By tearingcoala1244

21.5K 706 96

Just a story about Prapai being clingy with his parents. (And maybe with other people too) 🥇1 on Prapaisky *... More

Remia Theerapanyakun


2.4K 91 13
By tearingcoala1244


"No, absolutely not." Venice exclaimed as he folded his arms across his chest.

"Come on, Ven, it would be fun!" his cousin Pai argued, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"And as if your definition of fun is not getting us in trouble. No, I am not going," Venice replied firmly, shaking his head.

"Pleeeeease, Venice!" Pai pleaded, pouting his lower lip in a pitiful attempt to sway him. And damn, no wonder those fools fall for it.

"No matter how much you beg, I am not fucking going to that race, Pai," Venice said, his voice laced with irritation.

Pai or Papai, his cousin who was currently hell-bent on trying to drag him to a street race, was determined to convince him otherwise. The race was also illegal, which made Venice even more certain that they would get into big trouble if their parents found out.

Honestly, Venice thought it would be a good day since he woke up that morning with a particular good feeling. He woke up with a smile, did his morning routine. And then made his way to the kitchen for breakfast, found his dad and Pa making out in kitchen. Nothing new in there. Same with them , his dad Vegas didn’t even bat an eye and didn’t seem like he cares that his Son just caught them making out. Only his poor pa just let out an adorable squeak noticing him.

His dad is shameless alright. His pa then greeted him with a smile and kiss on his head. It felt good. It doesn’t matter if he is 18, his pa can do whatever he wants , he wont mind. It was going well. Too well that he should have known it was a message for an upcoming trouble.

So when his disaster of a cousin arrived, he wasn’t surprised. Venice liked Pai. Well, its not that hard to not like someone who is just like a leach, wouldn’t let go until you talk to them. And their common interest on motorcycle made them inseparable from childhood.

Although Venice is 3 years older than Pai and that little shit should call him Phi, he doesn’t really mind. Pai was born by surrogacy. His uncles actually had a huge debate about it. He doesn’t really remember anything from that time. The only thing he recalls that Uncle Porsche was really mad about with Uncle Kinn and came to live with them for a month. That’s a long time he had spend with his Uncle.

He actually liked his Uncle Porsche, even if his brother, Uncle Chay was still their favorite. Thus, when they told him that he would actually get a play buddy he was so happy. Venice enjoyed playing with Uncle Macau but he was not always home. Same with his pa and his dad Vegas. Even if its his brother. He was contented to call them his parents.

As per they continued to argue, Venice's curiosity got the better of him. He wondered what it would be like to attend an illegal street race. Would it be as thrilling as people made it out to be? Would it be worth the risk?

“Ven, please. Just one race. I won’t force you again, I Promise”, Pai’s begging snapped him from his thought. Seriously does this boy ever take no as an answer? God knows which unfortunate soul will get roped up with him. 

This boy doesn’t stop does he? Ok last one. He is fucking sure he would say no.

“Pai, if uncle Porsche finds out we will be dead”, staring at pai with dead eye, Venice turned to him, a look of concern stamped on his face.

Pai nodded, understanding exactly what Venice meant. His dad Porsche, the family's head of security, had explicitly warned them against attending such events without proper protection. And yet, here his was planning to go on a illegal racing without protection were, alone and vulnerable.

Well Venice fucking hoped that Pai knew that his dad would gut them alive if he knew that they went to without taking bodyguards. Yes, that’s what uncle Porsche would be mad about. He is not delusional enough to think that his uncle would be mad if they went so some fucked up race. The thing he would be mad about is they went there without their bodyguards, without any protection.

“Well he wouldn’t cause he would not know and what he doesn’t know won't hurt him. Neither us.” Staring with a mischievous smile, pai told him. That sly fucking fox.

Staring at him with a deadpan expression Venice asked “ And why wouldn’t he? Are you a rat who can just get out from the house  through a hole?”

“Don’t worry I will get out. And today is one of those days when dad and papa go to their dates on some fancy place. And before you say something there’s no fucking way they would finish their after date fucking before early morning and no way dad would come to check on me” saying that pai just waved him off.

Seriously, did that bastard just waved him of? Someday he is gonna tie this brother of his with some rope and throw him out in the sea. Oh better yet he could just tie him up with some motorcycle and throw him from a top of a mountain. 

