Coming out again again (again?)

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Jimmy woke up, cozy and comfortable in Scott's arms. He slowly opened his eyes, and for a moment didn't see Scott. A moment later, he realized Scott was hugging him from behind, warmly spooning his boyfriend. Jimmy reached to hold Scotts hand, which was on Jimmy's stomach. Jimmy raised Scott's hand to his face and held it to his cheek, smiling.

Scott woke up a few minutes later, and saw Jimmy holding his hand. "Good morning darlin'" he said, squeezing Jimmy's hand. Jimmy smiled, turning over and looking at Scott. "You sleep well?" Scott asked, kissing Jimmy's cheek. Jimmy blushed and yawned "yup, what about you?" He asked. "Sure did.." Scott replied, getting out of bed.

Jimmy cleared the dishes from breakfast and sat on his bed. "I think.. I think I'll tell Joel and Lizzie that we're together today." He said. Scott grinned. "Wanna go now?" He asked. "...yeah." Jimmy said, getting up excitedly. "Well let's go then!" Scott said happily, holding Jimmy's hand.

When the two got to Lizzie's house, Scott went to sit in Lizzie's garden. Jimmy knocked on Lizzie's door, and she answered after a moment. "Hey, Jimmy! It's been a bit, where were you?" Lizzie asked, concerned. Jimmy smiled. "I was just chilling, is Joel home?"
"Yup, wanna come in?" Lizzie asked, opening the door wider. Jimmy walked in, and saw Grian and Joel sitting at the kitchen island. "Oh- Grian!" Jimmy said, slightly nervous. "Whatcha doin here?" He asked, sitting next to Grian. "Oh, my house is a mess, so I'm sleeping here while I fix it." Grian said, taking a sip of his coffee. Lizzie made Jimmy a cup and leaned against the counter. "Did you leave the party early?" She asked. "Oh, yeah." Jimmy said, sipping his drink. "So, what's up?" Lizzie asked. Jimmy gulped and looked at Grian. "Uh- so- uhm." Jimmy started. "Im uh-" he was fidgeting. Lizzie and Joel looked at eachother, knowing what Jimmy was saying. Grian was confused. "Im- I'm gay." Jimmy finished. Grian smiled. "I know." He said, hugging Jimmy. Jimmy was embarrassed, and Joel laughed. "Oh." Jimmy said, slightly laughing. Grian grinned. "Thanks for telling me." He said, sipping his coffee again. "And uh-" Jimmy said, looking over at Lizzie and Joel again. "Scott's.. my.. boyfriend now?" Lizzie spit out her drink. "Oh my- that's amazing! When?" Lizzie asked. "At the party.. Scott started apologizing and I- I kissed him?" Jimmy said, embarrassed. Grian and Joel looked at eachother before laughing. "Finally!" Joel said. "I've been trying to get y'all together since Scott broke his ribs!" Joel laughed. Grian nodded, laughing as well. Lizzie rolled her eyes. "Where's Scott?" She asked. "He's outside- I'll go get him." Jimmy said, leaving to go get Scott.

"Scott!" Grian said, grinning as he walked in. "Hey!" Scott said, smiling at the three people in Lizzie's kitchen. Joel and Grian looked at eachother before getting up to walk over to Scott. "Look man, I know your amazing, but if you do even anything to hurt Jimmy, your life will end preemptive. And that's a promise." Joel said, clutching Scott's arm. Scott nodded violently and Joel let go. Grian smiled. "Good!" He said, and Joel and Grian went to sit down again. Lizzie laughed, and Jimmy was very concerned. "Don't worry Jimmy, if Scott doesn't do anything, he'll be fine." Grian said. Jimmy giggled and Scott smiled. Grian checked his watch and downed the rest of his coffee. "Im gonna go work on my house. See ya guys for dinner!" He said to Lizzie and Joel, and waving to Jimmy and Scott. He left the house. Lizzie made Scott some coffee, and sat on the couch. Joel followed, turning on the tv. "You know what we should do?" Lizzie asked, excitedly. "If this is another romantic hiking trip, please don't rope them into it." Joel said, switching through channels. Lizzie frowned. "No, a double date!" Lizzie said, regaining her happiness. Joel thought about it for a moment, and nodded. "Im down." He said, finally finding a show he wanted to watch. Scott looked at Jimmy, who nodded. "Sounds fun! Scott?" Jimmy asked, looking back at Scott. "Of course! I'd love to! Where would we go?" He asked, looking at Lizzie. "Well I was thinking a picnic!" Lizzie said, looking at her husband in a way that said 'if you don't agree I'm divorcing you.' Joel agreed.

Jimmy and Lizzie made sandwiches and other snacks for the picnic, while Scott and Joel watched tv. "Men." Lizzie muttered under her breath. "Not you though, your good." She said to Jimmy. Jimmy laughed, packing the food into a pink picnic basket Lizzie had made. Lizzie grabbed a few sodas from the fridge, putting them in the basket as well. "I think that's good?" Jimmy said, looking over the food they packed. "Yeah! I have a super cute dress to wear!" Lizzie said, dashing up the stairs. Jimmy laughed and shut the basket.

A couple minutes later, Lizzie came back with a cute pink dress with little white flowers. Jimmy smiled. "Oh my god, I have dungarees that looks kinda similar!" He said, his face lighting up. "I'll run and get them!" He said, and left Lizzie to finish up planing for the picnic.

Jimmy returned, in a light blue pair of dungarees with pink flowery patches. Lizzie looked at his outfit. "How did I not realize you were gay earlier?" She asked, picking up the picnic basket. "Hey! Guys! We're leaving!" She said to Scott and Joel, and they turned off the tv. "Woah, you look adorable!" Scott said to Jimmy, grabbing his hand. Jimmy blushed. Lizzie led the group to a nice section of the park with many flowers, as well as a willow tree above a comfortable patch of grass, surrounded by poppies and daisies. A perfect spot for a date.

A/N: I've been feeling pretty down recently, sorry for the lack of updates! I appreciate the support on this book!

By the way, I'm taking requests/suggestions for future chapters!

Words: 1022 sorry it's so short!

Time spent: 2-3 days

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