*Treasure and Secrets* Outer...

By Countrysweetheart39

359 11 0

Joanna Mills and the rest of the Pogues lost two of their best friends at sea. When they receive a text messa... More

The Gold
The Heist
The Darkest Hour
My Druthers
The Bonfire
The Cross
The Costal Venture
Pogue for Life Sneak Peek


26 1 0
By Countrysweetheart39

Jo feels arms around her and pulls her back.

"Roll Pope!"

Jo is against JJ's chest as everyone moves back and Pope rolls out of the way.

The cross lands on the ground and sticks straight up.

"Pope, are you okay?" Kie asks quickly.

"Pope! Are you good?"

JJ lets go of Jo to check on Pope.

Jo quickly follows JJ to check on Pope.

"Is anything broken?" Jo asks.

"I'm good. Just give me like a minute to catch my breath." Pope says still trying to catch his breath.

Jo looks at his hands to see all the bee stings.

"Do these hurt? Do you feel like a tightening in your chest?" she asks him.

Pope shakes his head as Jo helps him sit up.

"Pope you did it, buddy!" John B exclaims excitedly.

John B and JJ start checking out the cross.

"Pope, she's beautiful." JJ states in awe.

"I've never seen anything like it." Sarah also comments in awe.

"The detailing is insane." JJ states.

John B finds the keyhole that fits the key that Limbrey has.

"Now I know why Limbrey wanted the key so badly." John B informs the group.

"Good find. How much do you think she's worth?" JJ starts asking John B.

Jo slowly helps Pope stand up.

"Take it easy. Your breathing is still not good." she warns him.

"Like, if we melted her old bones down, dude, we're talking like billions!" JJ starts getting excited.

"It belongs in a museum Jay." Jo reminds him.

"What? So no one sees her?" JJ asks confused.

"A museum is where everyone is gonna see her!" Kie argues.

"Hey! It's my ancestor's cross!" Pope shouts to them angrily.

"You're right, I'm sorry." JJ mumbles.

"This is bigger than money. The world is gonna know the truth." Pope tells them firmly.

"Yes. But if we don't get this shit outta here before Limbrey gets here, nobody is gonna know the truth. So saddle up." John B tells everyone.

Jo helps Pope walk over to the cross.

She sees him holding his hand.

"Does your hand still hurt?" she asks him.

"I'm fine." he brushes it off.

"Ok John B, you're gonna pull down while the rest of us pull up." JJ instructs.

"Okay ready? One, two, three."

John B pulls down as everyone else pulls up each holding a piece.

They all grunt and groan while trying to hold the cross up.

Jo can feel her arm and leg muscles straining to keep a hold.


"This fucker is heavy."

Jo lets out a groan of pain.

"Ok, who isn't lifting?" JJ asks.

"I'm lifting!"

"Come on guys, we gotta move forward."

They take about two small steps.

"Guys, I can't. I can't." Pope says as he starts to lower his part back to the ground.

"No, no, no!"

"No! Pope! Hang in there!"

"No! Come on!"

Pope drops it in pain as he falls back onto the pew.

Kie drops her part next causing Jo to drop hers.

She lets out a yelp as she looks at her fingers.

"Fuck! I just broke a nail!"

Jo puts her finger in her mouth.

"Damn it! You almost dropped it on my foot!" JJ shouts angrily to Sarah.

"Because I'm the only one lifting it!" Sarah yells right back.

John B gets between them.

"Alright, hey listen, we'll make like a sling, like a little-"

"Yea! Yea, and then put it on the tail hitch."

JJ and John B try to think of another plan.

Jo quickly notices that Pope is not okay and rushes to him.

"Guys!" she shouts.

"Pope's not okay!"

Jo notices that his breathing is getting worse and his eye is swelling up badly.

"What's happening?"

"Dude, your eye, looks all puffy." JJ comments.

"He's having an allergic reaction." Jo tells them.

"How many times did he get stung?" Sarah asks.

Pope starts to seize.

"Guys! We need to turn him on his side!"

"What about the cross?"

"He needs help now!"

John B and Kie help him stand.

"He needs a shot! Get him to the hospital now! I'll stay and try to hide this." Jo tells them.

JJ turns to her in concern.

"I'm not leaving you here!" he denies.

Jo grabs his face.

"Go with them. Make sure Pope is okay. I will hide the cross the best that I can. But you have to go now." she tells him calmly.

"I will be right back." he assures her.

She nods her head.

"Go!" she shouts at him.

She watches him run out the door.


Jo quickly pushes a pew over top of the cross and throws a blanket over the top of it.

She is breathing heavily when she hears the door open.