“Prapai , last time we messed up, uncle Porsche made us clean the whole fucking gym of your house after bodyguard training. And I am sure as hell he would make us clean every bathroom of both of our house with our bare hands if he finds out. Please lets put a full stop to this idea.” Venice pleaded with his dumb brother, who was currently sprawled out on his bed like it was his fucking bed.

But Prapai was convinced that it would be worth the risk. He was confident that they could pull it off without getting caught. Venice can see it just by that smiling face.

Ok this is the last fucking try. “ Lets make a deal ok.” Venice said with a sly grin.

Prapai raised his eyebrows in curiosity. "What kind of deal?"Just like his dad.

“If you can get out of the house without notifying anyone then we can go. We can even take my dad’s old bike. I will fix it up for us.” Venice smirked knowing that it would be impossible for Pai to get out without telling anyone. And on top of that Big is on his security detail and there’s no fucking way he is going to make it out without getting caught.

Prapai was skeptical, knowing it was impossible to sneak out undetected. But the temptation of the outside world was too strong, and there’s no way he would say no now and he had already thought of a plan.

“Ok dear cousin, deal. Don’t forget and be ready .” Pai just smiled and dashed from his room. Venice could hear him hollowing a bye to his parents who were probably in their living room. Venice could bet on his fucking life that he just saw stars in his foolish brother’s eyes.


For the next few hours, Venice carefully planned his escape. He memorized the schedules of the security guards and his father's movements, and strategized the best time to make his move. Although he was sure that he wouldn’t get a call from his cousin that he somehow miraculously had gotten out from that house, but Venice liked to be prepared.

His rest of the day was normal and he was so glad that his Papa didn’t notice anything unusual about him. Or else he would be in so much trouble. He didn’t really liked the idea of disappointing his papa. He was meaner than his dad Vegas.

It was a typical night for Venice. It was almost 2 am when Venice thought his cousin wouldn’t be calling him anytime soon and at this time of the night the security of the house is typically heavy. No way in hell Prapai getting out today.

So imagine his fucking surprise when he was peacefully getting ready to sleep on his comfy bed  and his fucking phone pinged with a message.

“Meet me at the parking space of your house in 30 minutes." Venice wanted to throw the phone out, that sly bastard really managed to get out.

Venice was taken aback. He didn't expect Prapai to get out, especially at this hour of the night. He even thought that his house security was heavy enough to prevent any unauthorized exits or entries . But Prapai had managed to sneak out and even got in his parking lot. Maybe he should have a round in with his house guards.

Sighing loudly Venice got out of his bed and got ready. Even though he just wanted to sleep and maybe wake up early tomorrow, to study for his entrance exam.

He quickly grabbed a few things that he needed and carefully got out from the house with his well sought out plan. When he made his way out to the darkened parking lot, his heart  was pounding in his chest. As he approached, he could just make out a figure standing in the shadows.

"Prapai?" he called out tentatively. Trying not to make any sound.

The figure stepped forward, and Venice saw that it was indeed his cousin with a glint in his  eye, a smirk on his  face.

“How the fuck did you manage to get out? Did you dig a hole and went through it?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Already working on his father’s Aprilia RSV4 & RSV4 Factory. It has a black and gentle yellow colorway covering a lightweight aluminum dual beam chassis that cradles a 1,099cc V4 that howls out 217 HP at 13,000 RPM. It was a good choice if  they wanted to reach there quickly.

Prapai just laughed ."Maybe I did, who knows. Pretty impressive, huh?" Venice felt a mixture of relief and annoyance wash over him. He was glad that he wasn't in any danger, but he was also irritated

"You're lucky I didn't call the security team of our house. And how far is this place and when does the race start?” he said, shaking his head.

Prapai just shrugged and tossed a key back to him. "I knew you wouldn’t and keep the key. I took my dad’s bike. I will get it back when I go back home. And race starts at 3, so you have approximately 30 minutes to tune that bike and another 30 minutes to get there " he said.

“No need , I had already tuned it ready. My mind was telling me that you would be bastard and would manage to come here. So I was ready. Lets go.” Venice didn’t bother anymore , tugging prapai towards the bike .

“Wow my cousin loves me so much.”  Prapai couldn't help but roll his eyes at his  cousin's over-the-top statements. But as he climbed onto the back of the bike, he couldn't deny the excitement that was building within him.

They were so glad that they successfully managed to get out from the house. Venice seriously needed to have a word with his house security. As they zoomed through the streets of Bangkok , Venice couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. His cousin was always full of surprises, but this was something else entirely. He wondered what he had gotten himself into.

