Crisis of Faith

By thisgurl22

3.9K 50 4

"How can you not see how I feel about you," Finnick shouted desperately, his green orbs boring into Kaianna's... More



188 4 0
By thisgurl22

"You're really bad at this!" Brooke laughed loudly.

"Ok, first of all, I've been letting you win," Finnick defended humorously, "which won't happen again."

"It better not."

The two were playing a seemingly never ending game of rock paper scissors, to pass the time in the bunker. It wasn't helping too much but, it gave them something else to focus on. Something to smile about. They played again and again, and finally about ten rounds in, Finnick won.

"Damn ok," Brooke sighed dramatically, "you weren't kidding."

He sent the girl a smile but, his expression hardened when he set his sights on a terrified looking Katniss. She seemed like she was running from something. Or, someone.

"Katniss," Finnick called after the girl, who was darting in the other direction. He picked up his pace to catch up to her, "Katniss!"

When he reached her, he grabbed her bicep, warranting her to flinch. She looked like she was about to breakdown when her eyes met his.

"What's going on?" Finnick questioned worriedly.

"I can't do it." She mumbled shakily. There was pure terror engraved in her tone.

"Do what," His question sent her over the edge. Finnick panicked slightly as Katniss started to hyperventilate. She was having such a hard time catching her breath, that he thought she could asphyxiate at any minute, "Katniss, it's ok! You're ok! It's alright!"

He spoke calmly, and encouragingly towards the girl. His hands rubbed up and down, softly and reassuringly over her shoulders as he walked her through a couple deep breaths. He didn't speak up until he was sure she was calmer.

"You're alright," Finnick sighed softly, "can you tell me what's going on?"

"Snow dropped his roses," His heart dropped at her words. He understood where Katniss was headed immediately, "Finnick, I can't do it! He's gonna kill Peeta- he's gonna kill all of them- it's too late. I'm so sorry. I cant- I have to go."

Before Finnick could respond, Katniss was running away. Her words burned into his head, and shoved his heart back into his stomach. His hands raked through his hair frantically. With each pass he made back and forth, all he wanted was to have the answers. But, he couldn't. He didn't know what to do, and now he was starting to panic.

"Finnick," Finnick's green eyes were as wide as saucers when they met those of Haymitch, "have you seen Katniss?"

He still couldn't speak, so he pointed frantically in the direction the girl had gone. He stood for another moment, trying to keep himself upright, before someone else approached him. When he looked up at the sound of footsteps, he shook his head wildly. It was Boggs.

"Finnick-" The man said calmly.

"No!" Finnick finally lost it, his hands resting on his head in an attempt to help him catch his breath.

"It's not over yet," Boggs explained, "don't give up."

"No," Finnick grunted, "I can't lose her. Please don't let me lose her."

"It's alright," The look in the bald man's eyes, calmed Finnick down a reasonable amount, "we have a plan."


"Come with me."


Katniss looked up slowly at the sound of approaching footsteps. The numb look on her face seemed permanently tattooed. When she recognized Haymitch, she moved her eyes back to the ground.

"You have Finnick in quite the fright," The man tried to joke, easing off the idea when he got no reaction, "so this is the end, huh? You're just gonna hide down here forever?"

"I can't be the mockingjay." Katniss admitted tearfully.

"Not the mockingjay," Haymitch sighed obviously, "just Katniss."

He sighed again when he received nothing but silence.

"You know, you're the only real friend I have down here," The gruff man flickered his gaze to the ground, deciding to try a different tactic, "I don't suppose they gave you, any kind of, medication?"

"You're unbelievable." Katniss shook her head disappointedly.

"Ok but, I meant what I said I," Haymitch gave out a sigh of defeat, "look. The reason I'm here, is to let you know, they're rescuing Peeta."

He finally got the girl's full and undivided attention. Her head snapped up, and her blue eyes went as wide as a crystal lake.

"What?" She gasped.

"The dam went out in district five, and took out most of the power to the capitol and, knocked out their signal defense. Beetee's inside their system now, wreaking all kinds of havoc," Haymitch explained quickly, yet thoroughly, keeping his former tribute's eyes on him the whole time, "a window is open to us. How much longer? I don't know. I guess until the capitol can- get the power back on-"

"And President Coin?" Katniss wondered.

