Secret of the woods

By GamingTiger15

613 62 57

Anthony has lived his entire life as a devoted part of the elven village. But deep down he's always felt some... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6

Chapter 4

65 5 8
By GamingTiger15

Alastor peered out the window pane as he entered the town. He was currently sitting in something akin to a horse carriage although it wasn't as fancy. It was a horse drown buggy. Being pulled by two large horses and one driver on the front. Separated by a window that could be opened and closed like a flap. The interior or the buggy was basic. It held about twelve people total. With windows available to be opened or closed by each bench. A roof made the buggy closed in and safe from any sort of rain. Even if it had been a bit of a dry season Alastor definitely had been grateful for that luxury multiple times. The interior and exterior were wooden and painted black. With the logo of whatever company that built it on the outside.

Alastor never really minded the slow pace of this type of transportation. It beat walking at least. It also gave him a chance to take in the scenery. Besides it wasn't that slow, the horses were fast. If they needed to be. Although it might jostle the carriage. As he rested his chin in his hand he vaguely recalled something. That he read in a book at the local library years ago. Some kind of metal machine. That was similar to the carriage but it wasn't pulled by anything. It ran on its own. Apparently those were more common up north. Or were they? Maybe he was confusing himself and just remembering his weird dreams where those strange metal machines were. He shrugged to himself, making a mental note to return to the library soon and look into that. More knowledge was always good.

The wheels hit a bump and jostled the carriage. Alastor smacked his head against the window. He grumbled under his breath and rubbed his forehead. The carriage slowed and he looked to his right. There was a rest stop for more passengers waiting. The carriage wasn't too full. Only about four people (including himself). One more joined, opening the door located at the back and entering. Alastor eyed the new arrival. A dark-skinned black woman with piercing hazel eyes. She was wearing a long red dress that hovered over the floor. It was elegant. Just like the scarlet sun hat on top of her brown hair. Tied neatly into a bun.

Their eyes met as the woman paused in the aisle. She smiled at him and Alastor simply turned away. He felt the bench dip ever so slightly beside him and then the carriage began moving again. Without looking he said warmly yet groggy, "good morning Ms. Rosie."

She chuckled, "oh come now I'm not much older than you. There's no need for that 'Ms.' stuff."

He shook his head, amused with her remark. 27 wasn't that old, sure. But she certainly dressed like she was old enough to be his mother. And in his opinion 27 was far older than 27. But he decided he didn't want to be smacked today. So instead he turned, gave a polite smile and remarked "right I apologize. Good morning Rosie. How are you dear?"

She returned his smile, but there was a hint of smug satisfaction in her eyes he couldn't deny. It was in the way the corner of her lips fought off a smirk. "I'm doing just fine darling. I'm on my way to the store for some material. And you?"

"Off to work, per usual." He replied, a little dryly. Turning his attention back to the window.

Rosie frowned. "Oh what's wrong Alastor?" He hummed. "You're usually more cheerful than this. Why are you acting like someone stole your favorite hunting rifle." He passed her look. Favorite? He only had one to begin with. She just shrugged. "Please, do tell. What's troubling you?"

"Curious as always aren't you."

Rosie smiled once again. "Of course."

He rolled his eyes. This was nothing new of course. "It's just a small pest. That's all."

She chuckled; "Lucifer refused your pitch?" His inaudible grumble was enough of an answer. "Dear I don't know what else to tell you that I haven't already. That man is as stubborn as they come. He won't listen unless you have one of two things." She held up her freshly done nails that of course matched her color pallet. Alastor side-eyed her. "One, proof." She held up another finger. "Or two some moxie. You don't have proof then challenge the old betty."

Alastor blinked; "Lucifers a man."

"Well he may as well be a woman with the amount of make-up he wears." She laughed. Alastor didn't. Not really seeing the issue with a man wearing make-up. She had a weird sense of humor though. Not that he didn't. Rosie's eyes narrowed on his. She lowered her voice, "listen kid." She said for someone whom claimed to not be old. "If you want to make it big you have to have some guts." She nudged Alastor's arm; he scooted away just enough to avoid her touch. She ignored it. "And have some fun." Rosie said a little louder. "You're young."

"Says the fellow 'young person'."

Rosie huffed. "Well at least I know how to have fun."

"And at least I don't dress old." Alastor retorted.

Rosie eyed him up and down. "Are you quite sure about that?"

Alastor's nose scrunched up. "I don't have the time anyway." He turned away.

She tutted, "you'll die young with that attitude."

"At least I'll live comfortably."

"Perhaps." Rosie decided. "Or perhaps not." She added.

Alastor ignored her. Not in the mood for her charades today. He was more tired than usual. He just wasn't feeling quite like himself today. Less energetic. He didn't feel properly dressed to put it weirdly.

A bell chimed and the carriage slowed to a stop. Rosie tapped him on the shoulder far too quickly for Alastor to move from her hold. "Well you have a good day now dear." She said with a loud jovial tone. And promptly got up, exiting the carriage. Alastor watched her leave only long enough to ponder her words. The same advice his mother gave him. It wasn't bad advice. Sure. But he also knew Lucifer was a man not to be taken lightly. Or to play games with. Not that the man didn't love games. It's just nobody ever had any sort of challenge issued to him. Never won a game they started. They'd lose and thus lose their job along with it.

