
By SweetSpicyMochi1013

469 40 53

The meaning of Serendipity is "the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Part 1
Chapter 6 - Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part 1
Chapter 8 - Part 2
Chapter 9 - Part 1
Chapter 9 - Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Part 1
Chapter 12 - Part 2
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Part 1
Chapter 17 - Part 2
Chapter 18 - Part 1
Chapter 18 - Part 2
Chapter 19 - Part 1
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Part 1
Chapter 21 - Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 19 - Part 2

9 1 2
By SweetSpicyMochi1013

I lift my arms up over my head, trying to stretch the kinks out of my back and neck. I grab my bandaged hand, wishing for the hundredth time that day that I could get it off.

"Hey guys, you said I could take off this bandage after twenty-four hours, correct?" I look at Jimin and Jae-sung, getting their attention.

"Yeah, although it's not quite been that," Jae-sung says without looking up.

"Actually...I think it has been, or at least close enough, right?" I persist.

With an exasperated sigh, Jae-sung finally looks up at me now that I've distracted him from what he was focused on. Glancing at his watch, his face shows a look of surprise. "Actually, I think you're right. I didn't realize it was that late already..."

I get up and walk over to him, holding my hand out. "Do you need to do this or can I? What's needed?"

"Impatient much?" Anaïse says from his other side, a smile on her face.

"Yes, she's impatient," Jimin says. "About things she wants now..."

My face flames at his innuendo, but my smile shows I agree with him.

"You'd better believe it! Now, can we please get this off? It feels like it's been restricting the blood flow for a while now..." All their eyes jump to mine. "What?"

"Do you have a first aid kit?" Jae-sung asks, suddenly getting up with purpose.

"Yeah, in the guest bathroom. I think third drawer down. Why? What's wrong?" I ask, worry starting to creep into my voice when he strides away. "What's going on?"

Jae-sung strides back out in less than a minute, a look passing between Anaïse and himself. He sets the kit down and pulls Jimin to the side, speaking in low tones while Anaïse distracts me. Jae-sung goes to the sink to wash his hands when Jimin nods and walks over to me, cupping my face between his hands and kissing me gently.

"What's going on, love? What don't they want me to know?" I ask, anxiety starting to grip my heart when it looks like he doesn't want to answer me either. I look between all three. "Will someone please answer me?"

"They're worried that there may be the start to an we need to be prepared, love."

I shake my head. Both Jae-sung and Anaïse come over where Jimin and I are standing.

"Come, little sister. Let's have you sit down while we do this." He gestures over to the couch, and Jimin leads, sitting first, holding his arms out for me to sit in his lap facing the windows looking out toward Manhattan. I do as he wants, snuggling into his waiting arms.

Jae-sung lifts up my hand, looking for the best place to start cutting the gauze with the sterile scissors he found in the kit. I assume it's to get the gauze off faster and more efficiently than to try unwrapping the godawful amount they put on. Slipping the scissor in at my inner wrist, he makes the first cut, then the second, making quick work of it the length of my palm. I wince when I feel the blood flow rushing back into my hand, then my fingers as one by one the throbbing in tempo to the beat of my heart intensifies.

"Why did it feel so tight?" I ask quietly as he starts to peel the layers back. "Why did the medical center staff wrap it that way?"

"I imagine it was to help keep the swelling down," Anaïse answers from where she's kneeling at the end of the couch. She grabs hold of my free hand, gripping it lightly in hers to help comfort. I look at her, watching her expressions as I feel Jae-sung get closer to the final layers. He carefully turns my hand over, stopping for a moment.

Anaïse's gaze jumps to his then back down. I feel a slight tugging as Jae-sung pulls the gauze pad off carefully as it's stuck to the dried blood around the cuts and stitches. I bite my lip, and Jimin uses his thumb to get me to stop. He carefully draws my face to his, kissing me gently to make my focus him and not what's happening with my hand.

We hear a sigh come from Jae-sung, and I lean back to look at Jimin. His gaze goes to Jae-sung, worry etched around his eyes. Within seconds, his face relaxes. I turn my head to take in Anaïse and Jae-sung. They also look relieved, but I can't bring myself to look at my hand yet.

"No infection, little sister..." Jae-sung whispers, relief evident. "I think they wrapped it too tight, and with everything you've been doing today, it just swelled more than expected, but it was enough to hamper the blood flow. How does it feel?"

"It feels like my heart is sitting in my hand, beating. And it feels really stiff and sore."

"Can you wiggle your fingers?"

I can only grimace when I try. Everything hurts to move and I say as much.

"I'm not surprised. Your hand was in a stationary position for a full day. They're meant to move and flex all the time. I think we'll cover these spots up, just in case you flex a little too quickly and some of them split open, but we won't wrap it like before. You need to be working on flexing carefully. Anaïse, can you see if there's some antibiotic cream and small gauze squares and tape in the kit?" Jae-sung asks, still looking at my hand, moving it this way and that.