She rolls her eyes.

"JJ I told you to go with them!"

She turns around and stops when she sees Renfield and Rafe.

"Shit." she mumbles.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." Renfield smirks and steps closer to her.

Rafe looks conflicted about what to do.

"Where is it, Joanna?"

Renfield grabs her arm and twists it so it's behind her back.

She lets out a yelp of pain.

That seems to click Rafe out of his daze and he storms over and rips Jo from Renfield's grasp.

He grabs Renfield by the jacket and pushes him away.

"Don't you ever lay a finger on her again. If you do I will kill you." Rafe threatens darkly.

Renfield glares at them.

"Then you better get it out of her." Renfield states.

Rafe turns and grabs Jo's face.

"Where is the cross? I know it's here." he asks her.

"I'm not telling you. It doesn't belong to you Rafe!" she tells him.

He clenches his jaw and his grip gets tighter on her as he moves to grip her arms.

"You're not gonna like the outcome if you don't tell me." he threatens.

She shakes her head.

"I can't." she speaks in a small voice.

"Don't mistake my love for kindness baby. You know I have the means to get it out of you. And I'll do it right in front of everybody." he threatens again.

She closes her eyes in defeat.

"Fine. It's right there."

She points to where she hid the cross under the pew.

Renfield nods to his archer buddies.

Rafe stands protectively in front of Jo.

"Let's get this thing loaded into the van boys." Renfield orders.

Rafe grabs a belt and ties Jo's hands together.

"You're not going anywhere. I have plans for us now." he tells her.

"Rafe this is insane please just let me go. You have the cross now you don't need me."

Rafe grabs her jaw in his grasp and forces her to look at him.

"I'm not letting you go again. I'm finally taking what I want. So sit here and be quiet and wait for us to load this cross."

Rafe pushes her back until the back of her knees hit the pew seat.

She sits down and glares up at him.

"This isn't the way to get what you want Rafe, and you know that." she tells him.

"Seems to be working just fine to me." he responds.

"Rafe! Come get this end!" Renfield shouts out.

She watches as the men struggle to pick up the cross.

They finally manage to get a hold of it and carry it to the van outside.

Once they get the cross outside, Jo quickly stands up and tries to find a way out of the church.

She tries to wiggle her wrists free from the bounds, but it's no use.

She finally is able to get a window open just as Rafe walks back in to get her.

She sees him and she is quick to climb out the window.


Rafe shouts through the window as she takes off running through the swamp.

She can hear him chasing her and she hides behind a big tree.

She tries to get control of her breathing as she hears him walk closer.

"I know you're close by!" he shouts out.

"I won't be mad if you give up now!" he shouts again.

She hears him walking.

She turns to look around the tree and doesn't see him.

She takes a breath of relief.

She turns back around and gasps loudly when he's standing in front of her.


He pushes her back against the tree.

"Do not run away from me again. It does nothing, but piss me off."

He grabs her arm and pulls her back toward the van.

"Rafe! Stop! I don't want to go with you!"

She struggles against his hold.

His grip just gets tighter.

"That's too bad because we are going to be taking a very long vacation together. I think we need some alone time for you to realize you're still in love with me." he tells her.

Once they get back to the van, Renfield is leaning against the van with amusement.

"Damn, kid. I didn't think you had it in you." Renfield snickers.

"Shut up. Let's get out of here."

Rafe guides Jo to the back with the cross.

"Sit back and be careful. The ride is gonna get bumpy."

Rafe tells her before he shuts the doors engulfing her in darkness.

Jo sits back against the wall and tries to come up with a plan to get away from Rafe.


Jo feels the truck finally stop and hears the doors.

She squints her eyes as the doors open and light engulfs her again.

She realizes that it's dark and she starts to worry about Pope.

She spots Rafe holding out his hand for her to take.

He unties her hands quickly.

"Rafe, please listen to me. I need to find out if Pope is okay. Please let me find out if he's okay." she begs him.

"Rafe help me with this!" Renfield orders.

She turns to spot Carla standing by a car.

She hears them grunt trying to move the cross.

"Carla, please I need to find out if Pope is okay. He was having an allergic reaction." Jo cries to her.

"When this is all over I'm sure you can find out about your friend. But right now, you're about to witness something spectacular." Carla smiles at her.

"You guys are all nuts."

Jo mumbles as she turns her attention to them placing the cross on the ground.

"I don't believe it." Carla breathes out in awe.

"I told you I would get it for you." Renfield proudly states.

"You said you would and you did." Carla steps closer to the cross.

Rafe steps back and grabs a hold of Jo's arm pulling her back against his chest.

