void | titans

Bởi softgarfield

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" i feel like there is a void in me. one that is going to stuck up everyone around me and ruin them. " " ther... Xem Thêm

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act one
act two


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Bởi softgarfield

RYAN APPROACHED THE TRAINING room as the bickers of Jason and Gar echoed throughout.

" Everything okay? You guys sound like an old married couple. " Ryan teased just as Rachel and Dick appeared from behind her.

" Should I get the hose? " Rachel chimed in, causing Ryan to chuckle.

" What's going on? " Dick asked.

" We did what you asked, the blind fold thing, and then he went nuts on me. " Jason explained.

" He said don't hold back. " Gar retorted, defending himself.

" Why do we even learn to fight like this, man? " Jason asked, eyes landing back on Dick. " It's idiotic, we have eyes. "

" In battle, anything can be taken from you. " Dick explained. " Your hands..." Quickly, he went to grab hold of Jason's wrist twisting it sideways to grab hold of the wooden rod Jason was holding.

Wordlessly he turned his attention to Gar. He swung towards him, which Gar gracefully blocked, before Dick stabbed the mat in front of the teen. He just narrowly missed his toe. " Your feet.."

Dick, quickly, turned and twisted the rod in Rachel's direction. The sharp end just inches from her face, but Rachel never flinched. " And your eyes. "

" It's the same reason why Ryan trains just as much as you guys. Even though, she is stronger, faster, and more durable than a majority of our opponents. Those things could all be taken from her, anything can be taken and you must keep fighting and win. "

The teens all listened patiently, staring at their teacher. Ryan had been in a similar situation as Jason. Not understanding why she had to train so hard if she could rely on her brute strength but Dick was right. Anything can be taken away.

" All right, go change. Attack scenarios in the tech room in five minutes. Then breakfast. " Dick ordered.

Rachel, Gar, and Ryan all nodded their heads before walking out the room.

" So, you went all nutso on Jason back there? " Ryan teased, glancing over at Gar.

It had been three months since the group moved into Titans Tower. Ryan still feel the guilt of hurting Gar deep inside her, but he continued to remind her that he had already forgiven her.

His kindness only caused her to like him more and more.

She had a full blown crush on him.

" Listen, he told me not to hold back. " He retorted. " How was I suppose to know he didn't actually mean that? "

" I believe you. " She responded, placing a hand on his shoulder and leaning a bit closer to his ear. " I'm sure he deserved it anyway. " She added, sending a wink his way.

Gar couldn't help but smile at the girl's physical contact. He was finally able to not turn as red as a tomato when Ryan touched him, but he still felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest every time she was within arms reach of him.

He liked her so much it made him feel crazy.

" See you at the tech room. " Was the last thing Ryan said before sauntering off to her bedroom.

Gar stood still for a moment, just watching her. The way her dark, thick hair bounced behind her, how her hips slightly swayed back and forth, and how her sweatpants curved along her body.

" You look like a total fucking creep. " Jason called out, suddenly appearing next to the teen.

Gar jumped at the sudden words, his head snapping in Jason's direction. " Wha-I mean-I was just-just thinking. Ya'know lost in thought. " He quickly explained already walking away from the other. " I-I gotta go, see you in the tech room! "

Jason's teeth grinded together as he watched Gar practically run away. His jealously had only continued to grow inside him the longer he was stuck around the two, and he could feel him almost reaching his boiling point.

He loved Ryan, he could feel it in his bones how much he loved her and he wasn't going to lose her to some dweeb like Gar.

RYAN SAT CURLED UP IN HER BED, eyes focused on her phone. Every since their final battle with Trigon, the group had greatly improved with communicating with one another.

Every few days Dawn, and Hank or Donna and Kory would either call or text Ryan. At this moment she was texting Donna. It was casual conversation, updates on how training is and what's it like being in the tower again.

Her eyes shifted from her phone to her bedroom door when she heard someone approaching her room.

" Come in! " Ryan called out, before she even heard a knock.

Rachel's head peaked out from behind the door, a chuckle escaping her lips. " I don't think I will ever get use to that. " She stated, moving through the doorway and plopping down on Ryan's bed.

Ryan pulled herself up into a sitting position, chuckling along with her. " Yeah, took me a while to get use to it as well. " Rachel nodded in understanding at her friend. " But.. What brings you to my humble abode? "

" I'm tired of studying. " Rachel groaned. " Seriously, I think I'm going to rip my hair out it I have to read another page of The Art of War. "

" I get it. " Ryan spoke. " Try reading it three times. "

" Three times? Why did you have to read it three times? "

" Well, Bruce said I needed to read it. Then Dick said I needed to read it again, and then Bruce said I needed to read it in Latin. "

" You can read Latin? "

" Yeah. " Ryan confirmed. " It's just as boring, and weirdly useful, as you think it would be. "

Ryan paused for a moment, hearing more footsteps approach her door. " Gar's coming. "

" Huh? " Rachel questioned. " How do you-? "

Rachel's words were cut off by the sight of Gar standing in Ryan's doorway.