Anaïse comes back with several items, handing it off to Jae-sung then hunkering down next to him to help as he covers the more severe cuts with the cream then securing the protective gauze over. When finished, my hand looks like a patchwork quilt, but I feel relief as I stretch out the stiffness found in my fingers, gingerly flexing in minute increments. I'm sure it will be a while before I have full mobility again, but I'm glad I can use them.

"Thank you, for everything," I say to all three, looking at each in turn, ending with Jimin, who I kiss with all my heart.

"Annnnnddddd on that note," Jae-sung says behind me, "I'm out. Anaïse, tell me what's left on your list to do..." I hear as they walk back to the island, but I pay them no mind as I'm lost in my husband.

"What do you have left to go through?" Jimin asks as he places his forehead to mine.

"I think it's just the guest bedroom and bathroom. Oh, and the front closet."

"Okay, let's go and check everything out." He motions for me to get up, then follows as I stop in the kitchen for a bottle of water.

"Hey, Jae-sung oppa, I need to go in your room to figure out what's going with to Seoul. Do you mind if we go in there for a few minutes?" I ask out of courtesy. He looks up at me, confusion showing.

"It's your home, little sister, why are you asking me?"

"Because you're staying in there, so while we're here, it's your personal space. I want to make sure you're alright with us going in there..." I respond as if it makes all the sense in the world.

"Oh, well it's fine with me." He shrugs, a smile on his face as he goes back to what he was doing before I interrupted him.

I shake my head, moving in that direction. Looking around the space, I decide everything on the shelves needs to be boxed up. I turn to Jimin.

"Would it bother you if I bring all of this? I know it may seem weird to have all of this at your place, but I really do feel sentimental about it. Each thing represents something to me, especially with all the hard times I've been through." He gazes at all the albums and figurines sitting there, showing the changes in how the group has progressed and changed through the years. "This is where I spend most of my time when I work from home, and it's my comfort zone so it made the most sense to keep everything in here."

He comes up to me and puts his arms around my waist, holding me close as he says, "We usually get to have some of our own merchandise when it comes out. I admit, it might feel weird to have this much at our place, but it's still yours, and I don't want you to feel like you need to get rid of it for any reason. I still plan on you having a space that you call your own, so whatever you want to put in there, it's fine by me."

"Thank you, love." I peck him on the lips, smiling up at him.

"Alright, is there anything else in here that will be going home?" He looks around, writing down a few things that he sees. I shake my head.

"No, the rest of this is big stuff, and it will be going to my parent's place."

We make quick work of the guest bathroom and the front closet, which also doubles as a pantry. We walk back into the living area, catching Jae-sung and Anaïse kissing. When they hear us walk in, they break apart, faces turning red.

"Carry on you two..." I say with a smile, waving at them as I pass by. "Don't let us interrupt. Goodness knows you've had to watch us more often than not."

I wink as I throw Jae-sung's own words back at him.

"That's true, little sister!" I stick my tongue out at him, eliciting laughter from everyone.

"Anyway, tomorrow I need to go to the office and get things ready to ship to the one in Seoul. I'd go this afternoon, but I need to have my assistant send some things electronically. If anyone would want to come with, I'd be happy for the company and or help. I think there may be a few things that I have to bring home. And that's going to be a pain to do on the subway alone."

"I'll go with you, NaeYeong. In fact, I can drive you. I have a car, and it's not my cruiser either. That way, at least there's always someone with you just in case Leeza decides to make good on her threat somewhere along the way." My face goes white with Anaïse's words, reminding me of what could be waiting for me when I leave my place.

"Oh god..." I breathe. "I totally forgot about that."

"I'm sorry, NaeYeong. I didn't mean..." She looks crestfallen with it.

"No! Don't be sorry! I needed to be reminded of it. I just can't believe I forgot. I've been so wrapped up in my own little bubble with the three of you today, and so comfortable, that I wasn't thinking about that."

"We'll all go, love. More power in numbers." Jimin says as he pulls me to him, kissing my temple gently. "Is there anything more we can do tonight?"

"The only thing would be to start packing things up. I need to find boxes and get suitcases packed with things to take but won't be using right now, like all of my suits."

I look at the clock in the kitchen.

"I'm going to head down to the basement to see what kinds of boxes are available. That's where people store moving boxes when they move in, ready for others to use in these situations. I'll be back."

I grab my phone and set of keys, slipping my shoes on at the door. Anaïse is next to me right away. I look at her with surprise.

"Figured you could use the extra hand..." she says with a grin, giving my hand a pointed look.

"Thanks, I appreciate that. Love, we'll be right back," I call around the corner.

Opening the door, I gesture for Anaïse to leave first, pulling the door shut behind us. As we ride the elevator down, I look at her reflection in the shiny door.

"Are you feeling all right about everything, Anaïse? You seem a little...I don't know...maybe quiet, or unsure, I suppose?" I venture.

"Yes, just second guessing everything I think. It's such a big move, and decisions were made so quickly. I think it's starting to sink in, and I'm feeling a little...I don't know, overwhelmed?" she says, turning her head to look at me. I nod in understanding, facing her.

