk," Tilly nods to the lion, heading to the door beside them, leaving the party. "Peter and Susan's time in Narnia-"

"Is over," she finishes sadly.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"I am part of Narnia and its people. I can feel they've learnt all they can. And the Pevensie, while Kings and Queens of Narnia, are not of Narnian blood." Aslan nods solemnly. "This is not their home." The Great Lion shakes his in agreement.

"But this is your home." He stops walking as they reach a balcony. "These are your people; they will always be your people. The Pevensie will always be your family even if you're in different worlds." Tilly sighs, knowing what her father is telling her but refuses to acknowledge it. "You have a choice to make, and it won't be the last. So, choose wisely." The Golden Lion says finally before walking off back to the party to do god knows what, as the High Queen watches over her Kingdom, sorting through her mind, trying to find an answer to what she must do.

Silently watching the scenery, the Queen doesn't hear the person creeping behind her until they open their mouth.

"What are you looking at?" Tilly turns to face the new King, smiling at him lightly.

"The Castle, the view, the garden," she mutters almost sadly.

"Not what you're used to, back in England?"

"Not what I'm used to in Narnia." The King frowns at the Queen's words. "You should have seen Cair Paravel and its gardens and view. You could see it for miles; it was massive and beautiful. The gardens were lush and green, with flowers and plants everywhere." Tilly says, reminiscing of her time here so long ago now. "The sea to the East, magnificent and bluer than Pete's eyes."

"It sounds lovely," Caspian answers to the girl, unsure where her head at.

"It was. And the people and the markets. Everything about Narnia then was home." Caspian steps forward, coming up behind Tilly, almost trapping her against the balcony railing.

"I hate what my uncle and ancestors did to Narnia, so a change would be granted."

"What are you saying?"

"We could rule Narnia together, turn it back as it used to be. Re-build Cair Paravel and the markets and the people's trust. Re-build Narnia." Tilly sighs, unsure what to say to the offer. On the one hand, all she wants is to stay in Narnia; this is her world, her home. But on the other, the Pevensies are her family, and what about Edmund.

"I have to think about it," Caspian nods quickly, happy she hasn't flatly turned him down.

Before either can say anything else, a cough is heard behind the King, making them both move to reveal Edmund. And an angry looking one at that.

"Ed!" Tilly says shockingly, happy to see him but worried about why he's mad.

"Not interrupting anything, I hope." He snaps harshly, mainly as the King.

"Not at all," Caspian says smoothly as if he hadn't just asked Tilly to leave Edmund and stay in Narnia with him.

"Well, it sounds as though the party's over," Tilly says, only now realising the music had stopped and the courtyard was empty. "We should be heading off to bed."

"Yes, you're right. Do you know the way to your rooms?" The King asks, only trying to be polite, but Edmund steps closer to Tilly, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Room...Singular." The agitated King says back before smiling and turning around with Tilly, heading to their room.

"Edmund!" Tilly scolds. "That was rude. He was only trying to be nice."

"Nice by stealing my girlfriend. Actually, wife!" He growls, sitting down on the very comfortable bed. He removes his shirt as Tilly moves to change behind the privacy screen. She sighs, knowing Ed only calls her his wife when agitated. After pulling on a nighty and placing the candle holder on the nightstand, Tilly walks over to the bed, standing in front of Edmund.

"Who's my best friend?" The raven-haired boy sighs.

"Me," He mutters.

"Who do I love?"

"Me," while his tone is still sad, the corners of his lips lift up.

"Who was I going to marry and start a family with?"

"Me!" Edmund smiles at his girl, who nods, leaning forward and pressing her lips to his.

"I will always choose you, Edmund Pevensie." She wraps her arms around his shoulders, pulling herself closer before they fall back onto the bed in a fit of giggles.

"I love you too," Ed mumbles into her neck, placing soft kisses as he goes, while Tilly leans over and blows out the candle leaving the two in pitch black. The darkness is like a blanket over the two as they spend another night together in Narnia.

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