Sure Alastor could just find another job but who knew how long that would take. And it's taken him so long to get this position. He just wasn't sure he was willing to risk that right now. As frustrating as it was.

Time seemed to pass quickly and before Alastor knew it he was at his stop. He stepped off the carriage and crossed the cement roads to the large brick building. Someone held the door open for him and he nodded in thanks as he entered. "Woops excuse me." someone said, whisking by him just as Alastor entered. Nearly bumping into him. He watched them scurry off running with a stack of papers up the flight of stairs to the second floor of the building and disappearing into one of the rooms. Alastor sighed and looked at the receptionist who was taking calls. "Mmhm, we'll have someone look into that. And if your problem isn't solved we'll give you a full refund." She said, feeding that rehearsed line. They never did.

Alastor took a moment to take in something he noticed. Usually the business was rather busy. Lucifer has been well known and everything around here. But today everyone seemed more hasty than usual. Strange.

"Yes," the secretary said as she glanced at Alastor. "Please hold." Then merely set the head of the rotary phone down. "Alastor," he looked at her as she addressed him. Despite not appearing any longer than perhaps early 30's he often gave her that same 'no nonsense' vibe his mother did when she was focused on something. "Lucifer wanted to speak with you in his office."

He wasn't sure what to make of that. So he simply nodded and gave thanks. But she was already picking up the line before he could finish. Alastor shrugged and went on his way. Walking past the metallic boxes people typed away on. Someone else whisked by him and ran up the stairs with a folder under his arm. "Pardon me!" He managed halfway up the stairs. Alastor gave a weird look but didn't bother answering. The man was already gone.

Maybe someone far more important than the man himself was in today. And thus urged everyone to look far busier than they already were. It wasn't like that hadn't happened before.

Alastor curried himself up the flight of stairs to the second floor and turned left down the long hallway. Until he reached the end and came to a white-colored door. With windows on the exterior where the progress from below could be viewed. The blinds were closed though. He knocked. "Sir it's me, Alastor." He said, begrudgingly.

There was a short pause before he heard an unbothered "yes yes come in." As if he couldn't be bothered.

He was used to that.

Alastor opened the door and found Lucifer where he normally was. At his desk, sitting in his chair. One leg folded over the other. He was looking at a clipboard nonchalantly. There was a half burned cigar in his other hand tucked between his fingers. The brunette coughed a little at the smoke that filled the room. Some seeped out into the hallway.

"Close the door." Lucifer said once again as if he couldn't be bothered. He didn't look up when Alastor coughed again or when the door squeaked a little whilst he closed it.

"You wanted to see me?" Alastor echoed the recipient's words.

Lucifer looked up, then hummed a little confused. He stared, Alastor stared back. Then the blonde thought... "Oh." He said, remembering. "That's right I did." He laughed to himself, tossing the clipboard down on his desk. He took a quick puff of his cigar and set it in the ashtray, blowing the smoke in the brunette's direction. Alastor coughed and tried to wave it away with his hand. He smiled brightly at Alastor. "I wanted to tell you, my financial team has realized that if I cut back on some of my employees I can save some money." He paused, taking his cigar up. "And since you've worked here so long and gotten a few raises already," he took a drag and smiled happily "you're fired."

Alastors calm demeanor fell completely. He frowned.

He stood there for a few minutes. In shock of course. Lucifer paid little mind, bouncing his leg over the other. Gingerly taking another puff of his cigar. Another minute passed and he snuffed the cigar out in his ashtray. He blew one more cloud of smoke and looked at Alastor. "Anyway, gather any of your belongings and be on your way." He said, waving his hand.

As if snapped out of a trance Alastor blinked. "No-" he shook his head and put up a hand. "Hold on a second."

Lucifer looked bored. "Time is money." He chided.

Alastor ignored him. "Your..firing me?"

"That is what I said, yes."

He blinked. Dumbfounded. "W-wha-why?"

Lucifer rolled his eyes, he moved back in his eat and sighed. "Well like I already said it's cheaper-"

"No." Alastor sharply cut in. Lucifer raised his brow. "I worked my rear off for this company." He said, slamming his hand on the desk and leaning on it. Lucifer watched. His eye twitch. "I worked well, I did what I was told. So what if I tried giving a few of my ideas. I did my best work and you fire me because of it? Why not fire one of the lazy buffoons out there instead." It wasn't a question rather a demand. Alastor tried to keep his voice calm but frankly it was on the borderline of anger.

He expected Lucifer not to answer. Instead of calling to have security throw him out. To grab whatever belongings he had and chuck them outside if they weren't already out there. If he'd get them at all. Instead, the blonde man smirked. "Funny," he remarked slowly. Thoughtfully. "I would have thought with such a good boy you are, you wouldn't have so much as barked about this." He laughed. A genuine laugh. It annoyed Alastor even more. Like this was some game to him. It probably was. His job, his livelihood wasn't on the line here. His income was at stake.