"I get that. I'm feeling the same, and I've had a couple weeks to get used to the idea! But honestly I'm really excited to have you come with. I know we only met yesterday, but it feels like I've known you for years. It'll be nice to have someone who already knows things about me and my situation to talk to, outside of my husband, the members, Jae-sung or Bang PD-nim. It's a whole different office environment in Seoul, and what I'm used to here is not the same it will be there. At least as a junior partner, I won't worry about losing my job! Thank god for small favors," I chuckle, but even I can hear the thinly veiled worry in it. The doors open and we step off the elevator into the concrete and industrial piped hallway leading into the depths of the basement.

"Will you actually have to work when you move there?" she asks, tilting her head. I lead her into the first room on the right where the moving supplies are kept. I start searching through the first pile I see as she moves to the one next to it. "What size are you looking for?"

"Probably a medium size box about this big," I motion with my arms with rough measurements. "They'll be shipped to Korea, so they also need to be sturdy enough for that. And maybe a few smaller ones."

We work several minutes in silence and I'm lost in my thoughts when I hear her again. "So, will you have to work when you get there?"

"Well..." I hedge, thinking about it. I take my time pulling a few boxes from my pile before I decide to answer her. "I told Jimin before we married to consider a pre-nup because I wasn't marrying him for his money. I just realized we never did one. But I've always worked hard in everything I do, whether it was ballet, school, or my job. I don't plan on changing that. What he brings to the marriage is still his. Especially his money. I don't expect him to cover anything for me. I mean, sure...some of it is a given I suppose since we're married now and I'm moving into his home, but I also don't want it to be just take, take, take. This is not just a marriage in my's a partnership that we both give and take with each other. And if my salary helps to provide things for him and the baby, I'll do it. It will be my honor to do it."

Anaïse doesn't say anything, but she pauses and has a thoughtful look on her face when she looks at me again. "I find it interesting to hear you say that. Most women I've met would love to land a man with money and live off him or take him for everything he's worth. Do you think he'll want you to work and make money or do you think he would prefer you to stay at home, barefoot and pregnant?"

I stop to look at her, tilting my head as I try to read her. "I can't and won't say what he expects or wants. We haven't talked about it. Although I'm not sure I would want to give up my job. I worked hard and went through a lot of sh*t to get where I am now. But if he did want me to quit, I feel he's the type of person who would want to discuss it first and will take my thoughts and feelings into consideration, just like I would with his. But now I'm curious, these women that you're talking about...did you meet them during your job?"

She nods, but adds, "There were some from back home that would go looking to score a man who would take care of them. A lot of people grow up poor there, and are always looking for a way out, but never really find it. They just find a different kind of poor... But yes, most of these women I've met like that have been during the past six years on the force. Though here, it hasn't always been poor women trying to make a better life for themselves or their kids. It's also been women who are already well off in terms of financial stability, but they're always looking for more. Always more. And most of the time they find it. Yet it seems they're never happy."

"I grew up in a household that had money. It wasn't a lot, but we weren't poor. My parents instilled a work ethic in us. It's what I know. When my father met Jimin for the first time a few days before we married, all he wanted to know was if Jimin could take care of me financially. It made me so angry, but I also understand where he's coming from. As a father, he worked hard to take care of his family. He always expected the same for his sons with their families, and for his future son-in-law with me. But I take after my parents... I have worked so hard to get where I am, and I'm proud to say I can take care of myself financially."

"So what does that mean in terms of money between you and Jimin?"

I focus on my pile for a few more minutes before searching through the next one, setting a couple more off into our "to take" pile before I stop again. "We haven't really talked about money, to tell you the truth. I was insisting on the pre-nup, at least for him to check into it before we got married." I stop again, thinking how to say it. I slowly continue. "Like I said, I didn't marry him for his money. God, I can't even fathom what he's worth in those terms, and frankly, it kind of freaks me out. I'm not sure I want to know. But what I do know is that I love him with my whole heart, body, and soul. I want a life with him, to spend the rest of my life with him. To raise a family with him. I married him for who he is, not what he is. Not the idol, not the success, and definitely not what he's worth in terms of wealth. And personally, it wouldn't matter to me if he was poor and it was only my income that we had to take care of us. We would make it work. Because between what I knew of him prior to actually meeting him and getting to know him now, I know he's a hard worker, ethical, caring, determined, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. But he's also extremely talented, and oh my god, don't get me started on the rest of him! Mmm mmm mmm...and those aren't just the pregnancy hormones talking either!"

I blush when I realize what I just said as Anaïse laughs. "So, you didn't go looking to meet him?"