" He has a very specific walking sound. " Ryan explained, as an amused look falling onto Rachel's face.

" Hey, Ryan. " He greeted, holding up a plate with a slice of pizza in his hand.  A disappointed look grew on his face once he noticed Rachel. " Oh, hi Rachel. I,  uh, didn't know you would be in here, so I only brought pizza for Ryan. "

A chuckle escaped Rachel before she pulled herself off of Ryan's bed. " It's fine, Gar. I gotta read another two chapters before tomorrow morning. " She groaned, pulling herself off Ryan's bed.

" Have fun with that. " Ryan commented, watching the teen.

" Oh, yeah, of course. " Rachel retorted with a playful roll of her eyes. " Night, guys. " She called out before turning down the hallway.

" Night! " Ryan and Gar responded, before the two turned back to face one another.

" You brought me pizza? " Ryan smiled.

" I did. " He answered, walking towards Ryan and sitting down on her bed.

Happily, she took hold of the plate and grabbed the pizza to take a bite. Once she was able to fully taste the pizza, her face contorted in disgust.

" This is not pizza, Gar. " She stated after forcing herself to swallow the food.

" Apparently to Dick it is. " Gar retorted. " The crust is of made out of cauliflower.... I have no idea why anyway would that. "

" It is just some bullshit to keep us as healthy as possible. " Ryan explained. " It's all to help us more with training. "

" Okay, so it's not just me. He's totally obsessed, right? " Gar spoke, shifting to face Ryan.

" He's always been like this. Once he sets his mind to something he really goes for it. "

Gar nodded his head at her words, his eyes shifting to his lap for a moment. Hesitantly, he looked back up at Ryan before asking, " Have you noticed the other thing? "

Ryan raised an eyebrow. " What other thing? "

" How he's trying to be extra nice to us, especially me? "

" Yeah, kind of actually. "

" I guess he's trying to make up for trying to attack us and... " Gar's voice trailed off, not wanting to go into much detail of that day. He knew how much it hurt Ryan to talk about their encounter with Trigon.

They had barely ever spoke about it. Of course, Ryan had apologized and Gar always accepted, but that was it. There was no real discussion about what Ryan saw or how she felt under Trigon's spell.

Ryan set the plate down on her bedside table, a shiver running up her spine at the memory of that day.

She hated thinking about it.

" Can I ask you something and you promise not to get defensive or dismissive about it? " Gar asked after silence filled the air for a few moments.

" I can promise that I will try. "

Ryan's words were met with a huff, Gar expected that to be her reaction but he still decided to ask. " What did you see while you were under Trigon's spell? "

" Why does it matter? " Ryan was quick to respond, immediately feeling defensive (even though she promised him, she would try to not be.)

" Because I..I think it would help to talk about it. You have been so different since that day. "

" Yeah, obviously. We all are. "

" No, it's not the same. I can see how hard you are trying to act like how you usually do but it doesn't feel the same. "

Ryan's teeth grit at his words. She wanted to tell him to get out her room and leave her alone.

She wanted to crawl so deep into her bed that no one would be able to find her for days.

" Just leave it alone, Gar. Please stop trying to pry stuff out of me. "

" I'm not prying, I'm just worried. I'm worried about you. "

Ryan knew how genuine his words were, and when she looked into his eyes she felt it too. It all made her stomach tie into knots.

Her mouth opened to respond before a bright light shined through her window. It appeared to be a helicopter circling something, or someone. " What the hell is that? " She asked aloud before walking out of her bedroom and towards the living room, Gar following closely behind.

The rest of the Titans had gathered in the living room, as well, confusion written on all of their faces.

" Dick, what's going on? " Ryan asked.

" That's what I'm trying to figure out. " He muttered, before turning to the TV. " Rachel turn on the TV. Maybe their is something about it on the news. "

Rachel obliged and the group made it's way to the TV. Ryan sat between Gar and Jason on the couch, with Rachel on the ottoman. Dick choose to stand, arms crossed tightly over his chest.

Dick was correct, the intense chase was being broadcasted on the news. A girl with sliver hair, and eye patch seemed to have stolen a vehicle and sent the authorities on a wild chase.

The girl jumped out of the stolen car and fought against the squad of cops, defeating them all with ease.

" Who the hell is that? " Rachel asked everyone.

" A total badass. " Jason mused, eyes clued to the girl. He was clearly mesmerized by this girl.

Soon more cops appeared from behind the sliver haired woman, all armed with various firearms. In a blink of eye the criminal was up and jumping from the roof of the building, that was seven stories high.

" What the fuck? " Ryan muttered. " No regular human could survive a jump like that. "

" So it's another metahuman? " Gar suggested.

" I'll be back. " Dick stayed, completely ignoring the questions and walking away to an unknown location.

Thing's definitely got a lot more interesting.

Woohoo finally a new chapter!!!! I can't believe it took me this long but I did it! Thank you everyone for all the love and patience. <3 mwah mwah

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