Finally, they arrived. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, Prapai and Venice both got down from the bike and Venice couldn’t help but notice how fucking tight the security was. How are they gonna manage to enter. There was even a guard standing at the entrace asking the people for some kind of card.

“Well here we are. How are we gonna get in?” Venice couldn’t help but wonder how will they get inside. Untill he saw his cousin taking out a same invitation card like everyone else.

Seeing Venice’s befuddled  face ,Pai couldn't help but laugh. "Don’t worry it has our name on it. And before you ask how I got it, I stole it and it took my 2-month allowance to get rid of the name from the card and replace it to ours. "

Venice couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was shocked to hear that his cousin had stolen the card but at the same time, he was fucking thrilled. Not because of the roaring of bikes because of the smell that followed with it.  He couldn’t wonder but what it would feel like to actually race there.

When their time came, they couldn’t help but hold their breath. If they get caught, they are dead. But luckily, the guard just took the card and looked at them and then made a sign that they were clear to go. They both smiled. For fucks sake, they were freaking getting to race.

They couldn’t help but be awed with the atmosphere, it looked so awesome. “Pai you going to race today?” Venice couldn’t help but ask.

Prapai shook his head. “Nope not today. I  heard there will some business going on today. We can’t get mixed up with it. And we are new, if we want to race, we need to talk to some people. But let’s not take that risk, just enjoy.”

“You and not taking risk in one sentence , where the world has moved on” Venice couldn’t help but tease.

Pai just rolled his eyes “Seriously just because I like messing around, doesn’t mean I am willing to get in whatever fucked up shit is going on.”

As they walk through the unfamiliar streets, they noticed heavy security presence in the area. But as they got deeper ,They saw men in black leather jackets, sporting tattoos and chains, standing guard outside buildings and alleys. Venice couldn't help but ask, "Whatever but it seems like it's another gang's territory. Who's the boss?"

Prapai's demeanor changed, and he avoided Venice's eyes. Venice knew this meant danger. But before he could ask, Prapai mumbled, "Don't worry, we are safe."

“Pai you are avoiding my eyes, and I know you have got us in some deep fucked up shit when you do that. So tell me what’s going on. Who’s the boss in here”, Venice couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that was creeping up on him.

As Prapai was about to respond, Venice suddenly caught sight of a man positioned by the racing mark. He appeared to be surveying the area, almost as if he was in charge. To his  horror, he instantly recognized him. It was their fucking Uncle Kim. They knew they were in for it now – big time trouble! but his words trailed off as he too spotted the imposing figure that had captured Venice's attention.

Pai seemed to notice his gaze. “What’s up dude? What are you loo….” Words died as he also seem to notice the person Venice seem to looking at. Prapai face turned pale, and all the color seemed to drain from it.

“Shit” Prapai cursed. Venice noticed Prapai’s horrified expression. They both knew what was coming next - a long lecture, followed by severe punishment. If anyone in the family Venice was afraid of, it was Uncle Kim. He knows everything.

“Ok, fuck. Cool down. Don’t panic. He didn’t saw us. We can still escape. Lets get going.” Venice tugged on his arm. In a hurry to get away from him. Prapai also didn’t resist.

But as always lucks not on their side. As soon as they were tuning to get away , at the damn moment Uncle kim also turned around.  They both watched in horror, Uncle Kim's eyes met theirs, and he started walking towards them. Venice could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to think of a way out of this situation.

Their feet undoubtedly turned jelly. They couldn’t dash from here even if they wanted nothing more than to do that.

His uncle came and stood before them. His expression pissed, like he would haul both Prapai and Venice from the face of the earth. They stood still. Staring at the ground , side by side. They didn’t need to look into their Uncle’s face to know that he was looking at them with his murder face.

They stood still, waiting for the worst to happen. Suddenly, Uncle Kim's expression changed. His anger dissipated, and he spoke in a surprisingly gentle voice, "What are you kids doing here?"

Venice and Prapai were taken aback. They had expected the worst and were now confused by Uncle Kim's demeanor. After a moment of silence, Uncle Kim spoke again, "I know what it's like to feel stuck with bodyguards. I felt the same way when I was your age. But coming to a very illegal street race without any weapon is not the best solution.”

Venice didn’t know how Uncle knew that he didn’t have any weapon with them. And honestly they don’t even wanna know cause their uncle knows everything.

It was Venice who spoke first. “ Sorry Uncle Kim”.

Venice saw Prapai also trying to say something but a older looking man came and interrupted them.