"Oh, hell no! In my opinion, those are the worst types of people...because it seems like they're just looking for whatever would satisfy them in the short term. Of course, I would've loved to have met him at some point as a fan, but I wasn't out there looking to meet him, or to make him fall in love with me. But I'm glad he did. I'm over the moon that he chose me. And I chose him. He is the real deal, the full package." I stop, turning to her in seriousness. "Before him, my only relationship ended badly, as you know. It broke me in ways I never imagined could happen. Even with that, I don't have a lot of relationship experience to bring to ours. So, I know I'm going to make mistakes with him, especially with the stupid hormones messing me up so bad some days...I just hope he forgives me when, not if, but when it happens. I know I'm going to f*ck up. And all I can do is own up to my mistakes, apologize and mean it, then try to do better. But he will also need to step up and call me out on the bullsh*t when I make those mistakes. Just like I would do with him. It's how we grow as individuals, and as a couple. Along with communication, I think it's part of how to make a lasting relationship that will work. I watched it with my parents growing up. I watched it with my brothers when they got married and started their families. It's how I want to be in mine. We're still learning things about each other, but we are doing it together. I know we're in what's called a honeymoon phase... but...god, I don't know how to explain this adequately... He..." I look down at the floor, trying to find the words that I know are there, sitting in my heart. After a moment, I look back up to her, "He completes me. He fills my soul. I've never felt that before. I didn't realize it until I met him...I lost so many pieces of myself over the years that I was missing too much of me. But when I bumped into him, I started to become whole bit by bit each time I talked to him, spent time with him... Fell in love with him. He's my other half, my best half. He makes me want to be better. To do better. I didn't know what part of me was missing until I actually met him. Now I can't go back, I don't want to go back to who I was before because that was just a shell of who I know I can be. And with him by my side, I can be that person that I'm proud of, and I hope I make him proud to call himself my husband."

Anaïse whistles, eyes wide. "Wow, that's heavy!"

I chuckle. "Yeah, it is, but he's worth it, and every day I hope I'm worth it to him." I smile as I place my hands over my lower abdomen, looking down. "And now we both have someone that is a piece of each of us to take care of, to look out for, to nurture and raise to be the best they can be. Someone who neither of us were expecting to join us so soon. But I do worry..."

She tilts her head when I don't continue. "What are you worried about?"

"Him not being there when our little flower is born or having to leave shortly after. I'm scared to do this on my own..."

"What do you mean? Where would he be?"

"The military. He will have to enlist in the next year or so...and we will have a newborn or toddler at that time. It's so scary to think about it. I don't want him to miss that part of her life because he'll never be able to have it even when we have other children, and he will experience it with them." My eyes fill with tears, remembering the dream I had the last night we were in Busan.

"Hey, hey, hey...NaeYeong, don't cry..." she wipes my tears. "I'll be there with you to help, okay? Until he comes home. And you'll have his family, and the other members, right?"

"Yes, although it won't be the same...his family lives in Busan, and the other members will also be enlisting. And honestly, I don't know them as well and I don't want to be a burden to anyone. It's just this wasn't planned and while I want her with all my heart, it makes me scared. I love kids. I've literally helped raise my nieces and nephew since the moment they were born, so I know mostly what to expect. And I've wanted my own children when the time was right, with the right person. I just didn't expect it to be this soon, you know what I mean?"

She nods, wiping a few more stray tears before dropping her hands to her sides. "I don't know as much about kids since I was an only child. I mean, I would babysit and help our neighbors when I could while growing up, but they were usually a little older than an infant or toddler age. I would love to one day have a whole brood of them! Make my own little squad."

"Um, how many would you have to have to make that?"


My mouth drops open and my eyes bug out. "Nine?!" I squeak.

"Okay, that may be a bit extreme, but I want at least three, maybe four. It was sometimes hard growing up as an only child. I don't want my children to feel lonely, and they should have someone to be able to lean on and watch out for, someone to have their back and they would do the same."

"Ugh, I'm the baby of my family and the only girl. Both my brothers are older, and sometimes they were just horrible! I couldn't get away with anything!"

"I can't really see you as the rebellious type," she laughs as I put my fists on my hips and give her a sassy *ss look.

"Hey, I was rebellious!" I say indignantly. "I just wasn't very good at getting away with it having those two oafs watching my every move! Sometimes I thought my parents may have been paying them something to keep an eye on me. They had their rooms on the lower level and could come and go as they pleased. But I was up on the top floor, with my parent's room right below me. I couldn't get away with jack sh*t, even if I wanted to! Besides, now that I'm an adult, it's been much easier because I can usually just do what I want when I want. Well, not that I really do anything anyway..."

"See? Not rebellious at all!" Her laughter is contagious, and she bumps me in the shoulder with her own as we go back to the piles. My focus turns to finding a few more boxes to pack the kitchen into. Out of the corner of my eye I see Anaïse turn, the look on her face one of surprise as I feel arms wrap around my body, one across my shoulders and upper chest, the other around my waist, hot breath touching my neck. I react quickly, moving to grab hold of the thumbs of each hand lightly and stepping back into the person. As I expected, they counter my move as if anticipating it, moving their hands slightly and wrapping their fingers around my wrists, effectively caging me in.