"Before we do this, I just wanna remind you of our deal, okay." Rafe comments.

"You really are your father's son, aren't you? Talking about deals at a moment like this." Carla answers him with a voice of disgust.

"I showed you the mural. I get my cut." Rafe argues.

Jo listens not being able to move from Rafe's grasp.

"The deal is as we discussed Rafe." Carla brushes off.

"It better be. I have plans that can't be ruined." he states.

"You'll get your cut." Carla states as she steps closer to the cross.

Rafe pushes Jo forward so they can get a better look at what is going on.

"Inside this cross is the shroud. And whoever touches, the hem of the garment shall be healed." Carla speaks.

Rafe leans down to speak in Jo's ear.

"This lady is a nutcase." he whispers softly.

She elbows him in the stomach and smirks when she hears his quick intake of breath.

"It's time for a miracle. Joanna, you're about to witness something that nobody in our family has ever witnessed."

Carla pulls the key out of her pocket.

Rafe gives her a confused look.

"You're related to this lady?" he whispers to her.

"I just recently found out, but I think so." she whispers back to him.

They watch as Carla struggles to open the small locked space.

"Let me help you." Renfield tries to help her.

She pushes him away.

"No! It's meant for a Limbrey!" she sneers at him.

Rafe gives Renfield a look.

Carla finally gets it unlocked and everyone leans forward to see what is inside.

She opens the door and a moth flies out.

The box is empty.

Rafe leans forward.

"Your magic scarf was eaten by bugs." he sarcastically remarks.

Renfield starts laughing.

Carla whips around and punches him.

"How dare you mock me!"

Renfield lunges for her and throws her to the ground.

"Hey! Stop!"

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Both Jo and Rafe step forward instantly to defend Carla.

She doesn't miss the way he instantly wants to defend the defenseless lady.

"That's it. You're cut off. You're not getting a penny." Carla hisses out.

"I don't need your money. I've got the cross now." Renfield retorts.

Rafe pulls Jo back to him protectively.

"Come on Rafe help me." Renfield orders as he climbs into the truck.

"Rafe." Carla calls out.

"Don't worry you'll still get your cut and nothing will happen to your little girlfriend. Come on!"

Rafe lets go of Jo to help Renfield.

Jo watches as Rafe's muscles bulge in his shirt as he lifts half of the cross and pushes it back into the back of the truck.

"Renfield! Come over here and help me up!" Carla shouts.

"Help you up? You're lucky I don't back up over you." Renfield sneers.

Carla pulls out a gun and shoots him.

Jo lets out a large gasp in shock.


She shouts out and he makes his way to her and pulls her into his arms.

"It's alright. We're not hurt." he assures her.

He looks up to see Renfield bleeding out and struggling to breathe.

Rafe pushes Jo's face into his chest.

"Don't look." he tells her.

"Rafe don't just stand there with your mouth open. Help me up."

She tells him as she throws her gun to the side.

"He wasn't a good man. He's not like us Rafe, Joanna. Come on."

Rafe lets go of Jo and walks over to Carla.

He reaches down and instead of grabbing her hand, he grabs the gun.

Jo's eyes widen and she freezes.

"Rafe? Rafe? What are you doing?" Carla starts to panic.

"Rafe, what are you doing?" Jo asks.

She watches as he starts to close the truck doors.

"Get in the truck Jo." he commands.

"Rafe? Rafe? Don't do this!" Carla shouts.


"Get in the damn truck, Joanna!" Rafe shouts at her.

She jumps and quickly runs over to climb in the passenger seat.

Rafe joins her a minute later.

He starts the truck and pulls out of the hanger.

"What did you just do Rafe?" Jo asks hesitantly.

"I just secured our future." he tells her.


As he's driving his phone rings.

"Answer it and put it on speaker." he tells Jo.

She hits the green button and presses the speaker.


She hears Rose speak through the phone.

"Hey, I got the cross of The cross thing of what they were looking for I got it! Our ballroom days aren't over yet Rose, okay? This thing is covered in diamonds." Rafe speaks into the phone.

"What about Limbrey and the others?" Rose asks.

"Don't worry about them." he responds.

"What does that mean?" she asks.

"It means I took care of it! They're out of the deal. I did this on my own." he tells her.

"Did you hurt them?"

Jo can hear the concern in Rose's voice.

Rafe chuckles.

"No, I uh didn't." he tells her as he continues to drive.

"Go home. I need you to stay out of trouble until the morning. We're leaving tomorrow."

Jo's head jerks up in surprise.

"Did you not hear what I just said? We got the cross. We don't have to leave now!" Rafe shouts into the phone.

