Flower husbands๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

By Icicle1131

6.7K 170 529

Ok so im gonna sink hours into writing shit about flower husbands instead of school work ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ More

The start
An attempt
Angst time??? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Man idk alot of shit happens in this one๐Ÿ˜ญ
Coming out again again (again?)

I cant do titles help

670 21 90
By Icicle1131

Jimmy woke up, and saw that Scott still had his arms firmly around his waist. Jimmy found himself staring at Scott's face, admiring every little detail. No, what was he doing? He only thinks of Scott as a friend, right? They were only sleeping like this because Scott needed comforting. Scott began to wake up. "Good morning.." Scott said, groggily, rubbing his eyes. Jimmy pulled Scott's face closer to his, touching noses, Jimmy smiled. Scott blushed harder than he ever had before. "Jimmy.. I-" Joel walked in. Eyebrows raised, Joel took in the scene infront of him. "Were yall about to-" "No!" Scott yelled, pushing Jimmy away, slightly more forcefully than he meant to. Jimmy frowned at Scott, but got out of bed anyway. "Okay... well, Lizzie said to tell you that you can go home, just be careful. I guess no moving from bed unless necessary." Joel said, sipping his coffee. "Oh! That's great! Scott, ready to go?" Jimmy asked. "Oh. Yeah, yeah let's go." Jimmy picked up Scott, and put him on his back. "Piggyback ride? Seriously?" Scott laughed, unimpressed.

Once they got home, unscathed, Jimmy set Scott gently on the bed. "Need anything?" Jimmy sat next to him. "Nah, im good." Scott sipped the glass of water left on the nightstand. "What were you gonna say before Joel walked in?" Jimmy asked. "Oh... nothing- I don't remember." Scott stumbled over his words embarrassingly bad, but Jimmy seemed to ignore that. "Okay. I'm gonna go get pizza, I'll be back real quick. Text me if anythings up." Jimmy left, and Scott was left to his own thoughts. Why didn't he tell Jimmy his feelings? Scott laughed at himself. He knew the answer full well. He's terrified of rejection. What if Jimmy didn't feel the same way? He'd only liked Jimmy for 3 days anyway, he shouldn't get ahead of himself. 

When Jimmy returned, Scott decided, fuck it. And when Jimmy went to hug him in greeting, Scott gave him a kiss on the cheek. Pulling back, Scott awaited the worst rejection of his life, but was met with something else. "Oh." Jimmy looked at Scott, and leaned in to give Scott a kiss on the cheek too.

Jimmy, being the ignorant fool he is, thought that this kiss on the cheek was a thing friends did, and Scott seemed to catch on, and hid how hurt he was, considering Jimmy didn't even know what he did. Jimmy handed Scott a slice of pizza, and sat next to him on the bed. "So, feeling any better?" "A little." Scott sighed and out down his plate. "I'm so stupid. How does somebody just walk off a cliff?" "You're not stupid. It was a mistake." Scott laughed. "Have you ever walked off a cliff, Jimmy?" "Well- kinda." "What do you mean?" "Fell off a bridge. Just kinda walked off." Jimmy and Scott giggled for hours about stories, and eventually fell asleep in eachothers arms.

The two woke up to the sound of thunder, and Jimmy jumped out of his skin. "Whoa, it's just thunder, you okay?" Scott asked, worried. "Y-yeah. I just... dont like loud nosies.. at all." Another crack of thunder caused Jimmy to dive into Scott's arms, covering his ears. Scott helped cover his ears, and hugged him. "It's okay, it can't hurt you." Jimmy lifted his head, revealing his face was covered with tears. "I'm sorry... i don't know why i hate them so much." Jimmy went red, but Scott didn't care, and hugged Jimmy harder than before. 

2 hours later, the storm had passed, and Jimmy went to check the time. "Wow, its 4 AM." Jimmy yawned. Scott moaned in pain, and Jimmy tossed him a painkiller. "Thanks." Scott laughed, and swallowed the pill. Jimmy got in bed and set up a show on his phone. Scott and Jimmy cuddled while watching. Jimmy, head resting on Scott's shoulder, had a strange thought. He felt so safe with Scott. He never wanted to leave his side. Jimmy closed his eyes and rotated his body towards Scott, wrapping his arms around his torso. 

Scott didn't sleep that night, he was too busy thinking. Does he really love Jimmy? Yes. That wasn't a question, but there's no way Jimmy would ever like him back, that was obvious. Jimmy thought of them as friends, and that's it. He would never feel the same way Scott felt. Scott hugged Jimmy, and didn't let go until Jimmy woke up.

Scott slept throughout most of the day, and Jimmy went to Lizzie and Joel's. "How's Scott doing?" Lizzie asked, making Jimmy some coffee. "Not bad actually. He seems alright." Lizzie handed Jimmy his coffee. "That's great, just wondering, how did you find him?" Jimmy took a sip of his drink and sighed. "Oh geez, he was slumped over a rock covered in blood. I honestly thought he was dead." "Oh my go- husband! That sounds traumatizing! Are you okay?" Lizzie sat next to Jimmy. "Hm? Oh, I'm fine. It was a little, ya know, jarring, but I've seen worse." "What do you mean?" Lizzie inquired, worried. "Oh, I don't really... like to talk about it." "Oh, it's alright, don't talk about anything you don't want to talk about." Lizzie stood back up. "Did you leave Scott alone?" Lizzie started to put away the coffee ingredients. "Well, yeah, but he's sleeping." "Why is he sleeping?" "Oh, the thunderstorm kept us up." Lizzie laughed. "Yeah, spooked me a little too, but I eventually fell asleep." Jimmy's phone dinged. "Just woke up, I miss you." Jimmy read aloud. "Guess I should get going, thanks for the coffee!" Lizzie smiled and waved. "He is so oblivious." Lizzie laughed to herself.

"Hey dude, you sleep well?" Jimmy sat down. "Not bad, i have a question." "Shoot." "How did you find me?" Jimmy laughed. "For real? Lizzie just asked me that! You were slumped over a rock, covered in blood, it was honestly terrifying, but I've seen worse." Jimmy laughed, and then resisted the urge to slap himself in the face. Why would he say that again? "Hm? What else have you seen?" Scott asked. "Oh uhm.." Jimmy fiddled with his thumbs. "Oh, you don't have to tell me, sorry." "My... my mom killed herself when I was 7. I found her body." Scott stared at Jimmy. "Oh my... im so sorry, that must've been awful." Scott said quietly. "Yeah... her note said that she... was sick of me." "Oh, Jimmy," Scott hugged Jimmy. "Its not your fault." Jimmy rubbed his eyes and stood up. "I'm gonna... go outside for a bit." Jimmy walked outside and sat on his porch. Scott was shocked. He knew Jimmy grew up with a single father, but he had never mentioned anything like that before. That must've affected him alot.

A/N: sorry this chapter is lacking in real story building, I had serious writers block.


Time spent: like 3 days because of my stupid brain 🤭

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