Lips capture my ear, sucking lightly as a spicy scent assails my nostrils and I relax immediately, leaning into the body behind me in a much different way than before. I can feel the answering response against my *ss.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people, love. You could've had something hurt that you don't want an injury to..." I whisper as I lightly rub against him, causing a primal bodily reaction.

"You need more should've been able to get out of that hold easily."

"I'm pretty sure if I didn't know it was you, it would've turned out much differently. Remember what happened last time we practiced?"

"Yeah, please don't repeat that guys," Jae-sung grouses just behind us. I turn my head to look over Jimin's shoulder, eyebrows raised. Anaïse is settled next to him, his arm draped around her shoulders. "At least not anywhere public. That was embarrassing having to make sure there wasn't any video..."

"Again, what did I miss?" Anaïse is looking between us and him, and my face flames.

"Long story short...these two..." Jae-sung pauses for effect, his finger pointing between us to get his point across, "went to a public dojang in Busan to let off some steam. Figured out after the fact that there could've been cameras in the private room where they...uh..." His ears turn a bright red as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Where they what?" she prompts when he stops. She is staring up at him, brows lifted in suspense, hand waving in the air to go on. He looks back at us as if asking for us to finish what he started telling. I shake my head.

"Nope, you started this, you finish telling her."

"Do you really want me to say this out loud?" he asks, throwing it back in our court. I turn in Jimin's arms, wrapping my own around his waist as we turn so we can both look at them. I whisper to Jimin. He smiles down at me, pecking me quickly before looking at them with a huge grin.

"We kicked the sh*t out of each other then had hot, carnal s*x," he says in English, making both their mouths drop open.

"We should put a private dojang in our home. That was exhilarating..." I wiggle my brows suggestively. "Maybe if we convert a room to our own dojang with removable mats, it can also be used as a dance studio with hardwood floors."

I see he's actually considering it, the look on his face thoughtful.

"Love, I was just joking about that. I don't even know how much space there is..." I say trying to backpedal quickly.

"I actually like the idea."

"Really? Wouldn't that be too noisy for any neighbors? I mean, we can get pretty loud."

"That's what soundproofing is for, love..." he grins, a sparkle in his eyes, winking as he says, "We may need to soundproof the whole place though."

Even though my face flames red, I'm already nodding. "I actually think that's an awesome idea! How long do you think something like that would take to do?"

"Don't worry, it's already happening and should be completed by tomorrow, love," he whispers in my ear, grinning at me when I look at him with wide eyes.

"Are you serious??"

All he does is nod.

"Damn, you think of everything, my love," I say as I throw my arms around his neck and hug him tight.

"It was going to be a surprise, and I promised to take you somewhere you would not have worry about screaming my name," he winks again.

"Guys, please! I really don't want to know this!" Jae-sung complains in Korean, then switches to English, "Oh my god, now I can't unhear it!"

"I really need to learn Korean!" we hear Anaïse mutter. I turn to her, a huge smile on my face.

"If you really want to learn, I can help teach you," I say.

"Really? You would be willing to do that?" she asks, looking first at Jae-sung, then back at us.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" I ask, my brows pulling together.

"I don't know...I guess, I'm just a little surprised you would want to," she shrugs her shoulder in my direction. "Not many people would want to burden themselves teaching another person something like this."

"You're going to need to know some Korean anyway if you plan to live in Korea. It'll make it easier to get around, for one thing. Plus, you'll pick up on things as you're around it more. And I'm sure Jae-sung oppa will be willing to talk to you in Korean too, right?" We both look at him, and he nods.

"I do find it really sexy when he talks to me in Korean..." Anaïse blushes when she says that.

He leans down and whispers something in her ear, just loud enough for Jimin and I to still hear what he says. We look at each other, smiling as our faces get red.

"What did he say?" she asks when she sees our blushes.

"Ummm, I don't think I should repeat what he said. He needs to tell you. Or better yet, just show you..." I say, her head whipping back in his direction. "That's truly something that needs to stay between just you two."

He lifts his hand to her, resting on her jawline, his thumb caressing. He pulls her to him as he softly rests his mouth on hers, kissing her. They seem lost in their own little world as we grab the boxes chosen and walk out to the hallway. Leaning them up against the wall, we grin at each other. Then Jimin steps into me, both of his hands on my face, pinning me to the wall as he kisses me gently, tongue invading as I sigh. My body responds to how his body hardens against me.

"Do we have to wait for them? I really want you," he breathes as he grinds into me, the feeling of him punctuating his words.

"I really want you too, my love," I pant as he moves his lips down my neck, his hand sliding up my side and under my cropped hoodie to brush across the underside of my br*ast. My n*pples get hard wanting to feel his hands grazing over them. My own hands wander under his t-shirt, touching hot, satiny flesh over hard muscle. "I don't know if we should go though. What if Leeza..."

I can't continue when his thumb nail rakes over my n*pple and I feel it through my tank and bra like I have nothing on. But I quickly come to my senses when I look up as my toes curl at his touch and see the camera positioned near us, pointing down the hall.

"Love..." I tap him on the back, but he's not really paying attention. "Love, we have to stop."