"What do you mean by leave? What the hell is going on Rafe?" Jo spits out the questions.

"Who is that?" Rose asks.

"It's Joanna, okay? She's gonna be staying with us now!" Rafe tells her.

"Oh my God, just get to the house. Bigger things are going on right now! I will meet you there!"

Rose hangs up the phone.

"Rafe, I'm not staying with you! You need to let me out of this truck right now!"

She tries to grab the wheel.

"Joanna stop!"

He slams her head into the window knocking her out.


Jo slowly wakes up.

She sits up and realizes that she is in Rafe's room.

She hears the shower running and stands up.

She runs to open the door but hears the shower stop.

She quickly jumps back in bed just as the bathroom door opens.

Rafe walks out in nothing but a towel.

He smiles when he sees her awake and gawking at him.

"Hey, baby. I'm glad you're awake now." he smiles as his hand grazes her ankle affectionately.

"Only because you knocked me out." she glares at him.

"I'm sorry for that, but you were being ridiculous."

He reaches into his bag and tosses her a passport.

"I need you to be ready to leave. We're going away for a while." he tells her.

"Rafe, I'm not going anywhere with you! I'm staying here." she argues.

"That seems to be a problem because I refuse to leave without you. I'm done waiting around for you to realize you belong with me. Things are about to change for the better. I can offer you a life that Pogue can only dream of doing."

He grabs her face and leans down and kisses her.

Before she knows it he pulls away.

He quickly gets dressed and grabs his keys.

The door opens and Wheezie walks in.

"Can you help me with my suitcase?" she asks him.

"Can you not do it yourself?" he snaps at her.

"No. Please." she tells him.

"Alright. Fine. We gotta make this quick. I'll be right back baby."

He tells Jo as he puts his keys back down.

He leaves the room and locks the door.

Jo stands up and tries to open the door, but can't, just realizing that he locked her in.

She slams her fist at the door in frustration.

She sits back on the bed in defeat.

Rafe was gonna win and he was gonna take her far away where she is gonna have no choice but to fall in love with him again.

The door opens and Sarah rushes in.

"Oh thank God!" Jo quickly stands up.

"We need to go! Where's Rafe's keys?" Sarah asks.

Jo grabs them off his nightstand.

"I got them. Come on."

Jo follows Sarah down the stairs and back out the front door.

"Okay, we have the keys. We can just drive this thing off." Jo whispers to Sarah.

"I need to see it." Sarah tells her as she walks back to unlock the back doors.

"Sarah? I know for a fact it's in there! Now come on!"

Jo quickly runs to the back where Sarah is unlocking the door.

She sees Renfield's dead body and starts to freak out.

Jo grabs the keys off of her.

"We need to go. I'll drive." she tells her calmly.

Sarah nods her head.

Jo goes to turn around and runs into a hard body.

Her eyes widen when she realizes it is Rafe.

"I really wish you didn't do that."

He grabs Jo's head and slams her into the truck knocking her out.


When Jo wakes up again she is laying in a different bed.

She looks up to see Rose leaning over her.

"How are you feeling? Rose asks her softly.

"My head hurts so bad." she tells her as she sits up.

She looks down to see she's wearing different clothes.

"Where am I?" Jo asks her softly.

"I'm sorry that you got put in this position. But you are the only thing that keeps him calm and I need to keep this family together whatever it takes. I needed to keep Rafe calm and you coming with us is the only thing that is keeping him calm." Rose tells her.

"What do you mean? Where am I?"

Jo stands up and looks out the window.

All she sees is ocean water and no land in sight.

"Oh, my God."

She starts to feel tears coming down her face.

"I am so sorry, but he is going to take care of you and not hurt you. It was the only way to get him on the ship Joanna. You'll learn to love him again with time." Rose tells her firmly.

The door opens and Rafe walks in.

"I need a minute alone with Joanna." he tells Rose.

Rose leaves the room and Jo glares at Rafe.

"How dare you bring me here against my will! This is kidnapping!" She yells at him.

"Quit being so dramatic! You're not in any danger. I told you that I refused to leave without you and I meant it."

Rafe steps closer to her and grabs her waist to pull her closer to him.

"I love you, and I refuse to be without you anymore. I have the cross and I secured our future together. You won't have to worry about anything anymore, because I'm gonna take care of you baby. For the rest of our lives." he tells her so intensely.

She doesnt stop him when he leans down and kisses him.

She is stuck and has nowhere to go.

She chooses to grab his face and kiss him back.

She can feel him smirk against her lips as he pushes her back toward the bed.

She falls back onto the small mattress and he follows right on top of her.

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