“Khun Kim , is there any Problem?” the man looked at them as if he would throw them out as soon as Uncke Kim will voice his  dissatisfaction.

“No there’s not. I was just talking with this young mans. Everything will be ready right?” they saw Uncle kim said to the man , confidence oozing out of him.

“Yes , Khun Kim. You don’t need to worry , everything will be ready for Khun Porsche’s birthday.”  The man just smiled and hold some documents. Uncle Kim took them.

Now that got his attention. They looked at their Uncle waiting for an explanation, which they obviously didn’t got. Cause he just nodded at the man and turned towards them again. And oh boy , they knew a deep lecture is coming.

“P’Pakin , I will be getting this boys out from here. I know them. You will get a proper introduction soon. And make sure to get everything perfect. This will my  birthday gift to my husband’s brother. And I hope we are clear that I wouldn’t want this to be messed up, cause as I am seeing it, your workers seems to not take their work seriously” Uncle looked at them while saying the last words.

The man P’Pakin must have caught on what Uncle meant cause they saw surprise bloomed on his face.

“ Yes khun Kim. I will take care of it.” The man said as his jaw was tighten. Probably thinking of all the extra security messures will be updated.


Porsche was staring at two fools. Seriously, when Kinn told him not to take Kim’s call at 3.45 am in the morning, he wont lie he was tempted. They had a nice date and some nice things he was looking forward to. But then he thought something must have happened if Kim was calling so late at night.

And he was right. His son and his cousin deceptively sneaked of at night and had gone to some illegal racing. In addition, he doesn’t even want to ask how his son sneaked out from the compound. Really, he wanted rest. He should have left that man in the forest that day. No husband, no kid.  Just his chill life and his beach bar.

Porsche and Kinn both wants to sleep. And that’s exactly what they are gonna  do . Cause in no way in hell he is gonna lecture two emotionally unstable teenagers, with his sleep deprived mind about responsibility.

He cleared his throat making both Prapai and Venice look up to him. Kinn and Porsche was sitting on their bed while the kids were sitting before them on the couch. Their heads hanging low.

Porsche strolled  towards  them, trying to make his voice calm, "What the hell were you two thinking? Do you have any idea how dangerous this was? How fucked up it would have been if it was not one of our clients area. "

“Sorry dad , it was my idea. Venice just got roped up with me.”, prapai said to him without even taking his head up. Sounding very anxious, probably would start crying anytime. He saw Kinn getting up and standing beside him . Both knew that their son was sacred and they shouldn’t do this right now.

“Uncle Porsche, I was also involved. I agreed to take dad’s bike. Pai was not entirely at fault. And we know how reckless it was and we are very sorry.” Venice, that hardheaded child confidently told him, not wanting to take his cousin all the blame.

Porsche saw how his husband smiled at those words. Cause it was clear that those two would have each other’s back in future.

“We will talk about it later. Venice , we have your room made. Go to sleep. And Pai stay , we need to talk.” Kinn told them while he was holding Porsche. Clearly knowing his son needed them right now. He was possibly thinking how disappointed his parents were and so on.

Venice quickly stood and threw a worried gaze to his cousin who was still hanging his head low, and then marched outside .

As soon as Venice left, Pai started crying. Kinn and Porsche both knew this was coming. No matter now big Pai get, their son was the most sentimental person ever, he was not afraid of crying. Evidently not afraid to be out with his feelings.

He took  his son in his arms. His robe was loosely done, revealing his bare chest. He didn't care about his appearance right now. All that mattered was his son. He held him tight, feeling his son's hands on his waist, gripping him so tightly that he was afraid that if he let go, his father would throw him out.

Porsche knew what his son needed now. It wasn't words of comfort or false promises. It was simply the feeling of being held, of knowing that his father was there for him in that moment. And so Porsche held him, rocking him gently back and forth. He  didn't know how long they stayed like that, but eventually, his son's sobs turned to whimpers, then to soft breathing. He saw Kinn also sitting on the other side watching them with so much love he never though he would have.

Porsche felt a sense of peace. Even with how the night turned on, he was happy as he felt happy as he held Pai. He knew what he needed right now.

The tears eventually stopped, replaced by a sense of calmness and security which pai knew he would always have from his parents as long as they were with him.


SOOOOOO HOW WAS IT??? I have never written so much .

PLEASE give me your feedbacks, I would really like to know what you guys think about it . Also pls leave a comment if you guys liked it

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