I grab his head to get him to pause in his ass*ult on my senses with his lips. He lifts it to look at me and I whisper one word, using my eyes to gesture toward it. He freezes when I say it, then slides his arms around me, leaning his forehead to mine.

"I can't wait until we're in our home and don't have to worry about cameras being everywhere..." he quietly says as he closes his eyes.

"I can't wait for that either, my love," I say, rubbing my nose to his. "Just a few more days..."

"A few more, long days," he replies, mimicking my nose rub and smiling. "Let's get those two so we can go back upstairs and start packing."

I can still feel him against me, throbbing. "Can you even move?"

"Not really. Do you want to go get them?"

"Nope, because I like feeling you there..." I smirk. I hold my finger to my lips and we listen for a few seconds. Not hearing anything other than heavy breathing coming from the room next to us, I raise my finger up to wait, then cover both of his ears as I lean towards the door. "HEY! HURRY UP!! WE WANT TO GO UPSTAIRS! FOR S*X!!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

I look back at Jimin with another wink, counting with my fingers as he laughs as quietly as he can. By the third finger getting raised, Jae-sung's head pops out the door to look at us, his hair in disarray. We grin at him unapologetically.

"Seriously! Can you be more disruptive??" he asks breathlessly.

"Looks like you guys need to take a breather! And by the way, there's a camera in that room too, Jae-sung oppa," I wink at him, watching as his mouth drops open and his ears get really red right before his head is gone.

In a second we are full out laughing as we hear him say, "Sh*t!" then he's pulling Anaïse out behind him as she's still trying to fix her clothes.

"It's not so easy to think about those things when you're in the moment, huh?" Jimin asks with a wink to him. Jae-sung just throws a glare at him, the confusion on Anaïse's face is clear.

We grab the boxes and follow them to the elevator, Jimin holding most in front of him. Once we start moving up, Anaïse leans over to me and speaks to break the awkward silence.

"What's going on now?"

"I just let him know that there were cameras down there, in the hall where we were...and in the room you were in." Her face flushes as her eyes get big, which dart to Jae-sung.

"F*ck me..." she breathes looking quickly back at me. "Why didn't you say anything right away?"

"Because I never come down here so I forgot until I saw the one above us when we were..." I clear my throat, also getting red again. "So um, yeah."

"Damn." She sucks in a deep breath, holding it a moment before letting it out slowly. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jae-sung's arm snake around her from behind, pulling her into his body where she stands stiffly for a brief moment before relaxing into him.

I smile to myself. Yeah, they'll be good for each other. Walking into the apartment, I drop the boxes I had been carrying outside Jae-sung's room as he and Anaïse go in and shut the door behind themselves. I start turning on a couple low lights, not realizing how long we'd been downstairs. Grabbing a few of the boxes Jimin is carrying, I ask him to bring the rest in the bedroom while I set mine next to the bookcase in the living room then follow him, closing and locking the door behind me.

I open the closet as he sets them down next to the bed, sitting down in the chair and pulling out his phone when I let him know there's not much for him to do at the moment. I'm not looking forward to going through everything, and I stare at all the things hanging there. I start pulling things down, hangers and all, scattering everything across the bed. Occasionally I stop to think about things that I'll be needing over the next few days, setting those on the dresser to put back when I'm done. But when I get to my suits, I give a deep sigh. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed.

"Why the hell do I have so many clothes?" I say aloud to the closet as I rest my hands on top of my head in agitation. Looking down in the bottom of my closet, I slowly sink into a cross-legged sitting position, hands still on my head. I lean forward, stretching my back while looking at the clear plastic shoe boxes holding most of my dress shoes for work. I tilt my head as I reach for the first box, opening it to see something I haven't worn in over a year. Setting it aside, I pull the next one. Same thing. Then the next. I realize I haven't worn most of these shoes in the past three years. I look back up to the suits. Scrambling to my feet, I start at one end of the rod, sliding all the suits that I haven't worn in so long to one side, only pulling out the ones that I have and throwing them on the bed.

When I get to the other end, a mere third of what I started with are on the bed. Twisting my hair in a low bun, I pull my clothes off, standing in just my thong and bra staring at the damn suits again. I pull the first one off the hanger, getting into it and checking how it looks in the bathroom mirror. Not liking what I see, I take it off, folding it and dropping it on the floor. I proceed to try each one on, checking the fit and feel, discarding most and only hanging onto four more that get added to the bed pile. After the last one is discarded in the right pile, I move to my dresser, pulling things out and doing the same.

In the end, I get rid of almost half of my wardrobe. As I stand there in my undergarments chewing on my thumb nail, worrying that I may be making a mistake getting rid of things as I stare at my nearly empty closet. I feel lips softly caress my shoulder, Jimin's hot breath is as seductive as his warm hands running lightly down my back, unhooking the clasp of my bra. Goosebumps race across my flesh at his teasing touch as he slides the straps down and off my arms, letting it drop at my feet. Then his hands are teasing down my back to the strings of the thong, slowly sliding that down my body to finally pool around my feet. His lips barely skim over my left cheek as he taps the inside of my ankle and I spread. Without a word, I feel his hand between my shoulders, pressing slightly so I bend over and wait, my body tense with anticipation.