"You expect me to just walk away while I'm fired." Alastor said, pressing his teeth together. He swore one chipped. "If you really thought that then you are a fool." Poking the bear with the stick was the worst idea here. But Lucifer was never a normal man. Nothing could be guaranteed with him.

Lucifer smirk faded soon after, as if he'd already gotten bored of Alastor's short outburst. It probably wasn't the first time he'd seen a quiet man suddenly speak out about the injustice of being fired without warning. "Regardless of what you think Alastor, my hands are tied." He said with a dismissive shrug. "I really am sorry." No he wasn't.

Alastor moved away from the desk. He clenched his fist and swallowed hard. He had to think of something. His mother heavily depended on him when it came to supporting their living situation. He took care of half the expenses. If he were fired right now they may lose their home. His jaw clenched at the image. When one of those rain storms rolled through town, the rain cold and harsh. Everyone stayed in their homes whilst he and his mother were out in it. Homeless and taking shelter outside a shop, or under a tree.

A chill ran up his spine. It shortly followed by a burning surge of anger. His gaze flickered to Lucifer, he had a lazy frown on his face. His eyes lidded and looked down at a pen he was playing with. He took a deep breath. It was now or never he supposed... What else was he to do anyway? "What if we make a deal?" Lucifer's toying with the pen paused. He looked up to Alastor from under his eyelids. They exchanged a look. Alastor standing tall with a forced confidence on his lips. Although the bead of sweat the trickled down his brow gave enough away.

Lucifer smiled. "Go on." He decided.

Alastor proceeded cautiously. "I've noticed your sales have been steadily declining in recent months." He threaded. Watching. Lucifer's lips lowered. "However, I think I have a solution to this delmina."

He rolled his eyes. "Your little fairy tales don't belong here Alastor. They will not save a dying company." He waved his hand around. "This is the real world and it's time we move away from all of this super natural business anyway. I'll be converting the company into a newspaper company. It's where the money is truly at right now."

Don't give up.

"And how long will that last you? Hm?" Lucifer stared. Annoyed. "One? Two, maybe three months? Perhaps a year?" He took a step forward. "You've seen the technological advancements made in recent years. The telebox, although fairly new, is already popular. Your newspapers will be out of business within two years at most." He paused, taking a breath. Watching with bated breath. Lucifer stared...then he looked down absentmindedly at the desk. He tapped his finger, one...two...three times. And then he looked up.

"Very well," he folded his hands and leaned on the desk. Holding a more somber expression upon his features. "Then what makes your little scheme of fairy tales and magic better?"

"It's not a fairy tale. It's the unknown."

"Tomato tamato."

Breath. "The human mind is and will always be fascinated by something they don't comprehend. Something that is unknown to them. It's in our nature as humans to want to figure out something we don't understand."

"I'm still not hearing a good reason."

Keep going. "What if I was to find proof, real physical proof of such things. And show them to the public. Publish them for all and wide to see. Something that would draw in every eye in the south."

Lucifer hummed. He leaned on his hands. "And what do you propose we do in the meantime while you find your 'proof'."

"Plant the idea into peoples heads. If you are so hell bent on transforming this into a newspaper factory, fine. But that isn't enough. You'll need more than just a medocare news story that can be broadcasted on the telebox. Something that people will call fake, but really wonder if it is true. And keep coming back for more."

"And what makes you think they will."

Alastor didn't hesitate. "It's human nature. We can't help but be curious. Look into something we shouldn't. They'll keep looking. Just think...think of how many peoples eyes will be on us...on you when they are given real proof that the unknown is real. That-"

Lucifer held up a hand. Alastor fell silent. He held his chin and turned his gaze away from Alastor. Instead wheeling his chair over to the window and peeling back the blinds. Alastor stood still as a statue. He found it hard to breathe as he watched the blonde stare out of the blinds for several minutes.

He let out a very long deep sigh and moved away from the window. His eyes met Alastor. Sharp. No humor in them anymore. In a stern tone he said. "You have 3 months. You will continue your work as normal and be expected to find this 'proof' during that time. Your new job will be to create stories and provide some sort of illustration or picture to go with it." He paused, leaning into his hand and smiling wickedly. "And if you disappoint even for a moment I'll cut you off immediately. You will have 3 months from now. No more no less. Unless I decide." He pauses, "clear."

"Yes." Alastor immediately answers.

"Good." He said, grinning. "You can start tomorrow." He waved Alastor off. "You've been a good boy. Go have the rest of the day off. But be here bright and early tomorrow. No exceptions."

Alastor nodded. "I understand." He didn't thank him. Because Lucifer was already turning away in his chair when Alastor spoke. He turned and left.

His mind is already running like a train.

And his heart is running to try and match it.

What the hell had he just gotten himself into?

A race...that's what it was. A race against the clock and he had 3 months or less to either find proof of the unknown. Or find another job.

Or he'd be homeless.

He was terrified.

And excited.

Oh so very excited. 

After all, what could make someone more motivated than a race against time?

- Thanks for reading ! -

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