"You know, I can never fully support that woman in light of the...prohibition they have going on around this place but, Plutarch got word, that Peeta and the others are in the tribute center. With the power out, Coin sees this as an opportunity. She knows that Peeta is the capitol's weapon, the same way you're our's, and as opposed to having you two pointing at each other, she's going to get him."

"I have to go help them!"

"Hey hey- woah kiddo," Haymitch let out a chuckle of disbelief as he tugged the girl back, "come on! What are you, just gonna jump out of the vent and go storm the capitol? Besides it's already underway. Six soldiers went in. Volunteer only. Guess who was the first, brave soul to sign up?"

"Gale." Katniss choked out.


Kaianna was fighting to keep her eyes open. She barely could. If felt like everything was almost over. She understood that she'd be dead soon, and she was more than willing to except that fate.

Snow had the former tribute moved into a smaller room, that he had the lighting turned off in. It was a successful tactic, that had cut her off from her senses completely. She no longer knew whether it was day or night. She no longer had any contact with anyone, not even interrogators, or nurses.

At first, Kaianna was relieved at the idea of being alone. All she wanted when she had arrived was for the capitol to leave her alone, and now that they had, she was even worse off than she was before. Her bones had become even more prominent, and her hair was as stringy from the overwhelming amount of grease. Every time she closed her eyes, she fully prepared herself for the chance that she wouldn't wake up. Maybe that was for the best.

The only thing left to remind her of the hell she was in was the pain, and hunger. It reminded her that she was alive. As well as the screams of her former allies, mentor, and friends. They gave her a sense of comfort, again reminding her that they were alive. Although, sometimes she wished them death as well, thinking that that's the least the universe could do for them.

"They haven't been in here in days," She whispered to herself, "I still have food. I left bread in the corner. If I just take one bite, it could probably last me a couple of days. Maybe by then I'll have more."

She remebered the last time she saw light. It was two days ago when a slot in her door opened, and a tray of food was slid in. The woman crawled around the cold floor in search for something to keep the scarce amount of meat on her bones. She reached the metal tray, but it was empty. She must've eaten the rest of her food, and forgotten.

"Fuck!" Kaianna yelled out as the slid the metal across the room roughly.

She broke into loud sobs, rocking herself back and forth. She had held on so tightly to what was left of her this entire time but, now, she had broken completely. Any hope she had of being free was gone. She'd never see a better world. She'd never even make it back home.

"I'm gonna die in here," Kaianna cried hysterically as she curled up into fetal position on the floor, "I'm gonna die in here. I'm never gonna get out. I'm gonna die in here. I'm never gonna make it out. I'm gonna die in here. Mom, I miss you but, I'm gonna see you soon. I'm so sorry for everything. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to- I'm sorry."

She was beginning to see things that weren't there. Kaianna had lost all trust in even herself. She flinched when she heard a loud bang. Someone was nearby. But, they couldn't be. She had to be making it up. She had to still be in her head.

There was a loud shuffling on the other side of the door, and Kaianna swore she could hear voices. In her eyes, she had finally completely lost it.

Her eyes squeezed shut tightly as her cell door flew open, and an overwhelming brightness seeped in. It was enough to blind her after she had readjusted to the pitch blackness.

"Kaianna," The voice said gently, "Kaianna River?"

"Yes," She whimpered, "who- who- what-"

"It's alright, you're safe now," Boggs swallowed hard at the sight of the woman, trying to keep the vile feeling in his throat down as he crouched in front of her, "my name is Joseph Boggs. I'm with district thirteen. We're here to rescue you."

"No," Kaianna yelled, fighting to get out of his grasp. She couldn't see him clearly from the mask that covered his face but, she could see his eyes. They were gentle, and kind. He couldn't be real, "you're not real! Leave me alone, you're not real!"

"Kaianna? My name's Gale. We're real, and we're working with the rebellion. You're safe now."

She looked up to the brunette boy that was stood up behind the man in front of her, "I don't believe you."

"That's alright," Gale sighed, "you're gonna come with us. Everything will be fine."

Boggs helped the woman get into her feet, gripping her tighter when she started thrashing violently to get away. It didn't take more than a couple of seconds for her to fall completely unconscious, between the lack of food and water, as well as the gas that they had used to knock out the guards.

Boggs pressed the button on the front of his shoulder, sending his voice through to Coin.

"This is Boggs. Target number two, is in our possession."

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