He inhales deeply, taking in the smell of my arousal. His fingers spread my lips as his thumb rubs my cl*t, and I gasp as his tongue spears me deeply several times then sucking. Before I can org*sm he stops, licking a few times and flicking my cl*t with the tip of his tongue. Then he's gone and I shiver. I see his clothes land on the floor piece by piece in front of me but nothing happens. Still bent over, I look over my shoulder, surprised at seeing him sitting in my chair, having slid down far enough so he can spread his legs comfortably. With his half-closed eyes and a smirk on his face, he crooks his finger, calling me to come to him with it. The whole visual is so damn sexy and I feel my p*ssy get even wetter than it already is for him.

I straighten up, pivoting on my heel to look at him, then taking the couple steps until I'm standing between his legs. He wraps a hand around his girth, lifting it up from where it's laying on his stomach, and using his other hand guides me to place one knee on the chair by his hip, then doing the same with my other, the tip of his c*ck touching my dripping entrance. I lower myself onto him as he easily slides in deep. I grip the back of the chair on each side of his head, looking into his eyes as I start to move, keeping eye contact the whole time as we make slow love to each other.

He grips my hips, guiding my rhythm as I ride him, his lips and tongue teasing my hard, sensitive n*pples. He feels the change in my body as I get close, and as soon as his teeth graze my n*pple, my body releases hard as he slams deeper than I thought possible, triggering more ripples through my body. I hear him moan a few times as he hits the right spot right before his release happens as my body grips him in another strangling org*sm. When we've both caught our breath, he sits up, his arms around my body as he kisses me senseless.

"What brought that on, my love?" I ask when he leans back again, pulling me with him to rest on his chest.

"Just watching you...first it was interesting watching to see what you put on the bed, then your frustration with the suits. I'm surprised you decided to get rid of so many things. But when you stripped down and started trying those suits on...damn, I had a hard time just sitting here and only watch... You are so beautiful and sexy, whether you're in clothes or out. Though I kind of prefer you out of them," I hear the smile in his voice as he says that, his arms tightening around my body.

"Mmm, I prefer you out of yours too," I purr as I kiss his collarbone.

We both jump as a knock sounds on the door.

"Yes?" I call out.

"Come and get some food," Anaïse says through the door. I drop my head on Jimin's shoulder. When we don't respond, she knocks again. "Hurry up, it's going to get cold!"

"Okay Mom!" I call back sarcastically. "Come on, love, let's go eat."

I go to stand up and he pulls me back sealing his lips to mine. He smacks me on the *ss, then says with a smirk, "Now we can go."

"You'll pay for that later, love," I give him a stern look as I stand up, crossing my arms beneath my br*asts, causing them to lift and jut out a bit more than usual. I watch with an amused look as his gaze drops there and his c*ck twitches.

"Now you're just playing dirty, my love," he stands up, pulling me to him and my hands land on his chest so I don't lose my balance. I look up at him with innocent eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I bat my eyelashes at him as he chuckles. My gaze drops to where my hands are resting on his chest. I lick both of my index fingertips then run them down over his n*pples, blowing lightly, watching them perk and get hard, and I feel my own doing the same.

This time there's pounding on the door and we grin at each other, breaking away to grab our clothes and hurry into them. Opening the door, both Jae-sung and Anaïse give us the stink eye as they continue eating their pizza.

"Ooh, you guys ordered pizza? It's been awhile since I've had any kind of pizza," I say, salivating at the sight and smell of so much cheese and garlic tomato sauce.

"Yeah, I was craving it," Anaïse says sheepishly, taking another big bite out of her large slice then pointing it at each box. "We ordered a couple different pies...classic New Yorker, a supreme, and vegetarian. We weren't sure what you guys would like."

I pick up a slice of the supreme taking a bite out of it and chewing with my eyes shut, enjoying the explosion of the various flavors melding together. "Mmm, that is so good!"

Jimin walks behind me, brushing his hand across my *ss as he walks into the kitchen, only to lean over and grab a slice of the same. Taking a bite, I see his eyes widen and a smile light them up. Giving a thumbs up, he swallows then takes another bite.

We eat in companionable silence for a while then start to clean up. While Jae-sung and Anaïse put the food away, Jimin washes the few dishes we have and I start looking at what can be packed up right now in between helping him with drying and putting them away. Once the food is off the counter, I start placing all the dishes from the cupboards in stacks to decide what can be packed. Keeping four of everything out, I put the rest in a few of the boxes I left next to the bookcase. Then I move to the bookcase and separate the books for the kids to go to their homes, packing them up too.

Taking a break, I grab my hamper and start the laundry that I should've done when I got home. Then I go back to finishing with the remainder of what's sitting in the bookcase, the knick knacks that I had accumulated over the past four years. There are several things that I've received from Leeza sitting here as well, which I set up on the corner of the counter until I can throw them out. Staring at them with a new critical eye, I realize they're actually fairly tacky gifts, but at the time I chose to overlook that part because she was my best friend. I shake my head and go back to packing things to get rid of.

Jimin sits down next to me after spending some time catching up with the rest of the members. He tells me what's been going on with everyone over the past week as I finish with the bookcase, wiping it down and moving the boxes out of the way.

"We should have everyone over for dinner sometime before things get crazy. What do you think?" I ask, pausing to look at him. His eyes light up at the thought. "Have you told them about the baby yet?"

He shakes his head. "I wanted to share that news together."

"Then how about we do that when we get back. Invite all the members and Bang PD-nim. Tell them all at the same time? I know we talked about having Jungkook over when we get back for dinner. Should we keep that dinner separate then do a different one with everyone?"

"Yeah, I'd like to do that, if you don't mind?"

"I don't mind at all. I feel like I still need to repair some things with him from that last day in Busan and I don't think it would happen if we don't do the separate dinner with him first."

"Then let's do that. Do you think you would be up to doing dinner with him on Saturday when we get back if he's free?" Jimin pulls out his phone, setting it on his knee.

"I think that would be fine." I watch as he picks up his phone and calls Jungkook. When it connects, I can hear Jungkook's voice coming out in excitement when Jimin asks about him being free Saturday night for dinner at our place. I smile watching how Jimin seems so carefree speaking with him. I motion to ask him something before they hang up.

"Ask him if there's anything special he would like to eat, and depending on what it is, perhaps I can make it?" I suggest. I listen as Jimin asks him that and have to laugh when I hear Jungkook ask how good of a cook I am and Jimin flounders a bit as I've only helped his mother that one time. I motion one more time and Jimin looks up at me, telling Jungkook to hold a moment.

"How about I make dinner tomorrow after we get back from the office, and you can call him back and let him know what you think about my cooking...and we can go from there?" I say with a smile and a wink. He smiles in response and repeats the suggestion which apparently Jungkook agrees to. I shake my head as they hang up.

"Okay, what would you like me to make tomorrow night?" I ask, getting up to grab my phone to take notes for ingredients. I watch as he tries to think of something and go to switch the laundry. Coming back, he has a look on his face like a kid ready to ask for a treat, the expectant hope making him look so adorable. "If our children give me this same look," I point at his face, "then they're going to be getting away with do know that, right?"

"What look?" I walk over to him, squatting down in front of him and brushing hair out of his eyes.

"That one...that look that makes you so adorable and makes me want to give you everything you want..." I end in a low whisper. He pulls me in to straddle his lap, giving me a soft peck on the lips. "Have you decided on what you want for supper tomorrow?"

"Do you know how to make kimchi-jjigae?" he asks.

"Am I Korean?" I wink at him. "Anything else? Do you want it with pork belly or something else?"

"Pork belly sounds good and whatever else you'd like to make." He kisses me again as Anaïse and Jae-sung come back into the living room.

"What's going on?" Anaïse asks as they sit down together on the couch, and as she snuggles into Jae-sung's side, he puts his arm around her dropping a kiss on her head.

"We're talking about what I should make tomorrow night for supper. Jimin's never actually had food made by me except the one time I helped his mother the day I met her. And we're trying to plan a dinner with Jungkook on Saturday night when we get to Seoul."

"Didn't you guys eat when you were gone after your wedding?" Jae-sung asks.

"Think about that question for a moment, Jae-sung oppa...what do you think we were doing?" I give him a look that makes his ears turn red. He clears his throat in embarrassment.

"Okay, point taken. Then what are you planning to make?" Jae-sung asks, interest showing on his face.

"Kimchi-jjigae with pork belly," Jimin replies, "but I told Nae the rest is whatever she'd like to make, if anything. That's what sounds good to me."

"Is there something that you'd like me to make, oppa?"

"Let me think about it and I'll let you know later," he says as he looks down at Anaïse, who yawns behind her hand.

"I'll have to stop on the way from the office to pick up the ingredients needed. Will that be okay, Anaïse?"

"What?" she looks up, a bit startled. "Oh, yeah, we can stop at the store on the way back. What time do you want to go tomorrow?"

"I was thinking about getting there around ten, if that works for everyone?" Everyone nods. "Good. I still have to get things put away before bed so I think I'll say goodnight to you and see you in the morning."

I kiss Jimin on the lips then stand up to grab the dried laundry, leaving the rest for tomorrow. Taking it into the bedroom, I pull out my suitcases to start putting clothes in them for Friday. Leaving the suit for tomorrow in the closet, along with shoes, I place the filled suitcases in the bottom and close the doors. Once the freshly laundered clothes are folded and placed away, I go in the bathroom and get ready for bed. Crawling in, I feel suddenly exhausted, and fall into a deep sleep, barely moving when I feel Jimin's body slide in next to mine, his strong arms cradling me. 

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